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,人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 8,Reading,Lead-in,Learning A Foreign Language,Learning A Foreign Language,Learning A Foreign Language,Pre-reading,1. What are some of the difficulties we must face when we try to learn a foreign language?,Pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary memorization, listening, reading, speaking, writing, translating,grammar, cultural differences, cross- cultural communication, body language, etc . 2. How do we learn our mother tongue?,We learn our mother tongue in a natural way, that is, we acquire and learn our mother tongue in a native environment by communicating with,all kinds of people around us, speaking, reading, listening, etc . We have a good learning environment. 3. How is learning a foreign language different from learning our mother tongue?,We learn our mother tongue in all kinds of situations, that is to say, we,learn it by using it. But for learning a foreign language, things are different. I began to learn English when I attended junior middle school. We learn English mainly in the classroom. 4. What are the characteristics of successful language learners?,They have a clear goal. They want,to learn it and master it. They are confident, active in language activities, and they have interest in almost everything new to them. They are efficient in learning and working, they make good and suitable plans and carry them out firmly. They make good use,of all kinds of learning resources and think of interesting ways of learning. They like applying what have been learnt to their life to keep it alive. They have a very good habit of learning and practising that assures them to have rewarding results.,5. How do these characteristics and skills help us learn?,To learn a language or any other things well, a clear goal is a great motivation to keep us going on whatever hardship may lie ahead. A well-made plan can help us study and work efficiently. These learning skills can,guarantee a good learning result. 6. How can we develop our confidence?,It is important to be confident in learning. And we can build up confi- dence through our efforts, for example, reading or reciting English every day and practising talking to ourselves; keeping a learning diary in the target,language to practise writing and looking through all kinds of materials to keep informed in English; looking for any chance to practise speaking, by talking to a native speaker, attending some English lectures and asking questions. Above all, believe in ourselves in that,we can be good learners and can achieve our goals by making efforts following a right path. 7. What can we do to learn better and faster?,Set clear personal learning goals and set about working for them. Make plans and carry them out firmly.,Praise ourselves when we make progress. Find learning partners to work together and help each other when in trouble. There are many other effective ways to do better, but there are no the so-called short-cuts to improve our language ability. The only effective way is hard work with right methods.,Fast reading,1. At what age have most children mastered their mother tongue? 2. How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue?,Most children have mastered their mother tongue by the age of five.,Some believe that we are born language learners. They believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts itself to the language of the culture we are born in. Others think that we learn language in the same,3. How is learning a foreign language different from learning ones mother tongue?,way we learn other things, such as walking or solving problems, and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language specific part of the brain.,We learn our mother tongue by communicating with the people around us. Learning a foreign language is different from learning ones mother tongue. The learning usually takes place in school and there are often few opportunities to,communicate with other speakers of the language. We also learn a foreign language much faster than we do our mother tongue.,1. acquire v. 1) (经过一段过程或通过自己的努力)得到,获得(后面跟抽象名词) Mary acquired confidence. 2) (经过努力)得到(具体的东西) By the time Mike was twenty, he had acquired a store of his own.,Reading,2. sense 作名词 1) 视觉,听觉,嗅觉等感觉官能(可数) Those who cant see often have a fine sense of hearing. 2) “感觉”(多作单数),常可译为“感” He has a very good sense of direction.,My teacher had a sense of humour. 3) 观念,概念 He has no sense of disciplines. 4) 头脑(不可数) He had enough sense to know what it meant. 5) 意思,意义(可数) The word “of” has many senses.,make sense 有意义,有道理,能被理解 The whole article doesnt make sense. make sense of 懂,理解 I didnt make sense of what he said. There is no sense in doing sth. (做某事)没有道理。 sense作动词是“感觉到,觉察出”的意思。 He sensed the approaching disaster.,Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures. It is puzzling how we are able to learn or acquire our mother tongue.,Paragraph 1:,Main idea,Paragraph 2: Language experts have different opinions on the acquisition of a language. Paragraph 3: Learning a foreign language is different from learning ones mother tongue.,Paragraph 4: Successful language learners have something in common: their interest in understanding their own thinking, curiosity about the world, willingness to take chances and confidence in their ability.,Paragraph 5: Successful language learners plan and evaluate their learning and are more willing to take risks and place themselves in new learning situations. Paragraph 6: The purpose of learning is,Purpose: The author introduces the research into language learning and talks about the common characteristics of,also important for learners to have patience and carry on with their learning.,successful language learners to offer information and help the readers and learners.,The


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