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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 10(3)教案 广州版一、教学内容Book 8 Module 4 Unit10 Dialogue 2A Story: Waiting for Another Hare 二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.能理解、口语运用本课单词以及短语:field, suddenly, hare, ground, pick up, certainly, himself, from then on, any more, all day long, wait for。 2.理解句型“Tois certainly easier than to”。3.学生能初步感知过去进行时态。4.能理解寓言故事,并能理解寓意。5.在key words的帮助下复述故事,学习能力强的同学能生动地讲述故事。(二)情感态度目标1. 懂得自食其力的道理。2. 通过老师的引导,培养学生爱读书的好习惯。3. 通过寓言的学习和表演,促进学生学习的积极性,使学生体验到用英语表达情感的乐趣,增强学习自信心。(三)学习策略目标1. 能通过多种形式,主动获取与课文相关的信息。2. 能积极参与小组合作,共同完成学习任务,发展语言的听说能力和阅读能力。3. 通过合作活动,培养合作精神。三、教学策略1.情景教学与故事教学相结合。2.寓词汇教学于故事之中。3.设置任务,加强小组合作,培养学生在小组活动之中获取更多的语言信息,提高学生的语言学习能力。四、教学重点1. 在老师的帮助下能复述故事。2. 理解寓言故事和它的寓意。五、教学难点1. 句子“To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the field.”的理解和上口。2.让学生正确运用一般过去时态来讲故事,初步理解过去进行时态。六、学法指导1创设情景帮助学生理解语言,让学生主动学习英语。2通过设置任务、小组合作、参与表演来提高学生的语言运用能力。七、教学准备 课件 课文录音带 词组卡片 练习卷八、教学过程(一)热身、复习1.师生听唱P46歌曲Two Little Black Birds,活跃气氛。2.让学生free talk 。3.复习动词的过去式。规则变化与不规则变化的动词过去式。4.教师通过动作,肢体语言,让学生初步感知和学习本课中的短语。working in the fieldrun very fastcrash into a treefall to the ground pick up have a delicious mealsit in the field (二)呈现与操练1.呈现一个话题:Chinese Ancient FablesWhich fable do you like best?(课件及时出现一些寓言故事的书籍,吸引学生的注意力。)2.宣讲今天的目标,教授和学习“hare” 和“wait for”(简单比较区别hare和rabbit )3.让学生边看图,边听课文录音感知整个故事。4.游戏比赛:给故事排序。方法:老师分别给每个小组准备好一个信封,信封里都装有一些守株待兔故事情节的英语句子,并且句子和句子之间的顺序是打乱的。学生用最快的速度,小组间互相配合,把故事完整的拼排出来。a.One day a farmer was working in the fields.b.Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree.c.It fell to the ground and died.d .The man picked up the hare and took it back home.e.He cooked it and had a delicious meal.f.From then on, the farmer didnt work any more.g.All day long he sat in the fields and waited for a hare to appear.5.老师检查,校对答案。 给予评价和鼓励。(这游戏比赛,目的是让学生从一种简单的方法去学习故事和记忆故事。)6.根据中文提示,口头完成句子。_(从那时起),the farmer didnt work _(再)._ (整天)he sat in the fields and _ (等候 )a hare to appear.7.学习短语from them onany moreall day long8.学习和操练难点句子“Tois certainly easier than to”。通过读例句,让学生猜和理解句子的意思a. To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the fields.b. To read a fable is certainly easier than to write a fable.c. To say is certainly easier than to do.d. To sweep the floor is certainly easier than to cook a dinner. 让学生用自己的想法完成句子 To_ is certainly easier than to_.9.看图,学习巩固单词。himselfcertainlyfable / field / ground / wait for / hare / pick up10.看图,听故事。老师鼓励学生和自己尝试着一步一步的去复读这个故事。11.打开书本,学生齐读课文。 11、学生回答下面的问题 a. How did the hare die? b. Did the farmer eat the hare? c. Did the farmer work any more after he pick up the hare? d. Do you think he could pick up another hare?(三)归纳与巩固性操练1.让学生小结故事,总结道理。 Dont wait for another hare. Go for it! No pains, no gains!2.挖空课文,师生尝试着去复述故事。 a.老师引导,齐复述故事。One day a farmer was _ in the fields. Suddenly a hare _ very fast and _ into a tree. It _ to the ground and _ . The man _ _ the hare and _ it back home. He _ it and _ a delicious meal. “To _ _ a hare is certainly easier than to _ in the fields,” he _to himself. From then on, the farmer didnt _any more. All day long he _ in the fields and _ _ a hare to _. b.学生尝试着去复述。 One day a _ was _ in the _. Suddenly a _ _ very fast and _ into a _. It _ to the _ and _. The _ _ _ the hare and _ it back _. He _ it and _ a delicious _. “To _ _ a _ is _ easier than to _ in the _,” he _to _. From then on, the _ didnt _any more. All day long he _ in the _ and _ _ a _ to _.3.看图,根据中文提示,复述故事。4.根据关键词,复述故事。 working in the fieldscrashed into a treefell to the groundpicked up the haretook it back homehad a delicious mealsaid to himselfdidnt worksat in the fieldswaited for(四)发展1.根据课文故事找出下文不同之处,并改正。One day a farmer was working in the garden. Suddenly a cat ran very fast and crashed into a car. It fell to the river and died. The man washed the hare and took it back home. He saved it and fed it a delicious meal. “To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the garden,” he said to his wife. From then on, the farmer didnt work any more. All day long he sat in his garden and waited for a car to appear.2.选词填空学习另一篇故事。(一词可以多选)from now on, played, picked up, fell, Suddenly, crashed into, was playing, field, notany more, From then on, took, hareOne day, a monkey _by the river. He saw a tree full of bananas, then he climbed up and _the bananas. From the tree, he saw a big watermelon(西瓜) in the _. So he threw the bananas and ran to the field. He _ the watermelon, and tried to_ it back home.he saw a _not far from him. So he threw the watermelon, but ran fast to catch the hare. Unluckily, the monkey _ down from the tree, and _ to the river. At last, he got nothing._ , he said to himself “I cant play too much _. I should do the things step by step.”(五)总结与评价让学生总结:今天学到了什么?(六)布置作业1.完成堂上的练习卷。2.抄写、翻译新单词和短语,并且给它们造句。 *选做作业:1.尝试用本课的新单词或词组编一个故事,并写下来。2.阅读其他的英文故事。(作业分层,照顾不同层次学生的要求。)九、教学反思这节课的主要内容是一篇寓言故事,学生在学习故事的同时学会复述故事。六年级的学生相对小学其他阶段的孩子,会比较有自己的思想。然而孩子总是对故事感兴趣的,本节课从他们熟悉的寓言故事着手,通过小组合作、人人参与学习,记忆动词词组,用英语讲故事的活动,提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。十、练习(任务)设计一、根据中文填空。_(从那时起),the farmer didnt work _(再). _ (整天)he sat in the fields and _ (等候 )a hare to appear.二、根据课文故事找出下文不同之处,并改正。One day a farmer was working in the garden. Suddenly a cat ran very fast and crashed into a car. It fell to the river and died. The man washed the hare and took it back home. He saved it and fed it a delicious meal. “To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the garden,” he said to his wife. From then on, the farmer didnt work any more. All day long he sat in his garden and waited for a car to appear.三、选词填空学习另一篇故事。(一词可以多选)From now on, played, picked up, fell, Suddenly, crashed into, was playing, field, notany more, From then on, took, hareOne day, a monkey _by the river. He saw a tree full of bananas, then he climbed up and _the bananas. From the tree, he saw a big watermelon(西瓜) in the _. So he threw the bananas and ran to the field. He _ the watermelon, and tried to _ it back home._he saw a _not far from him. So he threw the watermelon, but ran fast to catch the hare. Unluckily, the monkey _ down from the tree, and_ to the river. At last, he got nothing. _ , he said to himself “I cant play too much _ . I should do the things step by step.” 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 10(4)教案 广州版一、教学内容Unit 10 Fun with Language二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标各个已学习过的语法和句型(二)语言技能目标:1.能复述寓言故事2.能按规则给故事编写题目3.能初步用正确的句型讲和写故事(三)情感态度目标提高学生英语学习的兴趣,增强学习的积极性和自信心。(四)学习策略目标1.积极参与小组合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。2.观察对比,找出知识的规律。(五)文化意识目标通过学习,让学生更多更好地认识和了解中西方的寓言故事。三、教学策略1.通过表演让学生更快地进入学习。2.通过小组学习让学生互相帮助,达到更好的学习效果。四、教学过程:Free talk; 1. Do you like stories?2. What kind of story do you like best?Revision1. Read the story together2. Act out the story by groups3. Do exercise and check the answersMatch the English titles with the Chinese titlesA. The Farmer and the Snake ( ) 1. 丑小鸭B. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse ( ) 2. 青蛙找妈妈C. The Best and the Worse ( ) 3. 农夫与蛇D. Ugly Duckling ( ) 4. 三只小猪E. Three Little Pigs ( ) 5. 最好的和最坏的F. A Frog Looked For His Mother ( ) 6. 城市老鼠和乡下老鼠G. The Hare and the Tortoise ()7. 猴子和鳄鱼H. The fox and the tiger ( ) 8. 白雪公主I. The Monkey and the Crocodile ( ) 9. 龟兔赛跑J. Snow White ( )10. 狐假虎威Presentation1.出示图3(猫和老鼠),根据图3写写titleA.学生自由发言,老师在黑板记录E.g. The Cat and the Mouse The Stupid Cat The Smart Mouse B. 请同学们仔细观察老师在黑板上写出的题目,他们有什么共同的特点呢?C学生回答后教师归纳出写title的格式和要求 一般选主要人物或主要发生的事情来编写题目中的连词和介词要小写 The 在题目开头时需要大写“T” 其他单词的第一字母要大写1.四人小组讨论图2(猴子和老虎)的title并分组汇报2.每个大组各完成其中一幅图的title(教师分派)然后由组长汇报Development1.阅读以下的故事,完成练习 生词: deep 深的 cry 哭 stone 石头One day, a group of children were playing in a garden. There was a big tree in


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