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剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 Unit 1 Greetings2009-05-21 11:15 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 Greetings一、Teaching aims and demands:1)can use simple English greet others2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening”3) Can read the new words about letter A a4) can speak out the sentences of part 7二、Important and difficult points:Whats this? Its the letter Aa.Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening .Hello! Hi! Slide三、Teaching Steps :Step1 Greetings:Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence.Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang Step 3: PresentationShow the students some pictures about morning and ask, whats the picture say? - Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word.Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening.Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairsStep 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a.Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times .Step 7 Teach them how to write letter AaStep 8 :Do some exercises1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students book2) match them3) Good morning Hello!Good night. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good morning.Hello! Good night.Good afternoon! Good evening.剑桥少儿英语预备级上Unit 2 who is the first2009-05-22 11:52 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论一、Teaching aims and demands :*They can understand some simple actions and do it ;*They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “.,* Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”.*Can read B b and some new words about Bb*Can read the sentences of part 5二、Important and difficult pointsWhats this? Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Go backHands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ball beef三、teaching method:本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。教师一到课堂里就可以边做手势边说,Now ,stand up ,sit down, Stand up! sit down.说的时候可以先慢后快,也可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后面叫一个同学说,Come here! Come here! 等到学生来了之后,教师可以说Go back. Go back. Go back.然后再叫另外的同学,在这四个句子中来回变换花样,最好是时常有所变化。 等大家熟悉了以后,、让大家一起来说顺口溜,Up, Up, stand up. Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back ,back, go back.边说边做动作。然后教师开始用实物来做替换练习。如,Hands up! Hands down. Hands up, hands down. Books up .Books down .等等。当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。接下来便是教字母的时间。教师首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛)。边看大写B的时候,边说Big B is a cat.然后拿小写b说,Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail .They are the letter Bb,等.让大家反复说,反复练习,然后,让小组的同学进行朗诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在学字母的时候,注意把这几个词给学生,让他们练习一下。其中还有:bee, ball, beet字母组合等。在适当的时候,让学生放松一下,可以随时让他们做一些动作,即复习了所学内容,有有助于学生上课保持新鲜感,更有兴趣参与到学习中来。请一个学生到讲台上去做动作,其他同学在下面说他做的动作,看谁说得最快最准确,老师可适当给予奖励。然后再换其他同学去,做到充分练习。四 、Exercises :1. Read and do:Stand up. Sit down. Come here Go back pen up. Pencil downBooks up. Feed down2. Lets chantA. Up, up, stand up .Down, down,sit down. Here, here, come here. Back, back, go back. Up, up, stand up. Down, down, sit down Up, up, books up. Down down pencils down. Up up pens up, down down feet down.B Good morning, mummy! Good morning, daddy!Good afternoon, teacher! Good evening, my little cat!C. Two, two, two books up! One, one, one pen down!Two, two, two books up! One, one, one pencil down!剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 3 Catch and run2009-05-22 11:52 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论一、Teaching aims and demands:*Can understand some simple actions and do it*Know the meaning of “catch、run .”*Can read and write letter Bb and can read the new words about Bb*Can read the sentences of part 7 on page 11二、Important and difficult points:catch ! Run to the door table windowboys girls blackboard teacher flowers cab cap三、Teaching method and steps:Step1:Bring some toys to the classroom at the beginning of the class, throw them to the classes one by one and say: Catch! If they can understand whats meaning, take out the pictures show to them and teach the new words: ball, door, window, blackboard, teacher, flowersStep2: Go to the playground play games and learn: Please be ready. Run!Group them into boys and girls. Have a rally race. Then queue in a line, do some actions (Who is the fastest):Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!Then chant it and do it:Catch a ball, run to the door.Catch a pen, run to Ben.Catch a pencil, run to the middle.Catch, run, catch, run, catch and run.Step3:Go back to the classroom, have a rest, then color it on page 12.then listen and circles on page 12Step4:take a piece of paper and ask them ?Whats this ?Its a piece of paper ,yes ,now cut it into a shape of big moon ,and then ask :Whats this now ?- Yes ,its moon .What does it look like ike a smiling face , like the letter C c .Who said it likes letter C c ,will be prized . Say: c is the moon, C c is the moon. We are on the moon, we are on the moon.Step5: Show them pictures and teach: cab, cap, and cat. Can add some words about Cc.Step6: Teach them how to write letter Cc.Step7: Exercises:Speak out and do actions:Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!Stand! Sit! Catch! Run!Ask and answer in pairs: Whats this? Its a big C. Whats this? Its a small c.Practice reading and writing letter C c剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 4 Color it green2009-05-22 11:53 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论一、Teaching aims and demands:*can understand and speak out the words about some colors*they can do color the things after the order*使学生能用两种问句问问题*使学生能读出第6部分和练习1中所给的句子和单词二、交际句型:Color it green.What color do you like?Which is the blue duck?三、交际词汇: pink, green, indigo, red, yellow, purple四、具体教学方法:可以首先拿出一只剪好的白色鸭子对学生说,This is a duck. This is a duck. I have many ducks. Look, one, two, three, four and five. They are white. Do you knowwhite? Now , this is indigo .This is red.教师拿出两种颜色给学生看。接着教师用刚才的鸭子举例,说,Look here ,this is a white duck. This is a indigo duck .Now, look, I have many ducks on the blackboard. What color are they? This is a white duck, this is a indigo duck.从刚才新教的词汇开始,然后再教新的颜色词,每教一个新词之前要复习一下刚学过的词,可以将鸭子贴在黑板上,下面再贴上与鸭子颜色一样的光电纸,然后,教师指着鸭子说,This is a duck .Its blue. Its a blue duck.然后教师问学生,Who can say the sentences about these ducks?鼓励同学们到前面来描述。当一两个同学到前面说完之后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。接下来,教师选出一些漂亮、鲜艳的颜色,对学生说,Ive got lots of colors. What color do you like? 问不同的同学,如果该学生说,I like green.教师就给该生一个绿色的小苹果(事先剪好不同颜色的苹果或其它图案)教师教字母D d的时候,可以直接拿出D字母,然后再拿出带有竖琴的图片进行比较,同时带着大家一起说,Big D is a harp. Small d is a chair. The girl is sitting on the chair, playing the harp.教师边说边指着图片和字母Dd.接着教师说,Look here. Whats this? Its a dog.D-dog.Whats this? Its a doll.D-doll.教师带着大家朗读D字母音的同时,可以带出的读音,并让学生看图片。在做练习的时候,教师引导大家看画有彩虹的图。教师可以说,Look, weve got a nice rainbow on page 16.This is a rainbow. It has seven colors .Lets see. What color are they? 这时教师启发学生说出这七种颜色。在做练习3时,教师先让大家把图涂上颜色,然后可以在全班进行评比,看哪个同学涂色涂的最好。具体操作如下:教师可以让学生一行一行地拿着自己的课本到前面来,大家进行推荐。最后表彰前十名同学。五、课后作业:一、. Draw five ducks with different colors and write each color next to the duck.辨认dog doll door二、.Read and draw:1) A cat,2) Flowers3) A cap.4) A dog.三、.Write down the words which have letter “D d”.door cat boy doll duckblue pink red yellow colordog green pencil indigo ace剑桥少儿英语音标与发音 七大规则1. 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。 派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如: act, active, actively compare comparison2. 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如: customary scientist slavery factory realism3. 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如: about abduce accede admire belong consult detect dislike4. 带下列后缀的词:-aim, -ain, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音通常在第二音节。 contain occur sincere design confirm5. 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如: employee antique magazine cigar volunteer gasoline6. 带下列后缀的词:-eous, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ient, -ion, -ious, -ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous重音通常在倒数第二音节上。例如: occasion relation astonish deposit musician7. 但是有些派生词,比如从名词派生出来的形容词,它的重音就得发生变化,通常是后移。 例如: science scientific accident accidental democrat democratic politics political剑桥少儿英语二级A19单元重点句型2008-08-04 16:31 来源:巨人学校英语教研组 作者:佚名 打印 评论剑桥少儿英语二级A19单元重点句型:Unit 1:I like doing/to doIve gothe/shes gotMy Chinese/English name isMy friend is adj.Can I help you with the bag?Unit 2:This is my bike. The bike is mine.Is this book yours? No, its not mine.口语考试重点:经典考试句型:D is different, because D is white, but the others are all black.Unit 3:This is our beautiful school.Weve got a library, a playground, a garden, and a . In our school.有BE 动词现在时的单复数认识:The trees are green.The sky is blue.Where do you often do sth.?I often do sth. in/on the Unit 4:Can I ask you a question?.What does dog mean?Dog means XIAOGOU.Whats the English/Chinese for?Who wants to have a try?Let me try.Can I do sth.Yes, you can./ No, you cant.May I do sth.?Yes, of course.When do you come to school?I come to school at time.In the morning/afternoon/eveningUnit 5:Which place would you like to go?Id like to go to How about going to ?Yes, Id like to./ No, Id like to go to Where is sth.?介词复习:oninnearbetweenbyin front ofunderbehindnext toHow about doing sth.Yes, Id like to. / No, Id like to do sth.Unit 6:What do you like doing?I like doing sth.What does he/she/my father/my mother/Sally like doing?e/she/my father/my mother/Sally likes doing sth.What kind of books do you like to read?I like to read books.Unit 7:You mustnt drop litter in the park.There are some N(pl.) in the (place).There is a/one N in the (place).Its edible.There is a parrot standing on a book.There are two cats sleeping in the big shoe.Unit 8:What have you got in your bag?Ive got a pencil, a pen, an eraser, and lots of books.How many books are there in your bag?There are 2 books in my bag.There is one book in my bag.Which school do you like to go?I like to go to the second school.Unit 9:Its 137 km from Tianjin to Beijing.This bear is short, but this bear is shorter than this one.Fred is fatter than John.不能总用EAT:“吃”字译法多多2008-07-31 10:06 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论一提到“吃”,我们就会想到“eat”。实际上,很多情况下并不需要用“eat”来表达。如红楼梦中有这样的句子:“你们坐着吃吧,我可去了。”译成英文是:“Sit down and go on with your meal, Im leaving you. ”再有一句“你尝尝罢,好吃得很呢!你林妹妹弱,吃了不消化;不然,他也爱吃。”这句连用了三个“吃”,但英译本中没有一个“eat ”,而译成“Go and taste some. Its really delicious. Cousin Dai yus so delicate, it would give her indigestion. If it were not for that, shed like some too.”在儒林外史第十一回中有这样一句:“好男不吃分家饭”译做“Good sons dont live on their inheritance.”现在让我们看下面的例句:爸爸,我想吃点点心,你也吃点儿吗?Im ready for some dessert, Dad. You too?直到吃完饭华伦才讲话。Warren didnt speak until he finished his meal.他们吃了一顿极好的咖喱饭。They enjoyed a superb curry lunch.吃点煎蛋卷还是吃点别的?How about an omelette, or something?帕格一口一口地吃饭。Pug picked at food.和我们一起吃饭吧。Join us for lunch.我一点不喜欢吃那个东西。Ive never learned to like that stuff.我不怎么爱吃生蒜。Im not especially fond of raw garlic.她已好多了,饭也吃得下了。She is much better, shes got an appetite now.他是吃素的。He takes only vegetarian food.他请朋友们吃饭。He entertained friends at dinner.这碗饭不容易吃。This is a hard way to earn a living.他爱吃甜食。He has a sweet tooth.你真是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉!You are like a toad trying to swallow a swan!他去吃喜酒了。He went to a wedding feast.你喜欢吃什么风味的菜?What sort of food would you like?请再吃点腊肉。Please help yourself to some more cured meat.通过以上各个例句,可见“吃”并不一定要用eat来表达。在不同的情况下可以用不同的表达方式。英语学习:七大特殊单词重音规则 2008-07-09 10:44 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论1. 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。 派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如: act, active, actively compare comparison2. 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如: customary scientist slavery factory realism3. 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如: about abduce accede admire belong consult detect dislike4. 带下列后缀的词:-aim, -ain, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音通常在第二音节。 contain occur sincere design confirm5. 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如: employee antique magazine cigar volunteer gasoline6. 带下列后缀的词:-eous, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ient, -ion, -ious, -ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous重音通常在倒数第二音节上。例如: occasion relation astonish deposit musician7. 但是有些派生词,比如从名词派生出来的形容词,它的重音就得发生变化,通常是后移。 例如: science scientific accident accidental democrat democratic politics political英语语法:不定式的特殊句型tooto2008-07-07 14:26 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 打印 评论1)tooto 太以至于He is too excited to speak. 他太激动了,说不出话来。 - Can I help you ? 需要我帮忙吗? - Well, Im afraid the box is too heavy for you to carry it, but thank you all the same.不用了。这箱子太重,恐怕你搬不动。谢谢您。2) 如在too前有否定词,则整个句子用否定词表达肯定, too 后那个词表达一种委婉含义,意 为不太。 Its never too late to mend.(谚语)改过不嫌晚。3)当too 前面有only, all, but时,意思是:非常 等于very。 Im only too pleased to be able to help you. 我非常高兴能帮助你。 He was but too eager to get home. 他非常想回家。英语学习:家庭生活英语词汇【厨房】2008-07-06 11:00 来源:巨人学校英语教研组 作者:佚名 打印 评论家庭生活英语词汇【厨房】1. cabinet/cupboard 壁橱2. paper towels 纸巾3. dish drainer 烘碗机4. dishwasher 洗碗机5. sink 水槽6. toaster 烤面包机7. coffee maker 咖啡壶8. freezer 冷藏室9. refrigerator 冰箱10. microwave (oven) 微波炉11. pot 锅12. stove 炉子13. burner (火炉的)炉嘴14. oven 烤箱15. teakettle 茶壶16. frying pan 煎锅17. (electric) mixer (电动) 搅拌机18. food processor 万能食品加工机19. cutting board 菜板20. knife 刀21. rice cooker 电饭锅22. wash the dishes 洗碗23. feed the cat (dog) 喂猫 (狗)英语学习:外国专家这样教孩子学外语2008-07-06 08:28 来源:巨人学校英语教研组 作者:佚名 打印 评论Mary,一位年轻的英国女性,时任北京某幼儿园国际园的副园长,她有自成一套的孩子喜爱的英语教学方法。“真实”的图书目前市场上的英语读物品种繁杂,Mary认为有些儿童英语读物不好,全是外星人、怪物、恐龙、宇宙飞船、宇航员之类的词语和故事,这些语言及语言环境都是不真实的。有些则非常好,尤其是国外著名出版商的图书和音像,画面生动,意义准确,最关键的是是环境真实。她建议父母给宝宝接触20分钟到半小时这样的读物,孩子肯定大多听不懂,没关系,让他们边玩边听。同时可以配些字比较大的书。边玩边学外语方面的玩教具特别多。但大多数都比较死板、吵闹、不够生动有趣,发音也不够准确。Mary只见到一种电子玩具,约120个词汇量,一按按钮会说简单的英语(动物名称),接着发出动物的叫声,很好玩。孩子能够在玩中记住动物名,兴趣盎然。孩子接受英语是直接的、整体的。Mary除了用教材,还自己制作卡片、读物和声像资料,通过唱歌、跳舞、游戏、儿歌、动画片、律动等等来创造厚实的外语环境。纯英语环境孩子学母语从娘胎里一直听到1岁多才开始说话,所以不要着急让孩子表达,要给孩子更多的时间听,潜移默化地吸收。他能听懂了,自然就会说了。学语言重要的是环境,是运用。Mary要求所有老师不和小朋友讲一句中文,不会讲的可以用动作、画画、指认来表达。这里的环境对孩子学习并运用英语很重要。有个2岁小朋友会指着红色说red,却还不知道中文怎么说。有的小朋友中文才学到4以内的加法,却已经会用英文表达5个鸡蛋加5个鸡蛋等于多少。全面教和学及小小的压力Mary教英语从不考虑让孩子写。但作为视觉训练,Mary又写又画。一段时间后孩子能认出一些字,如出现好几次的“&”。因为对于小孩来说,小时候学的不容易忘记,这时习惯看和说,没有负担。“我也会给他们一点小小的压力,每周一次小考试,比如,念一首简单的儿歌。”对于教学来说,给小宝宝轻松的同时要有。“开心但要努力。”对于中国人的幼儿外语热,Mary认为是中国开放的需要,可以理解。但欧美幼儿园从不教第二语言,他们甚至会认为是不可思议的。比如在比利时虽然通用两种语,但孩子一直是在一个语言环境中长大。他们到了小学3年级才正规学习第二种语言。因此,自然、轻松的氛围对年幼孩子学外语很重要。英语学习:幼儿教育专家谈英语教育经验2008-07-06 08:26 来源:巨人学校英语教研组 作者:佚名 打印 评论幼儿英语教育经验谈目前幼儿英语教育在国内日益受到广泛的重视,如何使我们的幼教英语工作取得伟大的成绩和进步,是摆在我们幼儿英语教育工作者面前的首要问题。不以应试为目标的幼教英语教学更为注重的应该是幼儿英语学习兴趣的提高和英文概念的引入,以下幼教心得作抛砖引玉之用,与同行共勉。1、在幼儿一岁半到两岁之间(大概在16-24个月),幼儿的语汇会突然快速而大量地增加,我们将这一时期称作“命名爆炸(Naming Explosion)”时期。因此幼儿的“命名爆炸”时期是幼教英语不容错过的大好时机,在这一期间为幼儿引入英文词汇能起到事半功倍的效果。2、著名学者琼斯基Chomsky认为人类具有先天的“语言习得机制(Language Acquisition Device)”,只要情境启动这个机制,人们就能主动推导语言规则而学会语言。为什么有的人说英语,有的人说日语,而我们说汉语呢,这就是琼斯基所阐述的“本有论”,口语能力不是直接教出来的,而是通过输入习得能力之后自然形成的,因此我们应该在幼儿英语教育中尽力为幼儿创造英语情景,启动幼儿的“习得机制”,将教学重点放在如何为学生提供最佳语言输入上。3、幼儿英语教师应经常地给幼儿讲英文故事,这将有助于幼儿理解生活、维持友谊和表达情绪,同时提供幼儿接触与体验文学的机会。老师在讲故事前应构思讨论问题,以激发幼儿的兴趣。4、四岁左右年龄的幼儿最常出现的叙事情形是“个人经验叙说”,他们所讲的将是他们亲身体会和经历过的个人经验。因此幼儿英语教师应该鼓励幼儿将他们的所见所想所闻用英语简单的表达出来。5、根据“依附理论”,安全依附(secure Attachment)可能会影响幼儿情绪、社会和认知发展;幼儿在一岁半以后会进入多重依附关系阶段。6、前苏联著名心理学家维高斯基(Vygotsky)研究表明,幼儿语言发展顺序为:内在语言-自我中心语言-社会性语言。什么是内在语言?内在语言存在于内心之中,负责人的内心交流,自言自语就是内在语言的一种表现形式;什么是自我中心语言?幼儿的自我中心言语是幼儿在活动中或游戏中发出的、不以与人沟通为目的的,自言自语或公开说的话。什么是社会性语言?即幼儿用以于他人交流的语言,它明显有别于前两者。7、幼儿的经验应成为幼教课程的基础。单元课程并非是最能提升幼儿自主能力的课程,由老师一手规划的课程也不能很好地适应幼儿英语教学。因此无论使用美国的教材还是新加坡的教材,拟或是自编教材,都不应拘泥于教材,而要因地制宜地把课程整合到幼儿的经验中去。8、在幼儿中多进行团体讨论或分享活动,创建幼儿“说英语”的氛围和环境,但要注意,这样做的目的是满足幼儿表达的需求、培养幼儿专心倾听的能力和创造幼儿彼此讨论的情境,而不是为了colore=red增加幼儿认识的词汇/color。9、幼教英语教材如何选择?有什么注意事项?绝不能以“封面精美,印刷漂亮”为原则;绝不能以“每一单元都有学习单”为原则;绝不能以“家长可看到预设的教学进度”为原则。一本好的幼儿英语教育教材应该是在很大程度上鼓励幼儿学英语时不断探索、建构和发挥创意的。10、全语言的观点认为:儿童在对他们具有实质意义的情境中,从使用语言的历程中学习语言。因此幼儿英文教学应该增强实用性,而不是以应付考试或者参加比赛拿奖品为目的。11、鼓励幼儿用简单的英文单词表达自己的想法,记录自己的故事,可以把它写下来,并在教室中的摆放,注意应将它们摆放在幼儿视线可及之处,而非放在访客一入园就能看到的地方。注意不要给幼儿的作品打分,不要排名词。评语使用文字应当浅显易懂。12、在面对发展较迟缓幼儿时,老师应该鼓励同学和他互动,而不是去帮他完成工作,或者以个别辅导为主要教学方法,更不能不让他参与活动。13、幼儿在阅读时会有一个习惯,他们喜欢重复句型的儿歌,会努力辨认熟悉的字,并且愿意花时间去重复翻阅喜欢的图画书,但他们不会试图去分析各段落主题之间的关系。14、维高斯基(Vygotsky)提出了“鹰架(Scaffolding)”理论,该理论将建筑中的脚手架比作幼儿教师为幼儿提供的学习上的支持,老师在教学过程中将提供不同水平的鹰架。我们将幼儿的能力分为两种:实际能力(独立完成某项任务)和潜在能力(在老师帮助下完成某项任务),此二者能力之间必然存在一定距离,鹰架就是指老师贴近这一距离的教学方法和技巧。注意:“鹰架”(Scaffolding)是指“提供符合学习者认知层次的支持、导引和协助,以帮助学习者由需要协助而逐渐能够独立完成某一任务,进而使其由低阶的能力水准发展到高阶的能力水准。”剑桥少儿英语二级主要句型2008-01-15


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