已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




评分标准n 满分为15分。n 阅卷标准共分五档:2分,5分,8分,11分,14分,(9分为及格分)。n 阅卷人根据阅卷标准,对照样卷平分,与某一分数相似(如8分),即定为该分数(8);若好于该分数则加一分(9);若稍差些则减一分(7)。没有0.5分。评分标准n 字数不足应酌情扣分110119:1 100109:29099:3 8089:47079:5 6069:65059:7 49:9评分标准n 如题目中给出主题句,起始句和结束句,均不得计入字数。n 凡规定三段的作文,只写一段者:04分;只写两段者:09分评分标准n 2分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误n 5分 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。n 8分 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。评分标准n 11分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。n 14分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。n 注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0分。语言问题n 四级作文对句子难易没有明确要求,但是只用简单句的作文不会得高分,甚至无法及格。请大家尽量用一些复杂的句型和正式的词汇。有时作文错误多一些,但是能看出考生词汇量很大,阅卷老师也会酌情给高一点分的。语言问题n 请大家考虑用下列方法改变口语式的表达方式:n 语法上:n 多用长句、复句(主从复合句、分词结构、独立主格、特殊结构如强调句型等),被动语态,名词化结构,复杂的名词性词组(有前置修饰和后置修饰)n 少用缩略形式(Im)语言问题n 宾语从句不省thatn 在句首用分词短语、不定式等代替状语从句往往使句子更正式(语言程度较高的同学可以考虑)n 例如:After the team was badly defeated in the match, they returned in low spiritsn Badly defeated in the match, they returned in low spirits.语言问题n 词汇上:n 可以选用一些比较正式的词汇,例如:commence (begin), deem (think), endeavor (try), profound (deep), fortunate (lucky), eccentric (queer/strange), terminate (end) n 注意:这种词汇要与文章协调,全篇都是简单句突然用上这种词风格就会不统一。语言问题n 单个动词往往比短语动词正式,语言程度较高的同学可以考虑使用:例如,investigate (look into), endure(put up with), produce (turn out)n 不要用缩略词,例如:dorm (dormitory), gym (gymnasium), pop (popular)n 不要用俚语、俗语。语言问题n 不要在句中插入或在句尾使用I think,I mean, shall I say, you see, you know等。n 严禁使用I thinkdo you think so?; Whats your opinion?之类的表达n 严禁在文章结尾或中间使用汉语口号式的表达, 例如:Just do it, you are the best!n 严禁把中文谚语直译成英语,要使用英语自己的谚语。写作步骤n 审题n 看题目和要求(字数等)n 看体裁:议论文,书信,图表n 看给出的各段中心,思考他们如何与题目相联系以及各段之间的联系。 写作步骤n 列提纲n 写出每段的主题句,列出证明主题的材料(一般至少需要两个细节证明)n 考虑每段之间的衔接,过渡通顺n 写作n 注意字数要求,字迹要清楚n 四级作文一般都要写三段,给了两段,也要自己加上总结变成三段主题句写作n 主题句以完整的中文给出:直接翻成恰当的英文n 主题句以短语的形式出现:联系本段自己要写的内容写出完整的主题句n 没有主题句(2011,12):思考题目,确定每段要写哪方面来证明主题,每段只写一个中心,根据这个中心自己拟定主题句主题句写作举例n A lot of people like /prefer to watch the Spring Festival Gala ( on the eve of the Chinese New Year).n A lot of people like/prefer to watch the Spring Festival Gala held annually by CCTV on the eve of the Chinese New Year.n It is an annually great enjoyment for a lot of people to watch the Spring Gala held by CCTV on the eve of the Chinese New Year.主题句写作举例n 如:2006,12 On the Spring Festival Galan 许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会n 但有些人提出取消春节晚会n 我的看法主题句写作举例n However,/But some people suggest cancelling the Gala.n However,/But some people suggest that the Gala should be cancelled.n However, some people hold a negative attitude towards the Gala and even propose cancellation of it.主题句写作举例n In my opinion,/I think/as far as I am concerned,/for my part, it should be kept before we find other forms of entertainment to replace it on this special occasion.主题句举例n 例二:2010,6 Due Attention Should Be Given to Spellingn 1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写n 2. 出现这种现象的原因是n 3. 为改变这种状况,我认为主题句举例n Nowadays, a great number of students dont pay attention to/neglect spelling in English learning.n Nowadays, a great number of students fail to attach as much importance as they should to spelling in the learning of English.主题句举例n The reason for this phenomenon is that *we (they) dont think spelling is important.n Several reasons may contribute to this phenomenon. First they dont consider spelling important.n What leads to this phenomenon may be boiled down to three points. One of them is these students dont consider spelling important. 主题句举例n To change this situation, I think both students and teachers should make efforts. (王长喜)四级作文常见模式n 对比观点:1,2段提出两种不同观点,3段我的看法n 2006,12, On the Spring Festival Gala四级作文常见模式n 现象-原因、因素:1段讲现象,2段要求分析原因、因素,3段要求各异 n 2006,6,1: 大学允许选任课教师 2:学生选择时考虑的因素 3:益处和问题n 2007,12, 1:大学开设选修课2:学生选课原因 3:以自己为例 n 2010,6, 1: 不重视拼写 2:原因 3:改变方法四级作文常见模式n 现象-利弊:1段提出现象 2段要求分析利/弊3段多数为自己的看法或建议2007,6, 1: 社团活动主要内容 2:参加的好处 3:如何加入社团2008,6, 1: 娱乐活动多种多样2:使人们受益,也有危害性3:作为大学生我的看法2008,12,1:一次性塑料带广泛使用2:带来的问题 3:限制使用的意义四级作文常见模式2009,6, 1:博物馆免费开放,目的是什么 (现象加自己的分析)2:也会带来一些问题 3:你的看法2011,6: 1:网上购物已成时尚 2:网上购物的好处和问题 3:我的建议四级作文常见模式n 其他作文n 2009,12, 1: 建设绿色校园十分重要 (意义) 2: 绿色校园不仅指绿色环境 3:为建设绿色校园我们因该(提建议)n 2010,12, 1: 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 (现象)2:为了让孩子独立,父母应该(提建议)(无第三段,考生应该自己补充加上总阶段,如:独立的好处)n 2011,12,开放性的写作建议n 每段文章以主题句开头,1段举两个例子进行扩展 2段举2-3个例子 3段两个例子n 举例时用一些显示上下文关系的词或词组,如:firstly, secondly, also, on the one handon the other handn 背一些常用的表达现象、原因、利弊等的句型(模板)(每种背1-3句就可以)n 多读、背一些范文,按照自己背的模板多写注:阅卷教师关注的部分:文章是否有要求的3段内容;各部分主题句;举例是否证明主题;例子和主题、例子和例子的衔接;看这些部分的同时会注意你的语言(语法错误多少),判断你的语言水平。常用句型现象:n With the dramatic development of society, more and more have come into being(产生).n Withthedramaticdevelopmentofsocietyand the improvement of peopleslivingstandard ,more and morerecreationalactivitieshave comeintobeing.(08,6,1:娱乐活动多种多样)常用句型n Recently,it has become a popular trend for (sb.) to n i.e. Nowadays it has become a popular trend for people to buy things online. (11,6 1:现在网上购物已成为一种时尚)n Nowadays, more and more/ an increasing number of people are doing sth.n i.e. Many/more and more universities are offering a great variety of elective courses for students to choose from. (07,12,1:各大学开设了各种各样的选修课)常用句型原因/因素:n There are several (three) reasons leading to n i.e. There are three reasons leading to the students neglect of spelling. (10,6,2:出现这种现象的原因是)n Generally speaking, several (three) factors/reasons may contribute to n They do sth. for two /three reasons.常用句型n They usually take factors into consideration when doing sth.n i.e. Students usually take three factors into consideration when choosing teachers. (06,6.2: 学生选择教师时考虑的主要因素)常用句型利/弊:n is beneficial/advantageous to (sb./sth)n Recreational activities are beneficial to people, and at the same time they can also be dangerous/harmful. (08,6, 2:娱乐活动可以使人们受益,也可能有危害性。)n has both advantages and disadvantages. It is good /harmful forto do sth.n There is no doubt that has advantages as well as drawbacks.常用句型对比观点:n Some people argue/hold thatwhile others believe /maintain thatn 1段: Some people argue/hold/insist that2段:However/On the contrary, other people may believe /maintain thatn It is a common belief that n Peoples views on/attitudes towards vary from person to person. Some hold that . However, others believe that. 常用句型自己的看法n In my opinion, it is more advisable to do than to do. n As far as Im concerned, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. n Personally I am in favor of the former point of view.n From my point of view, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks 常用句型建议:n There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to this problem.n It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). n It must be realized that n No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that n I would like to suggest that (should) do常用句型n 总结n Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that n I hope you will find these suggestions/ proposals/ helpful/ useful.(书信)n In conclusion, .n All in all, 过渡词(transitional words)n 主题句和扩展句、扩展句和扩展句之间用一些过渡词可以保证文章通顺流畅,增强条理性。n 连贯性是一个评分标准,条理通顺的文章容易给阅卷教师留下好印象而提高分数。过渡词(transitional words)表示增加、渐进关系n Moreover,also, one another,besides ,in addition,furthermore表示时间先后顺序n at first, then, the former, the later, soon, afterward, before, after, at length, finally, immediately, meanwhile过渡词(transitional words)表示对比n instead, on the one hand one the other hand,in contrast,on the contrary,whereas, whilen 表示举例n for example,for instance,to name a few, a case in point, takeas an example过渡词(transitional words)表示结论或总结n in summary,consequently,in conclusion,in other words,to conclude,thus,therefore, as a resultn 表示转折n However, but, nonetheless,although, though, in fact写作练习写出主题句:2011,12 题及09,6月题书信体作文格式书信体作文格式常见结束语n Yours, n Sincerely yours, (Yours sincerely)n Sincerely, n Yours truly, (Truly yours)n Yours faithfully, (Faithfully yours)作业n Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write an application letter for the position of a software programmer. The following points should be included. n 1. 你在晚报上看到了一家公司招聘电脑软件设计师.n 2. 介绍自己的背景材料(如学历、专业、 特长、爱好、等等)。n 3. 说明你十分渴望获得这个工作。图表作文简介n 图表作文的种类很多,有统计图表,曲线坐标图,结构图等等。通常用一组或几组数字反映一件事物的不同方面。图表上的文字可以为我们提供许多关键词,这些信息是我们写作的重要素材。写作这类作文往往要对所给的数据进行比较,从中找出某种规律,然后得出一个结论。图表作文写作步骤n 审题看清每段要求写的内容及每段之间的联系。n 解读图表注意各种数据及其发展变化趋势图表往往分类列出两组或多组数据,我们要对这些数据进行对比,归纳出结论。不用描述每一细微变化,只说明趋势即可n 利用图表中的文字或说明,把握好关键词语 常用表达数据分析n Its obvious in the chart/table that thehas undergone dramatic changes. n As is shown in the table/chart thehas dropped/fell/increased/gone up from(in 2000)to(in 2010).n According to the figures given in the table/chart, has greatly increased/declined in the past decades.常用表达数据分析n increased slowly (dramatically) during 2000 and 2005 but fell sharply duringand.n We can see (There is )a sharp increase/decline induringandn doubled/trippled/be on the risen compared with n is three/two times the number of常用表达数据分析n Increase/go up/rise /decline/drop/fall/to (2 hours per day)(增加或较少到)n Increase/go up/rise /decline/drop/fall/by (40% )(增加或较少的幅度)n Be twice (three times) as( large ) asn 变化程度:gradual(ly), slow(ly), sharp(ly), dramatical(ly), slight(ly)常用表达原因分析n Whats the reason for this change? There are mainly three reasons. First, n There are many reasons accounting for the significant change. The most important reason is . In addition, n The dramatic change mentioned above is caused by several factors.常用表达建议总结n Considering /Taking these reasons into consideration, we should take necessary measures to n From the analysis, we can see its quite likely that the trend discussed above will continue into the future. A samplen Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Healthier Life Style. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:n 1)根据下表描述人们生活方式的变化。n 2)分析导


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