外来参观人员安全告知safety notice for visitors (RELIA).doc_第1页
外来参观人员安全告知safety notice for visitors (RELIA).doc_第2页
外来参观人员安全告知safety notice for visitors (RELIA).doc_第3页
外来参观人员安全告知safety notice for visitors (RELIA).doc_第4页




外来人员安全告知书Safety Notice for Visitors各位来宾,欢迎大家光临瑞莱生物科技(江苏)有限公司参观访问。在您进入本公司之前,为了确保您的安全请仔细阅读本须知,并承诺严格执行。Dear guests, welcome to ReLIA Biotechnologies (Jiangsu) Inc. before you enter, please read and comply with the following notice.1 术语:Items1.1 我公司:是指瑞莱生物科技(江苏)有限公司。The Company: ReLIA Biotechnologies (Jiangsu) Inc.1.2 外来参观人员:是指我公司以外来我公司指导工作,上级主管部门检查工作,友好单位参观等人员 External Visitors: superior leaders or other visitors outside the company. 1.3 外来施工人员:是指与我公司已经签订有关工程施工合同、施工安全协议或接受工程委托单位派来我公司工作的人员。External Construction Units: people who are designated by contractors. 1.4 外来公司商业务人员:是指与我公司有商务往来的单位,来我公司进行商务谈判、供货、提货、进公司办理业务等需要进入公司区的所有人员。External Business Personnel: people who have business relationship with our company, or deliver products. 1.5 生产区域:是指我公司生产大楼以内的所有生产工作的区域。Production Area: all the production zones within our building.2 危险危害因素和重大危险源:Hazardous and Harmful Factors、 Major Hazard Installations 2.1 我公司生产现场存在的主要危险有害因素有:高温、火灾,中毒,触电,物体打击,高处坠落,机械伤害,噪声,划割刺伤、乙醇等化学品等其它伤害。Hazardous and Harmful Factors: fire, poisoning, electricity, falling objects, noise, hazardous chemicals, mechanical injury and etc. 2.2 重大危险源:无 Major Hazard Installations: none3 细则:Detailed Rules 为了保证大家的人身健康与安全,外来人员进入生产现场应该遵守本公司安全、防火、环保等管理规定。请配合我公司熟悉并遵守如下规定:To protect everyone, the visitors should observe the following rules and regulations. Please comply with it.3.1 严禁酒后进入本公司;禁止在生产现场吸烟、饮食;禁止在参观过程中各种不文明行为;请勿在生产现场拨打、接听电话。Our company is alcohol-free. No smoking or eating in production area. No seriously bad conduct. No calling or answering phones in production area. 3.2 未经公司同意不得在公司内拍照摄像。Visitors are not allowed to take pictures without permission.3.3 进入公司必须在保安处进行登记,并佩带公司发放的胸卡。Before entering, please register to gate guard and wear the visiting card 3.4 必须按岗位、陪同人员的要求,穿戴必要的个体防护用品。Please wear personal protective equipment under required.3.5 外来施工人员进入施工作业现场后,必须遵守SMP-OM-005-2.0施工单位及外来人员进出公司区管理规程。External construction units should observe the SMP-OM-005-2.0 procedures. 3.6 进入现场必须有陪同人员的带领方可进入,按照指定路线行走参观,严禁自行在生产区域内活动,未经许可不得擅自离队,不得擅自进入公司各个区域,否则后果自负。No entrance without supervisors company. Please walk on the right routing line. Personal activity is forbidden without permission. Anyone who disobey it or make loss shall compensate. 3.7 需要现场交流、检查、检测、记录数据、拍照等必须事先说明,经我公司人员同意并采取相应安全防护措施后方可进入 Please make it clear in advance if the visitors need no-site communication, check, testing, data recording, pictures taking or etc. No entrance without supervisors permission. 3.8 参观人员未经批准不允许进入岗位。No entrance without permission 3.9 参观过程中,请不要直接与员工交谈,以免影响员工的注意力。如有问题可以通过陪同人员咨询。No personal contact with clerks during visit. Please consult the accompanying staff if the visitors have questions. 3.10 禁止在生产现场触摸各种开关、操作任何设备,这不仅会给自己带来人身安全风险,也可能给我公司员工带来意外伤害。It is forbidden to touch switches, any facility. It will give rise to severe accidents and bring damage to all. 3.11 学习培训人员未经岗位操作人员允许,不准进行生产操作。在岗位长时间学习培训人员,需配备与本公司职工相同的防护用品。进入岗位学习培训前必须通过安全教育,并考试合格,持证上岗。No operating is allowed without supervisors permission. The long-term trainees should wear same protective equipment as the companys clerks. Before post training, the trainees must have lessons on security. After passing the final exam, they will be certified. 3.12 使用化学品时必须到进行备案登记,必须提供相应的MSDS。Please register and provide the MSDS in case of using some chemical products. 3.13 如生产出现异常情况,外来人员及时按照陪同人员的指令要求撤离生产区域。如遇火情或突发事件,请跟随我公司员工或陪同人员一起疏散到安全地方。如遇意外事件或发生事故,请及时与保安或陪同人员联系处理。In case of emergency, please evacuate the production area under required. Follow the accompanying staffs instruction and keep close contact with him. 3.14 外来人员在工作中发生人身不安全情况、发生设备异常或损坏情况,应立即向保安或陪同人员汇报。发生火警时,应立即报火警,并及时参加扑救和保护好人员和设备。Report to guard or accompanying staff in case of emergency. If fires break out, please call 911. Timely rescue and protect personnel and equipment. 谢谢大家的配合,祝大家参观期间顺利、舒心、愉快!Thanks you for full support. Wish you all a pleasant stay here. 个人承诺:我已接受培训,清楚上述规定与要求,在进入贵公司生产区后,我将严格遵守,提高自身安全意识;如有违反,愿意接受贵公司处罚。Personal Commitment: Well tra


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