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上教版(三起) 三年级英语上册教学设计Module 2 Unit 6 教案Module 2 Unit 6 教案1教学重点词汇:hair, eye, ear句型:My hair is long.My ears are small.教学目标1 通过Sing a song 的歌曲活跃课堂气氛,并让学生初步感知本单元要学习的内容。2 呈现Look and learn人物头像,引出有关五官和头发的单词,帮助学生学习词汇。3 通过Listen and say 情境对话,引导学生学习本单元的核心句型Myis/arePre-task preparations1在黑板上画出或用多媒体呈现几组图片(一只老鼠和一头大象;Mr Li和Kitty, Ben等等)。 然后教师针对每组图片提问引导学生回答问题,通过问答复习一些形容词和已学句型。T: (show the picture of a mouse and an elephant) Big, big, big. What is big?S1: Big, big, big. The elephant is big.T. (show the picture of Mr Li and Kitty) Short, short, short. Who is short?S2: Short, short, short. Kitty is short.T: Very good!2播放Sing a song的歌曲,让学生先听后跟唱, 初步感知本单元将要学习的有关五官和头发的词汇。While-task procedures1用挂图或多媒体呈现Look and learn女孩的头 像,教师指着各个部位引出本单元新授单词,学生集体跟说单词。T: (point to the girls face) Look, this is a girl. She is beautiful. Look here. This is her face. Face, face.Ss: Face, face.T: (point to an eye of the girl. This is her eye. Eye, eye.Ss: Eye, eye.T: (point to an ear of the girl) This is her ear. Ear, ear.Ss: Ear, ear.2借助玩偶帮助学生熟悉新授词汇。教师先示范,边描述边指出玩偶脸上相应的部位,随 后教师可以让学生拿着玩偶描述其脸上的部位。可以根据学生实际适当拓展描述用语。T: (point to different parts of a puppet girl) Face, face, this is her (round) face. Eye,eye, this is her (big) eye. Ear, ear, this is her ear. Nose, nose, this is her nose. Mouth, mouth, this is her mouth. Hair, hair, this is her (long) hair. S1:3教师出示一面镜子,边照镜子边自编儿歌操 练有关五官的词汇。然后让学生也照着镜子模仿操练。T. (hold the mirror) Look in the mirror. What can I see? Two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a face. I can see me. Now take out your mirrors. Look in the mirror. Whatcan you see? S1: (hold the mirror) Two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, a face. I can see me.到出新句型Myis /are,让学生听然后 仿说。 T: (point to the face) My hair is long/short. My eyes are big/small.Ss: My hair is long/short. My eyes are big/small.4播放Listen and say的录音,学生看着课文图片逐句跟读,学习本单元的新授句型。然后让学生分为男生和女生两个大组,男生朗读Peter的描述,女生朗读Kitty的描述。Post-task activities1将一些形容词的单词卡片贴在黑板上供学生参考,让他们练习把形容词和五官词汇结合起来使用。教师先示范,边说儿歌边指着相应的部位。然后请个别学生到台上说说自编的儿歌。T. My eyes are big, big, big.My ears are big, big, big.My nose is small, small, small.My hair is short, short, short.SI: My eyes are big, big, big.My ears are small, small, small.My nose is bigbig,big.My hair is long, long, long学生两人一组开展Quick response游戏。2个学生发指令,其同伴在自己身上指出相应的部位并说出相应的单词,第一个学生要判断同伴是否指对了部位。两人互换角色继续开展活动。教师可以先和个别学生示范游戏方法。Module 2 Unit 6 教案1教学重点词汇:hair, eye, ear句型:My hair is long.My ears are small.教学目标1 通过Sing a song 的歌曲活跃课堂气氛,并让学生初步感知本单元要学习的内容。2 呈现Look and learn人物头像,引出有关五官和头发的单词,帮助学生学习词汇。3 通过Listen and say 情境对话,引导学生学习本单元的核心句型Myis/arePre-task preparations1在黑板上画出或用多媒体呈现几组图片(一只老鼠和一头大象;Mr Li和Kitty, Ben等等)。 然后教师针对每组图片提问引导学生回答问题,通过问答复习一些形容词和已学句型。T: (show the picture of a mouse and an elephant) Big, big, big. What is big?S1: Big, big, big. The elephant is big.T. (show the picture of Mr Li and Kitty) Short, short, short. Who is short?S2: Short, short, short. Kitty is short.T: Very good!2播放Sing a song的歌曲,让学生先听后跟唱, 初步感知本单元将要学习的有关五官和头发的词汇。While-task procedures1用挂图或多媒体呈现Look and learn女孩的头 像,教师指着各个部位引出本单元新授单词,学生集体跟说单词。T: (point to the girls face) Look, this is a girl. She is beautiful. Look here. This is her face. Face, face.Ss: Face, face.T: (point to an eye of the girl. This is her eye. Eye, eye.Ss: Eye, eye.T: (point to an ear of the girl) This is her ear. Ear, ear.Ss: Ear, ear.2借助玩偶帮助学生熟悉新授词汇。教师先示范,边描述边指出玩偶脸上相应的部位,随 后教师可以让学生拿着玩偶描述其脸上的部位。可以根据学生实际适当拓展描述用语。T: (point to different parts of a puppet girl) Face, face, this is her (round) face. Eye,eye, this is her (big) eye. Ear, ear, this is her ear. Nose, nose, this is her nose. Mouth, mouth, this is her mouth. Hair, hair, this is her (long) hair. S1:3教师出示一面镜子,边照镜子边自编儿歌操 练有关五官的词汇。然后让学生也照着镜子模仿操练。T. (hold the mirror) Look in the mirror. What can I see? Two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a face. I can see me. Now take out your mirrors. Look in the mirror. Whatcan you see? S1: (hold the mirror) Two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, a face. I can see me.到出新句型Myis /are,让学生听然后 仿说。 T: (point to the face) My hair is long/short. My eyes are big/small.Ss: My hair is long/short. My eyes are big/small.4播放Listen and say的录音,学生看着课文图片逐句跟读,学习本单元的新授句型。然后让学生分为男生和女生两个大组,男生朗读Peter的描述,女生朗读Kitty的描述。Post-task activities1将一些形容词的单词卡片贴在黑板上供学生参考,让他们练习把形容词和五官词汇结合起来使用。教师先示范,边说儿歌边指着相应的部位。然后请个别学生到台上说说自编的儿歌。T. My eyes are big, big, big.My ears are big, big, big.My nose is small, small, small.My hair is short, short, short.SI: My eyes are big, big, big.My ears are small, small, small.My nose is bigbig,big.My hair is long, long, long学生两人一组开展Quick response游戏。2个学生发指令,其同伴在自己身上指出相应的部位并说出相应的单词,第一个学生要判断同伴是否指对了部位。两人互换角色继续开展活动。教师可以先和个别学生示范游戏方法。Module 2 Unit 6 教案1教学重点词汇:hair, eye, ear句型:My hair is long.My ears are small.教学目标1 通过Sing a song 的歌曲活跃课堂气氛,并让学生初步感知本单元要学习的内容。2 呈现Look and learn人物头像,引出有关五官和头发的单词,帮助学生学习词汇。3 通过Listen and say 情境对话,引导学生学习本单元的核心句型Myis/arePre-task preparations1在黑板上画出或用多媒体呈现几组图片(一只老鼠和一头大象;Mr Li和Kitty, Ben等等)。 然后教师针对每组图片提问引导学生回答问题,通过问答复习一些形容词和已学句型。T: (show the picture of a mouse and an elephant) Big, big, big. What is big?S1: Big, big, big. The elephant is big.T. (show the picture of Mr Li and Kitty) Short, short, short. Who is short?S2: Short, short, short. Kitty is short.T: Very good!2播放Sing a song的歌曲,让学生先听后跟唱, 初步感知本单元将要学习的有关五官和头发的词汇。While-task procedures1用挂图或多媒体呈现Look and learn女孩的头 像,教师指着各个部位引出本单元新授单词,学生集体跟说单词。T: (point to the girls face) Look, this is a girl. She is beautiful. Look here. This is her face. Face, face.Ss: Face, face.T: (point to an eye of the girl. This is her eye. Eye, eye.Ss: Eye, eye.T: (point to an ear of the girl) This is her ear. Ear, ear.Ss: Ear, ear.2借助玩偶帮助学生熟悉新授词汇。教师先示范,边描述边指出玩偶脸上相应的部位,随 后教师可以让学生拿着玩偶描述其脸上的部位。可以根据学生实际适当拓展描述用语。T: (point to different parts of a puppet girl) Face, face, this is her (round) face. Eye,eye, this is her (big) eye. Ear, ear, this is her ear. Nose, nose, this is her nose. Mouth, mouth, this is her mouth. Hair, hair, this is her (long) hair. S1:3教师出示一面镜子,边照镜子边自编儿歌操 练有关五官的词汇。然后让学生也照着镜子模仿操练。T. (hold the mirror) Look in the mirror. What can I see? Two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a face. I can see me. Now take out your mirrors. Look in the mirror. Whatcan you see? S1: (hold the mirror) Two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, a fa


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