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wildlife and garden roses,Unit 4 Integrating Skills,What does “wildlife” include? Wild animals and wild plants.,Para.1,“At the age of 22, Darwin was invited to join the scientific expedition on the Beagle.” Chinese meaning: 22岁的时候,达尔文被邀请加入Beagle号科学考察队。 用一个when引导的状语从句来替换划线部分: When he was 22,Para. 1,“Darwins observations on that voyage led him to write his famous book On the Origin of Species.” Chinese meaning: 达尔文在那次航行中所观察到的东西使得他写出了论物种起源这部著作。 请总结出短语“使得某人做某事”: lead sb. to do sth. 翻译 “是什么使你改变了你的想法?” What led you to change your idea?,Para. 2,“Most of the life forms could be found nowhere else.” Chinese meaning: 绝大多数的生命形式都无法在其他地方被找到。 nowhere 任何地方都不 nowhere else 其他地方都不,nowhere, somewhere, anywhere 大碰撞,Here is the story: A couple decided to eat out. They walked into a restaurant, which the husband thought was a perfect place. But the wife didnt think so. Now lets make up a dialogue.,H = the husband W = the wife H:多么棒的一个地方啊! What a wonderful place! W: 我可不这么认为。我们去别的地方,好吗? I dont think so. Shall we go somewhere else? H:但是没有比这更好的地方了。 But nowhere else could be better than here. W: H:好啦,好啦,你喜欢去哪儿我们就去哪儿吧。 Okay, okay. Well go anywhere you like.,Para. 4,“Although his experiments were designed to support ” to do sth. be designed for sb. / sth. 专为设计或打算 这种电脑是专为残疾人设计的。 This kind of computer is designed for the disabled.,Para. 6,“they changed their appearance and adapted to the new environment.” Chinese meaning: 它们改变自己的外表并且适应新的环境。 adapt to 适应 运动员们应该适应新的规则。 Athletes should adapt to new rules.,句子成分大考验,指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分: 1. His wish is to become a scientist. 2. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 3. There is going to be an American film tonight. 4. He managed to finish the work in time. 5. Tom came to ask me for advice. 6. He found it important to master English.,7. Do you have anything else to say. 8. Would you please tell me your address? 9. He sat there, reading a newspaper. 10. It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy. 11. The apples tasted sweet.,改正下列各句的错误,1. He said he yesterday went to see a doctor. 2.Master a foreign language is important. To master,3. It was Tom asked him for advice. 4. He doesnt think a good idea to invite her.,who / that,it,5. I have an important meeting to be attended. 6. He paid no attention to the doctors advice he should stop smoking.,attend,that,7. When you should do is to stay in bed. 8. Success or failing depends on how much effort you make to do it.,what,failure,同步达标,夏日炎炎之水果测试,以下種水果, 都是市面上屢見不鮮的,現在你挑一個你最喜愛的水果. 1.葡萄 2.蘋果 3.水梨 4.橘子 5.香蕉,6.櫻桃 7.葡萄柚 8.哈密瓜 9.柿子 10.木瓜 11.鳳梨,1 = 選葡萄的人, 愛孤獨, 愛把自己關在自己殼子裡,有強烈的美感與詩的幻想,不過給人有冷漠難以相處的印象, 除非經年深交, 難窺內心堂奧 2 = 選蘋果的人, 做事有條理, 有始有終, 但絕不過分, 獲得長輩的信賴,禮貌周到, 會守分寸. 3 = 選水梨的人, 有節制, 謹慎, 實事求是而不浮華, 能配合他人, 但保守又消極, 有時過於消極而失良機.,4 = 選橘子的人, 溫良, 有協調性, 苦在心中也不忘笑在臉上, 注重家庭生活,喜歡與知心好友劇壎瞏? 雖因好好先生而吃點虧, 但大都人緣不錯. 5 = 選香蕉的人, 因香蕉熱量高, 具行動力, 但有時流於任性與莽撞,致讓他人覺得為難, 男性社交性高, 女性有男性化的特質, 對於金錢與工作都積極. 6 = 選櫻桃的人, 優雅, 有銳利的審美觀, 對時尚有獨到的見解, 但想的總比做得多, 不善於自我推銷, 因為羞怯, 無法把心事傳達出來.,7 = 選葡萄柚的人, 對健康及美容特別關心, 有崇高的理想, 不以平凡為滿足,關心事多, 求知欲特強, 有享受人生的熱忱, 浪漫且具行動力,是不拘小節樂天派. 8 = 選哈密瓜的人, 優雅而含蓄, 心中有遠大夢想, 不喜歡人云亦云,有堅持自己理念的執著, 金錢欲特強, 進取心亦然. 9 = 選柿子的人, 有一點保守, 會尊重年長的人, 生活上不喜歡浮華不實,不浪費金錢但有意外累積財富的素質, 不求近利, 有


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