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-Made by Liu yamei The Affiliated High School to Jinggangshan University,The Sign of Youth Volunteers,Give a helpful hand to those who need help,徐本禹当选中央电视台“2004感动中国”年度人物 从繁华的城市,他走进大山深处,用一个刚刚毕业大学生稚嫩的肩膀,扛住了倾颓的教室,扛住了贫穷和孤独,扛起了本来不属于他的责任。,Unit 15 Reading Young Volunteers,annual acknowledge scheme elder elderly breathless dizzy eyesight weekly,adj. 每年的,年度的 v. 承认,为表示感谢 n. 计划,方案 adj. 年长的,年龄较大的 adj. 上了年纪的 adj. 气喘吁吁的 adj. 头晕的 n. 视力 adj. 每星期的,New words and expressions,beneficial enthusiasm straight away communist satisfaction eager worthwhile leadership,adj. 有益的,有用的 n. 热心,热情 立刻地,毫不犹豫地 n. 共产主义者 n. 满意,满足 adj. 热切的,渴望的 adj. 值得的 n. 领导,领导能力,New words and expressions,timetable starve donation adjustment fit in (with) enrich mature,n. 时间表,课程表 v. 挨饿,饿死 n. 捐赠物,捐赠 n. 调节,调整 与相适应 v. 使富裕,使丰富 adj. 成熟的,充分发育的 v. (使)成熟,New words and expressions,Fast reading,Read the passage quickly and choose the best answers.,1. Volunteers refer to _. people who are willing to help others people who devote their time to helping others C. people who donate their time to help to others D. all of the above 2.Volunteers do voluntary work in order to_ . A. make money B. make a contribution to society C. kill time D. become healthy,3. From the passage we can infer that voluntary work is worth doing for _. A. only young people B. healthy people C. people with knowledge D. almost all people 4.“The people here are poor, but they have big hearts”. The underlined part means_. A. their hearts are big. B. they are broad-minded. C. their hearts are beating faster D. they are important people.,5. This passage mainly tells us_ A. voluntary work is interesting. B. voluntary work is demanding. C. voluntary work can make a difference not only to the helped people but also to the volunteers themselves. D. how to do voluntary work.,6. How is the passage organized?,A.,B.,C.,D.,How many parts can the passage be divided into?,Part 1:The first paragraph Introduction-Topic.,Part 2: Paragraph 2-4 Three volunteers and their experiences. -Supporting examples.,Three parts.,Part 3: The last paragraph Conclusion.,Careful reading:,Read the passage again to finish the following tasks.,Part One,True or false questions: Most of the volunteers are adults. The number of volunteers, young or old in China is growing Only when the contribution is big does it make a difference. Being a volunteer can only help others; volunteers themselves cant get any benefits.,F,F,F,F,every Tuesday and Friday,one year,during weekends,an elderly gentleman,children in remote village school,starving children,shopping, house work, read , chat,teach,went without food for 30 hours,Part Two :Information about the three volunteers:,Part Three,Fill in the blanks: These volunteers have found their own lives _ as a _. By _ their local or national community, or an international project, youth volunteers become _ and _. They also make great _, _ new skills and _ their chances of getting the job of their dreams.,enriched,consequence,serving,confident,mature,friends,gain,increase,Listen to the tape and then list all the benefits mentioned in the text.,benefits to volunteers benefits to people helped,The kids become eager to learn; the pass rate has improved; get rid of the poverty and has a bright future,Make the children get rid of starvation and live a better life., learn more history from Mr Zhao ; his grades have improved a lot.,Gets satisfaction, acquires valuable skills and experience; builds confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.,Make friends ; feels more positive; value education; be given the motivation to succeed, Mr Zhao doesnt feel lonely any more; his health has been improved; feel more energetic and optimistic,Discussion,Would you like to be a volunteer? Suppose that our class will take part in voluntary work - to visit the lonely old people in the home for the aged(敬老院) in Qingyuan District. What will we do?,Go on reading the passage to find out the important language points.,Homework,Thank you,It is the shape of a heart as well as the letter Y of “ youth“; It is not only a hand, but the shape of a pigeon. It means that a volunteer offers benevolence (爱心) and stretch out his hand of help, and that they face the world and head for the future with the spirit of the new century, expressing the youth volunteers topic : “ The enthusiasm dedicates the socie


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