


预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图
编号:286969    类型:共享资源    大小:771.45KB    格式:RAR    上传时间:2014-06-01 上传人:QQ14****9609 IP属地:陕西
关 键 词:
轻型 货车 转向 设计 汽车 车辆 优秀 优良 机械 毕业设计 word cad 全套 图纸







   In our country design of automobile's steering axle has always been one of the most important areas in which a lot of researches have been made. Our design mainly focus on the design of van's steering axle, with reasonable computation and structure design, we achieved good agility of automobile's steering axle.

   This design introduced steering axle's concept and principles, general planning, from the study and grasp of mechanism design, we design steering axle's components with accolade size and structure, through reasonable structure deployment, we can compose the van's steering axle.

   The steering axle we designed has many characteristics such as good compaction in structure, light weight, good agility and also it is easy to produce. it can be widely used in minimize、light truck. Its simple structure and low price fully embodies the features of van's steering axle. Van steering axle's computation and structure deployment also provide a good design method for other van's steering axle.

Key words: steering axle ;account ; structure


前言 ………………………………………………………………………………1

1 转向桥 …………………………………………………………………………2



2 转向桥的结构 …………………………………………………………………3



3 转向桥的设计计算 ……………………………………………………………8

3.1 转向桥主要零件尺寸的确定 ………………………………………………8

3.2 非断开式转向从动桥前梁应力计算………………………………………10

3.2.1 在制动情况下的前梁应力计算…………………………………………10

3.2.2 在最大侧向力(侧滑)工况下的前梁应力计算………………………11

3.3 转向节在制动和侧滑工况下的应力计算…………………………………12

3.3.1 工况下的转向节应力计算………………………………………………13

3.3.2 在汽车侧滑工况下的转向节应力计算…………………………………14

3.4 主销与转向节衬套在制动和侧滑工况下的应力计算……………………14

3.4.1 在汽车制动工况下的计算………………………………………………14

3.4.2 在汽车侧滑工况下的计算………………………………………………15

3.5 推力轴承和止推垫片的计算………………………………………………17

3.5.1 推力轴承计算 ………………………………………………………… 17

3.5.2 转向节止推垫片的计算…………………………………………………18

4  转向桥定位参数 ……………………………………………………………19

4.1 主销后倾角…………………………………………………………………19

4.2 主销内倾角…………………………………………………………………20

4.3 车轮外倾角…………………………………………………………………21

4.4 车轮前束……………………………………………………………………21

5  转向桥实验 …………………………………………………………………23

5.1 车道路实验、使用实验及整车室内台架试验……………………………23

5.2 转向桥在扭力机上进行静扭转强度实验…………………………………24

6 结论……………………………………………………………………………25



附录 A译文 ……………………………………………………………………28

附录 B外文文献 ………………………………………………………………34



1  转向桥


1.1  转向桥的定义


1.2  转向桥的安装形式



2  转向桥的结构

2.1  转向桥的组成部分




辽宁工程技术大学毕业设计(论文)前言我国作为一个发展中国家,汽车使用越来越多,而当前由于设计方案所限,不能精确地选择零部件的尺寸和结构,造成有的地方强度不够,而有的地方强度又过剩,严重地影响了产品的开发和设计,造成直接经济损失。特别对于诸如转向桥等部件,因不能准确确定其失效原因和部位,造成不能从根本上解决其失效问题。不同类型的货车在我国的市场中占有相当大的比例,他们的性能的好、坏在一定程度上也影响着汽车在市场上的地位。针对以上问题,本设计选用轻型货车的转向桥作为设计对象,通过合理的计算,结构设计,而达到汽车转向桥具有较好的转向灵敏性。希望取得一个较好的结果,使轻型货车转向桥提到一个新水平。1 转向桥本节重点介绍转向桥的定义和安装形式。1.1 转向桥的定义转向桥是汽车的重要组成部分,转向桥是利用车桥中的转向节使车轮可以偏移一定角度,并承受地面与车架之间的力及力矩,以实现汽车的转向。1.2 转向桥的安装形式一般载货汽车采用前置发动机后桥驱动的布置形式,故其前桥为转向从动桥。轿车多采用前置发动机前桥驱动,越野车均为全轮驱动,故他们的前桥既是转向桥也是驱动桥,称为转向驱动桥。转向桥按与其匹配的悬架结构不用,又可分为非断开式与断开式两种。与非独立悬架匹配的非断开式的转向桥是一根支承于左、右从动车轮上的刚性整体横梁,当又是转向桥时,其两端经转向主销与转向节相连。断开式转向桥与独立悬架相匹配。432 转向桥的结构2.1 转向桥的组成部分各种车型的非断开式转向桥的结构型式基本相同,它主要由前梁(由于汽车前桥为转向桥,因此其横梁常称前梁)、转向节、转向主销、转向梯形臂、转向横拉杆等组成。1)前梁前梁是非断开式转向从动桥最主要的零件,由中碳钢或中碳合金钢模锻而成。其两端各有一呈拳形的加粗部分作为安装主销前梁拳部。为提高其抗弯强度,其较长的中间部分采用工字行断面,并相对两端向下偏移一定距离,以便降低汽车发动机的安装位置,从而降低汽车传动系的安装高度并减小传动轴万向节主、从动轴的夹角;为提高前梁的抗扭强度,两端与拳部相接的部分采用方形断面,而靠近两端使拳部与中间部分相连接的向下弯曲部分,则采用上述两种断面逐渐过度的形状。中间部分的两侧还要锻造出钢板弹簧支座的加宽支承面。非断开式转向从动桥的前梁亦可采用组合式结构,即由无缝钢管的中间部分和模锻成型的两端拳形部分组焊而成。这种组合式前梁适用于批量不大的生产,并可省去大型锻造设备。2)主销其结构型式有几种,如图2-1所示,其中(a)、(b)两种型式是最常见的结构。3)转向节多用中碳合金钢断模锻成整体式结构,有些大型汽车的转向节,由于其尺寸过大,也有采用组焊式结构的,即其轮轴部分是经压配并焊上去的。4)转向节臂、转向梯形臂由中碳钢或中碳合金钢如40、35Cr、40CrNi钢等用模锻加工制成。多采用沿其长度变化尺寸的椭圆形截面以合理地利用材料和提高其强度和刚度。5)转向横拉杆应选用刚性好、质量小的20钢,30钢或35钢的无缝钢管制造,其两端的球形铰接作为单独组件,组装好后以组件客体上的螺纹旋到杆的两端端部,使横拉杆的杆长可调,以便用于调节前束。球形铰接的球销与衬垫均采用低碳合金钢如12CrNi3A,20CrNi,20CrMnTi,工作表面经渗碳淬火,渗碳层深1.53.0mm,表面硬度5663HRC。允许采用40或图2-1 主销的结构型式Fig.2-1 The structural shape of king pin(a)圆柱实心型;(b)圆柱空心型;(c)上、下端为直径不等的圆柱、中间为锥体的主销;(d)下部圆柱比上部细的主销45中碳钢制造并经高频淬火处理,球销的过渡圆角处用滚压工艺增强,球形铰接的壳体用35钢或40钢制造。为了提高球头和衬垫工作表面的耐磨性,可采用等离子或气体等离子金属喷镀工艺;亦可采用耐磨性好的工程塑料制造衬垫。后者在制造过程中可渗入专门的成分(例如尼龙-二硫化钼),对这类衬垫可免去润滑。6)转向节推理轴承承受作用于汽车前梁上的重力。为减小摩擦使转向轻便,可采用滚动轴承,如推力球轴承、推力圆锥滚子轴承等。也有采用青铜止推垫片的。7)主销上、下轴承承受较大的径向力,多采用滚动轴承(即压入转向节上、下中的衬套),也有采用滚针轴承的结构。后者的效率较高,转向阻力小,且可延长使用寿命。8)轮毅轴承多由两个圆锥滚子轴承组对,这种轴承的支承刚度较大,可承受较大负荷。轿车因负荷较轻,前轮毅轴承也有采用也有采用一对单列或一个双列向心轴承的,球轴承的效率高,能延长汽车的滑行距离,有的轿车采用一个双列圆锥滚子轴承。9)左、右轮胎螺栓多数为右旋螺纹,但有些汽车为了防松,左侧用左旋,右侧用右旋。2.2 转向桥的结构及其影响因素非断开式转向桥主要由前梁、转向节及转向主销组成。转向节利用主销与前梁铰接并经一对轮毅轴承支承着车轮的轮毅,以达到车轮转向的目的。在左转向节的上耳处安装着转向梯形臂,后者与转向直拉杆相连;而在左、右转向节的下耳处则装有与转向横拉杆联接的转向梯形臂。有的将转向节臂与转向梯形臂联成一体并安装在转向节的下耳处以简化结构。制动底版紧固在转向节的凸缘面上。转向节的销孔内压入带有润滑槽的青铜衬套以减小磨损。为使转向轻便,在转向节下耳与前梁拳部之间可装滚子推力轴承,在转向节上耳与前梁拳部之间装有调整垫片以调整其间隙。带有罗纹的楔形锁销将主销在前梁拳部的孔内,使之不能转动。为了保持汽车直线行驶的稳定性、转向轻便性及汽车转向后使前轮具有自动回正的性能,转向桥的主销在汽车的纵向和横向平面内部有一定倾角。在纵向平面内,主销上部向后倾斜一个角,称为主销后倾角。在横向平面内主销上部相内倾斜一个角,称为主销内倾角。主销后倾使主销轴与路面的交点位于轮胎接地中心之前,该距离称为后倾拖距。当直线行驶的汽车的转向轮偶然受到外力作用而稍有偏移时,汽车就偏离直线行使而有转向,这时引起的离心力使路面、对车轮作用着一阻碍其侧滑的侧向反力,使车轮产生主销旋转的回正力矩,从而保证了汽车具有较好的直线行使稳定性。此力矩称为稳定力矩。稳定力矩也不宜过大,否则在汽车转向时为了克服此稳定力矩需在转向盘施加更大的力,导致转向沉重。主销后倾角通常在30以内。现在轿车采用低压宽断面斜交轮胎,具有较大的弹性回转力矩,故主销后倾角就可以减小到接近于零,甚至为负值。但在采用子午线轮胎时,由于轮胎的拖距较小,则需选用较大的主销后倾角。主销内倾也是为了保证汽车直线行驶的稳定性并使转向轻便。主销内倾使主销轴线与路面的交点至车轮中心平面的距离即主销偏移距减小,从而可减小转向时需加在转向盘上的力,使转向轻便,同时也可减小转向轮传到转向盘上的冲击力。主销内倾使前轮转向是不仅有绕主销的转动,而且伴随有车轮轴及前横梁向上的移动,而当松开转向盘是,所储存的上升位能使转向轮自动回正,保证汽车作直线行使。主销内倾角一般为5080;注销偏移距一般为3040mm。轻型客车、轻型货车及装有动力转向的汽车可选择较大的主销内倾角及后倾角,以提高其转向车轮的自动回正性能。但主销内倾角也大,即主销偏移距图2-2转向桥Fig.2-2 The steering axle 1.转向推力轴承;2转向节;调整垫片;4.主销;5前梁不宜过小,否则在转向过程中车轮绕主销偏移时,随着滚动将伴随着沿路面的滚动,从而增加轮胎与路面的摩擦阻力,使转向变得很沉重。为了克服因左、右前轮制动力不等而导致汽车制动时跑偏,近年来出现了主销偏移距为负值的汽车。前轮定位除上述主销后倾角,主销内倾角外,还有车轮外倾角及前束,共四项参数。车前外倾指转向轮安装时,其轮胎中心平面不是垂直与地面,而是向外倾斜一个角度,称为车轮外倾角。此角约为0.501.50,一般为10左右。它可以避免汽车重载时车轮产生负外倾即内倾,同时车轮外倾也与拱行路面相适应。由于车轮外倾角使轮胎接地点内缩。缩小了主销偏义距,从而使转向轻便并改善了制动力的方向稳定性。前束的作用是为了消除汽车在行驶中因车轮外倾导致的车轮前端向外张开的不利影响(具有外倾角的车轮在滚动时犹如滚锥,因此当汽车向前行驶时,左、右两前轮的前端会向外张开),为此在车轮安装时,可使汽车两轮的中心平面不平行,且左、右轮前面轮缘间的距离A小于后面轮缘间的距离B,以使前轮在每一瞬间的滚动方向向着正前方。前束值即(B-A),一般汽车约为35mm,可通过改变转向横拉杆的长度来调整。设定前束的名义值时,应考虑转向梯形中的弹性和间隙等因素。在汽车设计、制造、装配调整和使用中必须注意防止可能引起的转向车轮的摆振,它是指汽车行驶时转向车轮绕主销不断受迫振动的现象,它将破坏汽车的正常行驶。转向车轮的摆振有自激振动与受迫振动两种类型。前者是由于轮胎侧向变形中的迟滞特性的影响,使系统在一个振动周期中路面作用与轮胎的力对系统做正功,即外面对系统输入能量。如果后者的值大于系统内阻尼消耗的能量,则系统将作增幅振动直至能量达到平衡状态。这时系统将在某一振幅下持续震动,形成摆振。其振动频率大致接近系统的固有频率而与车轮转速并不一致。当车轮向车轮及转向系统受到周期性扰动的激励,例如车轮失衡。端面跳动,轮胎的几何和机械特性不均匀及运动学上的干涉等,在车轮转动下都会构成周期性的扰动。在扰动力周期性的持续作用下,便会发生受迫振动。当扰动的激励频率与系统的固有频率一致时便发生共振。其特点是转向车轮摆振频率与车轮转速一致,而且一般豆油明显的共振车速,共振范围(3-5km/h)。通常在告诉行驶时发生的摆振往往都属于受迫振动型。转向车轮摆振的发生原因及影响因素复杂,既有设计结构的原因和制造方面的因素,如车轮失衡、轮胎的机械特性、胸的刚度与阻尼、转向车轮的定位角以及陀螺效应的强弱等;又有装配调整方面的影响,如前桥转向系统各环节间的间隙(影响系统的刚度)和摩擦(影响阻尼)等。合理地选择有关参数。优化他们之间的匹配,精心地制造和调整装配,就能有效的控制前轮摆振的发生。在设计中提高转向器总成与转向拉杆系统的刚度及悬架的纵向刚度,提高轮胎的侧向刚度,在转向拉杆系中设置横向减振器以增加阻尼等,都是控制前轮摆振的一些有效措施。3 转向桥的设计计算3.1 转向桥主要零件尺寸的确定转向桥采用工子形断面的前梁,可保证其质量最小而在垂向平面内的刚度大、强度高。工字形断面尺寸值见图3-1,图中虚线绘出的是其当量断面。该断面的垂向弯曲截面系数Wv和水平弯曲截面系数Wh可近似取为Wv=20a3=2011.53=3.04104 mm3 (3-1)Wh=5.5a3 =5.511.5=8.36103 mm3 (3-2)式中:a工字形断面的中部尺寸,见图3-1在设计中为了预选前梁在板簧座处的弯曲截面系数Wv,可采用经统计取得的经验公式:Wv=ml/2200=820345/2200=128.60 cm3 (3-3)式中:m作用于该前梁上的簧上质量,kg;l车轮中线至板簧座中线间的距离,cm;2200系数,kgcm-2。转向桥前梁拳部之高度约等于前梁工字形断面的高度,而主销直径可取为拳部高度的0.350.45倍。主销上、下滚动轴承(即压入转向节上、下孔中的衬套)的长度则取为主销直径的1.251.50倍。图3-1 前梁工字形断面尺寸关系的推荐值Fig.3-1 n. recommendation D1 of dimension转向桥主要零件工作应力的计算本设计以DD1021汽车为研究对象,其有关参数为:前轴轴荷:820kg;整车质心高度:540mm;滚动半径:314mm。主要是计算前梁、转向节、主销、主销上下轴承(即转向节衬套)、转向节推力轴承或止推垫片等在制动和侧滑两种工况下的工作应力。绘制计算用简图时可忽略车轮的定位角,即认为主销内倾角、主销后倾角及车轮外倾角均为零,而左、右转向节轴线重合且与主销轴线位于同一侧向垂直平面内,如图(3-2)所示3。图3-2 转向桥在制动和侧滑工况下的受力分析简图Fig.3-2 The force analysis of steering axle(a)制动工况下的弯矩图和转矩图;(b)侧滑工况下的弯矩图3.2 非断开式转向从动桥前梁应力计算3.2.1 在制动情况下的前梁应力计算制动时前轮承受的制动力Pr和垂向力Z1传给前梁,使前梁承受转矩和弯矩。考虑到制动时汽车质量向前转向桥的转移,则前轮所承受的地面垂向反力为Z1=G1/2=82001.5/2=6150N (3-4)式中:G1汽车满载静止于水平路面时前桥给地面的载荷; 汽车制动时对前桥的质量转移系数,对前桥和载货汽车的前桥可取1.41.7。前轮所承受的制动力为 Pr=Z1 =61501.0=6150N (3-5)式中:轮胎与路面的附着系数。由Z1和Pr对前梁引起的垂向弯矩Mv和水平方向弯矩Mh在两钢板弹簧座之间达最大值,分别为Mv=(Z1-gw)l2=1.73106 Nmm(3-6)Mh=Prl2= Z1=61501.0=2.03106 Nmm (3-7)式中:l2为轮胎中线至板簧座中线间的距离,mm; gw车轮(包括轮毅、制动器等)的重力,N; B前轮轮距,mm;S前轮上两板簧座中线间的距离,mm。制动力Pr还使前梁在主销孔至钢板弹簧座之间承受转矩T:T=Prrr=6150314=1.93106 Nmm (3-8)式中:rr轮胎的滚动半径。图3-2给出了前梁在汽车制动工况下的弯矩图及转矩图。前梁在钢板弹簧座附近危险断面处的弯曲应力w和扭转应力(单位均为MPa)分别为w=300MPa (3-9)=150MPa (3-10)式中:WT前梁在危险断面处的扭转截面系数,mm;前梁横断面的最大厚度,mm;Jk前梁横截面的极惯性矩,对工字形断面:Jk=0.43 mm4h工字形断面矩形元素的长边长,mm;工字形断面矩形元素的短边长,mm前梁应力的许用值为w=340MPa;=150MPa。前梁可采用45,30Cr,40Cr等中碳钢或中碳合金钢制造,硬度为241285HB。3.2.2 在最大侧向力(侧滑)工况下的前梁应力计算 当汽车承受大侧向力时无纵向力作用,左、右前轮承受的地面垂向反力Z1L,Z1R和侧向反力Y1L、Y1R各不相等,则可推出前轮的地面反力(单位均为N)分别为=7308.70N (3-11) =902 N (3-12)=7308.70N (3-13) =902 N (3-14)式中:G1汽车停于水平路面时的前桥轴荷,N; B1汽车前轮轮距,mm; hg汽车质心高度,mm; 1轮胎与路面的侧面附着系数。取1=1.0。 侧滑时左、右钢板弹簧对前梁的垂向作用力(N)为T1l=0.5G1+G11(hg-rr)/s=0.58200+82001.0(540-260)/720=7288.9N (3-15)T1R=0.5G1-G11(hg-rr)/s=0.58200-82001.0(540-260)/720=911.1N (3-16)式中:G1汽车满载时车厢分配给前桥的垂向总载荷,N; rr板簧座上表面的离地高度,mm; S两板簧座中心间的距离,mm。 汽车侧滑时左、右前轮轮毂内、外轴承的径向力(单位为N)分别为S1L=49991.5N (3-17)S2L=56752.9N (3-18)S1R=7004.1N (3-19)S2R=6165.2N (3-20)式中:rr轮胎的滚动半径,mm; aS1L、S1R至车轮中线的距离,mm; bS2L、S2R至车轮中线的距离,mm。 求得Z1L,Z1R,Y1L,Y1R即可求得左、右前轮轮毂内轴承对轮毅的径向支承S1L、S1R和外轴承对轮毅的径向支承力S2L、S2R,这样就求出了轮毅轴承对轴轮的径向支承反力。根据这些力及前梁在钢板弹簧座处的垂向力T1L,T1R,可绘出前梁与轮轴在汽车侧滑时的垂向受力弯矩图(见图3-3)。由弯矩图可见,前梁的最大弯发生在汽车侧滑方向一侧的主销孔处(剖面处);而另一侧则在钢板弹簧座处(剖面处),可由下式直接求出:M= Y1Lrr -Z1Ll1=7308.7314-7308.799=1.57106 Nmm (3-21)M=Z1Rl2+Y1Rrr=902340+902314=5.90105 Nmm (3-22)式中:M弯矩,Nmm;Z1L, Z1R左、右前轮承受地面的垂向反力,N;Y1L,Y1R左、右前轮承受地面的侧向反力,N。3.3 转向节在制动和侧滑工况下的应力计算如下图所示,转向节的危险断面处于轴径为d1的轮轴根部,即剖面处。图3-3 转向节、主销及转向衬套的计算用图Fig.3-3 The knuckle、king pin、bushs computation graph3.3.1 工况下的转向节应力计算转向节在剖面处的轴径仅受垂向弯矩Mv和水平方向的弯矩Mh而不受转矩,因制动力矩不经转向节的轮轴传递,而直接由制动底板传给在转向节上的安装平面。这时可按计算其Mv及Mh,但需以I3代替两式中的I2,即gwMv=(Z1-)l3 =(6150-908)48.5=2.54105 Nmm (3-23)Mh= Z1l3=m1l3=61501.048.5=2.98105 Nmm (3-24)式中:Z1前轮所承受的地面垂向反力,N; 轮胎与路面的附着系数;l3轮胎中心线至剖面间的距离。剖面处的合成弯曲应力为= =620 MPa (3-25)式中:d1转向节轮轴根部轴径mm。转向节采用30Cr,40Cr等中碳合金钢制造,心部硬度241285HB,高频淬火后表面硬度5765HRC,硬化层深1.52.0mm。轮轴根部的圆角滚压处理。3.3.2 在汽车侧滑工况下的转向节应力计算在汽车侧滑时,左、右转向节在危险断面处的弯矩是不等的,可按下公式求得:ML= Y1lrr- Z1Ll3 =7308.7314-7308.748.5=1.94106 Nmm (3-26)MR=Z1Rl3+Y1Rrr=90248.5+902314=3.26105 Nmm (3-27)左、右转向节在危险断面处的弯曲应力为=452 MPa (3-28)=76MPa (3-29)3.4 主销与转向节衬套在制动和侧滑工况下的应力计算在制动和侧滑工况下,在转向节上、下衬套的中点,即与轮轴中心线相距分别为c,d的两点处,在侧向平面和纵向平面内,对主销作用有垂直其轴线方向的力。3.4.1 在汽车制动工况下的计算地面对前轮的垂向支承反力Z1所引起的力矩Z1l1,由位于通过主轴线的侧平面内并在转向节上、下衬套中点处垂直地作用于主销的力QMZ所形成的力偶QMZ(c+d)所平衡,故有QMZ=6277 N (3-30)制动力矩Prrr由位于纵向平面内并作用于主销的力Qmr所形成的力偶Qmr(c+d)所平衡,故有Qmr=Prrr/(c+d)=Z1rrr/ (c+d) =61501.0314/(48.5+48.5)=2.00104N (3-31)而作用于主销的制动力Pr则由在转向节上、下衬套中点出作用的主销的力Qru、Qrl所平衡,且有Qru=3075 N (3-32)Qrl=3075 N (3-33)由转向桥的俯视图可知,制动时转向横拉杆的作用力N为N=5294 N (3-34)力N位于侧向平面内且与轮轴中心线的垂直距离为l4,如将N的着力点移至主销中心线与轮轴中心线交点处,则需对主销作用一侧向力矩Nl。力矩Nl4,由位于侧向平面内并作用于主销的力偶QMN(c+d)所平衡,故有QMN=5403 N (3-35)而力N则在转向节上、下衬套中点处作用于主销的力QNu,QNl所平衡,且有QNu=2647 N (3-36)QNl=2647 N (3-37) 由图3-3可知,在转向节上衬套的中点作用于主销的合力Qu和在下衬套的中点作用于主销的合力Ql分别为Qu= =1.92104 N (3-38)Ql= =2.72104 N (3-39)由上两式可见,在汽车制动工况下,主销的最大载荷发生在转向节下衬套的中点处,其值计算所得到的Ql。3.4.2 在汽车侧滑工况下的计算仅有在侧向平面内起作用的力和力矩,且作用于左、右转向节主销的力QMZ是不相等的,他们分别按下式求得:QMZL=1.62104 N (3-40)QMZR= =2.00103 N (3-41)式中:Z1L,Z1R汽车左、右前轮承受的地面垂向反作用力,N;l1轮胎中心线至主销轴线的距离 mm;rr轮胎的滚动半径 mm;Y1L,Y1R左、右前轮承受地面的侧向反力,N;G1汽车静止于水平路面时的前桥的轴荷,N;hg汽车质心高度,mm;B1汽车前轮轮距,mm;轮胎与路面的侧向附着系数,计算时可取=1.0.取Ql, QMZL, QMZR中最大的作为主销的计算载荷Qj,计算主销在前梁拳部下端处的弯曲力w和剪应切力sw=413 MPa (3-42)s=66 MPa (3-43)式中:d0主销直径 mm;h转向节下衬套中点至前梁拳部下端面的距离,mm。主销的许用应力弯曲力w=413MPa;许用剪切应力s=66MPa。主销采用20Cr,20CrNi,20CrMnTi等低碳合金钢制造,渗碳淬火,渗碳层深1.01.5mm,5662HRC。转向衬套的挤压应力c为c=8.3 MPa (3-44)式中: l衬套长,mm;Qjj计算载荷,取Ql,QMZL,QMZR,中最大值,N;主销直径,mm。转向节衬套的许用挤压应力为c=50MPa。在静载荷下,上式的计算载荷取Qj=QMZ=Z1l1/(c+d)=6277N (3-45)3.5 推力轴承和止推垫片的计算计算时首先要确定推力轴承和止推垫片的当量静载荷3.5.1 推力轴承计算对转向节推力轴承,文献推荐取汽车以等速va=40km/h、沿半径R=50m或以va=20km/h,沿半径R=12m的圆周行使的工况作为计算工况。如果汽车向右转弯则其前外轮即前左轮的地面垂向反力Z1L增大。汽车前桥的侧滑条件为P1=m1Y1L+Y1R=G11=m1g1=820101.0=8200N (3-46)式中:P1前桥所受的侧向力,N;m1汽车满载时的整车质量分配给前桥的部分;R汽车转弯半径,mm;va汽车行使速度,mm/s;g重力加速度,mm/s2;Y1L、Y1R地面给左、右前轮的侧向反作用力,N;1轮胎与地面的侧向附着系数;G1汽车满载静止于水平路面时前桥给地面的载荷,N。由上式可得1= (3-47)Z1L= (3-48)将上述计算工况的va、R等的有关数据代入(3-44), (3-45)式,并hg/B=0.5, 则有Z1L=1.25G1/2=0.625G1可近似地认为推力轴承的轴向载荷F,等于上述前轮的地面垂向反力,即有Fa=0.6256G1=0.6256150=3844 N (3-49)鉴于转向节推力轴承在工作中的相对转角不大的及轴承滚道圈破坏带来的危险性,轴承的选择按其静承载容量C0进行,且取当量静载荷P0为:P0=(0.50.33)C03.5.2 转向节止推垫片的计算当采用青铜止推垫片代替转向节推力轴承时,在汽车满载情况下,止推垫片的静载荷可取为Fa=3075 N (3-50)这时止推垫片的挤压力为c=1 MPa (3-51)式中:d;D止推垫片的内、外径。通常取c30MPa4 转向桥定位参数 转向桥在保证汽车转向功能时,应使转向轮有自动回正作用,以保证汽车稳定直线行使。即当转向轮在偶遇外力作用发生偏移时,一旦作用的外力消失后,应能立即自动回到原来直线行使的位置。这种自动回正作用是由转向轮的定位参数来保证的,也就是转向轮、主销和前轴之间的安装应具有一定的相对位置。这些转向的定位参数有主销后倾角、主销内倾角、前轮外倾角和前轮前束4。4.1 主销后倾角 设计转向桥时,使主销在汽车的纵向平面内,其上部有向后的一个倾角,即主销轴线a) b)4-1主销后倾角作用示意图Fig.4-1 The king pin casterangles sketch map和地面垂直线在汽车纵向平面内的夹角,如图4-1所示。主销后倾角能形成回正的稳定力矩。当主销具有后倾角时,主销轴线与路面的交点a将位于车轮与路面接触点b的前面,如图4-1a所示。当汽车直线行使时,若转向轮偶然受到外力作用稍有偏移(例如向右偏移),将使汽车行使方向向右偏离。这时,由于汽车本身离心力的作用,在车轮与路面接触点b处,路面对车轮作用着一个侧向反力Fy。反力Fy对车轮形成绕主销轴线作用的力矩FyL,其方向正好与车轮偏移方向相反。在此力矩作用下,将使车轮回到原来中间的位置,从而保证汽车稳定直线行使,故此力矩称为稳定力矩。但此力矩不宜过大。否则在转向时为了克服该稳定力矩,驾驶员要在转向盘上施加较大的力(即所谓转向沉重)。因稳定力矩的大小取决力臂L的数值,而力臂L又取决于后倾角的大小。现在一般采用角不超过2030。现在高速汽车由于轮胎气压降低、弹性增加,而引力稳定性增大。因此,角可以减小到接近于零,甚至为负值。本设计采用主销后倾角为零。4.2 主销内倾角在设计转向桥时,主销在汽车的横向平面内,其上部向内倾斜一个角(即主销轴线与地面垂直线在汽车横向平面内的夹角)称为主销内倾角,如图4-2a所示。 a) b) c)4-2主销内倾角作用示意图及车轮外倾角Fig.4-2 The king pin angle of toe-ins sketch map主销内倾角也有使车轮自动回正的作用,如图4-2b所示。当转向轮在外力作用下由中间位置偏转一个角度(为了方便解释,图中画成1800即转到如双点划线所示位置)时,车轮的最低点将陷入路面以下。但实际上车轮下边缘不可能陷入路面以下,车轮将转向车轮连同整个汽车前部向上抬起一个相应的高度,这样,汽车本身的重力有使转向轮回到原来中间位置的效应。此外,主销的内倾角还使得主销轴线与路面交点到车轮中心平面与地面交线的距离c减小(图4-2a),从而可减小转向时驾驶员加在转向盘上的力,使转向操纵轻便,同时也可减小从转向轮到转向盘上的冲击力。但c的值也不宜过小,即内倾角不宜过大,否则在转向时车轮绕主销偏转的过程中,轮胎与路面间将产生较大的滑动,因而增加了轮胎与路面间的摩擦阻力。这不仅使转向变得沉重,而且加速了轮胎的磨损。因此,一般内倾角不大于80,本设计内倾角为7.5度。主销内倾角是在前梁设计中保证的,由机械加工实现的。加工时,将前梁两端主销孔轴线上端向内倾角就形成内倾角。4.3 车轮外倾角除上述主销后倾角和内倾角两个角度保证汽车稳定直线行使外,前轮外倾角也具有定位作用。是通过车轮中心的汽车横向平面与车轮平面的交线与地面垂线之间的夹角,如图4-2c所示。如果空车时车轮的安装正好垂直于路面,则满载时,车桥将因承载变形而可能出现车轮内倾,这将加速汽车轮胎的偏磨损。另外,路面对车轮的垂直反作用力及轮毂紧固螺母的负荷,降低了他们的使用寿命。因此,为了使轮胎磨损均匀和减轻轮毂外轴承的负荷,安装车轮时应预先使车轮有一定的外倾角,以防止车轮内倾。同时,车轮有了外倾角也可以与拱形路面相适应。但是,外倾角也不宜过大,否则会是轮胎产生偏磨损。前轮外倾角是在转向节设计中确定的。设计时使转向节轴颈的轴线与水平面成一角度,该角度即为前轮外倾角(一般为10左右)。4.4 车轮前束车轮有了外倾角后,在滚动时就类似于滚锥,从而导致两侧车轮向外滚开。由于转向横拉杆和车桥的约束使车轮不可能向外滚开,车轮将在地面上出现边滚边滑的现象,从而增加了轮胎的磨损。为了消除车轮外倾带来的这种不良后果,在安装车轮时,使汽车两前轮的中心面不平行,两轮前边缘距离的B小于后边缘距离A,如图4-3所示。这样可使车轮在每一瞬间时滚动方向接近于向着正前方。从而在很大程度上减轻和消除了由于车轮外倾角而产生的不良后果。前轮前束可通过改变横拉杆的长度来调整,调整时,可根据各厂家规定的测量位置,使两轮前后距离差A-B符合国家规定的前束值。一般前束值为012mm。测量位置除图示位置外,还通常取两轮胎中心平面出的前后差值,也可以选取两车轮钢圈内侧面处前后差值。此外,前束也可用角度前束角表示,如图4-3中的角。4-3车轮前束Fig.4-3 toe in5 转向桥实验在汽车行驶过程中,转向桥承受着复杂而繁重的载荷,首先,它和驱动桥共同承受着汽车的满载荷重;另外,它还承受着作用与路面、车架或车厢之间的垂向力、纵向力和侧向力,以及这三个方向的冲击载荷和制动力矩等。在这些静、动(冲击)载荷的作用下,转向桥必须保持有足够的强度、钢度,足够的寿命以及满意的性能,为此,转向桥及以及他们的零、部件,必须经受严格的实验。通常,转向桥和驱动桥以及零、部件一样,需装车进行整车的道路实验、使用实验和室内台架实验;也有进行总成及其主要零、部件的室内专项台架实验。5.1 车道路实验、使用实验及整车室内台架试验用于考核转向桥及其零、部件的可靠性、耐久性;对各种道路的适应性及对整车结构的适应性;测定性能指标,例如转向桥的转向轻便性、转向车轮的自动回正性能及直线行驶的稳定性、有无转向车轮的摆振及其摆振车速等,并要对发现的问题提出解决措施。总成及其主要零、部件的台架试验测试总成及其主要零、部件的强度、刚度、疲劳寿命等。对非断开式转向桥的疲劳实验,可按JB3605规定的台架试验方法进行。对前置发动机前轮驱动桥轿车具有扭转梁的复合纵臂式后支持桥,推荐作垂向弯曲疲劳寿命实验及扭转疲劳寿命试验。试验时要求检查并记录首次出现裂纹时的循环次数,12万次循环及60万次循环时焊缝裂纹出现的部位及长度,以及最终断裂时的循环次数等。通常,转向桥的前梁和支持桥的横梁的抗弯刚度试验与静弯曲强度试验可在材料实验用的油压机上进行。试验时将转向桥总成放在专用的支承架上。这种支承应能消除实验过程中由于试件变形所产生的附加应力。左、右支承中心应在左、右车轮的中心线位置相重合,载荷应加到左、右钢板弹簧座的中心线位置上。为测量转向桥的前梁和支持桥的横梁的变形情况,可选择其中点和左、右板簧座中心位置下的点或更多的点作为测试点,并用千分表指示该点的变形量。刚度试验时,载荷由零开始逐渐增大,记录每次加载后的变形量,直至加到汽车满载时被测转向桥负荷的2.5倍,然后在进行卸载实验。如此反复进行数次,当取得稳定数据后即可结束刚度试验并在同一试验台上进行静弯曲强度试验。这时先将刚度试验用的千分表拆下,并继续逐步、平稳地加大载荷,并注意记录材料达到屈服极限时的载荷及最后达到强度极限时的破坏载荷。5.2 转向桥有时还在扭力机上进行静扭转强度实验转向桥的弯曲疲劳寿命试验通常在能循环地变化载荷(由0至Pmax)、专用的液压式弯曲疲劳寿命实验台上进行,或在通用的液压式疲劳寿命试验机上进行。其支承位置和加载位置与抗玩刚度试验及静弯曲强度试验时相同。载荷可直接加到试件上,亦可经过放大后加到试件上。作用在试件上的循环载荷最大值Pmax可取为汽车满载时从动桥轴负荷G1的2.5(或23)倍;交变载荷的变化频率可选为100300次/min。试验过程中应用计数器记录交变载荷作用的循环次数,注意观察试件,并把开始出现疲劳裂纹的循环次数记录下来。6 结论近年来随着生产水平汽车水平和路面的改善,汽车行使速度的不断提高,同时人们对客车的性能要求也越来越高,如何保证既要具有高的行使速度又要具有良好的转向性能以满足用户的要求,是亟待解决的问题。针对此现象,本论文选择汽车的主要组成部分转向桥来进行设计并以DD1021轻型货车转向桥作为研究对象。本设计以汽车设计为理论基础,在设计中确定了转向桥设计方案,设计了转向桥及其零件组成,通过计算设计出了主要零件的尺寸、强度和合理的整体布局。设计后的转向桥具有结构简单、紧凑、重量轻、转向灵敏的特点,制造容易,成本低。广泛用于微、轻型载货汽车。本文所设计的转向桥对同类型的转向桥的设计有一定的参考价值。致谢本设计在任兰铸老师的悉心指导下完成。从课题的选择、理论研究到论文的撰写都得到了任老师的指导和热情帮助。任老师渊博的知识、严谨的学风、丰富的经验以及独到的见解,使我受益匪浅,在此表示衷心的感谢。由于本人水平能力有限,本设计中一定存在许多的错误,希望各位老师能给予批评、指正。最后,感谢在百忙之中评审论文和参加答辩工作的专家与教授们!参考文献1 王洪欣.机械设计工程学() M.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,2001.2 王洪欣.机械设计工程学() M.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,2001.3 竺延年.最新车桥设计、制造、质量检测及国内外实用手册M.中国知识出版社,2005.4 陈家瑞.汽车结构M.吉林工业大学,2000.5 徐清富.国外汽车最近结构手册M.北京:机械工业出版社,1996.6 D.J.Segal.Highway Vehic Object Simulation ModelM .Programmers Manual,1976.7 程振彪.世界载货汽车工业最新发展动态M.汽车科技,2001.8 谢卫国,汪红心.货车平顺性预测与优化J.汽车工程,1991,(3):6979.9 神龙汽车有限公司著编.中国轿车丛书-富康M.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1998.10 中国第一汽车集团公司著编.中国轿车丛书-红旗M.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1998.11 李卓森等编.中外汽车图册车身分册(一) M.长春:吉林科学技术出版社,1995.附录A数控技术发展数控技术和数控装备是制造工业现代化的重要基础。这个基础是否牢固直接影响到一个国家的经济发展和综合国力,关系到一个国家的战略地位。因此,世界上各工业发达国家均采取重大措施来发展自己的数控技术及其产业。 在我国,数控技术与装备的发展亦得到了高度重视,近年来取得了相当大的进步。特别是在通用微机数控领域,以PC平台为基础的国产数控系统,已经走在了世界前列。但是,我国在数控技术研究和产业发展方面亦存在不少问题,特别是在技术创新能力、商品化进程、市场占有率等方面情况尤为突出。在新世纪到来时,如何有效解决这些问题,使我国数控领域沿着可持续发展的道路,从整体上全面迈入世界先进行列,使我们在国际竞争中有举足轻重的地位,将是数控研究开发部门和生产厂家所面临的重要任务。为完成此任务,首先必须确立符合中国国情的发展道路。为此,本文从总体战略和技术路线两个层次及数控系统、功能部件、数控整机等几个具体方面探讨了新世纪的发展途径。1 总体战略制定符合中国国情的总体发展战略,对21世纪我国数控技术与产业的发展至关重要。通过对数控技术和产业发展趋势的分析和对我国数控领域存在问题的研究,我们认为以科技创新为先导,以商品化为主干,以管理和营销为重点,以技术支持和服务为后盾,坚持可持续发展道路将是一种符合我国国情的发展数控技术和产业的总体战略。1.1 以科技创新为先导中国数控技术和产业经过40多年的发展,从无到有,从引进消化到拥有自己独立的自主版权,取得了相当大的进步。但回顾这几十年的发展,可以看到我们在数控领域的进步主要还是按国外一些模式,按部就班地发展,真正创新的成分不多。这种局面在发展初期的起步阶段,是无可非议的。但到了世界数控强手如林的今天和知识经济即将登上舞台的新世纪,这一常规途径就很难行通了。例如,在国外模拟伺服快过时时,我们开始搞模拟伺服,还没等我们占稳市场,技术上就已经落后了;在国外将脉冲驱动的数字式伺服打入我国市场时,我们就跟着搞这类所谓的数字伺服,但至今没形成大的市场规模;近来国外将数字式伺服发展到用网络(通过光缆等)与数控装置连接时,我们又跟着发展此类系统,前途仍不乐观。这种老是跟在别人后面走,按国外已有控制和驱动模式来开发国产数控系统,在技术上难免要滞后,再加上国外公司在我国境内设立研究所和生产厂,实行就地开发、就地生产和就地销售,使我们的产品在性能价格比上已越来越无多大优势,因此要进一步扩大市场占有率,难度自然就很大了。为改变这种现状,我们必须深刻理解和认真落实“科学技术是第一生产力”的伟大论断,大力加强数控领域的科技创新,努力研究具有中国特色的实用的先进数控技术,逐步建立自己独立的、先进的技术体系。在此基础上大力发展符合中国国情的数控产品,从而形成从数控系统、数控功能部件到种类齐全的数控机床整机的完整的产业体系。这样,才不会被国外牵着鼻子,永远受别人的制约,才有可能用先进、实用的数控产品去收复国内市场,打开国际市场,使中国的数控技术和数控产业在21世纪走在世界的前列。1.2 在商品化上狠下工夫近几年我国数控产品虽然发展很快,但真正在市场上站住脚的却不多。就数控系统而言,国产货仍未真正被广大机床厂所接受,因此出现国产数控系统用于旧机床改造的例子较多,而装备新机床的却很少,机床厂出产的国产数控机床大多数用的都是国外的系统。这当然不是说旧机床的数控化改造不重要,而是说明从商品的角度看,我们的数控系统与国外相比还存在相当大的差距。影响数控系统和数控机床商品化的主要因素除技术性能和功能外,更重要的就是可靠性、稳定性和实用性。以往,一些数控技术和产品的研究、开发部门,所追求的往往是一些体现技术水平的指标(如多少通道、多少轴联动、每分钟多少米的进给速度等等),而对影响实用性的一些指标和一些小问题却不太重视,在产品的稳定性、鲁棒性、可靠性、实用性方面花的精力相对较少。从而出现某些产品鉴定时的水平都很高,甚至也获各种大奖。但这些高指标、高性能的产品到用户哪儿却由于一些小问题而表现不尽人意,最后丧失了信誉,打不开市场。这说明,高指标、高性能的样机型的产品离用户真正需要的实用、可靠的商品是有相当大的距离的,将一个高指标、高性能的产品变为一个有市场的商品还需作出大量艰苦的努力。1.4 强技术支持和服务数控系统和数控机床作为典型的高技术产品,对用户的技术支持和服务是相当重要的。以前国产数控产品丧失信誉的原因,除可靠性问题外,另一大问题就是缺乏有力的技术支持和服务。用户花了很多钱买的数控机床或数控系统,一旦出现问题却叫天天不应,叫地地不灵,以后谁还敢买我们的产品。因此,应将对用户的技术支持和服务当成重要的日常工作来抓,使我们在市场上向纵深挺进时,有一个强大后方。因此,为了取得数控产品市场竞争的全面胜利,必须建立以技术支持和服务为核心的强大后方。当然,为赢得主动,后方也须主动出击。目前,利用先进的信息技术手段(如网络和多媒体),将为建立新一代立体化的技术支持和服务体系开辟新的途径。1.5 持续发展道路可持续发展是下一世纪企业发展的重要战略,我国数控产业要有大的发展也必须坚持走可持续发展的道路。绿色是实现可持续发展的重要途径,其主要思想是清洁和节约。为此应大力加强绿色数控产品的开发,加速促进数控产品、数控产业以及整个制造业的绿色化,主要战略措施应考虑以下几方面:有效减少产品制造及使用过程中的环境污染。如减少数控机床的铸件结构,消除铸造对环境的污染;将数控机床主轴的润滑以油气润滑、喷油润滑等取代油雾润滑,减少对生产环境的污染;在精密数控机床及其运行环境的温度控制中取消氟利昂制冷的恒温技术;以电传动代替机械传动,减少噪声污染。大幅度降低资源消耗和能源消耗。如以软件代替硬件,从而减少硬件制造的资源和能源消耗及污染,并减少产品寿命结束后硬件装置的拆卸回收问题;以永磁驱动代替感应驱动,提高效率和功率因数,节约能源;以电传动代替机械传动,提高效率,减少能源消耗。加强用数控技术改造传统机床。这既符合运用信息技术和自动化技术改造传统产业,使传统产业生产技术和装备现代化这一产业可持续发展的目标得以实现,又可取得巨大的经济效益。我国拥有普通机床数百万台,加强用数控技术改造传统机床将成为下世纪我国数控领域的重要发展方向。大力发展绿色数控机床。绿色数控机床应是材料消耗少、能耗低、无污染,寿命长且便于拆卸回收的新型机床。2 技术途径2.1 发展具有中国特色的新一代PC数控系统数控系统是各类数控装备的核心,因此通过科技创新首先发展具有中国特色的新型数控系统,将是推动数控产业化进程的有效技术途径。实践证明,10年来我们所走的PC数控道路是完全正确的。PC机(包括工业PC)产量大、价格便宜,技术进步和性能提高很快,且可靠性高(工业PC主机的MTBF已达30年3)。因此,以其作为数控系统的软硬件平台不但可以大幅度提高数控系统的性能价格比,而且还可充分利用通用微机已有软硬件资源和分享计算机领域的最新成果,如大容量存储器、高分辨率彩色显示器、多媒体信息交换、联网通讯等。此外,以通用微机作为数控平台还可获得快速的技术进步,当PC机升级换代时,数控系统也可相应升级换代,从而长期保持技术上的优势,在竞争中立于不败之地。目前,PC数控系统的体系结构有2种主要形式:(1)专用数控加PC前端的复合式结构;(2)通用PC加位控卡的递阶式结构。另外还有一种正在发展的数字化分布式结构。其方案是将由DSP等组成的数字式伺服通过以光缆等为介质的网络与数控装置连接起来,组成一完整的数控系统。这种系统虽然性能很好,但由于开发和生产成本太高,近期难以被国内广大用户所接受。我们认为,上述结构并不是符合中国国情的最好方案,适合中国国情的应是将所有数控功能全软件化的集成式结构,因为这种结构的硬件规模最小,不但有利于降低系统成本,而且更重要的是可以有效提高系统的可靠性。几十年的经验表明,可靠性好坏是国产数控系统能否发展的关键。虽然影响数控系统可靠性的因素很多,但过大的硬件规模和较低的硬件制造工艺水平往往对可靠性造成最大的威胁。以往,国产数控系统在总体设计时由于种种原因的限制,不得不选用技术指标不太高的普通CPU,这样,为完成数控的复杂功能往往需要由多个CPU来组成系统,有时还需另加一些专用或通用硬件电路来实现数控系统的一些高实时性功能(如细插补、位置伺服控制等),从而造成系统硬件规模庞大。对于数控系统这种批量不大的产品,在国内现有工艺条件下,很难从硬件制造的角度保证系统的可靠性,因而使得国产数控系统在生产现场的表现不佳,对国产数控系统的形象和声誉造成严重影响,使得不少用户现在还心有余悸。因此,我们在开发新型数控系统时,应优先选用新型高性能CPU(如高主频的Pentium II、Pentium III等)作为系统的运算和控制核心,并尽量用软件来实现数控的所有功能。这样,可大幅度减小系统硬件的规模。此外,还应在软件设计、电源设计、接插件设计与选用、接地与屏蔽设计和施工等方面采用强抗扰高可靠性设计与制造技术,从而全面提高系统的可靠性。由于一个新型高性能CPU可以代替数十个普通CPU(如80286、80386等),因此,在基于高性能CPU的PC平台上不仅可以完成数控系统的基本功能(如信息处理、刀补计算、插补计算、加减速控制等)和开关量控制功能(内装PLC),而且还可以完成伺服控制功能。这样,以前由DSP完成的数字化伺服控制功能(如位置控制、速度控制、矢量变换控制等)均可由PC中的CPU完成,从而实现内装式伺服控制,这不仅有效缩小了数控部分的硬件规模,而且还大幅度缩小了伺服控制部分硬件规模.这种具有内装PLC和内装伺服控制的全软件化集成式数控系统,其硬件规模将达到最小化,整个数控系统除一个PC平台外,剩下的只有驱动机床运动的功率接口和反馈接口。这既有效提高了系统可靠性,又消除了信息传递瓶颈,提高了系统性能,同时还可显著降低系统成本,使系统(包括电机)售价将可降至现有数控系统的一半左右。显然,这种高性能、高可靠性、低成本的新型数控系统将具有极强的竞争力,有望为开创中国数控的新局面作出贡献。此外,集成化PC数控系统还有一大优点,就是容易实现开放式结构。这是因为,这种系统的硬件本身已经是完全开放的,构成开放式数控系统的工作完全在软件上,只要制定好标准和协议,从信息处理、轨迹插补、加减速控制、开关量控制到伺服控制都可以实现开放,从而可大大方便用户的使用。2.2 推进数控功能部件的专业化生产解决数控系统问题后,如何实现数控机床的模块化设计与制造便是我国机床制造企业快速响应市场需求,在竞争中获胜的另一关键。要实现数控机床的模块化设计制造,必须解决数控机床功能部件的专业化生产问题。目前我国在这方面离实际需求还有相当大的差距。因此,在今后的若干年内,我们必须大力促进数控机床功能部件的开发和专业化生产。其要点如下:(1)新型永磁电主轴单元 电主轴已成为国际市场上最热门的数控机床功能部件。但目前这类产品几乎都为感应异步型,存在以下突出问题:转子上存在绕组,有大电流流过,因此转子发热严重,直接影响主轴精度;低速出力小且转矩脉动大,难以满足宽范围切削要求;效率和功率因素低,不仅电机体积和重量大而且要求逆变器容量大、耗能多;控制系统复杂、成本高.因此,利用我国稀土永磁材料的优势,开发新型大功率、高效率、宽调速范围永磁同步型交流电主轴单元,将可有效解决现有电主轴存在的问题,形成具有中国特色的新一代电主轴产品。由于永磁电主轴的机械结构和控制系统都较感应异步型电主轴简单,因此易于进行专业化大规模生产。当然,这还要攻克主轴支承(陶瓷轴承、流体动静压轴承、磁悬浮轴承)技术、高精度高速动平衡技术、高速驱动、检测与控制技术、高可靠性安全保证技术等关键技术。(2)廉价的高性能伺服系统目前,一套进给交流伺服系统(驱动器+电机)的价格一般都在万元以上,主轴伺服系统的价格高达数万元,已成为降低国产数控机床成本的一大障碍。因此,应配合新型集成化国产数控系统的发展,大力开发廉价的高性能内装式伺服系统。由于内装式伺服的硬件部分只有电机和功率接口,充分利用我国的永磁资源优势,通过专业化生产可以把电机的造价降下来,而采用智能化的IPM模块作为功率接口也很便宜,因此将内装式进给伺服的价格控制在数千元以内,将内装式主轴伺服的价格控制在2万元以内,将是完全可能的。(3)直线交流伺服系统 直线交流伺服系统是下一世纪数控机床不可缺少的功能部件,目前我国还没有成熟产品,因此应加强研究、开发和推广应用。考虑到常规机床的防磁问题较难解决,而并联机床的防磁相对容易,因此可为常规结构机床开发感应异步型直线电机,为并联结构机床开发永磁同步型直线电机,从而扬长避短,构成符合实际应用要求的新型高速高精度进给系统。在此基础上,可进一步开发将驱动与支承合二为一的磁悬浮工作台。(4)零传动数控转台与摆头 数控转台与摆头是多坐标数控机床的关键部件,传统的采用高精度蜗杆蜗轮等传动的转台与摆头不仅制造难度大、成本高,而且难以达到高速加工所需的速度和精度,因而必须另辟蹊径开发新型零传动(无机械传动链)数控转台和摆头,以促进我国高速高精度多坐标数控机床的发展。(5)高速高精度检测装置 高速高精度是下世纪数控机床发展的主题,这不但需要高性能的控制和驱动,同时还需要高品质的检测环节,因此应在现有技术基础上,进一步开发0.1 m以上精度的高速(60 m/min以上)线位移传感器和100万脉冲/r的角位移传感器,此类技术国外对我国是封锁的。2.3 加速数控机床的全国产化,打好市场翻身仗数控产业化的最终成功将体现在数控机床的全国产化和市场占有率上。在上述总体战略指导下,采取抓两头(低价位数控机床和高速高效数控机床)、带中间(普通数控机床)、促重型(重型关键装备)的方针,将是在国内市场上快速收复失地,在国际市场上稳步进军,最终打赢国产数控机床市场翻身仗的一种有效战术和策略。关于普通数控机床的发展已有许多文章作了专门论述,因此下面仅就低价位数控机床、高速高效数控机床和重型数控机床的发展问题作一讨论。附录BThe Numerical controls developmentThe Numerical Control technical and the equipmentis important for the foundation of the modern industry.Whether this foundation affects an economy of nation to develop directly and comprehensive national strength, relate to a strategic position of nation.Therefore, theflourishing nation of each industry all adopts the important measure in the world to develop own number to control technique and its industries.In our country, the number controled the development of technique and material to also get the high value, obtaining the very big progress in recent years.Count to control the realm in the in general use and tiny machine especially, take terrace of PC as basal domestic the number controls the system, have already walk at ex- row in world.But, the our country is counting to control the technique research and the industry developments to also exist not a few problems, especially creative ability in the technique, commercialize the aspect circumstances, such as progress and market share.etc. is outstanding.At new arrival of century, how resolve these problems effectively, make the our country number control the realm the road of the development, from whole up exceed into advanced row or column in world completely, make us have the prominent position in the international competition, will is a number to control the research development section and produce the factory house face of important mission.In order to co along can keep on mplete this mission, must establish the development road of match the Chinese state of the nation first.For this, this text controls the system, function parts and counts to control the whole machine from the total strategy and two layers of the technique route and numbers etc. a few concrete aspects inquiried into the development path of the new century.1.total strategyThe establishment matches the total development of the Chinese state of the nation strategy, to 21 centuries our country count control the technique and industries to develop to go to close the importance.Control the analysis that the technique and industries develop the trend through a logarithms and to the research that the our country number control the realm existence problem, we think to take science and technology innovation as to lead first, changing into the lord stem with the merchandise, taking management and marketings as the point, with the technique supports and serves for backing, insist can keep on to develop the road and will is a kind of to match the our country state of the nation to develop number to control the technique and industries of total strategy.1.1Take science and technology innovation as to lead firstThe number in China control technique and industry through more than 40 years of development, from did not have from ushering in to digest to own the independent independent copyright of oneself, obtain the very big progress.But look back this several decades of development, can see us at count to control the progress of the realm to mainly still press a little bit foreign mode, press department a ground development, the real creative composition is not much.This kind of situation is developping the start stage of the initial stage, is not scandalous.But went to the world to count to control the strong hand,such as the woods today and knowledge-based economy, and will soon ascend the new century of satge, this normal regulations path of the very difficult line.For example, at the abroad imitate servo quick dated, we start make to imitate servo, have not yet wait we share the steady market, having already fallen behind in the technique;At the abroad beat into the numerical type that the pulse drive is servo the our country market, we come after to make this so-called numeral servo, but did not become the big market scale up to now;Foreign develop numerical type is servo to use the network( pass the fiber optic cable etc.) to control with number to equip the conjunction recently, we come after to develop this kind of system again, the prospect is still not optimistic.This kind of always follow at the other people walk behind, press the abroad to already have the control and drive the mode to develop domestic the number controls the system, after technique up difficult do not need to want the chiyi, and foreign company at our country inshore establish the graduate school and produce the factory, practice to develop right on the spot, produce right on the spot and sell right on the spot, make our product at the function price compare up have already had no many big advantages more and more, so want to further extend the market share, difficulty nature very big.In order to change this kind of present condition, we must get it deeply and the great theory of the earnest implementation science technique is the first productivitys break, strengthenning the number to control the science and technology innovation of the realm strongly, diligent the research has the practical forerunner of Chinese special features to count to control the technique, building up the oneself gradually independent, the forerunners technique system.Develop the number of match the Chinese state of the nation to control the product strongly on this foundation, thus become from the number controls the system and counts to control the function parts to category the well-found number controls the whole machine of tool machine of integrity of industry system.Thus, just will not be led long the nose by the abroad, be check and supervision by the other people forever, just use the forerunner probably, practical of number control the product to recover the local market, open the international market, make China of number control the technique and number control the industry to walk in 21 centuries ex- row in world.1.2 malicious contrive in commercializeIn the last few years the our country number controls the product although the development is very quick, real at stop the feet on the market of not much.In regard to number control system, domestic goods not yet real were accept by the large tool machine factory, so appear the domestic number to control the example that the system useds for the old tool machine reformation more, but new tool machine of material of but few, the tool machine factory produce domestic the number controls the tool machine to use mostly of is all a foreign system.This of course not is a number that says the old tool machine to control to turn the reformation of no account, but the elucidation sees from the angle of the merchandise, our number controls the system and abroads to compare to still exist the very big margin.In addition to the technique function and functions, the main factor that affects the number to control the system and numbers to control the tool machine to commercialize is more important is a credibility, stability and function.Before, some numbers control the research, the development section of technique and product, pursue of is usually some bodies the index sign( such as how much passage, how much stalk tit move, every minute how much rice enter to the speed etc.) of the technique level now, but little thought of towards affecting some index signs and some small problems of function but, in the energy of stability, the stick, credibility, the function aspect flower of product opposite less.Thus appear levels for some products to authenticate all very high, even also get various big prize.But the product of these high index sign, high performances arrive customer where do not fulfil persons idea because of some small problems but performance, lost the prestige finally, beat not to open for business the field.This elucidation, the product of the kind model of the high index sign, high performance leaves the customer real the practical and dependable merchandise that need is to have the very big distance of, changing into a product of high index sign, high performance a merchandise that has the market still needs to make a great deal of effort of hardship.1.4 persistences can keep on to develop the roadThe development is a next century the importance that business enterprise development strategy, our country the number controls the industry to want to have the big development and also musts insist to walk and can keep on the road of the development.The green is a realization and can keep on the important path of the development, its main thought is to sweep and economize.For this development that should strengthen the green number to control the product strongly, the acceleration promotes the number control the product and counts to control industry and the whole green of manufacturing industries to turn, the main strategic measure should consider following several aspectses:The is valid to reduce the product manufacturing and usage pollution of the environment within process.If reduce the number to control a structure of the tool machine, the cancellation casts the pollution to the environment;Control number to the lubrication of the tool machine principal axis to lubricate, spray the oil lubrication with the oil spirit etc. replaces the oil fog lubrication, reduce to produce environment of pollution;Cancel the cold constant temperature technique of freon system in nicety count control tool machine and it circulate environment of temperature control;Move to replace the machine to spread to move with the fax, reduce a pollution.The is significant to lower the resources depletion and energy depletions.Such as replace the hardware with the software, thus reduce the resources and energies of the hardware manufacturing depletion and pollution, and reduce the product life span be over behind the hardware equip of dismantle to unload to recover the problem;Always it drives to replace to respond to drive, lift high-efficiency and the power factor, economize the energy;Move to replace the machine to spread to move with the fax, lift high-efficiency, reduce the energy depletion.The strengthens to control the traditional tool machine of the technique reformation with the number.This since match to make use of the information technique and the automation techniques to reform the traditional industry, make the traditional industry production technique and equip modern this industry and can keep on the target of the development and can carry out, again commendable get huge economic performance.The our country owns the millions set of common tool machine, strengthen to use the number and control the traditional tool machine of the technique reformation and will become next century our country number control important development direction of the realm.The develops the green number to control the tool machine strongly.Green the number control the tool machine and should be a material consume little, can consume low and free from pollution, the life span is long and easy to dismantle new tool machine of unload the recovery.2 technique paths2.1 developments have the new generation PC number of Chinese special features to control the system.The number controls the core that the system is each kind of number to control the material, so control the system through the new number that science and technology innovation develops to have the Chinese special features first, will be valid technique path that pushes number to control the industry to turn the progress.Practice the certificate,10 in the last yearses the PC that we walk the number controls the road is completely right.The PC machine( include the industry PC) yield is big, the price cheapness, the technique progresses to raise with function very quickly, and the credibility is high.Therefore, being the number to control the soft hardware terrace of the system with it not only can with significant raise number to control the function price of the system to compare, but also can also make use of the in general use and tiny machine to already have the last word of the soft hardware resources and the sharing calculator realm well, exchanging such as the colorful display, multi-media information of saving machine, high resolution of big capacity.In addition, be the number to control with the in general use and tiny machine the terrace and can also acquire the fast technique progress, be the PC machine upgrade to change the generation, counting to control the system also can correspond the upgrade to change the generation, thus keeping the advantage on the technique over a long period of time, at compete the neutral in the invincible position.Currently, the PC number control the system structure of the system contain 2 kinds of main forms:(1)The appropriation number controls compound type structure of add the head of PC;(2)The in general use PC add a controls the card of pass the rank type structure.Still have moreover a kind of just the numeral that develop turns the distribute type structure.Its project is to will be is servo by the numerical type that etc. constitute of DSP to pass with fiber optic cable etc. for lie the quality of network and number control to equip to link, constitute one integrity of number control the system.This kind of system although the function is good very, is too high because of the development and production cost, and is hard to was accept by the local and large customer in the near future.We think that the above-mentioned structure is not the best project that matches the Chinese state of the nation, in keeping with Chinese state of the nation of should be control all numbers the function whole software turn of gather the type structure, because of the hardware scale of this kind of structure minimum, not only be advantageous to lowering the system cost, but also more important can raise dependable sex of the system effectively.Several decades of experience enunciation, dependable sex quality is the domestic number control can system develop of key.Although affect the number to control the factor of the system credibility a lot of, lead the big hardware scale and the lower hardware manufacturing craft levels to usually result in the biggest threat to the credibility.Before, the domestic number controls the system at total design because of the restrict of various reason, have to choose with the not that high and common CPU of the technique index sign, thus, usually need for the complicated function that completes number to control to constitute the system from several CPUs, sometimes still need to add another some appropriations or in general use hardware electric circuit to carry out some high and solid hour sexual functions( such as thin put to repair, the position servocontrol etc.) that the number controls the system, thus make the system hardware scale huge.Control the not big product of this kind of batch quantity of system for the number, under the condition of local and existing craft, very difficult from the credibility of the angle assurance system that the hardware make, as a result make domestic number controled the system at produce the performance of the spot not good, to the domestic number control the image and good reputations of the system to result in serious influence, make not a few customers still had a lingering fear now.Therefore, we while developping the new number to control the system, should have the initiative to choose to be the operation and the control cores of the system with the new high performance CPU( such as the Pentium II, III etc. of Pentium of the high and main frequency), and use the software as far as possible to carry out all function that the number control.Thus, it is significant to let up the scale of the system hardware.In addition, should design still in the software, the power supply design, connect the plug-in design with choose to use and connect the ground and shield to design and start construction.etc. to adopt high and dependable sex of strong anting design and manufacturing technique, thus raise dependable sex of the system completely.Because a new high performance CPU can replace the several tens and common CPU( such as 80286 and 80386 etc.s), therefore, at according to the terrace of PC of the high performance CPU up not only can complete the basic function( if the information processing, knife repairs the calculation and puts to repair the calculation and add and subtract to control etc. soon) and switches that the number controls the system to measure the control function( inside pack the PLC), and can but also complete the servocontrol function.Thus, was turned the servocontrol function( if the position control, speed control, the vector transformation control.etc.) by the numeral that the DSP complete and all can be complete by the CPU in the PC before, thus carry out inside the pack type servocontrol, this not only contracted the number to control the hardware scale of the part effectively, but also return significant contracted parts of hardware scales of servocontrol.This kind of have inside pack the PLC and inside pack the servocontrol of whole software turn to gather the type number control the system, its hardware scale will attain the minimum, the whole piece control the system in addition to a PC terrace, leave of only drive the tool machine sport of power connect the and feedbacks to connect.This current effect raised the system credibility, and then removed the information to deliver the bottleneck, raising the system function, can also show it to lower the system cost at the same time, will make the system( include the electrical engineering) selling price be able to decline to the half that the existing number controls the system or so.Obviously, this kind of high performance, high and dependable, low cost new number control the system and will have the very strong competition ability, hope for found Chinese number to control of new situation make a contribution.In addition, gather turn the PC number to control the system to still have one big advantage, is to carry out the open type structure easily.This is because of, the hardware of this kind of system is already complete open of, work that constitutes the open type number to control the system completely on the software, only good standard of establishment harmoniously argument, handle from the information, the track put to repair, add and subtract to control soon, the amount of switch control the servocontrols and can carry out to open, thus can the usage of the consumedly convenient customer.2.2 push forward the profession that the number controls the function parts to turn the productionResolve after number control the system problem, how carry out number to control the mold piece of the tool machine to turn the design and manufacturings to would be the our country tool machine manufacturing business enterprise to respond to the market need quickly, win in the competition of another one key.The mold piece that toes carry out the number to control the tool machine turns the design manufacturing, must resolve the profession that the number controls the tool machine function parts to turn the production problem.Currently the our country leaves the actual need to still have the very big margin in this aspect.Therefore, in some years of aftertime, we must promote the number control the development and professions of the tool machine function parts to turn the production strongly.Its important point is as follows:(1)The new magnetoelectricity principal axis unit electricity principal axis always has become international on the market the most popular number controls the tool machine function parts.But this product is almost currently in order to respond a type of difference, existence following outstanding problem:The turns the son to round the set up the existence, have the big electric current to flow through, so turn the son to have fever the severity, direct influence the principal axis accuracy;The low speed of lift a hand to small and turn the pulsation big, and is hard to satisfy the breadth scope slices to pare request;The efficiency of and the power factors are low, not only the electrical engineering physical volume and weights are big and request to go against to change the machine to have great capacity, consume it can have another;The control system complications, the cost is high.Therefore, make use of the sparse soil of our country the advantage of the material of always, develop the new big power, high-efficiency, the breadth adjust soon scope always synchronous an alternate current principal axis unit, will be able to resolve the problem of the existing electricity principal axis existence effectively, become to have the new generation of Chinese special features electricity principal axis product.Because always the machine structure of the magnetoelectricity principal axis and control the systems all respond an electricity principal axis more in brief, so be easy to carry on the profession to turn the large-scale production.Certainly, this still needs to overrun the principal axis to pay to accept( the porcelain and ceramics bearings, the fluid action presses the bearings, to suspend the bearings) the technique, high accuracy high speed to move the equilibrium technique, high speed to drive, examination and control techniques, high and dependable sex safety assurance technique etc. key technique.(2)Servo system of ch
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