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前言肯定地说,一个人只有知道规则的情况下才能去打破它,这句经典引用是任何一个学生和认真的作者所必须懂得的。这本书的目的是在有写作的练习加上文学的学习中得到应用,它用简洁的话语给出了简明英语风格最主要的要求,在规则的使用时的细致的注意事项,以及最可能共同违反的作文的原则。第一章 简介这本书的意图是在英语课上使用,作为英语作文的联系以及对文学的学习。它旨在用简洁的方式给出简明英语最基本的要求。它的目的是通过将学生和老师的注意力都集中到(第二三章)一些基本的要素,应用规则,以及人们共同的犯的作文的基本规则,来减轻老师和学生的负担。节选的片段可能用作修正过的手稿的引用。这本书仅仅包含英语风格领域的一小部分,但是作者的体验是一旦能够掌握这些细节,学生将会通过基于他们自己自己作品中的问题的个人指导受益匪浅,每个老师都有他们自己的理论,他也会更喜欢这个在某本书中给出的方法。在准备这本书的手稿时,作者在康内尔大学英语系的同事给与了作者很大的帮助。Mr. George McLaneWood非常爽快地同意在规则11中包含的一些内容来自于他的Suggestions toAuthors.下面的这些书籍可以作为更进一步学习的参考:in connection with Chapters II and IV, F. Howard Collins, Author and Printer (Henry Frowde); Chicago University Press, Manual of Style; T. L. De Vinne, Correct Composition (The Century Company); Horace Hart, Rules for Compositors and Printers (Oxford University Press); George McLane Wood, Extracts from the Style-Book of the Government Printing Office (United States Geological Survey); in connection with Chapters III and V, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, The Art of Writing (Putnams), especially the chapter, Interlude on Jargon; George McLaneWood, Suggestions to Authors (United States Geological Survey); John Leslie Hall, English Usage (Scott, Foresman and Co.); James P. Kelly, Workmanship in Words (Little, Brown and Co.).有个古老的观察:最好的作者有时会忽视修辞的规则。然而,当他们这么做的时候,读者将会通常在句子中发现一些修正的好处,得到了违反规则的耗费。如果他也不确定这样做,那他遵守这些规则会做得最好。在他学习这些规则之后,经过这些规则的指导,在每天的使用中写出足够多的简明英语,让他看看,为了了解风格秘密,得学习文学的控制。II.基本的使用规则1.单数名词所有格后加的形式当名词的最后音节为辅音时,遵循这样的规则。这样写:Charless friend Burnss poemsthe witchs malice这是美国联邦政府印刷局和剑桥大学出版社的使用方式。例外是传统的专有名词所有格使用“-es”和“-is”, Jesus所有格以及这样的一些形式,如:for conscience sake, for righteousness sake。但是,这些形式(Achilles heel, Moses laws, Isis temple)完全能够用下面的这些形式代替:the heel of Achilles the laws of Mosesthe temple of Isis代词所有格没有撇号使用方式,如:hers, its, theirs, yours, 和 oneself2. 除了最后一个,三个或者更多的一系列词语使用逗号连接在每个词语后面。这样写:red, white, and blue honest, energetic, but headstrongHe opened the letter, read it, and made a note of its contents.这也是美国联邦政府印刷局和剑桥大学出版社的使用方式。如果是厂商的名字,那么最后一个逗号将省略,如:Brown, Shipley and Company在缩写etc之前如果是单数,那么一般也要加上逗号。3.两个逗号之间的附加说明The best way to see a country, unless you are pressed for time, is to travel on foot.这条规则应用起来是有难度的。它的困难之处在于你要频繁的去决定一个简单的词语,例如however,或者一个简短的短语,是否为附加说明。如果这种插入对于句子的流畅性是一种轻微的间断,那么作者就可以放心地省略那些逗号。但是不管这种间断是轻微还是重要的,都不能省略其中的一个而去留下另外一个逗号。这样的标点符号例子如:Marjories husband, Colonel Nelson paid us a visit yesterday,或者My brother you will be pleased to hear, is now in perfect health,都是站不住脚的。与这条规则相一致的是,非限定性定语从句被逗号分开。The audience, which had at first been indifferent, became more and more interested.相似的从句由when和where引起,同样加上逗号。In 1769, when Napoleon was born, Corsica had but recently been acquired by France. Nether Stowey, where Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, is a few miles from Bridgewater.在这些句子中,从句是由which,where和when引起的非限定性从句。它们并不是限定从句所依赖而使用的词语,而是对主句的增加性,附带性,补充性说明。每个句子都是两个独立句子的组合。The audience was at first indifferent. Later it became more and more interested. Napoleon was born in 1769. At that time Corsica had but recently been acquired by France.Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner at Nether Stowey. Nether Stowey is only a few miles from Bridgewater.限定性定语从句不能用逗号隔开。The candidate who best meets these requirements will obtain the place.在这个句子中,定语从句限定单词candidate为一个单数人,与前面提到的不同的是,这样的句子不能分割成两个独立的句子。缩写词etc和jr之前也通常会加上逗号,除非在句子的末尾,由一个单数跟随。(例如:Synonymous with illegal: used with instruction code, character, etc.The place was a blazing, raging, roaring, etc inferno.The citys bright lights, theatres, films, etc, are great attractions。)与在逗号之间插入附加说明表达方式的原则相似的是在一句话的主句上前置或者后置一系列用逗号隔开的独立的句子。这一部分所引用的句子和在第4,5,6,7,16和18原则下所引用的例子能够有充分的指导。如果前置的附加说明的表达是由一个连接词组成,请在连接词之前放置第一个逗号,而在其后面则不需要。He saw us coming, and unaware that we had learned of his treachery, greeted us with a smile.4.通过and或者but引入一个独立的句子时,在and或者but之前加上逗号。The early records of the city have disappeared, and the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed. The situation is perilous, but there is still one chance of escape.这种独立与上下文的句子,可能根据需要要进行重写。由于逗号之前的句子具有完整的语义,第二个从句便有了事后补充的表象。更进一步说,and是最无特殊之处的连接词。它用于两个独立的句子之间,它意味着在这两个句子之间只是一种没有被说明的联系。上面提到的例子中,这种联系表现为原因和结果。这两个句子可以重写为:As the early records of the city have disappeared, the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed. Although the situation is perilous, there is still one chance of escape.或者从句由短语代替:Owing to the disappearance of the early records of the city, the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed. In this perilous situation, there is still one chance of escape.但是,作者可能在使他写的句子一致地紧凑和完整时会产生错误,一个随意的松散句子能够使作者的风格避免于太过正式,给读者一种轻松的感觉。因此,松散的这种风格很容易成为一种共同的风格自然的写作。但是作者应该注意的是在这些类型的句子之后不要去构造过多的他自己的句子。(请看第14条规则)。两部分组成的句子由像这些词语引起的as (意思是because), for, or, nor, and while (意思是and at the same time)句子的第二部分都需要在连接词之前加上逗号。如果是独立的句子,或者引导短语需要用逗号分开,请在第二个独立的句子之前,而在连接词之后不需要逗号。The situation is perilous, but if we are prepared to act promptly, there is still one chance of escape.对于由副词连接的两部分类型句子,请看下一节。5.不要利用逗号加入独立的分句如果两个或者更多的分句在语法上说是完整的,那么不要加入连接词,而是使其成为一个简单的并列复合句,恰当的标点符号是分号。Stevensons romances are entertaining; they are full of exciting adventures. It is nearly half past five; we cannot reach town before dark.将上面的复合句各自写成两个句子,用句号代替分号,这当然是正确的。Stevensons romances are entertaining. They are full of exciting adventures. It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before dark.如果要加入连接词,合适的标点符号是逗号。(规则4)Stevensons romances are entertaining, for they are full of exciting adventures. It is nearly half past five, and we cannot reach town before dark.注意:如果第二个分句是由accordingly, besides, so, then, therefore, 或者 thus这样副词,而不是由连接词引起的,则仍然需要用到分号。I had never been in the place before; so I had difficulty in finding my way about.通常来说,在写作中,避免以这种方式使用so无论怎样都是最好的。那些使用全面使用它的作者可能经常会用到它,这是危险的。放弃使用so,而在第一个分句之前使用as,这种简单的修正是可行的:As I had never been in the place before, I had difficulty in finding my way about.如果分句是很短的,并且在形式上很像,那么逗号也是可以的:Man proposes, God disposes. The gate swung apart, the bridge fell, the portcullis was drawn up.6.不要将句子拆分成两部分换句话说,不要使用句号代替逗号。I met them on a Cunard liner several years ago. Coming home from Liverpool to New York. He was an interesting talker. A man who had traveled all over the world, and lived in half a dozen countries.在这两个例子中,第一个句号都应该被逗号代替,以及后面的单词应以小写字母开头。一个句子为了达到强调一个单词或者表达式的目的,相应地加上了标点,这是可以的。Again and again he called out. No reply.无论如何,作者都必须确信强调是受到保证的,他并不只是怀疑标点符号方面的错误。规则3,4,5和6包括了普通句子标点符号方面的最重要的原则。它们必须被熟练的掌握,以至于让它们成为一种老的习惯。7.句子开头的分词短语必须与主语相关。Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children.单词walking与这句话的主语相关,而不是woman。如果作者想与woman相关,那么作者必须彻底重写这句话:He saw a woman, accompanied by two children, walking slowly down the road.分词短语由连接词或者介词引导,名词同位语,形容词以及形容词短语,如果放在句子开头,也遵循同样的规则。On arriving in Chicago, his friends met him at the station.When he arrived (or, On his arrival) in Chicago, his friends met him at the station.A soldier of proved valor, they entrusted him with the defence of the city.A soldier of proved valor, he was entrusted with the defence of the city.Young and inexperienced, the task seemed easy to me.Young and inexperienced, I thought the task easy.Without a friend to counsel him, the temptation proved irresistible.Without a friend to counsel him, he found the temptation irresistible.违反这条规则的句子时通常是可笑的。Being in a dilapidated condition, I was able to buy the house very cheap.8.在行的末端,单词分开写以便与他们的构造和发音相一致如果在一行的末端有空间给一个单词的单或者多音节,但是不足以容纳整个单词,如果切断的并不仅仅是一个单词的一个字母或者两个字母,那么分开这个单词,我们主张的是对所有的单词没有固定的规则。这些原则最主要的应用是:a分开单词,根据他们的构造know-ledge (not knowl-edge); Shake-speare (not Shakes-peare); de-scribe (not des-cribe); atmo-sphere (not atmos-phere);b.在元音字母上分开edi-ble (not ed-ible); propo-sition; ordi-nary; espe-cial; reli-gious; oppo-nents; regu-lar; classi-fi-ca-tion (three divisions possible); deco-rative; presi-dent;c.如果双写字母不是在单词一般形式的末尾,那么在这个双写字母之间分开这个单词Apen-nines; Cincin-nati; refer-ring; but tell-ing.辅音字母组合的处理方式是最好的展示示例。for-tune; pic-ture; presump-tuous; illus-tration; sub-stan-tial (either division); indus-try; instruc-tion; sug-ges-tion; incen-diary.通过对认真出版的书籍许多页的音节拆分联系之后,学生将会做得很好。III.作文的基本规则9.让段落成为文章的基本组成单位:一段包含一个主题如果你所论述的主题所涉及的范围很窄,或者你想将它写的很简单,那么你就没有必要将它再划分为几个小的主题。这样,一个简单的描述,一件文学作品的简短总结,一件普通事件的简单记录,一种仅仅概况某种行为的叙述,一种想法的付诸行动,这些当中的任何一个主题都最好写成一段,当把这些段落写好之后,我们就要检查这些段落的划分是否有可以提高的地方。然而,一个主题通常都需要划分成几个小的主题,而且每个主题都应该单独成段。当然,这种将每个小的主题单独成段的大的主题能够通过自身帮助读者理解。每一段的开始都是给读者以主旨的发展到了一个新的阶段的信号。主旨划分的范围随着文章的长短变化而变化。例如,一本书或者一首诗的通知可能只包含一段。稍微长一点的可能包含两段:A. Account of the work. B. Critical discussion.为一个文学专业班级缩写的文学报告,可能包含七段:A. Facts of composition and publication. B. Kind of poem; metrical form.C. Subject.D. Treatment of subject.E. For what chiefly remarkable.F. Wherein characteristic of the writer.G. Relationship to other works.C和D段落的内容将会随诗的不同而变化。段落C将会指出诗的真实的或者想象的情况(情形),如果这些需要解释,然后陈述主题以及描述它的发展。如果诗是以第三人的角度叙述的,那么段落C仅仅需要包含这种行为的简明总结。段落D将会指出文章的主要的思想以及如何突出他们,或者指出作者叙述主要强调的意义何在。一部小说可能是在下面的主题下讨论的:A. Setting. B. Plot.C. Characters.D. Purpose.一起历史事件可能是在下面的主题下讨论的:A. What led up to the event. B. Account of the event.C. What the event led up to.当处理最后这两个主题的任何一个时,作者可能会发现有必要继续划分这里给出的这些小的主题中的一个或者更多。作为一条规则,简单句是不能被写作或者印刷成为一段的。过渡句是它的例外,它指出阐述或者论述部分之间的关系。在对话中,每句话甚至是仅仅一个单词都要单独成段。换句话说,每一个新的段落都是以说话者的改变而开始的。当对话和叙述综合使用时,这条规则的应用最好的学习是从优秀的小说作品例子中来。10.作为一条规则,每段以主旨句开头,以与开头主旨句相一致的句子结尾主旨再次帮助了读者。作为练习在这里建议:当读者开始读每一段时,能够使他发现这一段要达到的目的,当他读完这一段时,能够将这个目的记在心中。出于这样的原因,特别是对于阐述和论证,最有用的段落类型是这样的,他们包括:a.在段落的开头或者周围,有一个主旨句;b.接下来的句子,解释或者加强或者发展这个由主旨句所做的论断;c.最后的句子要么强调主旨句的思想,要么陈述一些重要的结果。以离题或者一些不重要的细节作为结尾,是特别要避免的。如果段落成为一篇较大文章的一部分,那么它与它之前部分之间的关系,以及它在整体中作为部分所起到的作用,可能需要表述。这有时能够通过主旨句中仅仅一个单词或者短语(again; therefore; for the same reason)完成。然而,有时通过在主旨句之前加上一句或者更多的语句作为引导或者过度,这只是权宜之计。如果过度句需要不止一句,那么最好将主旨句分离单独成段。对于作者的写作意图,正如上文提到的,作者可能通过一种或者许多种不同的方法将主旨句和段落主体相联系。作者可能通过使用不同的形式重述主旨句,使用术语定义,否定它的独立面,给出说明或者特殊的例子,以使其更加清晰;作者可能通过证据创立它,或者通过展示它的启示和结果推动它;在一个长段落中,作者可能执行这些进程中的一些:1 Now, to be properly enjoyed, a walking tour should be gone upon alone.1 Topic sentence.2 If you go in a company, or even in pairs, it is no longer a walking tour in anything but name; it is something else and more in the nature of a picnic.2 The meaning made clearer by denial of the contrary.3 A walking tour should be gone upon alone, because freedom is of the essence; because you should be able to stop and go on, and follow this way or that, as the freak takes you; and because you must have your own pace, and neither trot alongside a champion walker, nor mince in time with a girl.3 The topic sentence repeated, in abridged form, and supported by three reasons; the meaning of the third (you must have your own pace) made clearer by denying the converse.4 And you must be open to all impressions and let your thoughts take colour from what you see.4 A fourth reason, stated in two forms.5 You should be as a pipe for any wind to play upon.5 The same reason, stated in still another form.6 I cannot see the wit, says Hazlitt, of walking and talking at the same time.6-7 The same reason as stated by Hazlitt.7 When I am in the country, I wish to vegetate like the country, which is the gist of all that can be said upon the matter.8 There should be no cackle of voices at your elbow, to jar on the meditative silence of the morning.8 Repetition, in paraphrase, of the quotation from Hazlitt.9 And so long as a man is reasoning he cannot surrender himself to that fine intoxication that comes of much motion in the open air, that begins in a sort of dazzle and sluggishness of the brain, and ends in a peace that passes comprehension.Stevenson, Walking Tours.9 Final statement of the fourth reason, in language amplified and heightened to form a strong conclusion.1 It was chiefly in the eighteenth century that a very different conception of history grew up.1 Topic sentence.2 Historians then came to believe that their task was not so much to paint a picture as to solve a problem; to explain or illustrate the successive phases of national growth, prosperity, and adversity.2 The meaning of the topic sentence made clearer; the new conception of history defined.3 The history of morals, of industry, of intellect, and of art; the changes that take place in manners or beliefs; the dominant ideas that prevailed in successive periods; the rise, fall, and modification of political constitutions; in a word, all the conditions of national well-being became the subjects of their works.3 The definition expanded.4 They sought rather to write a history of peoples than a history of kings.4 The definition explained by contrast.5 They looked especially in history for the chain of causes and effects.5 The definition supplemented: another element in the new conception of history.6 They undertook to study in the past the physiology of nations, and hoped by applying the experimental method on a large scale to deduce some lessons of real value about the conditions on which the welfare of society mainly depend.Lecky, The Political Value of History.6 Conclusion: an important consequence of the new conception of history.在叙述和描述性的段落中,为了服务于将下面的这些细节整合在一起,作者有时以简洁的容易理解的陈述开头:The breeze served us admirably. The campaign opened with a series of reverses.The next ten or twelve pages were filled with a curious set of entries.但是这种策略如果使用太过频繁,就会成为一种特殊习惯。太过平凡的开头明白无误的通过主题说明这一段是什么以及它所主要关联的。At length I thought I might return towards the stockade. He picked up the heavy lamp from the table and began to explore.Another flight of steps, and they emerged on the roof.然而,简洁生动的叙述性段落通常是没有这样相似的主旨句。修辞介入它们之间而产生的停顿是为了服务于突出某种情节的一些细节。11.使用主动语态主动语态通常比被动语态更加直接,更加有力。I shall always remember my first visit to Boston.这句比下面这句更好:My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me.后面这句显得不够直接,不够大胆,不够简洁。如果作者试图通过省略“by me”,以使其简洁。My first visit to Boston will always be remembered,它将变得不确定:是作者,还是其他身份不明的人,还是整个世界,将会记住这次访问?这条规则当然并不意味着作者应该完全摒弃通常很方便而在有些时候很需要的被动语态。The dramatists of the Restoration are little esteemed to-day. Modern readers have little esteem for the dramatists of the Restoration.在关于复兴时期剧作家的段落中,第一句是正确的。第二句则是在关于现代读者的体验的段落中是正确的。正如在这些例子中,句子的主语需要使用特殊的词语将会经常决定使用何种语态。然而,主动语态的习惯性使用,会导致强有力的写作风格。而这种风格并不仅仅是在与一些情节相关的叙述文章中,而是在任何一种题材的的文章中都会体现。许多乏味的描绘和阐述性语句通过用这里或者能够听到的这些马虎的表达取代主动语态中的及物动词,能够变得生动和突出重点。There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground.Dead leaves covered the ground.The sound of the falls could still be heard.The sound of the falls still reached our ears.The reason that he left college was that his health became impaired.Failing health compelled him to leave college.It was not long before he was very sorry that he had said what he had.He soon repented his words.作为一条规则,避免使一个被动语态依赖于另一个。Gold was not allowed to be exported.It was forbidden to export gold (The export of gold was prohibited).He has been proved to have been seen entering the building.It has been proved that he was seen to enter the building.在上面的例子中,在改正之前,第一个被动语态的主语决定了与第二个被动相关的合适的词语。一个共同的错误就是,在使用名词作被动语态的主语时,这个名词表达了全部的情节,使得动词在完成句子时没有什么作用能够超越那个名词。A survey of this region was made in 1900.This region was surveyed in 1900.Mobilization of the army was rapidly carried out.The army was rapidly mobilized.Confirmation of these reports cannot be obtained.These reports cannot be confirmed.比较句子,在“The export of gold was prohibited”中谓语“was prohibited”表达出而不是暗示某些事情在“export”。12.用肯定的形式表达陈述句作出明确的断言。避免使用平淡的,苍白的,犹豫的,不置可否的语句。使用单词“not”的否定或者对立面的意思,绝对不要使用逃避的意思。He was not very often on time.He usually came late.He did not think that studying Latin was much use.He thought the study of Latin useless.The Taming of the Shrew is rather weak in spots. Shakespeare does not portray Katharine as a very admirable character, nor does Bianca remain long in memory as an important character in Shakespeares works.The women in The Taming of the Shrew are unattractive. Katharine is disagreeable, Bianca insignificant.在改正之前,最后一个例子是不确定和消极的。所以,修改后的版本是一种对作者意图的简单猜测。这三个例子都显示了单词“not”固有的弱点。有意或者无意的,告诉读者不是什么,作者对此是不会满足的;作者想知道的是是什么。因此,作为一条规则,表达消极的意思时,最好使用积极的形式。not honestdishonestnot importanttriflingdid not rememberforgotdid not pay any attention toignoreddid not have much confidence indistrusted积极与消极之间的对立是非常强烈的:Not charity, but simple justice. Not that I loved Caesar less, but Rome the more.与not相比,消极的词通常更强烈:The sun never sets upon the British flag.13.省略不必要的词句有力的作品是简洁的。一句话不应该包括不必要的词语,一个段落不应该包括不必要的句子,出于同样的原因,一幅绘画不应该有不必要的画线,一台机器则是不应该有不必要的部分。这并不是要求作者将他的所有句子都缩短,或者避开所有的细节,而仅仅处理主题的轮廓,而是要求作者用单词实现。许多共同使用的表达违反了这条原则:the question as to whetherwhether (the question whether)there is no doubt but thatno doubt (doubtless)used for fuel purposesUsed for fuelhe is a man whoHein a hasty mannerhastilythis is a subject whichthis subjectHis story is a strange one.His story is strange.尤其是表达式the fact that,应该修改它所出现的每一个句子。owing to the fact thatsince (because)in spite of the fact thatthough (although)call your attention to the fact thatremind you (notify you)I was unaware of the fact thatI was unaware that (did not know)the fact that he had not succeededhis failurethe fact that I had arrivedmy arrival也可以在第v章的时候看看这些单词:case, character, nature, systemWho is, which was等等通常是多余的。His brother, who is a member of the same firmHis brother, a member of the same firmTrafalgar, which was Nelsons last battleTrafalgar, Nelsons last battle由于积极的陈述比消极的陈述,以及主动语态比别的语态都更加简洁,所以在规则11和12给出的许多例子也说明了这条规则。通常违反简洁性的是,一步一步地叙述一个复杂的想法,而将这一系列的句子合并成一句话会变得很有利。Macbeth was very ambitious. This led him to wish to become king of Scotland. The witches told him that this wish of his would come true. The king of Scotland at this time was Duncan. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth murdered Duncan. He was thus enabled to succeed Duncan as king. (55 words.)Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth achi


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