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(寒假总动员) 高二英语寒假作业 专题14 综合测试(十四)(测)(含解析)时间:60分钟 满分:100 得分:I单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21 It was several minutes _ we realized what was happeningour dog was trapped in a newly-dug tunnel.A. sinceB. beforeC. untilD. while22 I was once ashamed to admit my weakness, but now I have no such feeling and I _myself much discomfort.A. bringB. offerC. saveD. promise23 At sixty, Maugham decided to withdraw from the theater and wrote The Summer Up, in which he tried to review what he _ from his life and literature.A. had learnedB. has learnedC. was learningD. would learn24 What a bad luck! I have missed a golden chance ! Let it be. _.A. A flower blooms more than once. B. A fault confessed is half corrected.C. A loveless life is living death. D. A problem shared is a problem halved.25 The memory is still fresh in my mind _ I was considered the apple of my former boyfriends eyes during our stay in Aegean Sea. A. when B. where C. that D. what26 He was admitted to our school two years ago, a top school in our hometown, _ he has been crazy about reading electronic novels, killing time. A. after that B. since that C. after when D. since when27一Why do children hang stockings over the fireplace for presents? 一As the story goes, to help a poor family, Father Christmas threw a small bag of gold down the chimney and it fell into a stocking thatup to dry over the fireplace. A. hung B. had hung C. was hanging D. was hanged28 -The manager finally agreed to our new marketing proposals. -It never occurred to me you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.A. which B. what C. that D. if29 You should be grateful to your employees, because you wouldnt beyou are now without them. A. why B. how C. where D. which30 The Chinese abacus(算盘), officially _ as a cultural heritage at the 8th Annual UNESCO World Heritage Congress, is another symbol of Chinese wisdom.A. having listedB. listedC. having been listedD. listing31 This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all, indicating a high time that we _ on what weve done to the environment. A. have reflectedB. are reflecting C. will reflectD. reflected 32 Dont be too _ with what you wear as a middle school student. Come on, Mom, stop being _ on me all the time. A. controversial, strictB. particular, hardC. considerate; keen D. flexible; offensive33 -My Dad began to teach me English when I was eight.-Wow. You must have studied English for six years, ?A. havent you B. mustnt you C. neednt you D. dont you34 -With the countrys pension fund gap becoming wider than ever, retirement age should be postponed immediately. -Easier said than done. we take all factors into account, we shall be faced with some other social problems. A. Unless B. Until C. When D. Once35 The scarf is nice, but the price is a little bit high. _, but if you want good quality, you have to pay more.A. No wonderB. No doubtC. No offenceD. No problemII完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to _36_ to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it, maybe from the back or from a blurb(宣传信息)on the front. But who _37_, right? Those bits and pieces arent always right. Sometimes people _38_ themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that theyre something completely different. Either there was some good marketing _39_ to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a(n) _40_ way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize theres so much more to this book than anyone could ever have told you.You start off slow. The story is beginning to _41_. Youre unsure. Its a big commitment reading this tome(巨著). Maybe this book wont be that great but youll feel _42_ about putting it down. Maybe itll be so awful youll set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe youll come back to it some night, drunk or lonelyneeding something to _43_ the time, but it wont be any better than it was when you first started reading it.Maybe youre _44_. Youve read tons of books before. Maybe youve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just werent _45_ it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe its a once in a lifetime feeling and youre never going to find it again.Or something _46_ could happen. Maybe this will become your new favorite book. Theres always a possibility, right? Thats the _47_ of risk. You _48_ your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is a new understanding and pure wonder. How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. Its like theyre seeing inside your _49_. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just _50_ for you to pick it up. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not _51_.”You just want more of the story. You want to keep reading, maybe everything this author has ever _52_. You wish it would never end. The closer it gets to the smaller side of the pages, the _53_ you read, wanting to savor(品味) it all. This book is now one of your favorites forever. You will always wish you could go back to _54_ having read it and pick it up fresh again, but also you know youre better for having this close, inside you, _55_ your heart and mind.Reading a book is just like falling in love. Once you get in deep enough, you know you could never put this book down.【小题1】 A. contribute B. commitC. subscribe D. react【小题2】A. tellsB. caresC. writesD. knows 【小题3】A. advertiseB. believeC. behaveD. mistake【小题4】A. attached B. comparedC. usedD. related【小题5】 A. artificialB. superficialC. theoreticalD. confidential 【小题6】 A. repeatB. changeC. conflictD. unfold【小题7】A. worried B. contentC. guiltyD. serious【小题8】 A. fill B. spareC. saveD. take【小题9】A. worn outB. run outC. given outD. made out【小题10】A. likeB. worthC. beyondD. beneath【小题11】A. excitingB. familiarC. rareD. tough【小题12】A. price B. beautyC. dangerD. style【小题13】A. balanceB. wasteC. harvestD. invest 【小题14】 A. soulB. bookC. bodyD. eyes【小题15】A. askingB. lookingC. standingD. waiting 【小题16】A. aloneB. yourselfC. busy D. crazy【小题17】A. devotedB. agreedC. writtenD. enjoyed【小题18】A. slowerB. fasterC. moreD. less【小题19】A. alwaysB. everC. onceD. never 【小题20】A. coveringB. breakingC. separatingD. blockingIII.阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)AThere has been much discussion recently about reducing the weight of English in Chinas high-stake tests such as the national college entrance examination. It is argued by some applauding the recent change to reduce the importance of English in tests so that it will lead students to focus more on learning Chinese. The TV program Writing in Chinese has exposed the problem that students and the general public cannot write in Chinese as they used to do.Some blame the design of the curriculum for giving English an equal or greater amount of emphasis, which might have contributed to the failure in teaching Chinese. But this is probably not a fair accusation since children in English speaking countries cannot spell either.I doubt that studying English in itself hurts the study of Chinese. In fact, high achievers in English or another foreign language are more likely to be high achievers in Chinese. It has been proved many times in recent Chinese history that those capable of using a foreign language are also masters in their mother tongue. Qian Zhongshu, Lu Xun and Lin Yutang are just a few examples.Another trend of thought for curriculum reform is related to the perception of worth. It is true that English is one of the subjects that students do spend too much time on, with pitiful results. This makes some doubt if it is worth giving it priority. But this is not a sound argument either as students still need to study things that matter more to their future in spite of challenges learning English presents to them.Improvements in Chinese language education should not be achieved by sacrificing another important subject. There should be a robust(健康的) foreign language education program, as a foreign language improves a students future job prospects. Bashing(抨击) English education as a waste of time or using it as a goat for failures in Chinese education are both harmful tendencies.To be constructive, we ought to start a dialogue on ways to make improvements in learning outcomes so that students time learning English is spent more effectively. There are a few things that could improve English education, such as assessment design,learner motivation and teaching style,I am sure there are many other areas where changes can greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of English learning. The public discourse at present is a little oversimplified. People are arguing for or against English having less weight in major tests, when the dialogue should be taken a step further, to the improvement of learning or teaching methods that may benefit the teaching of other subjects as well, Chinese included.【小题1】In paragraph 3 Qian Zhongshu, Lu Xun and Lin Yutang are mentioned to _. A. show respect for their capabilities of learning languages B. prove English and Chinese are not contradictory C. confirm the importance of learning English in China D. tell the readers English Education is to blame【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following statements is right? A. The TV program Writing in Chinese is very popular at present. B. Good results of learning English are not worth so much time. C. Some are in favor of attaching less importance to English in exams. D. Sacrificing English can improve Chinese language education.【小题3】. In the writers opinion, what should be done to solve the argument? A. Increasing time spent in learning Chinese. B. Increasing time spent in learning English. C. Reducing the weight of English in examinations. D. Improving the learning outcomes effectively. 【小题4】Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? A. English education is still important in China. B. Chinese education is more important in China.C. English contributes to the failure in teaching Chinese D. Ways to make improvements in learning Chinese.BAt the moment, there are two reliable ways to make electricity from sunlight. You can use a panel of solar cells to create the current directly, by liberating electrons from a semiconducting material such as silicon. Or you can concentrate the suns rays using mirrors, boil water with them, and employ the steam to drive a generator. Both work. But both are expensive. Gang Chen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Zhifeng Ren of Boston College therefore propose an alternative. They suggest that a phenomenon called the thermoelectric(热电)effect might be used insteadand they have built a prototype(原型)to show that the idea is practical. Thermoelectric devices are not new. They are used, for example, to capture waste heat from car engines. They work because certain materials generate an electrical potential difference within themselves if one part is hotter than another. That can be used to drive a current through an external circuit. The reason thermoelectric materials have not, in the past, been applied successfully to the question of solar power is that to get a worthwhile current you have to have a significant temperature difference. (200 is considered a good starting point.) In a car engine, that is easy. For sunlight, however, it means concentrating the heat in some way. And if you are going to the trouble of building mirrors to do that, you might as well go down the steam-generation route, which is a much more efficient way of producing electricity. If the heat concentration could be done without all the equipment of mirrors, though, thermoelectricitys inefficiency would be balanced by the cheapness of the equipment. In their view, three things are needed to create a workable solar-thermoelectric device. The first is to make sure that most of the sunlight which falls on it is absorbed, rather than being reflected. The second is to choose a thermoelectric material which conducts heat badly but electricity well. The third is to be certain that the temperature gradient(梯度)which that badly conducting material creates is not wasted by poor design.【小题1】The following methods can be adopted to make electricity from sunlight EXCEPT .A. putting a panel of solar cells into useB. concentrating suns rays with mirrorsC. creating a solar-thermoelectric deviceD. building a practical solar prototype【小题2】Why was the application of thermoelectric materials a failure in the past?A. Because its hard for them to build enough mirrors to make it work.B. Because 200 was hard to reach


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