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含CAD高清图纸和说明书 更新 1250 压砖机 机身 液压 系统 设计 CAD 图纸 说明书
徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)任务书 机电工程 学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 专业设计(论文)题目 1250压砖机机身及液压系统设计 学 生 姓 名 陈振斌 班 级 04机本(2)班 起 止 日 期 2008.1.212008.6.2 指 导 教 师 张元越 教研室主任 张元越 发任务书日期 2008 年 1 月 21 日1.毕业设计的背景: 自动压砖机是墙地砖生产的关键设备,是机、电、液一体化的高技术设备。十多年来已进口4000多台,几乎垄断了“七五”、“八五”计划期间的国内市场。一九八七年国家建材局将其列为尚需攻关解决的十五项陶瓷装备之一。至今国内有20多家企业参与自动压砖机的开发生产,共有19家企业制造出样机,但大部分半途而废。至目前为止,年产销量超过50台的仅有两家,年产销量超过10台有5家。国产自动砖机主要是在“九五”期间得到快速发展的。可喜的是,现已能生产4800吨以下吨位的各种系列产品,国内市场占有率已达80以上。除4800T以上超大吨位压机近期尚需进口外,国产压机基本取代进口,成为建陶企业的首选产品。据不完全统计,到目前为止有近1000台的国产自动压砖机在顶线运行。去年下半年以来,受建陶业总体不景气影响以及国产压砖机产量增加,竞争日趋白热化,市场价格大幅度下降,用户拖欠货款严重,各企业经营效益也出现滑坡,这很不利于新兴的国产压砖机行业的发展。对许多批量小、成本高的企业是个严重的考验。自动压砖机是技术复杂的产品,其制造难度高,要保证连续可靠的运行困难更大。1995年前,进口压砖机一般设计三机配两窑,以后进口机的可靠性提高了,许多用户采用一机配一窑。为了节省投资,用户也对国产机要求一机配一窑,这对当时刚刚起步的国产压砖机行业是个严峻的挑战,不但要求有可靠的质量,还要求有完善的售后服务。因此一些开发制造压机企业就达不到要求上不去了。少量的企业由于敢于投入、创新快,质量服务上去了,产销量也跟着上去了。在正常的情况下,压砖机这个新产品都要有23年的“质量提高期”及“市场认同期”,不是想象的那么容易,这是许多投资开发自动压砖机企业对其认识不足而最终导致失败的原因。国产压砖机的主要技术参数、主要技术性能和整体水平已接近国外现代压砖机的先进水平,而且差距在不断缩小,但是国产压砖机行业发展时间短,发展开发过程中存在一些问题也是难免的,制造企业还应该不断提高产品质量,进一步降低成本,提高自身的竞争力,在巩固国内市场的同时,应积极开拓国际市场,只有在国际市场上占有一席之地,才真正证明国产压机的成功。2.毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求: 内容:(1)液压机结构选型及设计;合理设计液压机的结构;(2)进行液压机机身结构的强度及刚度校核(3)液压机立柱的稳定性校核;合理设计液压机的结构;(4)完成液压机的结构设计及总图和零件图;(5)完成液压系统的设计计算(6)完成两万字的毕业论文及5000字的译文要求:学生在接受设计任务后,认真调研,认真设计,提出多种方案,认真进行论证,完成液压机的结构,最终完成全部设计内容,方能进行毕业设计的答辩。3.主要参考文献: 1邱宣怀等.机械设计.北京:高等教育出版社,20032天津液压机床厂中小型液压机设计P天津:天津人民出版社,19773俞新华等液压机M北京:机械工业出版社,19904方刚,康达昌,朱信等箱形梁筋板上的孔对其强度的影响M锻压机 械,1997(5)5王步瀛机械零件强度计算的理论和方法M北京:高等教育出版社,19866闵学熊,倪鹏南锻压机械的新进展J锻压机械,1997(4)7刘鸿文材料力学M北京:高等教育出版社,19898胡秀丽,徐福昌等长颈法兰类件法兰部位开式成形的数值模拟研究P金属成形工艺,2000(2)9韩提儒我国锻压机械50 年的光辉历程J锻压机械,1999(6)4.毕业设计(论文)进度计划(以周为单位):起 止 日 期工 作 内 容备 注1.21-1.271.28-2.32.18-2.242.25-3.23.3-3.93.10-3.163.17-3.233.24-3.303.31-4.64.7-4.134.14-4.204.21-4.274.28-5.45.5-5.115.12-5.185.19-5.25徐州三缘锻压设备有限公司调研写开题报告、设计规划书徐州三缘锻压设备有限公司调研;外文翻译外文翻译液压缸设计、计算、校核液压缸、活塞和活塞杆的设计、计算、校核画液压缸相关零件图装配图同上;立柱设计、计算、校核画立柱零件图;上横梁设计、计算、校核上横梁设计、计算、校核;画上横梁画上横梁;活动横梁、下横梁设计并画其零件图画活动横梁、下横梁零件图、画总装图液压系统设计计算;画液压系统图液压系统设计计算;画液压系统图写设计说明书写设计说明书教研室审查意见: 室主任 年 月 日学院审查意见: 教学院长 年 月 日文档包括:说明书一份,41页,17000字左右.英文翻译一份.图纸共14张:A0-装配图.dwgA1-上梁.dwgA1-上梁端盖.dwgA1-液压原理图.dwgA2-电磁铁动作表.dwgA2-法兰.dwgA2-拉伸缸.dwgA2-立柱.dwgA2-连接件.dwgA2-上活动梁.dwgA2-梯形图.dwgA2-下活动梁.dwgA2-下梁.dwgA2-主液压缸.dwg徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告课 题 名 称: 1250压砖机机身及液压系统设计 学 生 姓 名: 陈振斌 学号:200400601219指 导 教 师: 张元越 职称: 讲师 所 在 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业 名 称: 机械设计制造及其自动化 徐州工程学院 2008年1月28日说 明1根据徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)管理规定,学生必须撰写毕业设计(论文)开题报告,由指导教师签署意见、教研室审查,学院教学院长批准后实施。2开题报告是毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。学生应当在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,开题报告不合格者不得参加答辩。3毕业设计开题报告各项内容要实事求是,逐条认真填写。其中的文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。4本报告中,由学生本人撰写的对课题和研究工作的分析及描述,没有经过整理归纳,缺乏个人见解仅仅从网上下载材料拼凑而成的开题报告按不合格论。5. 课题类型填:工程设计类;理论研究类;应用(实验)研究类;软件设计类;其它。6、课题来源填:教师科研;社会生产实践;教学;其它课题名称1250压砖机机身及液压系统设计课题来源工程实际课题类型设计类选题的背景及意义中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,随着禁实力度的加大,传统以烧制黏土砖的制砖业已不能满足高质量,高环保的社会需要。以用粉煤灰、煤矸石、矿碴、石粉、尾矿砂、建筑垃圾等废碴和废料,生产空心砌块、多孔砖、标准砖的压砖机应运而生,解决了城乡建设的迅猛发展需要大量的墙体材料与土地资源严重缺乏形成了强烈的矛盾。研究内容拟解决的主要问题液压缸,上、下活动横梁、上横梁的尺寸设计,及其强度、刚度校核;液压系统的设计、计算;电控PLC系统设计;画出完整的零件及装配标准CAD图纸。研究方法技术路线公司调研、图书馆及网络查阅相关资料、老师指导研究的总体安排和进度计划1.21-1.27 徐州三缘锻压设备有限公司调研1.28-2.3 写开题报告、设计规划书2.18-2.24 徐州三缘锻压设备有限公司调研;外文翻译2.25-3.2 外文翻译3.3-3.9 液压缸设计、计算、校核3.10-3.16 液压缸、活塞和活塞杆的设计、计算、校核3.17-3.23 画液压缸相关零件图装配图3.24-3.30 同上;立柱设计、计算、校核3.31-4.6 画立柱零件图;上横梁设计、计算、校核4.7-4.13 上横梁设计、计算、校核;画上横梁4.14-4.20 画上横梁;活动横梁、下横梁设计并画其零件图4.21-4.27 画活动横梁、下横梁零件图、画总装图4.28-5.4 液压系统设计计算;画液压系统图5.5-5.11 液压系统设计计算;画液压系统图5.12-5.18 写设计说明书5.19-5.25 写设计说明书主要参考文献1邱宣怀等.机械设计.北京:高等教育出版社,20032天津液压机床厂中小型液压机设计P天津:天津人民出版社,19773俞新华等液压机M北京:机械工业出版社,19904方刚,康达昌,朱信等箱形梁筋板上的孔对其强度的影响M锻压机 械,1997(5)5王步瀛机械零件强度计算的理论和方法M北京:高等教育出版社,19866闵学熊,倪鹏南锻压机械的新进展J锻压机械,1997(4)7刘鸿文材料力学M北京:高等教育出版社,19898胡秀丽,徐福昌等长颈法兰类件法兰部位开式成形的数值模拟研究P金属成形工艺,2000(2)9韩提儒我国锻压机械50 年的光辉历程J锻压机械,1999(6)指导教师意 见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 教研室意见学院意见教研室主任签名:年 月 日 教学院长签名: 年 月 日徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)摘要通过对分析液压压砖机的国内外生产及研究现状,确定了本课题的主要设计内容。在确定了压砖机初步设计方案后,采用了传统设计方法对1250T液压压砖机机身结构进行设计计算及强度校核,并采用AutoCAD设计软件对上横梁、底座、拉伸滑块、压边滑块、拉伸缸、压边缸、顶出缸、立柱及总装图进行了工程绘图,在参考了某公司生产的四梁四柱式液压墙体压砖机机液压系统以及查阅了有关关于液压系统设计的书籍后,确定了全自动数字控制系统的设计方案,绘制了数字控制系统的梯形图,设计了电气系统的工作说明书,并对其进行了可行性分析,最后对整个设计进行系统分析,得出整个设计切实可行。关键词 压砖机;机身结构;数字控制系统AbstractThrough to analysed the type hydraulic press domestic and foreign research present situation, I had determined this topic main design content. After I had determined the type hydraulic press preliminary design plan, used the traditional theory method to carry on the design, the computation, the intensity examination to the body of 1250T hydraulic presses fuselages structure, used AutoCAD design software to the main traverse, under the crossbeam, moves Liang, the master cylinder, goes against the cylinder, the column, the final assembly drawing had carried on the project cartography, meanwhile had carried on the mapping to the master cylinder; After referred to three Liang four columns hydraulic Type hydraulic press of wall hydraulic system which some company produces as well as has consulted massively and the hydraulic system design books, the definite system of numberal control design proposal, had drawn up the hydraulic system schematic diagram, had produced the system of numberal control working instructions, and had carried on the feasibility analysis to it, finally carried on the system analysis to the entire design, obtained the entire design to be practical and feasible.Keywords Hydraulic press body structure Numberal control system目 录1绪论.11.1压砖机的发展.11.2压砖机的概述.21.2.1压砖机应用领域.21.2.2压砖机的工作原理和主要参数.31.2.3国产压砖机的主要技术性能.52 YZ-1250压砖机机身结构设计.72.1用途和特点.72.2结构及工作原理.72.3 YZ-1250主体结构设计.92.3.1上横梁的设计、计算及效核.92.3.2下横梁的设计、计算及效核.132.4液压缸的设计、计算及效核.152.4.1负载分析.162.4.2主液压缸主要参数的确定.162.4.3顶出缸的设计.192.5立柱部分设计及计算.192.6柱塞与活塞.252.7机身的紧固.263 电气系统的控制.293.1电气系统的概述.293.2电气原理说明.293.3梯形图及编程.314调运、安装与调试.354.1压砖机调运部分.354.2安装与调试.354.2.1条件.354.2.2安装.354.2.3调试.364.3使用须知.37结论.39致谢.40参考文献.41附录1.44附录2.524徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)附录附录1英文原文The Evolutionary Rules of Production SystemAbstract: The competition among modern enterprises has been converted from products to capability. As the basis of competition, production system cant win the market unless it takes advantage of its capability in competition. Here in this article, the evolutionary rules of production system contributing to the establishment, renovation, reform, invention and promotion of the production of modern enterprises are observed.Key words: production system rule evolution1. IntroductionManufacturing industry is the cornerstone of national economy and the source of national income. Especially, since 1980s, with the shift in business concepts and competition patterns from products to capabilities, the production system has been focused on manufacturing. The production system is the basis of competition among enterprises. Its vital for any enterprise to pay more attention to strengthen their own capabilities and qualities so as to take the lead in competition in the Age of Knowledge Economy and New Economy. The 21st century is typical of high-tech, in which the production, possession, division and consumption of knowledge mean everything. Inevitably, manufacturing is faced with challenges and opportunities as well, which indicates a revolution to come. It has been proved by economic and natural laws that the fittest survives. We cant be tomorrow-winner unless we prepare for the future. Here in this article, the evolutionary rules of production system are observed to contribute to the establishment, refreshment, renovation, invention and promotion of the production system of enterprises. Thats the sound way to lead the national economic development to move steadily and smoothly.2. The Rules of the Evolution of Production System2.1 The Expansion of Functions and Direction of MarketIn general, the production management is meant to plan, organize and control production activities in order to put out qualified goods efficiently, low-costly, flexibly and punctually to serve customers. With the expansion of the function of modern production system, including the production of tangible commodities and intangible operations, like service, knowledge and information, the difference between manufacturing industry and service industry becomes dim. Most manufacturers are serving as supplies of services. Products in many industrial departments, in fact, are the integrity of hardware, software and services. The development of economy and technology in post-industrial society and Information Age made the demands in market less and less stable. Consequently, the status of mass production in competition declined increasingly. The changeable demands determined by customers disturbed the pattern of mass production and developed into variety and small scale.2.2 The Variety and Reasonability of Targets in Production SystemMarket investigations are performed when the production system is established, renovated and regulated in order to learn more about the demand, to set up practical goals and to regulate the specification, the output and the production speed of commodities. Some reasons for the variety and reasonability are shown as follows:(1) With the development of economy, consumers have converted their attention to various commodities and theyre keen on peculiar ones which are efficient and fashionable;Early target Transmitting target Modern targetHigh-efficiencyHigh-efficiencyHigh-efficiencyLow-costHigh-qualityHigh-qualityLow-costLow-costShort delivery period safe-productionSingle-productMulti-productBig lot-sizeMiddle-small lot-size(2) New commodities occurred as soon as old commodities lose their marker and vanished quickly. In this circle, the life spans of product are so short that many up-to-date ones have to be developed and produced in time;(3) Because of the severe competition, how to increase the shares in the market becomes an important target. To take the lead, enterprises are supposed to put out more and more new commodities.2.3 The Flexibility of Production SystemThe assembly line production and mass production used to be of low-cost but they were limited because of the variety, changeability and short life span. So the law of “scale economy” is being challenged in its application. Single-product production system couldnt adjust to the changes in market and in the operation of enterprise. As a result, along with the shift to variety and mass production, GT (group technology), AM (Agile manufacturing), IMI (Independent Manufacturing island) and FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) are adopted. Especially, consolidating manufacturing islands based on the integrated manufacturing system with computer and IMI technology, on the whole, increased the flexibility and contingency.2.4 The Automation, Integrity and Intellection of Production SystemThe automation technology, esp. information technology, computer technology and systematic technology, brought the advanced manufacturing industry into prosperity which prepared well enough to meet dynamic adaptability in terms of material and technological conditions. The 5th technology revolution that began in 1970s actually was a breakthrough in micro-electronic and computer technology. Generated from both of them, the advanced manufacturing technology and information technology come into being. In this way, the low cost in bottle materials and fuels, the high efficiency and the adaptability in modern enterprises are made possible. In theory, the profitable source of scale economy could be realized.(1) In traditional patterns, it took high price to acquire knowledge and information, so mass production was the solution. When CIMS, MRP, ERP, Internet, Intranet among enterprisers and extranet of enterprises occurred, the information of designing and management was stored in software. The cost of using and regulating information was so low that mass production wasnt the solution any more; (2) The intellectual and automatic manufacturing equipment took up the repetitive task and work efficiently only if following the order from the central computer. The accumulated experiences dont mean much here, the so-called mass production experience and process of learning no longer existed; (3) In traditional patterns, manufacturing equipments and tools were specialized and efficient, which are suitable for mass production to increase the productivity and to lower the cost. But modern equipments are more often than not multi-functional. They are adaptable to many manufacturing procedures, which ensure the high productivity without mass production; (4) In modern advanced manufacturing technology, the production of one kind of commodities in certain quantity costs almost as much as that of other kinds but in the same quantity. But itll cost much less when manufactured in the same factory than in different factories; (5) With the technology of CAE, CAD, CAPP, CAM and FMS, the designing and manufacturing of new commodities can be completed soon and the delivery period is also shortened with improved quality.2.5 Emphasis on PeopleThe Main Factor in the Production SystemPeople who are in charge of manufacturing activities are faced with new requirement with regard to their role status, knowledge and capability. Its due to the change of production means and the expansion of production activities.(1) The ultimate factor in manufacturing activitiespeople: The automation of manufacturing system was ever the center of international manufacturing research. And “no one factory” pattern, that is, auto-operated factory was expected. The early CIMS was based on this imagination. But only a few enterprises achieved what they had expected. Most of them failed in fulfilling their goals in some developed industrial countries. In comparison with the large investment, the profit was too far from being satisfactory. Finally, CIMS in many countries have been laid off. Peoples role in the modern manufacturing system was not undercut but strengthened. It has drawn unusual attention of many developed countries to cultivate skilled workers and executives who are competent in this system. Thus the even higher standard is set for workers and executives; (2) The strengthening of peoples knowledge and capability: Modern manufacturing technology evolved from integrated technology. It is characteristic of multi-subject, so the technicians are supposed to have a solid specialty, not only the expertise but also much knowledge in the advanced researches is concerned. At the same time, its very important to learn much about the subjects involved so as to widen view, to refresh the knowledge and to accept new concepts. The initiative of definition and the capability of integrity are expected.2.6 The Production System Tends to Be Labor-intensiveTo get the similar effect in production in a fixed quantity to in a large quantity, high efficiency and regional economy are being targeted. A stable and balanced production is to eliminate ineffective work and waste, to shorten the process of producing, to lower the cost and avoid stocking too long. Labor-intensive and elastic labor organizing should be executed soon. Consequently, the management converts from the one by individuals and departments to the whole production system based on man.3. ConclusionFinding out the rules of evolution production system, in a sense, contributes to the establishment, refreshment, innovation and promotion of the system itself and also support the functional target set for it and its construction strategy. For the progress in quality and competitiveness in contingency, all the enterprises are supposed to follow the rules, in the view of production strategy and competition advantages.References:1. Qingshan Zhang, Guoqing Jiang. Modern Production Management, Northeast University Publishing House, 1998.052. Kesheng Zhang, Songqian Zhang. The Evolution of Manufacturing Modes in US & Japan, Enterprise Management, 1998(1)3. Ying Tao. The New Tendency of Foreign Enterprises Management and Its Implication, Modernization of Management, 1997(6)中文译文制造系统的改革摘要:现代企业之间的竞争已转换成产品生产能力的竞争。以此为基础的竞争,除非它充分利用了其能力的优势,否则企业是不能赢得市场的。在这篇文章中,制造系统的改革有助于建立,改造,改革,发明和促进现代生产企业遵守进化规则。关键词:生产系统 规则 演变1导言制造业,是国民经济和国家收入的来源。特别是20世纪80年代以来,随着在经营理念和竞争模式从产品到能力的变化,生产系统已集中于制造业。生产系统的基础是企业之间的竞争。在知识经济和新经济时代,为了起带头作用,在竞争中更多地注意提高自身的能力和素质对任何企业来说是很重要的。二十一世纪是典型的高科技时代,在其中生产,拥有,分工和消费知识意味着一切。不可避免地,制造业正面临着挑战和机遇,这表明一场革命的到来。它已被证明是由经济和自然的法律决定的,即优胜劣汰。我们不能肯定明天也是赢家,除非我们为未来做好准备。在这篇文章中,进化规则在生产系统中的体现,有助于企业建立、更新、改造、发明和促进生产系统。这是使国家经济平稳,顺利发展的健全的方式。2生产系统规则的演变2.1扩大市场的职能和方向,一般来说,生产管理是指计划、组织和控制生产活动,以便把商品的合格率,低费用高品质,灵活和准时向客户提供服务。随着现代生产体系功能的扩大,包括生产有形和无形的商品,像服务、知识和信息,制造业和服务业之间的差异变得暗淡。大多数制造商都提供相应服务。产品在许多工业部门,在事实上,是完整的硬件,软件和服务。经济的发展和技术在后工业社会和信息时代提出的要求,在市场越来越缺少稳定。因此,大规模生产的地位在竞争中日益下降。多变的要求确定以客户为主体的模式,大规模生产已发展成为多品种和小规模的生产活动。2.2生产系统中品种和合理的目标市场调查执行时,建立,翻新和规范生产系统,以便更多地了解客户,设立实际的目标和规范的规格,提高产量和加快产品的生产速度。几个品种和合理的原因如下显示:(1)随着经济的发展,消费者已将注意力转移到各种商品和他们热衷于那些奇特的有效率及时髦的东西;早期的目标 转递的目标 现代的目标高效率低成本高效率高品质低成本高效率高品质低成本短期交付期限安全生产单产品大批量的大小多产品中小批量大小(2)新商品的产生造成旧商品失去了他们市场和被迅速淘汰。在这圈子,产品的寿命周期是非常短的,许多产品必须及时更新和生产;(3)由于严重的竞争,如何增加在市场上的股份成为一个重要的因素。要起带头作用,企业必须生产更多的新商品。2.3生产系统的灵活性装配线生产和大规模生产曾经是低成本,但因为该品种,多变性和短期的寿命,他们受到了限制。因此,“规模经济”的法律在其申请时受到挑战。在运作的企业,单一产品生产系统无法适应市场的变化进行调整。因此,随着转向品种和大量生产,GT, FMS,IMI,AM和柔性制造系统式很容易适应的。特别是,巩固制造业离岛的基础上,就整体而言,集成制造系统与计算机和IMI的技术,增加了灵活性和应变性。2.4生产系统的自动化和完整性 物质和技术条件准备充足的自动化技术,电除尘器,信息技术,计算机技术和系统技术,带来了先进制造业的繁荣。第5次技术革命的开始,在20世纪70年代,在微型电子技术和计算机技术上其实是一个突破。从他们两个开始,意味着先进制造技术和信息技术的诞生。这样一来,原材料和燃料的低成本,以及高效率和适应性,在现代企业中成了可能。从理论上讲,利润来源,规模经济是可以实现的。(1)在传统的模式中,花了高昂的代价,以获得知识和信息,因此,大规模生产是解决问题的方法。当计算机集成制造系统,如MRP的 , ERP系统,互联网,内联网之间企业信息的交流,软件存储信息设计和管理。成本的使用和规范的信息是如此之低,大规模生产是不解决任何更多问题。(2)智力和自动生产设备的矛盾意味着不一定能提高工作效率。效率,如果只以下的顺序,从中央计算机。累积的经验,并不意味着很多在这里,所谓的大规模生产的经验和学习过程将不再存在。(3)在传统的模式,专门和有效率的生产设备和工具,是适合大规模生产,以增加生产力和降低成本。但现代设备的,往往不是多功能的。他们是许多制造业相适应的程序,确保高生产力,没有大规模生产; ( 4 )在现代先进制造技术,生产一种商品在一定量的费用几乎高达同样数量的其他品种,但在同一个工厂制造它的成本比在不同的工厂会少得多; ( 5 )与技术的CAE技术,计算机辅助设计, CAPP系统, CAM和柔性制造系统,设计和制造的新商品,可于短期内完成并随着质量的提高交付期限也在缩短。2.5在生产系统中侧重于人的主要因素 负责制造业的人在活动中对于他们的作用,地位,知识和能力正面临着新的要求。这是由于改变生产方式和扩大生产活动的原因。(1)在制造业活动中的最终因素-人:自动化制造系统是曾经国际制造中心的研究“没有人的工厂”模式,即自动操作的工厂。估计早期的计算机集成制造系统是在此基础上想象的。但只有少数企业达到了他们的预期。在一些发达工业国家,他们大多未能在履行达到他们的目标。在比较大的投资,利润也远远不能令人满意。最后, CIMS在许多国家已淘汰。人的作用,在现代制造系统不是削弱了而是加强。它引起了不同寻常的关注,许多发达国家培养能主管这个行业技术工人和行政人员。因此,甚至是一套为工人和行政人员的更高的标准;(2)加强人们的知识和能力:从综合技术上发展现代制造技术。它的特点是多学科,所以技术是为了有一个坚实的专业,不只是专业知识,但也有很多的知识,关注先进的研究。在同一时间内,了解所涉及的科目,以及扩大来看,刷新知识和接受新观念是非常重要的。倡议的定义和能力的完整性,是被预计的。2.6生产系统往往是劳动力密集型的获得类似的效果,在生产,从一个固定的数量到大量,高效率和区域经济是目标。一个稳定和均衡的生产是为了消除无效的工作和浪费,以缩短生产过程,降低成本,并避免囤积过久。劳动密集和弹性的劳动组织,应尽快执行。因此,基于一个人,管理的转换,是从一个由个人和部门到整个生产系统。3结论找出生产系统的规则演变,在某种意义上,有助于制度本身的建立,创新和推广也支持功能所定的目标,为它和它的建设策略,为进步的素质和竞争力应变,在生产策略和竞争优势上,所有企业要遵守规则。参考文献: 1 张青山,姜国庆.现代生产管理.东北大学出版社, 19982 张声.美国和日本的演变的制造模式.企业管理 1998年 3 陶瑛.外商投资企业的管理的新趋势及其启示.管理现代化 1997年附录2英文原文Hydraulic fluidsHydraulic fluids are a large group of fluids used as the motive medium in hydraulic machinery. Fluid types include synthetic compounds, mineral oil, water, and water-based mixtures. The fluids are found in machinery and equipment ranging from brakes, power steering systems, and transmissions to backhoes, excavators, garbage trucks and industrial shredders. Hydraulic systems are very common in aircraft flight control systems. Hydraulic systems like the ones mentioned above will work most efficiently if the hydraulic fluid used has low compressibility. Because industrial hydraulic systems operate at hundreds to thousands of PSI and temperatures reaching hundreds of degrees Celsius, severe injuries and death can result from component failures and care must always be taken when performing maintenance on hydraulic systems. Fire resistance is a property available with specialized fluids. The use of hydraulic systems in aircraft almost certainly began with braking systems.citation needed As aircraft performance increased in mid-20th century, the amount of force required to operate mechanical flight controls became excessive, and hydraulic systems were introduced to reduce pilot effort. The hydraulic actuators are controlled by valves; these in turn are operated directly by input from the aircrew (hydro-mechanical) or by computers obeying control laws (fly by wire). See flight controls. Hydraulic power is used for other purposes. It can be stored in accumulators to start an auxiliary power unit (APU) for self-starting the aircrafts main engines. Many aircraft equipped with the M61 family of cannon use hydraulic power to drive the gun system, permitting reliable high rates of fire. The hydraulic power itself comes from pumps driven by the engines directly, or by electrically driven pumps. Electric pumps can provide both redundancy and the means of operating hydraulic systems without starting the engines, which can be very useful during maintenance. Aircraft hydraulic fluids fall under various specifications: Exposure to hydraulic fluids occurs mainly in the workplace. Drinking certain types of hydraulic fluids can cause death in humans, and swallowing or inhaling certain types of hydraulic fluids has caused nerve damage in animals. Contact with some types of hydraulic fluids can irritate your skin or eyes. These substances have been found in at least 10 of the 1,428 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What is hydraulic fluids? Hydraulic fluids are a large group of liquids made of many kinds of chemicals. They are used in automobile automatic transmissions, brakes, and power steering; fork lift trucks; tractors; bulldozers; industrial machinery; and airplanes. The three most common types of hydraulic fluids are mineral oil, organophosphate ester, and polyalphaolefin. Some of the trade names for hydraulic fluids include Durad, Fyrquel, Skydrol, Houghton-Safe, Pydraul, Reofos, Reolube, and Quintolubric. (Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the Public Health Service, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.) Some hydraulic fluids have a bland, oily smell and others have no smell; some will burn and some will not burn. Certain hydraulic fluids are produced from crude oil and others are manufactured. What happens to hydraulic fluids when it enters the environment? Hydraulic fluids can enter the environment from spills, leaks in machines that use them, or from storage areas and waste sites. If spilled on soil, some of the ingredients in hydraulic fluids will stay on top and others will sink into the groundwater. In water, some hydraulic fluids ingredients will transfer to the bottom and can stay there for more than a year. Certain chemicals in hydraulic fluids may break down in air, soil, or water, but how much breaks down isnt known. Fish may contain some hydraulic fluids if they live in contaminated water. How might I be exposed to hydraulic fluids? Touching or swallowing hydraulic fluids. Breathing hydraulic fluids in the air near machines where hydraulic fluids are used. Touching contaminated water or soil near hazardous waste sites or industrial manufacturing facilities that use or make hydraulic fluids. How can hydraulic fluids affect my health? Little is known about how hydraulic fluids can affect your health. Since hydraulic fluids are actually mixtures of chemicals, some of the effects seen may be caused by additives in the hydraulic fluids. In people, the effects of breathing air with high levels of hydraulic fluids are not known. Drinking large amounts of some types of hydraulic fluids can cause pneumonia, intestinal bleeding, or death in humans. Weakness of the hands was seen in a worker who touched a lot of hydraulic fluids. Rabbits that inhaled very high levels of one type of hydraulic fluid had trouble breathing, congested lungs, and became drowsy. The nervous systems of animals that swallowed or inhaled other hydraulic fluids were affected immediately with tremors, diarrhea, sweating, breathing difficulty, and sometimes several weeks later with weakness of the limbs, or paralysis. The immediate effects are caused because hydraulic fluids stop the action of certain enzymes, called cholinesterases, in the body. There are no reports of people swallowing or breathing the types of hydraulic fluids that cause these effects. When certain types of hydraulic fluids were put into the eyes of animals or allowed to touch the skin of people or animals for short periods of time, redness and swelling occurred. It is not known whether hydraulic fluids can cause birth defects or reproductive effects. Is there a medical test to show whether Ive been exposed to hydraulic fluids? Hydraulic fluids cant be measured in blood, urine, or feces, but certain chemicals in the hydraulic fluids can be measured. Some of the hydraulic fluids stop the activity of certain enzymes, called cholinesterases, in blood and this activity can be measured. However, many other chemicals also cause this effect. This test isnt available at most doctors offices, but can be done at special laboratories that have the right equipment. Has the federal government made recommendations to protect human health? There are no federal government recommendations to protect humans from
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