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房屋买卖合同中英文【篇一:商品房买卖合同-英文样板】 cf-2000-0171 contract no.:15119 commodity house purchase and sales contract copy vender: vendee: shandong industry and commercial administration sealed made under supervision of national construction department and shandong provincial administration for industry and commerce contract parties: vender:register address: register business license number: company qualification certificate number: legal representative: contact phone: postal code: entrusted agent: contact phone: address:postal code: entrusted agency: register address: register business license number: legal representative: contact phone: postal code: vendee: myself【legal representative】 name: 【id card】【passport】【business license registration number】 【 】 address: postal code: contact phone: according to thepeoples republic of china law of contract, peoples republic of china city real estate control law and other relevant laws and regulations,the vendee and vender should be base on the equality, voluntarily, consults unanimously foundation to reach the following agreements about purchasing the commodity apartments . article 1project construction basis seller get the land employment right of which is located in by the way of 【contract number for granting of land-use right 】 【document number for allowing and authorizing of land-use right】 【document number for transferring and authorizing of land-use right】this land area is , the land use age is limited from seller by approving of authority, construct the commercial residential houses in the above land parcel, 【present name】, 【 temporary name 】, the construction project plan license is article 2 residential basis. the residential is 【completed house】【the selling house inadvance】 .the approval authority of selling house in advance article 3 fundamental state of vendees commodity house. vendees commercial residential building (hereinafter referred to as the commodity building, the house plan is specified in appendix 1 to the contract, house number is bases on the appendix 1 details) which stipulated in the first article of the contract is: tents】()specific house number is unitlayer】commercial buildings use which is approved by planning , belongs to structure, layer height the balcony of this apartment is sealed not sealed. as stipulated on , with public ( refer to the attachment2 for public area to be shared construction explanation ) article 4 valuation mode price vender and vendee calculate the price of this apartment as mode below: 1. according to the building area, the unit price of this apartment is / /3. according to the set, the unit price of this apartment is totally 4 。 article 5 area confirmation and difference treatment according to the valuation mode which interested parties choose, this article stipulates the area confirmation and difference treatment according to building areausable area( hereinafter called area for short). parties selected price according to set, this clause shall not apply. for any differences in contracted area and registration area, the registration area will be taken as the standard. after the apartment is transferred to the buyer, for any differences in contracted area and registration area, both parties will agree to manage according to the following term: 1. special agreement by both parties (1); (2)【篇二:房屋买卖合同及其英文翻译】 房屋买卖合同书 出 卖 人:江苏富源房地产开发有限公司 买 受 人: 身份证号: 根据中华人民共和国合同法及其他有关法律、法规之规定,买受人和出卖人在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就买卖房屋达成如下协议: 第一条 买受人所购房屋的基本情况 买受人购买的房屋(以下简称该房屋,其房屋平面图见本合同附件一,房号以附件一上表示为准) ,1号楼15层3号房。 该房屋阳台是非封闭式。 该房屋建筑面积共平方米,其中,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积米。 第二条 计价方式与价款 出卖人与买受人约定按下述第1种方式计算该房屋价款: 按建筑面积计算,该房屋单价为(人民币)每平方米7566元,总金额( 人民币) 捌拾肆万柒千叁百玖拾元整。 第三条 付款方式及期限买受人按下列第 1种方式按期付款。 1.一次性付款 。买受方在签订购房合同后2日内向出卖方一次性支付房款,¥847,390.00元,大写:捌拾肆万柒千叁百玖拾元整。 2.分期付款 。买受方签订购房合同后与月日前向出卖方预交房价费的 ,¥大写元整。剩余房价款待买受方房屋钥匙到时补齐。 3.其他方式 。 买受人逾期付款的违约责任 买受人如未按本合同规定的时间付款,按下列第 1.按逾期时间,分别处理(不作累加) (1)逾期在30日之内,自本合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际全额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万分之二十的违约金,合同继续履行; (2)逾期超过30日后,出卖人有权解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,买受人按累计应付款的20%向出卖人支付违约金。买受人愿意继续履行合同的,经出卖人同意,合同继续履行,自本合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际全额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万分之二十的违约金。 第四条 交付期限 出卖人应当在2009年12月10日前,依照国家和地方人民政府的有关规定,将具备下列第4种条件,并符合本合同约定的房屋交付买受人使用: 1.该房屋经验收合格。 2.该房屋经综合验收合格。 3.该房屋经分期综合验收合格。4.该房屋取得商品住宅交付使用批准文件。 但如遇下列特殊原因,除双方协商同意解除合同或变更合同外,出卖人可据实予以延期:遭遇不可抗力,且出卖人在发生之日15 日内告知买受人的; 出卖人逾期交房的违约责任: 除本合同第八条规定的特殊情况外,出卖人如未按本合同规定的期限将该房屋交付买受人使用,按下列方式处理; 1.按逾期时间,分别处理(不作累加) (1)逾期不超过20日,自本合同第八条规定的最后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付之日止,出卖人按日向买受人支付已交付房价款万分之 的违约金,合同继续履行; (2)逾期超过20日后,买受人有权解除合同。买受人解除合同的,出卖人应当自买受人解除合同通知到达之日起 天内退还全部已付款,并按买受人累计已付款的20%向买受人支付违约金。买受人要求继续履行行合同的,合同继续履行,自本合同第八条规定的最后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付之日止,出卖人按日向买受人支付已交付房价款万分之二十的违约金。 第五条 交接 房屋达到交付使用条件后,出卖人应当书面通知买受人办理交付手续。双方进行验收交接时,出卖人应当出示本合同第八条规定的证明文件,并签署房屋交接单。所购房屋为住宅的,出卖人还需提供住宅质量保证书和住宅使用说明书。出卖人不出示证明文件或出示证明文件不齐全,买受人有权拒绝交接,由此产生的延期交房责任由出卖人承担。 第六条 出卖人保证销售的房屋没有产权纠纷和债权债务纠纷。因出卖人原因,造成该房屋不能办理产权登记或发生债权债务纠纷的,由出卖人承担全部责任。 第七条 产权登记 出卖人应当在房屋交付使用后20日内,将办理权属登记需由出卖人提供的资料报产权登记机关备案。如因出卖的责任,买受人不能在规定期限内取得房地产权属证书的,双方同意按下列第 项处理; 1.买受人退房,出卖人在买受人提出退房要求之日起 日内将买受人已付房价款退还给买受人,并按已付房价款的 2.买受人不退房,出卖人按已付房价款的向买受人支付违约金。 第八条 买受人的房屋仅作住宅使用,买受人使用期间不得擅自改变该房屋的建筑主体结构、承重结构和用途。除本合同及其附件另有规定者外,买受人在使用期间有权与其他权利人共同享用与该房屋有关联的公共部位和设施,并按占地和公共部位与公用房屋分摊面积承担义务。 出卖人不得擅自改变与该房屋有关联的公共部位和设施的使用性质。 第九条 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成的,按下述第 种方式解决: 1.提交 仲裁委员会仲裁。 2.依法向人民法院起诉。 第十条 本合同未尽事项,可由双方约定后签订补充协议。 第十一条 合同附件与本合同具有同等法律效力。本合同及其附件内,空格部分填写的文字与印刷文字具有同等效力。 第十二条 本合同连同附件共 页,一式二份,具有同等法律效力,合同持有的情况如下: 出卖人一份,买受人一份。 第十三条 本合同自双方签订之日起生效。自本合同生效之日起30天内,由出卖人申请登记备案。 出卖人(签章):江苏富源房地产开发有限公司买受人(签章): 法定代表人: 委托代理人: 联系电话:联系电话: 签于年 月 日 签于 年 月 日【篇三:房屋买卖合同中英文】 房屋买卖合约 sale purchase agreement of house the date of signature on 本合约订于this agreement is made on the day of 合约之第一方(以下简称卖方)party a (hereinafter referred to as the vendor): 姓名name: 身份证号码identity card number: 地址address: 合约之第二方(以下简称买方)party b (hereinafter referred to as the purchaser) : 姓名name: 身份证号码identity card number: 地址address: 合约之第三方(以下简称经纪人):party c (hereinafter referred to as the agent) : 注册地址:registered address: 合约三方兹同意买卖条款如下: all three partes agree on the terms and conditions as follow: 1、 买卖双方经协商须以下列条款通过经纪出售及购入位于 (以下简称该物业)之物 业。 both the vendor and the purchaser shall sell or buy the house located at(hereinafter refers to as the property)through the agent according to the following terms and conditions。 该物业建筑面积为平方米(以房产证面积为准)。 the gross floor area of the property issquare meter. 2、该物业之楼价为 币,买方须按下述选择的方式付款(ac只可选择其中1种)。 and the purchaser shall pay in the following manner(choose one from a to c) . a一次性付款cash payment (a) 币须在签本合约之同时付清作为定金; shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing this agreement; (b) 币须在签正式买卖合约时付清作为部分楼款,正式买卖合约须于 或之前签妥; rmb ,which shall be signed on or before ; (c) 币须于买卖完成时由买方付清作为楼价余款,而买卖须在 或之前完成; rmb shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price when closing the transaction, which shall be singed on or before ; b、按揭付款 mortgage payment (a) 币须在签本合约之同时付清作为定金; rmb shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing this agreement; (b)币须在签正式贷款合同时付清作为首期余款,正式贷款合同须于 签妥; rmb shall be paid as partial deposit upon signing formal mortgage loan agreement,which (c) 币须于买卖完成并办妥他项权利登记后由贷款银行直接拨入卖方银行帐号作 为楼价余款,银行实际贷款额与原贷款额之间差额由买方以现金支付,而买卖须在完 成; rmb shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price by the mortgage bank when the transaction is completed and all other formalities of mortgage loan registration settled,the differences between the actual and the original mortgage loan,if any,shall be paid in cash by the purchaser; c、转按付款 submortgage(a) 币须在签本合约之同时付清作为定金,卖方收款天内向抵押银行申请转按手续, 并协助买方申请银行贷款手续; shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing of this agreement,within days after accepting the said deposit the vendor shall apply for submortgage to the mortgage bank,and shall assist the purchaser to apply for the mortgage loan; (b) 币须在签正式买卖合约时付清作为首期余款,正式买卖合约须于 签妥; rmb shall be paid as partial deposit upon signing formal sale purchase agreement,which shall be signed on or before ; (c) 币须于买卖完成并办妥他项权利登记后由贷款银行扣除卖方所欠款项后将余款直 接拔入卖方银行帐号作为楼价余款,银行实际贷款额与原贷款额之间差额由买方以现金支付, 而买卖须在 完成; rmb shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price by the mortgage bank when the transaction is complete and house encumbrance, deducting vendors arrearage. the differences between the actual and the original mortgage loan,if any,shall be paid in cash by the purchaser; d、涂销抵押revocation of mortgage 币须在签妥本合约天内付清作为定金余款,卖方收款当日须即时向抵押银行申 请赎契手续,卖方须在完成赎契、涂销抵押登记及归档等手续天内签署广州市房地产 交易所正式买卖合约,协助买方申请银行贷款手续,卖方完成以上手续不得迟于 ; rmb shall be paid as partial deposit within days after signing this agreement and the vendor shall immediately apply for revocation of mortgage of the propertys title from the mortgage bank on the same day of accepting the said deposit. the vendor shall signing formal sale purchase agreement with the purchaser assist the purchaser to apply for the mortgage loan within days after finishing all formalities of redeeming title,discharging mortgage registration and filing,whereas these formalities shall be finished not later than; 3、税费缴付方式tax paynet method: 4、卖方收到买方首期楼款当日/买卖完成时,卖方须负责将该物业交付/买方同意连同该物 业现有之租约一起购入该物业,卖方须负责将该物业连租约一起交付给买方,并协助买方与 租户签订新的租约。 when the transaction is completed,the vendor shall deliver the possession right of the property to the purchaser / the purchaser agree on purchasing the property with the existed tenancy agreement. 5、该物业是以现状售予买方,而买方已检查该物业,故买方不得借此拒绝交易。 the property is sold to the purchaser in status quo,and the purchaser has already inspected the property and deemed acceptable,the purchaser shall not refuse to complete the transaction on this excuxe. 6、在该物业交易完成日期前,卖方须付清一切有关该物业之杂费(如水电、煤气、管理、 电话费及有线电视费等)。 the vendor shall settle all outgoing utility charges in respect of water,electricity,gas, management and telephone fee related to the property before the transaction of the property is completed. 7、卖方须保证对上述该物业享有完整所有权,能完全支配及处理。有关该物业的产权瓜葛、 债务、税项及租赁清还抵押等,卖方应在交易完成前清理完毕,并保证交易后买方无须负责, 否则卖方应赔偿买方由此引起的一切损失。 the vendor shall ensure that he enjoys the full title right of the property with absolute control and is lawful to dispose of the property. and the vendor shall settle any encumbrances related to the possession rights,debts,taxation and tenancy,mortgage and so forth before the transaction is completed,otherwise any loss hereafter caused shall be borne by the vendor. 8、经纪代卖方所收之临时定金,由卖方收妥及签署本合约作实,如卖方拒绝收取该临时定 金及签署本合约,则该笔定金在没有任何补偿情况下原银交回买方,买方将不得要求任何赔 偿。 the initial deposit paid by the purchaser shall be confirmed after the vendor accepting the said deposit and sign this agreement. if the vendor refuse to accept the sail deposit and sign the agreement,the said deposit will be refunded to the purchaser without any compensation and the purchaser shall not claim for any compensation. 9、如买方未能履行本合约之条款以至本合约不能顺利完成,则已付之定金将由卖方没收, 而卖方有权再将该物业售予任何人,唯卖方不可再为此而向买


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