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工商导论练习题第一章 建立企业Exercise 1: Chapter 1 Setting Up a BusinessI.Multiple choice1. The rights and duties of a _b_ are regulated by a legal agreement entered into by the co-owners. A. sole proprietorship B. partnership C. corporation D. franchising 2. The company that sells the franchise is the _d_. A. franchisee B. owner C. employee D. franchisor 3. _b_will be voting on the proposed merger of the company next week. A. Employee B. Shareholders C. Mergers D. Staff 4. The massive losses have prevented the company from declaring a _a_ this year. A. dividend B. profit C. share D. gain 5. An _d_ asset is something a company possesses, which is not material but something else such as a good reputation. A. tangible B. feasible C. infeasible D. intangible 6. Your employers liability covers accidents that you have _a_ your way to work but not _ your way home. A. on, on B. in, in C. on, in D. in, on 7. Those young people have considerable _c_ in marketing. A. expert B. experiment C. expertise D. experienced 8. As a separate legal entity, a corporation can sue and be sued in _c_ own name. A. their B. those C. its D. his 9. Some franchise agreements allow the franchisees very _b_ freedom to exercise their own ingenuity. A. few B. little C. a little D. much 10. Every business, small or large, needs some kind of planned organization that will enable the group to work effectively _a_ a central authority. A. under B. for C. in D. by II.Explain the key concepts and fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate words1. franchise 特许权,专营权 It is the fr_ agreement by which a monopoly producer (the franchisor) gives another producer or trader (the franchisee) by formal license the ex_ right, i.e. a right held by products of the fran_ in a certain area such as a town, county or country. The fran_ may pay the franchisor by an amount based on the number of units produced or on the number sold, or by a per_ of his gross sales; and he must agree to buy all his supplies only from the franchisor.2. sole proprietor 个体户,独资经营人 It is the one and o_ owner of a business. He provides all the c_, bears all the risk, and in return receives a_ the profits. Such a concern is called a one-man business, although the pro_ may employ a number of people. 3. partnership 合伙企业,合伙组织 It is an unincorporated (unregistered) asso_ of two or more persons carrying on business to_ for the purpose of making a profit according to a partner_ agreement. 4. corporation 股份有限公司,法人团体 It is a group of persons who have formed themselves into an asso_ which itself has by law a separate l_ existence or artificial personality quite different from the persons who compose it. The law allows it to continue to exist indefinitely although its members (shareholders) may c_. It has a name and can express its w_ by fixing its common seal on written docu_. 5. unlimited liability 无限责任 It is the lia_ of a pri_ owner of a business, or of a member of a partnership or a com_ that is not regis_ as a limi_ liability company. 6. real estate 不动产,房地产,物业 It refers to an interest in land and buildings, esp. freehold pro_. Syn. real property; immo_ property; realty 7. legal person 法人 It refers to a p_ or group of persons recognized by law as having a separate legal existence with his or its own r_ and duties. A legal person is either a natural person, i.e. a human being, or an arti_ person, i.e. a corporation. 8. dividend 股息,股利,红利,余利 Strictly speaking, it is an amount to be divided, such as the total sum to be p_ out of profits or as interest on a loan. Its commercial meaning is: one of the parts into which an a_ has been divided and shared out, esp. to stockholders or share_ of a company as their share of the profits or of part of the p_, or to the cre_ of a bankrupt. III.Translate the following sentences into English or vice versa.A1. 他的三明治小吧非常成功,为此他决定将它变为特许经营权。 2. 此公司的资产仅有640美元,然而负债却有2.4万美元。 3. 为使你们更好地了解我母公司,特随函寄上本年年度报告。 4. 和其他类型公司相比,典型的跨国公司的某些经营方式更具有全球性的特点。 5. 市场经济有四大经营方式,即:个体经营、合伙经营、股份公司和特许经营。 B1. The chairman of the board of directors said,: “The interest rate for a company of this size is far too high.” 2. Franchising has costs as well as benefits for the economy of a nation. 3. Unless you understand how money flows through a business, you will not understand the operation. 4. The government in that country has promised to reduce its interference in the economy and rely on private enterprise to pace economic growth. 5. Examiners have come to inspect the collateral that thrifts may use in borrowing from the Fed.IV.Case StudySunny Engineering CompanySunny Engineering Company, one of the nations leading engineering-consulting firms, is located in Charleston. The company is owned by Samuel Lee, who started the business in 1985 as a sole proprietorship.Last year, as a sideline, the firm became an agent for a conveyor-belt manufacturing company and also opened a dealership for Kamron mechanical-lift forks.Both of these lines are well-known products and the immediate demand for them is strong, For the third consecutive year the firms growth in net sales has increased by 25 to 30 percent.The company is now at the stage where it needs at least five more mechanical engineers. Recently Lee lost three large contracts for lack of engineers.A few days ago Lee was offered a dealership for the entire state. He would represent the largest producer of electronic and mechanical valves and switches used in industrial plants. He estimates that this expansion would require about twenty-five thousand square feet of fireproof warehouse space and five thousand square feet of office space. In addition, three more engineers would be needed immediately.Lee estimates that an expenditure of $500,000 will be required to build the new facilities, and about $300,000 in working capital. The company cannot finance these expenditures from current earnings.Lee has discussed the possibility of a loan with two local banks, but neither one is interested in a long-term loan. Both banks require more collateral than he is able to furnish. There is also the matter of very high interest rates. Lee business expansion into additional product lines depends upon the availability of new capital. Otherwise the alternative is to continue operating the business and change from a sole proprietorship to some other form.Questions: 1. What is the main problem in this case? 2. Which form of business ownership should Lee adopt in order to solve this problem? Why do you recommend that form?附:Special Terms专业术语sole proprietorship个体经营,个体户board directors董事.law firm 法律事务所accounting firm 会计事务所real estate firm 房地产公司unlimited liability无限责任personal property个人资产 human resource management 人力资源管理general partners普通合伙人 limited partners(special partners)责任有限合伙人extend credit提供信贷legal framework 法律框架internal conflict 内部纷争buy out 买断raise capital筹资withdraw capital撤资 well-being (of the firm) 企业良性运行;企业的健康状况day-to-day management of the company企业的日常管理sales revenue 销售收入separated ownership and management 所有权与经营分离income taxes所得税double taxation 双重征税 corporate charter 公司章程industrial relations劳资关系annual report 年度报告sole proprietor个体业主go broke破产BOD董事会 legal person法人 bonds债权collateral抵押物loan against collateral 抵押贷款dividends股息,分红royalty特许权,加盟费listed company上市公司MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIVALMany students hope their college lives can be colorful and meaningful. So ,a university arts festivals organization may satisfy their hope. Also, it needs everyones participation actively.Firstly, during the art festival, many activities can be held, such as holding some lectures, drama entertainment and knowledge competition. Holding an arts festival in a university provides a good opportunity for students to show their talent and exchange their ideas with other students. First of all, the preliminary work should be well organized. To make sure every student knows about this event and gets interested in it, the poster must be well organized and the leaflets must be ci


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