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【创新设计】(课标通用)2015高考英语大二轮复习高考倒计时 第30天.常考句型【句型1】It goes without saying that.(It is) needless to say(that) .It is obvious that.Obviously,.“不用说,”仿写:不用说,学习英语很重要。It goes without saying that it is important to study English.It is needless to say that it is important to study English.It is obvious that it is important to study English.【句型2】There is not denying that.There is no possibility of denying that.It is important to acknowledge that“是不可否认的”仿写:不可否认,成功的关键在于身心健康。There is not denying that success lies in a healthy body and mind.There is no possibility of denying that success lies in a healthy body and mind.It is important to acknowledge that success lies in a healthy body and mind.阅读理解A体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率说明文热点话题iPad5分钟/5People can write many things about this life.In this case,precious moments become the compositions of history.What about you? People should learn from each other,thus they need to read the latest news.It is really interesting to spend your spare time and start your day in the morning.How can you get the information? You will never run out of choices,since there are many different resources to read out there.You can say hello to the world by clicking the mouse on your computer and you can also read the daily newspaper in your patio(庭院)However,Internet offers fast and effective solutions for the readers.Reading the news on the Internet is just a simple task to do.If you are a mobile person,it is impossible for you to bring the computer and mouse.So,several digital devices are accessible to meet your needs of latest information.You have iPad,smart phone and some other possible solutions.They are your best friends to gain the information about every single thing which has happened in certain part of the world.Now,its time to find the most reliable source.You can easily find the amount of websites on the Internet.They offer news and information about many different things,but only few of them will answer your questions.The reliable and accurate sources will let you read and think further about certain news and information.Definitely,you should find the site with various popular categories of news.There should be some categories such as business,sports and technology.Where should you go now?You will find the answer at News Daily Spot and get the complete information about other issues.For you who love to know more about celebrity and biography,feel free to read the biography(传记) of several celebrities,such as Kourtney Kardashian.Read the news and see the face of the world today.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。本文讲述了现如今因特网缩短了人们与世界的距离,让人们随时随地了解世界的动态,科学技术使世界变得越来越小了,给人们带来越来越多的便利。1What is the main idea of the passage?AMany ways exist for us to know about the world.BNewspaper plays an important part in our daily life.CThe Internet shortens the distance between people.DThe Internet helps people get more information about the world.解析主旨大意题。虽然作者在第一段谈到了人们通过上网、读报了解世界的动态,但是文章第二段首句的转折词However 表明,在这篇文章中作者重点谈论因特网帮助人们了解更多的事情。答案D2You are always on business,so .Ait is convenient for you to carry a desktop computerByoud better carry several digital devicesCan iPad will benefit you a lotDyou only read newspapers every day解析细节理解题。文章第二段讲述了因特网或数字装置给人们带来的便利。你是个经常出差的人,与句中的mobile person意义相同,根据You have iPad,smart phone.to gain the information.可知C项正确。误解分析:根据第二段中的If you are a mobile person,it is impossible for you to bring the computer and mouse.可以排除A项;由第二段中的several digital devices are accessible to meet your needs of latest information可知,几种数码装置可供人们选用,而不是全部使用,排除B项;文中没有提到D项。答案C3Why does the author say “its time to find the most reliable source”?AYou must find the reliable and accurate information.BYou can get all answers to any questions.CVarious websites will offer the same things.DYou should use your head to think over after reading.解析推理判断题。根据第三段可知,很少有网站会回答你的问题,只是提供不同的材料,要想得到准确的信息,你需要“think further”,故选D项。答案D4The purpose of the author is .Ato get us to know more about the usage of InternetBto advertise for News Daily SpotCto draw attention to News Daily SpotDto introduce more famous people解析推理判断题。在文章的倒数第二段的尾句作者用了疑问句以便引起读者的注意,在尾段的第一句表明可以在News Daily Spot找到问题的答案,故作者的目的是让读者点击该网站。答案C5Why does the author mention Kourtney Kardashian?ATo stress he is the most famous in the world.BTo introduce the allsidedness of the website.CTo give answers to the questions above.DTo show off the celebrities of the world.解析推理判断题。作者在本段中列举了名人Kourtney Kardashian,目的在于强调他的网站的全面性,多样化。答案B【温馨提示】苹果平板电脑是由美国苹果公司推出的一款名为“iPad”的触摸屏平板电脑。iPad的功能包括浏览互联网、收发电子邮件、操作表单文件、玩视频游戏、收听音乐和观看视频等。【长难句解读】1原文You can say hello to the world by clicking the mouse on your computer and you can also read the daily newspaper in your patio(庭院)译文你可以在电脑上轻点鼠标向世界发出问候,也可以在庭院里读日报。分析该句是and连接的并例句。句中的by clicking the mouse 作状语,表方式。2原文They are your best friends to gain the information about every single thing which has happened in certain part of the world.译文它们是你获得发生在世界的某个角落的每一件事情的相关信息的最好朋友。分析该句用which引导限制性定语从句,which在从句中作主语,不可以省略,定语从句修饰先行词every single thing。every single表示“每一”,是对thing的强调。B体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率说明文日常活动problems6分钟/5Life and work are filled with problems to be solved,or as we say these days,challenges to be overcome.There are a number of approaches to help us with problemsolving in business and in other walks of life.Using one or more of these techniques can help us do so efficiently.But some problemsolving techniques are complex and require a lot of learning before we can use them well.Here is one of the simplest approaches,a fivestage process that often leads to success.The first stage is to define the problem in detail.Part of the definition ought to be the reason the problem arose in the first place.Once we are satisfied that the problem is well defined we are ready to look for a solution.The second stage is the search for alternative courses of action that will solve the problem.Here we try to find multiple potential solutions to the problem.This step may involve doing some researches or asking others what they think.Look for analogies or how similar problems have been solved in the past.The important thing is to come up with alternative solutionsat least two or three.The third stage is to study each alternative solution and to identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of each course of action.One alternative might be quicker but cost more than the other solutions.Another might be less expensive but require a lot more time and energy.Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative is critical to choosing the best solution.The fourth stage of this process is to select and carry out the best solution.Criteria(标准) for choosing may include a rough costbenefit analysis or simply your comfort level after carefully considering your alternatives.The fifth and final stage is monitoring the outcome of your chosen solution.Did it work? Did you achieve success? If yes,that is great! If not,its back to the first stage.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。“如何高效解决问题?”是人们常常思考的一个问题。本文作者就如何高效解决问题提出了自己的观点。Problemsfive stages of problemsolving1Which of the following is the best title for the text?AHow to Solve Problems EfficientlyBWhat to Do With Your Problems CFive Steps for Your Problems DProblems Filling Work and Life解析主旨大意题。文章第一段引出话题,后面几段则是作者给出的解决问题的建议,第一段第三句Using one or more of these techniques can help us do so efficiently.说明作者给出了有效的解决问题的方法,故选A。答案A2If the problemsolving technique is very complicated, .Ayou should use it for your problemByoud better consult with expertsCyou should make a study about it firstDyou must give it up at the beginning解析细节理解题。第一段的第四句谈到对于复杂的解决问题的方法,就是要在采用之前对其进行学习和研究,故选C。答案C3The underlined word “analogies” in the text means .Aresemblances BdefencesCdifferences Dchanges解析词义猜测题。根据该词后面的选择连词or可知该词与or后面的词意思相近,故选A。答案A4The main idea of the third stage is .Ato use an alternative solution efficientlyBto find a cheaper problemsolving techniqueCto weigh the pros and


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