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关 键 词:
气动 机械 设计

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摘  要


   This article briefly introduces the concept of industrial robots, telling the story of the classification of the mechanical arm and the historical and current development status at home and abroad, robot arm of hardware and software.The robot arm design and check the overall dimensions of the parts, the characteristics and advantages of pneumatic technology, PLC control, the characteristics of the working principle of PLC control system of pneumatic manipulator. In this article, the robot arm for the overall scheme design.
   Determining the coordinates of the mechanical arm forms,degrees of freedom, and  the technical parameters of manipulator.
   Designing the manipulator arm structure, calculating the rotary cylinder size and the size of the lift cylinder, and the selection and checking of the telescopic cylinder and the arm .
   Designing holding type hand structure of mechanical arm and the robot arm's wrist structure.Calculating the driving moment of the wrist when needed and driving moment of the rotary cylinder.
   Designing the pneumatic system of mechanical arm and the map of mechanical arm pressure system working principle.
   Because the mechanical arm is designed for general mechanical arm, analysis of the programmable logic controller is how to control the pneumatic motor and mechanical arm.We can make use of the programmable controller according to the need to write a different program to control the manipulator, finally making the mechanical arm movement flow chart.

Key words: Air pressure drive; Industrial robot; Robot arm; Programmable Logic Controller.


目  录
摘  要 III
Abstract IV
目  录 V
1 绪  论 1
1 .1 机械臂概论 1
1.1.1 机械臂历史与发展 1
1.1.2 机械臂的历史 2
1.1.4 机械臂的组成 2
1.1.4 机械臂的分类 3
1.2 气动技术概述 3
1.3 气动机械臂的设计要求 4
2 机械臂整体设计方案 5
2.1 机械臂的座标型式与自由度 5
2.2 机械臂的手腕结构方案设计 5
2.3 机械臂的手臂结构方案设计 6
2.4 机械臂的手部结构方案设计 6
2.5 机械臂的驱动方案设计 6
2.6 机械臂的控制方案设计 6
2.7 机械臂的主要技术参数 6
3 手腕结构设计 9
3.1 手腕的自由度 9
3.2 手腕的驱动力矩的计算 9
3.2.1 手腕转动时所需的驱动力矩 9
3.2.2 回转气缸的驱动力矩计算 11
3.2.3 手腕回转缸的尺寸及其校核 12
4 手臂伸缩,升降,回转气缸的尺寸设计与校核 15
4.1 手臂回转气缸的尺寸设计与校核 15
4.1.1 尺寸设计 15
4.1.2 尺寸校核 15
4.2 手臂伸缩气缸的尺寸设计与校核 16
4.2.1 手臂伸缩气缸的尺寸设计 16
4.2.2 尺寸校核 16
4.2.3 平衡装置 16
4.2.4 导向装置 16
4.3 手臂升降气缸的尺寸设计与校核 17
4.3.1 尺寸设计 17
4.3.2 尺寸校核 17
5 手部结构设计 18
5.1 夹持式手部结构 18
5.1.1 手指的形状和分类 18
5.1.2 设计时考虑的几个问题 18
5.1.3 手部夹紧气缸的设计 18
6 气动系统设计 22
6.1 气动系统设计的主要内容及设计程序 22
6.2 气压传动系统原理图 22
7 机械臂的控制方式 25
7.1 可编程序控制器的选择及工作过程 25
7.1.1 可编程序控制器的选择 25
7.1.2 可编程序控制器的工作过程 25
7.2 可编程序控制器的使用步骤 25
7.3 控制系统的工作原理 26
7.4 控制要求 26
7.4.1 手动工作方式 26
7.4.2 单动工作方式 26
7.4.3 自动工作方式 27
7.5 气动机械手的工作流程 27
8 结 论 29
8.1 结论 29
8.2 不足之处及展望 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31

1 绪  论
1 .1 机械臂概论
 1.1.1 机械臂历史与发展
   机械臂首先是从美国开始研制的。1958年美国联合控制公司研制出第一台机械臂。它的结构是:机体上安装一个回转长臂,顶部装有电磁块的工件抓放机构,控制系统是示教形的。1962年,美国联合控制公司在上述方案的基础上又试制成一台数控示教再现型机械臂。商名为Unimate(即万能自动)。运动系统仿照坦克炮塔,臂可以回转、俯仰、伸缩、用液压驱动;控制系统用磁鼓作为存储装置。不少球坐标通用机械臂就是在这个基础上发展起来。同年,美国机械制造公司也成功实验一种叫Vewrsatran机械臂。该机械臂的中央立柱可以回转、升降采用液压驱动控制系统也是示教再现型。这两种出现在六十年代初的机械臂,是后来国外工业机械臂发展的基础。1978年美国Unimate公司和斯坦福大学,麻省理工学院联合研制一种Unimate-Vicarm型工业机械臂,装有小型电子计算机来进行控制,用于装配作业,定位误差小于±1毫米。联邦德国KnKa公司还生产一种点焊机械臂,采用关节式结构和程序控制。目前,机械臂大部分还属于第一代,主要依靠人工进行控制;改进的方向主要是提高精度和降低成本。第二代机械臂正在加紧研制。它设有微型电子计算控制系统,具有视觉、触觉能力,甚至想和听的能力。研究安装各种传感器,把感觉到的信息反馈,使机械臂具有感觉功能。第三代机械臂则能独立完成工作过程中的任务。它与电子计算机和电视设备保持联系,并逐步发展成为柔性制造系统FMS和柔性制造单元FMC  中的重要一环节。
 1.1.2 机械臂的历史
   (1) 可以提高生产过程的自动化程度
   (2) 可以改善劳动条件、避免人身事故
   (3) 可以减少人力,便于有节奏的生产
 1.1.4 机械臂的组成
   (1) 手部        包括手指、传力机构等,主要起放置与抓取物件的作用。
   (2) 传送机构    包括手腕、手臂等,主要起改变物件方向与位置的作用。
   (3) 控制部分     它是机械臂动作的指挥系统,由它来控制动作的顺序与位置等
   (4) 驱动部分     它是手部与传送机构的动力,因此也称动力源,常用的有液压、气压、 电力和机械四种驱动形式。
   (5) 其它部分    如机体、行走机构、行程检测装置和传感装置等。
 1.1.4 机械臂的分类 按使用范围分类
   (1) 专用机械臂   一般只有固定的程序,而无单独的控制系统。它从属于某种机器或生产线用以自动传送物件或操作某一工具,例如“毛坯上下料机械臂”、“曲拐自动车床机械臂”、“油泵凸轮轴自动线机械臂”等等。这种机械手结构较简单,成本较低,适用于动作比较简单的大批量生产的场合。  
   (2) 通用机械臂   指具有可变程序与单独驱动的控制系统,不从属于某种机器,而且能自动完成传送物件或操作某些工其的机械装置。通用机械手按其定位与控制方式的不同,可分为简易型与伺服型两种。简易型只是点位控制,故属于程序控制类型,伺服型可以是点位控制,也可以是连续轨迹控制,一般属于数字控制类型。

编号无锡太湖学院毕业设计(论文)相关资料题目: 气动机械臂设计 信机 系 机械工程及自动化专业学 号: 0923121学生姓名: 袁 博 指导教师:宋广雷(职称:副教授) 2013年5月25日目 录一、毕业设计(论文)开题报告二、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译及原文三、学生“毕业论文(论文)计划、进度、检查及落实表”四、实习鉴定表无锡太湖学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 气动机械臂设计 信机 系 机械工程及自动化 专业学 号: 0923121 学生姓名: 袁 博 指导教师:宋广雷(职称:副教授) 2012年11月14日 课题来源在现代工业的大规模生产中,人力已经不能完全满足生产的需要了,为了适应大规模的生产方式,必须出现能够反复劳作不知疲倦的机器代替人力,我所做的课题是气动机械臂,可以上下料的通用气动机械臂。科学依据 (1)课题科学意义机械臂是近几十年发展起来的一种高科技自动化生产设备,它对稳定并且提高产品质量,提高生产效率,改善劳动条件与产品的快速更新换代起着十分重要的作用。机械臂是在机械化,自动化生产过程中发展起来的一种新型装置。它是机器人的一个特别重要分支。机械臂的特点是可通过编程来完成各种预期的作业任务,在性能与构造上兼有人和机器各自的优点,尤其体现了人的适应性和智能。在现代生产过程中,机械臂被广泛的运用于自动生产线中,机械臂虽然目前还不如人的手那样灵活,但它具有能不断重复工作和劳动,不知疲劳,抓举重物的力量比人臂力大的特点,因此,机械臂已受到许多部门的重视,并得到了越来越广泛地应用。 (2)气动机械臂的研究状况及其发展前景目前国内机械于主要用于机床加工、铸锻、热处理等方面,数量、性能、品种方面都不能满足工业生产发展的需要。所以,在国内主要是逐步扩大应用范围,重点发展铸造、热处理方面的机械臂,改善作业条件,以减轻劳动强度,在应用专用机械臂的同时,相应的发展通用机械臂,有条件的还要研制示教式机械臂、计算机控制机械臂和组合机械臂等。同时要提高速度,减少冲击,正确定位,以便更好的发挥机械臂的作用。此外还应大力研究伺服型、记忆再现型,以及具有触觉、视觉等性能的机械臂,并考虑与计算机连用,逐步成为整个机械制造系统中的一个基本单元。 国外机械臂在机械制造行业中应用较多,发展也很快。目前主要用于机床、横锻压力机的上下料,以及点焊、喷漆等作业,它可按照事先指定的作业程序来完成规定的操作。国外机械臂的发展趋势是大力研制具有某种智能的机械臂。使它具有一定的传感能力,能反馈外界条件的变化,作相应的变更。如位置发生稍许偏差时,即能更正并自行检测,重点是研究触觉功能和视觉功能。目前已经取得一定成绩。 研究内容 (1) 机械臂为通用机械臂,因此相对于专用机械臂来说,它的适用面相对较广。 (2) 选取机械臂的座标型式和自由度。 (3) 设计出机械臂的各执行机构,包括:手部、手腕、手臂等部件的设计。为了使通用性更强,手部设计成可更换结构,不仅可以应用于夹持式手指来抓取棒料工件,在工业需要的时候还可以用气流负压式吸盘来吸取板料工件。 (4) 气压传动系统的设计本课题将设计出机械手的气压传动系统,包括气动元器件的选取,气动回路的设计,并绘出气动原理图。 (5) 了解气动机械臂的工作控制原理拟采取的研究方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析 (1)收集相关资料,并对现有的资料进行研究分析,进而分析自己完成本课题还存在哪些方面的困难,除了现有的知识外还应该具备哪些新知识。选定自己合适和熟悉的制图软件,对选定的工具进行深入的学习及具体实践。对气动回路进行仔细研究,了解气动驱动原理,绘制油路图。机械结构分析,根据要求设计出合理轻便的机械臂。研究计划及预期成果研究计划:2012年10月12日-2012年12月25日:按照任务书要求查阅论文相关参考资料,填写毕业设计开题报告书。2013年1月11日-2013年3月5日:填写毕业实习报告。2013年3月8日-2013年3月14日:按照要求修改毕业设计开题报告。2013年3月15日-2013年3月21日:学习并翻译一篇与毕业设计相关的英文材料。2013年3月22日-2013年4月11日:气动机械臂结构设计。2013年4月12日-2013年4月25日:结构校核。2013年4月26日-2013年5月21日:毕业论文撰写和修改工作。预期成果:特色或创新之处 结构简单,制造方便,成本低廉,而且是通用型的气动机械臂,大大缩小了企业的生产成本。已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题(1) 对制图工具已经相当熟悉,机械制图,设计校核方面都比较娴熟。(2)气动原理方面还得自我加强。指导教师意见 指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室(学科组、研究所)意见 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日系意见 主管领导签名: 年 月 日英文原文The vertical Boom-type Roadheader design1 IntroductionMechanical design is in the process of product design and an important part of the main links, it is followed in programme design after the design work. The vertical Boom-type roadheader (the roadheader) to the overall design of the merits of complete machine play a decisive role, and the decision of the assembly, the system, coordination between the various components of the unity and match, to obtain the high-end performance and overall better economic efficiency technology.Roadheader design, including the following:1)According to design project description choice type and various cellular construction pattern2) Decides the complete machine the main technical performance parameter, Including size parameter, heavy parameter, the parameter of movement and the technical economy refer parameter,3) According to system design performance requirement, definite complete machine system composition and between them match as well as each part main technical senate parameter,4) The necessary whole, and the mapping of transmission, hydraulic, electronic control systems, and other plans.2 the selected models and various components and structural type, drive, and the overall layout of the reasonableIn determining the content, first task should be designed to meet the contents, especially the users of the main demands of the investigation, the two sides exchanged views repeatedly, to satisfy both users (or superior) conditions, can better meet the product development of the overall plan.2.1 the selected modelsAccording to roadheader use, for the coal mine tunnel boring or used for other sectors of the works, roadheader working conditions for cutting coal roadway or semi-Coal Lane, the compressive strength of coal and rock one-way (or the value of platts coefficient f) and the rock abrasion factor. At the same time the control line should be superscript MT138 1995 cantilevered Roadheader types and parameters, according to cutting coal and rock the biggest one-way compressive strength, the type of selected models.2.2 the structure of the various components, the way the driver identifiedRoadheader by cutting general agencies, shipping agencies, walking, hydraulic system, electronic control systems and auxiliary devices (such as dust removal devices, security devices, remote monitoring devices) and other components.1) Cutting agencies. Cutting the drive from AC motor-driven, in the transmission system located in the general profile coupling with no mechanical overload protection device, the two planets reducer driven spindle front of the cutting head.Some sections of the working bodies boring machine has cut chain, disc-milling and cutting-such as cantilever. Cantilever due to the cutting-boring machine body flexible, relatively small, can cut a variety of shapes and sections of the roadway, and to achieve selective cutting, but cutting good effect, a higher rate of boring, so now used mainly cantilever Cutting-and has become boring machine working body of a basic pattern.By cutting head of the layout, is divided into horizontal and vertical axis of the two. The line-cutting head of the advantages are: Transmission convenient, compact and can be cut to any shape of the profile, easy access to the formation of a cross-section and is conducive to expansion in the use of cantilever, or ditch digging, in Waterloo. Cutting head the shape of a cylindrical, cone and the cone and cylindrical, as the latter two cutting head to drilling, and the cutting surface than the formation, use it more. This is the work of the shortcomings: As the longitudinal axis of cutting head in the horizontal swing at the cutting reaction force is not passed machine centres, with cantilevered form of torque to boring machine have a greater vibration, stability is poor. Therefore, the coal roadway excavation, the need to increase the body weight or support the installation of auxiliary equipment. At present, such a boring machine in some sections of the use of more boring machine.2) Shipment of bodies. It generally from the middle loading and conveyor components. They were driven or focus may be linked, either by AC motor drive, can also be used hydraulic motor drive.Trailing claw-is to use a turn moves the rake claws to continue to rake materials and in a reprint from transport operators. This structure is simple, reliable, small form factor, loading good effect, the application is widespread. However, such institutions loading width restricted (because boring machine running track when agencies generally do not arouse). To expand the loading width, will shovel the entire harrow board, together with the claw agencies in the level of swing, or design dual rake claws, to expand the scope of loading. Institutions than the rake-wheel-claw simple, high intensity, reliable, but with less bulk materials.Loading agency programme is not only the installation of the claw-rake-wheel can also be installed, the two can be used interchangeably. Usually, the choice rake claw-loaded, but considering loading width of the problem, may choose to double rake claws, can also be designed to rake claw-round interchangeable with the loading mechanism. Some sections boring machine use of scraper chain conveyor agencies. Transportation agencies are generally undertaken by the tail to the nose tilted upward direction of the layout. Transportation agencies can be the driver, is about to motor or hydraulic motor and reducer layout in the scraper conveyor and around the side of the fuselage, the body in the driver loading at the same time, indirectly, to transport bodies to take the initiative to the tail shaft driven scraper Transportation agencies. This drive system components in small, relatively simple bodies, but loading and transportation agencies involved in the two campaigns, mutual influence. As the location less space layout more difficult. Transmission organizations to adopt an independent driver, is about to motor or hydraulic motor layout away from the machine side, driven by slow delivery agencies. This mode of transmission drive layout simple, and filling the campaign Hubuyingxiang. However, due to transmission and more dynamic components, the point of failure has increased. At present, the two transportation agencies are used, as appropriate, the design should be identified. General loading and institutions often use the same drive.Loading agencies can use motor-driven, can also be used hydraulic motor drive. However, in consideration of the working environment and wet with mud, optional hydraulic motor drive for good.3) Run institutions. Walking agencies tracked the general pattern, crawler-run institutions apply to the floor is uneven or soft conditions, no road track laying. Traction with large capacity, good mobility, reliability, flexibility and mobility on the floor adaptability of the advantages of good. But its complex structure, components and wear more serious. At present cross-section of the boring machine is usually used crawler-run institutions.Walking agencies tracked the general pattern, the two tracked separately by the respective power to drive, to achieve in situ. Caterpillar is the driving force of two motors and hydraulic motors, motor driver is generally set up a walking speed, hydraulic motor-driven large low-speed torque motor can be driven directly tracked sprocket, or used in the hydraulic motor speed Reducer led the drive sprocket track, it can achieve Promise governor.Tracked structure of a sliding and rolling two, when the speed machine to mobilize 10 m / min in the light Roadheader, should adopt the structure of sliding when the mobilization of speed machines 10 m / min of heavy, severe Roadheader should be used Rolling structural type.4) The hydraulic system. Hydraulic systems use of open-way valve system more centralized control (direct or remote control manipulation) way. Domestic and foreign use of the past, gear pumps, hydraulic system in recent years Roadheader used piston pump have increased the trend.5) Electronic control system. Electronic control systems, including some power, control and inspection of the part. Electronic control system must be in accordance with the requirements of coal mine explosion-proof design, manufacture, testing, GB3836-2000 must meet the standards of the relevant provisions and requirements. In order to improve operations at the Roadheader in the security, operational flexibility and mechanical transmission part of the fault diagnosis and monitoring functions, from the practical point of view, the installation of the necessary machines from a remote control device, monitoring pressure, temperature, level and key parts the fault diagnosis device.2.3 LayoutGeneral layout of the contents include the following: 1) Identify the components in complete machine said the location, shape and size of the request; 2) To identify the parts, components and the connections between complete machine; 3) estimates complete machine weight and the weight of all components requested; 4) layout of the manipulation of institutions, the drivers seat; 5) examination of moving parts of the movement space, rule out the possibility of interference in the campaign. 2.4 specific requirements Boring machine in the general layout, the need to pay attention to the following questions: 1) institutions into the reducer reducer, as far as possible to coax axis; 2) cantilever and spade-suited to the size of relations, not only conducive to loading, to avoid cutting the first shovel cutting board; 3) the level of cantilever and vertical position can swing the center coincidence, can not overlap. From the increased stability of the machine, these are highly swing should be reduced. In the cantilever is not guaranteed to interfere with other agencies under the conditions of swing centres are located should try to rely on, but must ensure that the machines in the centre plane of vertical symmetry; 4) When all the major components designed after. Checking should be carried out, does not meet requirements to be adjusted just so that the focus in track and less than the former center Shaopian L / 6 (L grounding for the track length). In addition, the center of gravity position in the demand for cutting bodies turret after the centerline, and Yuediyuehao high center of gravity to enhance stability when operating machinery. 5) the overall layout should consider the weight of symmetrical left and right and take care of work habits and to facilitate the operation. General driver in the left side of the fuselage and the fuselage in the rear, driver seat height should ensure that the peoples attention, what good control of their machines, cutting out the rules of the roadway; 6) Caozong Tai position should be appropriate, should ensure that drivers easy manipulation, and effort. Instruments showed that the location devices for drivers to observe, not scattered normal operation of the drivers attention. 2.5 types and power transmission components choice transmission patterns and components should follow the principle of choice 1) the advanced nature of technology: machines to improve performance, increase productivity; 2) economic rationality: drive system as simple as possible, fewer components and easy processing, low price, easy maintenance, long life; 3) reliability of the work: the transmission system reliability performance for the life of components, as well as component quality requirements; 4) adaptation: the drive system components should be adapted to load, working conditions and environmental conditions of the request. Agencies to the transmission system requirements and the choice of transmission patterns .Boring machine cutting, loading, transport, walking and other institutions generally are respectively transmission, all parts of the state and subject to different working conditions, thus driving patterns have different requirements. 1) institutions require a greater short-term Guozainengli, motor oil is very sensitive to the impact load, the loading capacity of low-impact cutting head for normal functioning. Therefore, the boring machine working body should adopt the motor-driven mechanical transmission type. Should make use of small size, power, a strong capacity for electric motors, and equipped with reliable electrical protection device. According to the compact body of work features, usually work in the reducer cantilever, an integral part of a cantilever. Cutting the first governor general way with a round peg for the method of transmission organizations to simple. 2) rake with institutions transmission device is characterized by: reducer be installed in the limited size of the lower part of the shovel plate, thus design a smaller space, poor working conditions. Reducer often soaked in muddy coal and rock in the cards when the material easy to overload. Trailing equipment, transportation agencies the use of mechanical transmission, for the larger motor, not the end of the conveyor installation, the shovel is generally installed on both sides of the board two motor, with a rake, a common power transmission organizations, such bound to make the Slowdown me the size of the increase in the spade under the board layout more tense. In addition, consider the claw and rake boards linked linked overload situation, to protect the motor did not burn, the general needs of internal security in reducer friction-clutch. Trailing equipment, transportation agencies the use of motor oil transmission gear, as small size, light weight, will enable the two separate drive, thus simplifying transmission device, for the spade under the board layout, designed for good results sealed mechanical seal or reducer And shovel plate separation, while achieving automatic overload protection. 3) walk the track-driven approach and a motor-driven motor oil in two ways. Respectively, through mechanical devices or directly from the slowdown in motor oil led the initiative sprocket running track. Mechanical transmission of the walking track, with General Motors will be tracked in two reducer rear, the brake hydraulic braking by mechanical means way. This transmission mode drive high reliability and low prices of motor, easy maintenance, but not speed, slow me larger, Lin Shui major roadway, the motor easily exposed to moisture and burned. Tracked walk to adopt hydraulic transmission patterns, simple system, better performance and advanced technology. Hydraulic transmission of the walking mechanism, in the form choice and hydraulic motor speed control mode design, there are different options. The use of low-speed torque motor-driven, characterized by the system simple, small size, light weight, to achieve stepless speed regulation and automatic overload protection. However, hydraulic motor drive complex, the high cost of manufacturing, maintenance more difficult. Gear used motor oil, the volume of high efficiency, performance and impact-resistant, easy maintenance, low cost, a 10 KW around the motor gear oil prices only with the power of the radial-Sema Da 1 / 10; small size, light weight. A 10 KW gear around the weight of motor oil, with the only major power low-speed torque motor of 1 / 18, the weight of the motor 1 / 13. Gear used motor oil, although lower-speed reducer size large torque motor, but a small electric (MRH-S50-13-type plane reducer transmission ratio i = 328). So can easily be motors, reducers, hydraulic Zhidong Fa, tight chain devices installed in the middle-tracked. In this way than on the technical performance of mechanical transmission, the economic indicators better than the low-speed torque motor drive. So has a unique advantage. The walking speed in two ways: one is a variable pump. The other is the use or diversion of the flow and speed control programmes, such as the MRH-S50-13 type aircraft, that is, in the rapid mobilization of machinery, to stop carrying motor oil, only to run motor oil so that the boring machine has two Walking speed.3 determination complete machine main technology senate parameter Mechanical Roadheader complete machine main technical parameter including size senate parameter (length width highly); weight parameter, parameter of movement and dynamic parameter.3.1 size parametersComplete machine length, width of the size directly related to its turning radius, Recommended light-length 7.5 m, medium-length 8.5 m, heavy machine l0m, the corresponding width were 1.6 m, 2.5 m, 3 m. The complete machine relates its tendency, the static stability highly directly, the adaptation scope and passes quality, therefore lower better. The current development trend of Chinese and foreign models is the dwarf models, medium and heavy-high 1.6 2 m, special light, light machine the height of 1.4 1.6 m. Roadheader to dig the biggest section of roadway, the minimum height and width should be designed to meet the requirements of the mission. Undercover depth of 250 400 mm, ground clearance C = B/13 +84 (mm), B for the two track distance). Middle-long conveyor entrance to the expected high degree of the best 400 mm, length of track ground with the center distance L B ratio for L / B weight parametersThe complete machine dead weight is the mechanical roadheader - an important parameter, the engine weight too is light, the work stability drops, when swinging cutting can occur fishtails the phenomenon, the cutting efficiency drops, truncation tooth rate of wear increase; Heavy-weight, poor mobility, flexibility to decline. The self-respect as it may be w = (t) estimates, in the N-type body for cutting power, kW; V for the cutting head on average cutting speed, m / s; can also be Roadheader with reference to the existing analog method to determine , machine-(t) and cutting power (kW) ratio of 0.25 to 0.4. For general coal, rock bottom, the allowable value 0.14 MPa; muddy for the water to soften the shale bottom, 0.05 MPa.3.3 movement parametersCutting the movement parameters: cutting head of the average cutting speed V: on the one-way coal and rock compressive strength of 40 MPa, V = 3 3.5m / s; 60MPa, V = 2 2.5m / s, 60MPa. V = l 2m / s. But eventually cutting speed by cutting technology to determine.3.4 dynamic parametersRoadheader-driven power sources are used Motors. Cutting power body size. In fact the general use of analogy, combined with roadheader some personality and experience factors to determine.Roadheader in the operating process, the vertical axis and the horizontal axis-of the need for adequate cutting edge and push forward swing (horizontal and vertical) force. According to Russia (the former Soviet Union) in the laboratory test results that the cutting of coal and rock platts hardness f = 4 6 (equivalent to 0 C = 40 60MPa), grinding coefficient F = 5 7mg/mm2. Cutting the shaking force (traction) Pv = (1 1.34) P, P = M / Rcp, in the P-cutting head for the average cutting edge; Rcp cutting head for the average radius; M for cutting the head of the rated torque. Cut the feeding of (axial thrust) R; (1.8 2.5) Pv, this force should be no larger than the floor slippery track at the limits of traction.3.5 technical and economic indicatorsQ = (m3/min), in the sx-cutting head for the vertical cross sectional area, m2: Vn for the cutting head of cutting swing speed, m / min.Roadheader designed life, in the international advanced products up to 3 to 5 years, during which the need of major repair or wells, the general domestic product for 1 to 2 years.4 in accordance with design requirements. Determine the parameters of the main components and their relationship between the connector4.1 cutting agencies and technical parameters of the established link between1) Cutting-agency technical parameters of cutting the head with the general pick for the double-headed or three spiral layout. Cutting head speed n = 20 65r/min, a sharp pick cutting the average speed V = 1.5 2.5m / s, cutting swing speed Vn = 0.8 l0m / s. Cut-off line from t = 20 50mm, (when cutting coal from the value of all-time for small value). Average single-pole/double-throw force should reach: f4 grade coal and rock F 2500 N, f6 grade coal and rock F 5000 N, f8 grade coal and rock F 12000 N, pick the best angle for the installation of 45 48 .2) Cutting the link .Cutting agencies cantilever Chaxing-installed in front of the fixed-Chaxing rotary table, the turret to the rack. According to cutting agencies in the course of operating the force and torque, the application of MT475-1996 cantilevered Roadheader rotary bearing type, the basic parameters and technical requirements selected rotary bearing the structural type, determined by calculating slewing ring size specifications. If the user does not require a cantilever stretching structure, is generally not recommended.4.2 shipping agencies determine the parameters 1) Loading mechanism Loading bodies and Middle conveyor used linkage or single-action mode, loading the bodies rake claws speed is generally 25 48 r / min. Star Ferrys speed can be slightly higher than some. Using direct-drive hydraulic motors, the maximum output torque rated torque for calculating the value of 1.5 times. Shovel coal-general of the tilt angle to 21 25 , it should be the width of track, spacious than the 0.6 1.2 m, declining position should not be less than the minimum depth of undercover maximum height should be increased to 350 400 mm. 2) Intermediate conveyor Middle conveyor chain may be single or double-stranded chain structure of the ring chain, chain-speed should not exceed 0.92 m / s, using the U.S. chain of universal sleeve roller chain single chain, the chain speed should not exceed 2.5 m / s, generally from 1.6 2 m in order to meet the changing demands a high degree of unloading, the tail should be set up multi-stage hydraulic cylinders to achieve take-off and landing movements, raising the minimum height for the hopper and a high degree of around 300 mm. If the tail need to swing around, the United States must adopt a universal sleeve roller chain, to set the location of the side-effect hydraulic cylinder to achieve the tail swing around 45 , to expand the width of unloading. 4.3 running track and identify the technical parameters of connectivity between a)walking track drivers and transmission patterns have the following two ways, the overall design and layout determined at the time one of them. 1) Drive a motor-driven than reducer (i 250) led initiative sprocket. Can only establish a walking speed of 5 7.5 m / min. 2) The speed of a hydraulic motor torque direct drive or take the initiative sprocket of a slowdown in high-speed motor driven me a sprocket can take the initiative to achieve rapid mobilization and the need to slow operations, walking speed of 0 10 m / min of no - Speed. b) tracked the transmission link between Structure has two sliding and rolling, sliding simple structure, the resistance of larger, the special light, light and medium-sized roadheader recommend sliding structured. Rolling resistance smaller operation, crawler-crawler at the bottom and wear small chain of contacts. Heavy and severe roadheader recommend using this structure type. Track-installed at the bottom of the supporting wheels, each bearing capacity should be not less than 50 percent of weight, distance is generally tracked the plate pitch 1.5 times. 4.4 the hydraulic system of technical parameters establishedHydraulic system of technical parameters should be determined in the hydraulic design calculations. The pressure should not be rated higher than the 20 25 MPa. A hydraulic motor in the system should be set up power transmission cooler, the system in the optional round series at the pump, rated pressure announced that the following 20 MPa. Selection of pumps and motors of the Anyu should be around 1.5. Each loop system in the pressure relief valve is set for the rated pressure of 1.8 to 2.2 times suitable.4.5 electronic control system identified the main technical parametersElectronic control system of power supply voltage should be roadheader models to determine the size of pressure levels, special light, light machine should be elected 660 V, medium and heavy aircraft should be elected 660 V/1140V. Some momentum in the electrical circuit components, the power supply should meet the range of 70% to 115% of the requests. 4.6 other supporting systems 1) Spray system, cutting nozzles installed in the front organizations cantilever pressure for 1.5 MPa. Spray nozzle within the system installed in cutting the first pick in the back seat of the spray system pressure of not less than 4 MPa. Cutting rock on the case should be to increase water pressure and water. 2) Inside and outside the water spray system shall not exceed the actual health roadheader capacity of 6 to 8 percent, or stagnant water in the face of slime. 5 the overall calculation of the necessary plans and systems Such as in roadheader design and overall layout is complete with two of the main components of each system and the main structure, the basic technical parameters have been determined, theComplete machine should carry out the necessary calculations and the overall system, and other plans. 1) Cutting agencies roadheader static and dynamic stability of the calculation. 2) Transmission and hydraulic components of the electronic control system of power calculation. 3) Hydraulic system heat balance calculations. 4) Drawing transmission, hydraulic, electronic control system plans. 5) Drawing cutting sections of roadway. 6 Conclusion Roadheader design is roadheader design projects in the technical design of the components. It is the key to the design of the overall performance parameters of reasonable choices, the assembly of each system and optimize the design standards, in particular, cutting the cutting technology is particularly important. Roadheader described in this paper, the overall design is still based on traditional design, dynamics, kinematics, the calculation of the force should be wider use of modern design methods, such as conceptual design, 3D design kinematics, dynamics simulation technology, limited Yuan design and optimize the design. At the same time, the international community should be extensively studied this aspect of the new design for my use, to enhance our design standards, we have accumulated experience in the design, to produce a safe, reliable, high-performance high-end products.中文译文悬臂纵轴式掘进机的总体设计总体设计是机械产品设计过程中的重要内容和主要环节,它是在方案设计之后紧接着进行的设计工作。悬臂纵轴式掘进机(以下简称掘进机)的总体设计对整机性能的优劣起着决定性的作用,并决定了各总成、系统、各部件之间的协调性,统一性和匹配关系,从而获得总体的高端 性能和较好的技术经济效益。 掘进机的总体设计,主要包括以下内容: 1)据设计任务书选择机型及各部件结构型式 2)定整机的主要技术性能参数,包括尺寸参数、重量参数、运动参数和技术经济指标 3)按照总体设计的性能要求,确定整机系统的组成 及它们之间的匹配性以及各个部件的主要技术参数 4)进行必要的总体计算,并绘制传动、液压、电控系统图等。 1选定该机型和各个部件及其结构型式、驱动方式、并进行总体的合理布置该项内容在确定前,首先应满足设计任务书的内容,特别是用户提出的主要要求经过调研,双方反复交换意见,达到既能满足用户(或上级)条件,又能较好的符合本企业产品发展的总体规划。 1)机型的选定 根据掘进机的用途,是用于煤矿井下巷道的掘进还是用于其他行业的工程作业,掘进机的工作条件是用于截割煤巷还是半煤岩巷,煤岩的单向抗压强度(或普氏系数f值)及岩石的磨蚀系数。同时应对照行标MT1381995悬臂式掘进机的型式与参数,按其截割煤岩的最大单向抗压强度,选定机型的类别。 2)各部件结构型式、驱动方式的确定 掘进机一般由截割机构、装运机构、行走机构、液压系统、电控系统及辅助装置(如除尘装置、安全装置、遥控 监测装置)等组成。 a截割机构。截割机构的驱动方式由交流电动机驱动,在传动系统中一般设齿形联轴节,不设机械式过载保护装置,经两级行星减速器带动主轴前端的截割头。部分断面掘进机的工作机构有截链式、圆盘铣削式和悬臂截割式等。因悬臂截割式掘进机机体灵活、体积较小,可截出各种形状和断面的巷道,并能实现选择性截割,而且截割效果好,掘进速度较高;所以,现在主要采用悬臂截割式,并已成为当前掘进机工作机构的一种基本型式。按截割头的布置方式,分为纵轴和横轴式两种。纵轴式截割头的优点是:传动方便、结构紧凑,能截出任意形状的断面,易于获得较为平整的断面,有利于采用内伸缩悬臂,可挖柱窝或水沟。截割头的形状有圆柱形、圆锥形和圆锥加圆柱形,由于后两种截割头利于钻进,并使截割表面较平整,故使用较多。这种工作机构的缺点是:由于纵轴式截割头在横向摆动截割时的反作用力不通过机器中心,与悬臂形成的力矩使掘进机产生较大的振动,故稳定性较差。因此,在煤巷掘进时,需加大机身重量或装设辅助支撑装置。目前,这种掘进机在部分断面掘进机中使用较多。b装运机构。它一般由装载机构和中间输送机组成。它们可采用分别驱动或集中联动方式,既可用交流电动机驱动,也可用液压马达驱动。 耙爪式是利用一对交替动作的耙爪来不断地耙取物料并装入转载运输机构。这种方式结构简单、工作可靠、外形尺寸小、装载效果好,目前应用很普遍。但这种装载机构宽度受限制(因为掘进机工作时履带行走机构一般不调动)。为扩大装载宽度,可使铲板连同整个耙爪机构一起水平摆动,或设计成双耙爪机构,以扩大装载范围。星轮式机构比耙爪式简单、强度高、工作可靠,但装大块物料的能力较差。装载机构方案是既能装设耙爪式也可装设星轮式,两者可以互换使用。通常,应选择耙爪式装载机构,但考虑装载宽度问题,可选择双耙爪机构,也可设计成耙爪与星轮可互换的装载机构。部分断面掘进机多采用刮板链式输送机构。输送机构一般是由机尾向机头方向倾斜向上布置的。输送机构可采用联合驱动方式,即将电动机或液压马达和减速器布置在刮板输送机靠近机身一侧,在驱动装载机构同时,间接地以输送机构机尾为主动轴带动刮板输送机构工作。这样传动系统中元件少、机构比较简单,但装载与输送机构二者运动相牵连,相互影响大。由于该位置空间较小布置较困难。输送机构采用独立的驱动方式,即将电动机或液压马达布置在远离机器的一端,通过减速装置驱动输送机构。这种驱动方式的传动系统布置简单,和装载机构的运动互不影响。但由于传动装置和动力元件较多,故障点有所增加。目前,这两种输送机构均有采用,设计时应酌情确定。一般常采用与装载机构相同的驱动方式。装载机构可以采用电动机驱动,也可用液压马达驱动。但考虑工作环境潮湿、有泥水,选用液压马达驱动为好。c行走机构。行走机构一般采用履带型式,履带式行走机构适用于底板不平或松软的条件,不需修路铺轨。具有牵引能力大,机动性能好、工作可靠、调动灵活和对底板适应性好等优点。但其结构复杂、零部件磨损较严重。目前部分断面掘进机通常采用履带式行走机构。两条履带分别由各自的动力来驱动,可实现原地转向。履带的驱动动力有电动机和液压马达两种,电动机驱动一般只设置一种行走速度,液压马达驱动可采用低速大扭矩马达直接带动履带链轮,或采用中速液压马达减速器带动履带链轮的传动方式,它可实现无极调速。 履带结构型式有滑动和滚动两种,当机器调动速度10m/min的中、轻型掘进机,宜采用滑动结构型式;当机器的调动速度10m/min的重型、特重型掘进机,应采用滚动结构型式。 d液压系统。液压系统多采用开式系统多路阀集中控制(直接操纵或遥控操纵)方式。以往国内外多采用齿轮泵,近年来掘进机液压系统采用柱塞泵有增多的趋势。 e电控系统。电控系统包括动力部分、控制部分和检测部分。电控系统必须按照煤矿井下防爆要求设计、制造、检验,必须符合 GB3836-2000标准中的有关规定和要求。为了提高掘进机在作业时的安全性,操作的灵活性 以及机械传动部分的故障诊断及监控功能,从实用角度考虑,装设必要的离机遥控装置、测控压力、温度、液位及关键部位的故障诊断装置。3)总体布置总体布置的内容包括以下几个方面:(1)确定各部件在整机说的位置,并对外形尺寸提出要求;(2)确定各部件、部件与整机之间的连接方式;(3)估算整机重量,并对各部件的重量提出要求;(4)布置各操纵机构、司机座位等;(5)审核个运动部件的运动空间,排除可能发生的运动干涉。4) 具体要求在掘进机总体布置时,需注意以下问题:(1)工作机构减速器减速器的进、出轴尽量同轴线;(2)悬臂和铲板的尺寸关系相适应,既有利于装载,又要避免截割头截割铲板;(3)悬臂的水平和垂直摆动中心的位置可以重合,也可以不重合。从增加机器的稳定性看,摆动这些都高度应尽量降低。在保证悬臂不与其他机构干涉的条件下,摆动中心的位置应尽量靠后,但必须保证中心在机器的纵向对称平面内;(4)当各主要部件设计出来之后。应进行校核,不满足需求时需仅需调整,使重心位于履带中心稍偏前且小于L/6(L为履带接地长度)。此外,还需求重心位置在截割机构回转台中心线之后,而且重心高度越低越好,以提高机器作业时的稳定性。(5)总体布置应考虑左右两侧重量对称并照顾工作习惯及方便操作。司机座一般设在机身左侧、且位于机身后部,座椅高度应保证司机的视线,使其哪个很好地操纵机器,截割出规则的巷道;(6)操纵台位置要适当,应保证司机操纵方便、省力。仪表显示装置的位置要便于司机观察,又不分散司机正常操作的注意力。5)传动型式及动力元件的选择a传动型式及元件选择应遵循的原则(1)技术先进性:能够改善机器性能,提高生产率;(2)经济合理性:传动系统尽量简单、元件少,易加工,价格低,维修容易,使用寿命长;(3)工作可靠性:传动系统的可靠性表现为元件使用寿命,因此也是对元件质量的要求;(4)适应性:元件应适应传动系统的载荷、工况及环境等条件的要求。b各机构对传动系统的要求及传动型式的选择掘进机的截割、装载、运输、行走等机构一般均为分别传动,各部件受力状态及工作条件不同,因而传动型式有不同的要求。(1)工作机构要求有较大的短时过载能力,而油马达对冲击负荷很敏感,过载负荷能力低,影响截割头正常连续运转。所以,掘进机的工作机构宜采用电动机为动力的机械传动型式。应利用体积小、功率大、过负荷能力强的专用电动机,并配备可靠的电气保护装置。根据工作机构结构紧凑的特点,通常工作机构的减速器设在悬臂内,成为悬臂的组成部分。截割头调速方式一般采用配换挂轮的方法,变速机构力求简单。(2)耙装机构传动装置的特点是:减速器需装在尺寸有限的铲板下部,因而设计空间较小,工作条件恶劣。减速器经常浸泡在煤岩泥水中,卡料时易过载。耙装、输送机构若采用机械传动,用于电动机尺寸较大,不便在输送机尾安装,一般是在铲板上部两侧安装两台电动机,作为耙装、输送机构的共同动力,这样势必使减速箱的尺寸增大,在铲板下布置较紧张。此外,考虑耙爪及链板卡链过载情况,为保护电动机不至烧毁,一般需要在减速器内设安全摩擦片离合器。耙装、输送机构若采用齿轮油马达传动,由于尺寸小、重量轻,可使二者分别传动,从而简化传动装置,便于在铲板下布置,便于设计密封效果好的机械密封或将减速器与铲板分离,同时可实现过载自动保护。(3)履带行走机构的驱动方式有电动机和油马达驱动两种方式。分别通过机械减速装置或直接由油马达带动
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