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含CAD图纸、说明书 家用 多功能 跑步 设计 CAD 图纸 说明书


压缩包内含有CAD图纸和说明书,咨询Q 197216396 或 11970985 本科毕业设计说明书(论文)摘 要 由于现在城市空间的拥挤以及紧张的工作生活中没有充足的时间去公园锻炼,当今生活在城市的人们迫切需要多功能家用跑步机来满足锻炼的需要。电动跑步机,又名电动跑台,是多年来国际流行的大众健身器材,通过电机带动跑带使人以不同的速度被动地跑步或走动。由于电动跑步机上的电子辅助装备功能非常多,锻炼者可体验不同的跑步环境,如平地跑、上坡跑、丘陵跑、变速跑等,个人可以根据自己的锻炼目的进行锻炼。跑步机在健身者运动时能显示出跑步时的速度、时间、心率、热量、节拍、距离等指标,使健身者能够随时根据自身的身体状况调节训练强度。 本多功能家用跑步机正是立足于这一需要而设计。本毕业设计中的多功能家用跑步机能够满足家庭中儿童、老人、青年各年龄段的人群进行锻炼的需要。通过调节起降机可以使人们体验山地,平地等不同的跑步环境,通过调节仪表盘还能让人们体验变速跑。在仪表盘中安装外接MP3音箱、风扇,可以边听音乐边锻炼,使人们处于优美舒适的环境。在扶手上安装有心跳车速传感器,可以时时看到自己身体的状况,帮助人们进行适当有效的训练。跑步机上安装有急停按钮,能够有效的保护锻炼人员等的安全。在跑步机支架上安装有仰卧起坐架、扭腰盘辅助锻炼机构,帮助人们更好的锻炼全身的肌肉,塑造完美体形。多功能家用跑步机能够使人们足不出户就可以锻炼,随着生活水平的提高,人们锻炼意识的增强,多功能家用跑步机将会得到更大的普及,有可能会成为每个家庭的必备品。关键词:家庭;多功能;跑步机AbstractCrowded urban space as well as intense work life does not have sufficient time to the park to exercise , People living in the city today an urgent need for a family of multifunction treadmill to meet the needs of exercise.Motorized treadmill, also known as electric treadmill is a popular fitness equipment for many years the international popular, driven by the motor to run with people passively running or walking at different speeds. Electric treadmill electronic auxiliary equipment functions, exercise can experience a different running environment, such as the ground running, uphill running, running hills, varied pace, individuals can exercise according to their exercise purposes. Treadmill in the fitness movement to show speed, time, heart rate, calories, tempo, distance indicators when running, fitness training intensity can be adjusted according to their own physical condition at any time.The familys multi-functional treadmill it is based on this need. The family of multifunction treadmill in this graduation to meet the exercise needs of the family children, the elderly, young age of the crowd. By adjusting the takeoff and landing machine can make different people to experience the mountains, plains and other running environment, by adjusting the dashboard also allows people to experience the varied pace. External MP3 speaker, fan installed in the dashboard, you can exercise while listening to music, so that people in a pleasant environment. Heartbeat speed sensor installed in the armrest, you can always see their own physical condition, to help people to appropriate and effective training. Emergency stop button is installed on a treadmill, can effectively protect the safety of the exercise staff. Installed in the bracket of the treadmill sit-ups frame Twist plate auxiliary exercise agency, to help people to better exercise muscles to create the perfect shape.Family multifunction treadmill can make people stay at home you can exercise, with the improvement of living standards, enhanced awareness of people to exercise, family multifunction treadmill will be greater the popularity of each family may become essential goods.Keywords: family; multi-functional; running machineIII目 录摘 要 IAbstractII引 言11 案总体设计21.1 基本功能21.2 构造设计21.3 功能原理的确定21.4 小结32 电动机类型与参数的选择42.1 类型功率选择42.2 技术参数42.3小结53 传动机构设计63.1 设计步骤及参数选择63.2 多楔带带轮结构和尺寸选择83.3 带传动的张紧装置的选择103.4小结104 外型结构设计114.1 基架的设计114.2 支架的设计124.3 上盖124.4小结135 前后滚筒135.1 轴承的计算145.2 轴结构的设计145.3 强度计算155.4 滚筒要求155.5小结176 跑步板及跑步带设计146.1 跑步板186.2 跑步带186.3 跑带调整:两个螺栓调整法186.4 跑台润滑油的填加196.5小结207 避震系统的设计217.1小结228 多功能设计238.1.扭腰盘设计238.2.连接结构设计238.3.旋转结构设计248.4.卧起坐架的设计248.5小结259 使用和维护269.1.跑步机的维护与保养269.2.如何使用跑步机269.3小结27结 论28致 谢29参考文献30英文资料31引 言跑步是目前国际流行并被医学界和体育界给予高度评价的有氧健身运动,是保持一个人身心健康最有效、最科学的健身方式,也越来越受到大家喜爱。户外长跑曾经是大众最喜闻乐见的运动形式,沿着林荫道呼吸着早晨清新的空气,听着枝头的鸟鸣,既能愉悦身心,又可锻炼体魄。只是随着都市的大气变得污浊,生活节奏变得紧张,户外长跑变得不那么流行了,而跑步机则成了时下健身最热门的健身器械。跑步机不仅可以让我们免受汽车尾气之苦,也使我们可以选择自己方便的时间随时锻炼。电动跑步机,又名电动跑台,是多年来国际流行的大众健身器材,通过电机带动跑带使人以不同的速度被动地跑步或走动。由于电动跑步机上的电子辅助装备功能非常多,锻炼者可体验不同的跑步环境,如平地跑、上坡跑、丘陵跑、变速跑等,个人可以根据自己的锻炼目的进行锻炼。跑步机在健身者运动时能显示出跑步时的速度、时间、心率、热量、节拍、距离等指标,使健身者能够随时根据自身的身体状况调节训练强度跑步机双面宽厚的跑带带给您草地般舒适感觉,马力强劲的电机带给您澎湃恒久的动力,灵敏的控制器配合芯片使您在跑步过程中随心所欲,坚固的钢架以及防爆冲装置使您的安全尽在掌握。电跑使您在繁忙的工作之余仍然可以尽享运动的乐趣。1 总体方案设计1.1基本功能跑步机的基本功能就是构建一条运动的跑道(跑步带),跑道的运动方向与运动者的跑动方向相反,但速度必须自动保持一致,这样就使得运动者能够在原地进行跑步锻炼了。实现跑步机的功能,对跑步带的驱动与速度控制:通常使用直流电动机驱动,直流电动机通过半导体功率器件,使用脉冲宽度控制(PWM)方式实现调速。 1.2构造设计多功能电动跑步机主要由机架、电动机、可调电源、跑步皮带及仪表控制盘组成,其特征在于框架与支架垂直连接,前轴与后轴分别装在框架的两端,前滚筒与后滚筒分别用轴承套装在前后轴上,跑步皮带张紧绕装在前后滚筒上,跑步皮带下装有支撑跑步板,从动皮带轮紧装在前滚筒的一端,电动机、可调电源,安装在框架的前端,控制传感器装在电动机上,速度传感器安装在紧靠在从动皮带轮的框架上,皮带调节螺栓一端连接在电动机外壳的孔板上,另一端连接在焊接于框架前端的孔板上,跑步机扶手架安装于支架的顶端,仪表控制盘安装于扶手架上。传动方式采用带传动机构,传动级为一级。同时在支架上安有扭腰盘和伏地挺身架使机器实现其多功能性。1.3功能原理的确定目前市场上比较常见的有传统跑步机和电动跑步机两种。传统跑步机,俗称“被动式跑步机”。 是我国上世纪80年代从国外引进健身观念时、为适应当时国情而开发的具有“中国特色”的过渡产物。它的动力来源是使用者通过自身臂部、膝部、踝关节的活动,推动跑步机而产生的运动。速度由运动者自己控制。这种运动方式,表面上看起来似乎能消耗更多的能量,但其造成的运动伤害也要比在大自然中跑步高出数倍。据北医三院运动医学专家林共周博士解释:在马路上跑步,每跑1000米,每只脚就得撞击地面约1000次左右。而在传统跑步机上跑步,人体除自身重量产生的震荡外,脚踝、膝部和臀部的肌肉,特别是肌腱,还要额外承担向后的扭力来确保跑带向后运动。由于扭力过度集中在韧带、关节等几个关键受力部位,更容易使受力部位肌腱组织产生慢性疲劳,造成损伤。很多传统跑步机使用者,发现自己越是认真锻炼,腿部就越跑越粗,关节也越练越没有力气。传统跑步机并不适合患有脊椎软骨突出、膝关节炎、踝关节扭伤、骨肌腱炎、以及足底筋膜炎的人,因为长期的跑步可能会加重慢性扭伤的情形或加速膝关节的老化。电动跑步机是健身房及家庭较高档的器材,这种跑步机能减轻传统训练对关节的冲击,避免运动受伤,比自然跑步有明显的优势。跑步时后脚跟先着地,顺着跑带方向运动。手脚模仿跑步的动作,前后挥动,从而使全身肌肉得到均衡的锻炼。由于跑带的运动方向与脚步移动的方向一致,韧带部位的扭力就抵消了,跑起来非常舒适。康复者、儿童、老年人也可以保持身体平衡,从而集中精力安心锻炼。如果增加运动量,可以加快舞动手脚的速度。用电动跑步机能消除关节的负载,不但能减肥健身,还有益于受伤后身体的恢复。它通过电机带动跑带使人以不同的速度被动地跑步或走动。由于被动地形成跑和走,从动作外形上看,几乎与普通在地面上跑或走一样,但从人体用力上看,在电动跑步机上跑、走比普通跑、走省去了一个蹬伸动作。正是这一点使每一个在电动跑步机上走跑的人感到十分轻松自如,可使人比普通跑步多跑13左右的路程,能量消耗也比普通走、跑为多。另外,由于电动跑步机上的电子辅助装备功能非常多,可体验不同的跑步环境。1.4 小结电动跑步机就是构造一条运动的跑带,使运动者在原地进行跑步锻炼。2 电动机类型与参数的选择2.1类型功率选择当人在跑步机上跑步或走路时,跑步机所承载的重量是人体重的0.82.5倍,而马力就是在这样的载重量下,还能满足并维持所选择的速度,让人可以在跑步机上走跑自如的驱动力。通常跑步机一个马力大概可提供5060公斤的承载重量,但跑步带面积大小也和跑步机马力有相当直接的关系,跑步机的马力越大,可以带动的跑步带面积也越大,所以衡量效率及安全性后,一般建议,家用跑步机合宜的持续(continuous)马力应该至少1.5马力以上,如果家人的体重有超過80公斤,則应选2.0持续(continuous)馬力以上的跑步机。 此跑步机设计标准为100公斤,则电动跑步机用电动机ZYT42(NEMA)型永磁直流电动机该型电动机系大功率跑步机中配套的专用驱动元件,经一定的电磁、结构派生处理也可适用于相应的机械装置中作为驱动元件。该电动机显著的特点:具有转速精度高,当人在跑步机上运动时,是一个冲击负载,该机在这种冲击负载作用下一转不差,保持同步转速,如同在平地上一样感觉。表现在调速方便(可无级调速),调速范围宽。 2.2技术参数型号 ZYT42/06 电压220 VDC 功率 2.0 HP 电流不大于9.8A转速34007% 转向 逆时针 绝缘等级 F级图2-1 电动机外型图L1=28.5 L2=272电动机特性曲线:图2-2 电动机特性曲线2.3小结 跑步机属于健康器材类产品,由于跑步机驱动电机必须满足各种体重的人来使用.一般使用跑步机的目的有两种:健身,减肥瘦身;如果是减肥瘦身的人来使用,因为身体较肥胖,跑不快,因此驱动电机的低速必须转矩大才能使用.相反的,健身的人跑步快,但是重量轻,因此高速时的转矩需求较小;跑步机必须满足家庭成员每一个人都能使用,因此调速范围要宽广,低速转矩要大,才能满足不同重量的人.目前跑步机使用的驱动装置以直流有刷电机为多,优点是价格便宜3 传动机构设计工作机构类型选择带传动,属于定传动比匀速转动机构。带传动具有结构简单,成本低廉 能缓和载荷冲击,运行平稳,无噪声,过载时将引起带在带轮上打滑,因而可防止其他零件的损坏,具有过载保护作用。3.1设计步骤及参数选择初始条件:选择电机为专门为跑步机生产的永磁直流电动机,传动功率P=1.5KW,主动轮转速为n1=3400r/min 传动比定为i=2.1 由于多楔带适于传递功率较大而又要求结构紧凑的场合,特别能适应带轮直径小的传动,所以择之。 1、确定设计功率Pd PdKAP (3-1) 图3-1电动机KA工作情况系数,根据跑步机使用的特性,选择每天工作时间10小时,载荷变动小。KA=1.1见表8-9Pd=1.1*1.5=1.65kw2、带型号的选择对于多楔带的型号可根据设计功率Pd=1.65KW和小带轮转速n1=3400r/min由图821选取,选PJ型多楔带。3、确定带轮直径de1、de2(有效直径)小带轮有效直径:由表8-90demin=20mm,由表8-91选de1=33.5mm大带轮有效直径:小带轮节圆直径dp1=de1+2e=33.5+2*1.2=36mm由表8-90,e=1.2大带轮节圆直径dp2=idp1=2*33.5=67mmde2=dp2-2e=67-2*1.2=64.6mm由表8-91,选de2=63mm4、计算带速v v=dp1n1 /(601000) m/s (3-2)注意:v 离心力、离心应力FQ单位时间内的应力循环次数Nv P=Fv/100可知,P一定时,F张紧力 一般v在525 m/s,最大30 m/s,在815 m/s较好V=*36*3400/60*1000=6.430m/s,合适5、初定中心距a0 中心距的大小对带传动的影响: a结构大由于载荷变化引起带的颤动掉带 a带的长度在一定速度下,单位时间内带的应力变化次数N愈多,会加速带的疲劳损坏;当传动比i较大时,包角 对于V带传动,中心距a一般可取2(de1 de2 )a00.7(de1de2) (3-3)67.55a0193初定 a0=150mm6、确定带的有效长度Le Le0=2a0+/2(de1de2)+(de2-de1)2/4a0=2*150+151.505+1.45=452.96mm由表8-52,选Le=450mm7、计算实际中心距a中心距的变动范围 考虑安装调整和补偿张紧力的需要(如胶带伸长而松弛后的张紧),尚需给中心距留有一定的调整余量。由表8-54知中心距的调整量为min=5,min=8. a=a0+(Le- Le0)/2=150-1.48=148.52mm则a1=153.52mm a2=140.52mm8、计算小带轮包角1 -(de2-de1 )/a=3.14-0.199=2.94rad9、带每楔所传递的额定功率及其增量由带型,de1=33.5mm,n1=3400r/min按表8-55用插值法计算的p0=0.14kw由i=2, n1=3400r/min,有表8-55用插值法计算得p0=0.02kw10、计算带的楔数由表8-56用插值法计算K=0.97,KL=0.78Z=1.65/(0.16*0.97*0.78)=13.63由表8-51选取Z=1211,有效圆周力FT= Pd/v*103 =0.26*103=260N12作用在轴上的载荷为设计轴和轴承,需确定带传动作在轴上的力Fr得Kr=1.57则 Fr=1.57*260*0.995=406.16N3.2多楔带带的选择 图 3-2 多楔带根据计算跑步机传动机构选择12PJ450多楔带多楔带带轮结构和尺寸选择要求:质量小;结构工艺性好;无过大的铸造内应力;质量分均匀,转速高时要经过动平衡 ;轮槽工作面要精细加工(表面粗糙度一般为3.2),以减少带的磨损;各槽的尺寸和角度应保持一定的精度,以使载荷分布较为均匀等。材料:带轮的材料主要采用铸铁,常用材料的牌号为HT150或HT200;转速较高时宜采用铸钢(或用钢板冲压后焊接而成);小功率时可用铸铝或塑料。结构设计带轮由轮缘,轮辐和轮毂三部分组成1)实心式:带轮基准直径小于3d(d为轴的直径)时2)腹板式:带轮基准直径小于300350mm时3)轮幅式:带轮基准直径大于300350mm时带轮的结构设计主要是根据带轮的基准直径选择结构形式,并根据带的型号及根数确定轮缘宽度,根据带的型号确定轮槽尺寸则小带轮D=33.5选取实心式,大带轮D=63选取腹板式小带轮随电机一起购买。规格:P12PJ33.5以跑步机大带轮P12PJ63为例确定其结构和尺寸:要求带轮每毫米有效直径的轮槽轴向圆跳动公差值为0.002mm.轮槽表面粗糙度Ra的最大允许值为3.2。槽距e=2.340.03 槽角=40o0.5o 楔顶圆角半径rb,最小值为0.2,槽底圆弧半径rt最大值为0.4,检验用圆球或圆柱直径db=1.50.01,2X公称值为0.23,2N最大值1.22,f最小值为1.8,有效线差公称值e=1.2径向跳动公差0.25,槽间直径差值最大0.16。n槽数为12。带轮宽=11*2.34+1.8*2=29.34MM3.3传动的张紧装置的选择传动中心不可变时,采用张紧轮传动中心可调时,采用滑轨+螺旋或者浮动轴。1.1.1.图3-3张紧装置本跑步机中心距是可调的:a=a0+(Le- Le0)/2=150-1.48=148.52mm则a1=153.52mm a2=140.52mm范围在140.52-153.52之间,则通过螺栓的前后移动来调节电机的前后移动,从而实现带的调紧和放松。小结 多楔带适于传递功率较大而又要求结构紧凑的场合,特别能适应带轮直径小的传动。4 外型结构设计4.1基架的设计为了保证整个系统的稳定性和减震系统的有效性,基架全部采用焊接结构。基架的设计是整个设计的基础,也是其他设计的基准。支架,滚筒的选择,以及前后ABS塑料罩等等,都是依据基架的尺寸和形状设计的,所以设计开始首先考虑基架的设计,进行样式,结构,还有尺寸的确定。主要是通过调研,看现有市场上的跑步机的基架结构的流行设计,在此基础上进行自己产品的开发,少走弯路,紧跟市场,在尺寸的确定方面参考了人体运动工学推算,45cm宽X130cm跑带面积,以此保证给人以足够的运动面积,为主要数据展开对基架的设计,再考虑电机的尺寸,传动机构带传动的中心距离,电机的安装,前后滚筒的位置,PWM调速电源的安装位置,以及传感器安装位置的预留等等,设计了上图的基架,在设计中特意将两边框设计了足够的宽度,以此为锻炼过程中短暂的休息提供两脚踩放的位置,另外也为万一跑步机失灵发生意外,人可快速两脚分开脱离旋转的跑带,提供足够的安全踩放位置。图4-1 基架机构图4.2支架的设计支架设计分为上下两部分通过插拔的形式安装和拆卸,目的是包装时节省空间,材料采用空心钢管,连接为焊接,保证稳定性。支架包括扶手,仪表安装辅助支架,扭腰盘连接处等,仰卧起坐架直接焊接于辅助连杆上。与基架的连接采用螺栓连接,方便位置的调整和拆装。底部安有橡胶垫和尾套,保证平衡,最重要的是实现减震的二级缓冲。图 4-3 下支架结构图4.3上盖旋转传动机构必须与执行机构隔离,保证安全性,同时为了技术保护和美观,上盖使用ABS塑料,美观,有质感,能起到有效的防护作用。设计基准为基架,通过螺钉与基架连接,方便安装和维护维修。图 4-6 上盖外形图4.4小结 整个结构的设计用美国SOLIDWORKS公司的SOLIDWORKS进行三维的实体设计,使设计简单化和设计化,可以把工作的精力都放在设计上而不是复杂的制图上。5 前后滚筒5.1轴承的计算轴承类型:深沟球轴承,轴承代号:6301 轴承参数:轴承内径:12,轴承外径:37,轴承宽度:12,额定动载荷:7480,额定静载荷:4650,极限转速:22000, 润滑方式:脂润滑。工作参数:径向载荷:406.16,轴向载荷:0,使用寿命:30000,工作转速:1819.8,载荷系数:1.5。计算结果:当量动载荷:609.24当量静载荷:609.24计算寿命:169505.2轴结构的设计滚筒轴属于固定心轴只承受弯矩M0;不承受扭矩T=0;轴的毛坯一般用圆钢或锻件。结构设计应满足的基本要求1、 轴与轴上零件应具有准确的工作位置定位要求2、 轴上零件应易于装拆和调整安装调整要求3、 轴上零件的固定应牢固可靠紧固要求4、 轴应具有良好的制造工艺性工艺要求5、 应尽量减少应力集中提高疲劳强度的要求轴的各部分结构名称制造安装要求为便于轴上零件的装拆,常将轴做成阶梯轴。为使轴上零件易于安装,轴端和各轴段的端部应有导角轴的形状和尺寸力求简单,以便于加工轴上磨削的轴段有砂轮越程槽;需车制螺纹的轴段,应有推刀槽;轴的材料轴常在交变应力的作用下工作,其材料的要求是:强度高、刚度好、应力集中的敏感度小,抗疲劳,加工性能好,有的轴表面要求也较高。轴的材料主要采用中碳钢35或45钢和合金钢20Cr或40Cr等 。最常用的是45#钢(含碳量.45),它具有较高的综合机械性能。此设计采用45#钢。轴的设计包括两个方面:结构设计:使轴具有合理的结构形状,良好的加工工艺性。 强度计算:保证轴在载荷作用下不致断裂或产生过大的变形。轴的结构设计 轴的端部应有45度倒角,以便安装时对中,防止锐边划手。轴的结构设计主要根据以下几个方面: 轴上零件的配置;轴上零件的固定;轴上零件的装拆;轴的加工工艺性。轴上零件的固定可分为两个方向:周向固定:传递扭矩和运动。采用过盈配合(轴承内圈)、轴向固定:防止零件在运转时产生轴向移动。采用圆螺母图5-1 滚筒结构5.3强度计算 由于心轴工作时只承受弯矩而不承受扭矩,所以在应用上式时,应取T=0。由于是固定心轴,考虑启动,停止等影响,弯矩在轴截面上所引起的应力可视为脉动循环变应力。所以固定心轴的许用应力应为1.7-1 。最大弯矩M=0.54/2*300=81N.M抗弯截面系数W=*d4/64 =3.14*(0.012)4/64=2*10-8 强度M/W=81/(*d4/64)=81/2*10-8=40MPa材料采用45号调质钢许用弯应力为102MP 40102则通过设计能承受足够的工作强度。5.4滚筒要求主动滚筒的外圆全跳动小于0.33mm,从动滚筒的外圆全跳动小于0.25mm。滚筒均采用2.1mm壁厚的优质钢管,光洁度达到0.8以下。滚筒均有防静电处理。滚筒外部经防锈处理。图5-2 前滚筒外形图 图 5-3 后滚筒外形图5.5小结滚筒要求做动平衡调节、动平衡精度高,噪音低。图5-4 滚筒的动平衡调节6 跑步板及跑步带设计6.1跑步板电动跑步机的跑步板,它由基板以及覆盖在基板上或上下两个表面的导电耐磨层构成。导电耐磨层既可长期承受跑步带的摩擦,使用寿命高;又可随时将摩擦产生的静电荷通过底座导出,避免静电对人体的不舒感和对跑步机造成的损害。基板由高密度或中密度纤维板制作,也可由其它材料制作。使用高密度或中密度纤维板时,强度较高、重量较轻,成本较低,效果较好,本身也提供一部份的吸震功能,导电耐磨层可以在基板上喷涂导电耐磨涂料固化制成,也可以在基板上复合耐磨金属板制成。导电耐磨涂料层工艺较简单,成本也较低。复合耐磨金属板则更牢固。复合耐磨金属板为复合铜板时效果更好,更耐磨。6.2跑步带跑带要求双层粘合跑带,具有高传导性,跑步带国际防滑型,运动时安全可靠跑步机,其实就是提供一个跑步的面积,所以绝对要在乎跑步带面积的大小,左右宽度及前后长度都要够,否则无法自然迈开步伐,跑起來弯扭不顺畅,更容易跌倒。根据人体运动工学推算,45cm宽X130cm长,应是一个合宜的参考面积,然后再依个人的实际条件做增减。有不少厂商生产加码跑步机,跑台加宽,左右踏条增大,以营造物超所值得虚胖假象,但最重要的跑步带面积并没增加;所以焦点要放在跑步带面积上。理论上來说,在相同的马力条件下,如果跑步机所能提供的跑步带面积越大,且整台实际的占地面积越小,应是较佳的设计。6.3跑带调整:两个螺栓调整法图6-1 跑带的调整如果跑带偏向左边,先取出钥匙,拔下电源插头。使用六角螺母扳手,以顺时针方向旋转跑台左后侧的滾筒调整螺栓四分之一转,还有以反时针方向旋转跑台右后侧的滾筒调整螺栓四分之一转。勿过度锁紧跑带。完成后,插入跑步机的电源插头与钥匙,让跑带运转几分钟。重复本段动作,直到跑帶位在中央位置。如果跑带偏向右边,先取出钥匙,拔下电源插头。使用六角螺母扳手,以反时针方向旋转跑台左后侧的滾筒调整螺栓四分之一转,还有以顺时针方向旋转跑台右后侧的滾筒调整螺栓四分之一转。勿过度锁紧跑带。完成后,插入跑步机的电源插头与钥匙,让跑带运转几分钟。重复本段动作,直到跑带位在中央位置。图6-2 跑带左右偏调整方式要增加跑带的张力时,先取出钥匙,拔下电源插头。使用六角螺母板手,以顺时针方向旋转跑台后侧的两个滾筒调整螺栓各四分之一转。跑带张力适当时,应该可以将跑带的任何一边移离跑台3-4。不能过度锁紧跑带。完成后,插入跑步机的电源插头与钥匙,让跑带运转几分种。重复本段动作,直到跑带张力适当为止。要减少跑带的张力时,先取出钥匙,拔下电源插头。使用六角螺母扳手,以反时针方向旋转跑台后侧的两个滾筒调整螺栓各四分之一转。跑帶张力适当时,应该可以将跑带的任何一边移离跑台3-4。不能过度锁紧跑带。完成后,插入跑步机的電源插头与钥匙,让跑带运转几分钟。重复本段动作,直到跑带张力适当为止。图 6-3 跑带张力大小调整方式6.4跑台润滑油的添加1、减小跑步带和跑步板之间的摩檫力,保护跑步板表面的耐磨涂层,延长跑带、跑板的使用寿命。 2、减少跑步机的电能消耗。 3、让用户在运动时更流畅。 品质要求:1、耐高温。2、黏度高。3、不易挥发。使用方法:1、掀开左侧跑步带,将润滑油沿跑步带方向倒在跑步板上,控制用量为 10 ml。2、右侧同左侧一样操作方法。3、将跑步机通电运转在3 KM / H以内,人站上去随着跑步带一起运动,用脚有意识的踏压跑步带下涂有润滑油的区域,使其在跑步板上散布均匀。使用频率:6个月加注1次润滑油注意事项: 不可过量使用,防止摩檫力太小后跑步带和传动滚筒之间打滑影响正常使用。图 6-4 跑步板和跑步带6.5小结跑步板和跑步带的设计是设计的重点,不光要提供一个宽敞舒适的跑步平台,还得考虑之间的摩擦问题,还有摩擦产生的静电问题,尽量通过细节的设计,提供一个真正的健康的锻炼平台。 7 避震系统的设计跑步的“头等大事”就是要保护好膝盖跑步鞋具有缓冲减震的效果就是这个道理。使用跑步机比起在户外路跑最大的好处是:跑步机它提供了避震效果,大量消除每一步伐的反作用冲击力,保护了膝盖关节。跑步机的避震方式采用具弹性的橡胶垫将跑台和底座框架垫隔开,使跑台成悬吊状态,进而产生吸收震动的功能而达到避震的效果。因此避震效果是否可以有效的展现发挥,完全得看跑步机的基座結构是否牢靠稳固。所以采用了足够牢固的钢材规格,结构撑架以焊熔连接,没有采用螺栓,在基座结构上再加上橡胶垫和橡胶尾套,使整个基架又对力产生一个缓冲,实现二级缓冲!本设计中跑步板采用高密度纤维板,本身也提供一部份的吸震功能,但厚度至少需有2.5公分以上,以确保在吸震同時,不因冲击而龟裂,另外在使用时可在跑步机的支撑点下,加铺具有弹性的铺垫,以增加避震效果。现在高级跑步机的最大卖点之一就是避震系统,所以设计和改进跑步机避震系统首当其冲,是设计思路和技术攻克的重点。“太空”牌跑步机减震系统设计相当敏感,站上跑步板,它会自动测出你的体重,根据数据,机器自动调整适合你的减震指数,避免膝盖受伤。健身器目的是锻炼身体,好的避震系统是跑步机的保障,如果没有对力的多重缓冲,跑步机就成为了跑步的隐型杀手,在不自觉中会损伤关节,而设计独特的避震系统能给锻炼者带来草地般舒适感觉,使在跑步机上的运动真正成为一种享受。设计独特的避震系统能给锻炼者带来草地般舒适感觉,使在跑步机上的运动真正成为一种享受。图7-1支架减震 图7-2 底座减震7.1小结 减震系统的设计,是电动跑步机的必需,减震系统的设计和考虑程度决定着所设计跑步机的档次。高档跑步机可以根据体重自动调节减震系数。8 多功能设计8.1扭腰盘设计 图 8-1 扭腰盘【特点】:采用 ABS塑料+磁铁制成,抗冲击强度高,密度小,便于运输,完全可以替代铸件,表面光洁度好,不用喷涂,可节省费用3-5元,重量仅是铸件的1/7,从运费上可节省6/7,采用此产品综合成本效益可降低40%盘面突起直指病理反射区穴位,在扭腰同时进行脚底按摩。附有磁铁,有足疗作用。身体随着转盘扭动,使腰部、跨部得到充分锻炼,瘦腰美腿、保持身材。通过磁疗,把磁波传列到人体,在细胞内发生旋涡状的二次电流,排除多余脂肪及毒素。增强血液循环,健美强身两不误。8.2连接结构设计设计直径为250mm,通过长杆与支架相连 ,用时把铁销把出,旋转放在皮带上方,即可使用,锻炼完毕旋转折叠,插上铁销,则扭腰盘依附与支架上,可以进行别的项目的锻炼。图8-2 扭腰盘支架8.3旋转结构设计此扭腰盘选用单向推力轴承和深沟球轴承配合完成对轴转动的的支撑。单向推力轴承计算:轴承类型: 单向推力球轴承(50000),轴承代号: 51104 轴承参数:轴承内径:20,轴承外径:35,轴承宽度:10,额定动载荷:11000,额定静载荷:19800, 极限转速:6700,润滑方式:脂润滑工作参数:径向载荷:0,轴向载荷:1000,使用寿命:3000,工作转速:20,载荷系数:1.1计算结果:当量动载荷:1100.00,当量静载荷:1100.00,计算寿命:833350深沟球轴承只是简单起个轴向固定和保持轴位置的固定的作用。图8-3 扭腰盘旋转机构图8-3扭腰盘剖视图8.4卧起坐架的设计根据美国医疗协会报导,做仰卧起坐对人体新陈代谢 有绝对的帮助,其可增进肺部运动量因而提升免疫力。此设计结构简单,与支架焊接在一起,平稳坚固、使用简单,属于很大众化的设计,对强化胸部、腰部大小肌肉,消除腹部赘肉最有效,在锻炼中与跑步配合,使跑步机不再成为乏味的单一运动器械,而且结构位置丝毫不影响跑步带锻炼。图8-4 仰卧起坐架8.5小结多功能的设计表现在两方面,一个是通过程序的设计,设计不同的模式使锻炼者可以进行不同程度的锻炼,另一个是添加附属器件,比如此设计中扭腰盘和仰卧起坐架,但是不是功能越多越好,必须考虑彼此不影响,保证锻炼的准确性。9 使用和维护9.1跑步机的维护与保养 1、在您第一次或定期使用本电动跑步机时,请用润滑剂涂在跑步带的内表面,以减少相互间的磨擦阻力,减轻电动机的负荷。 2、经常在跑步机的各部位用干净的抹布清洁,除灰尘,以维护各零件正常运转的性能。 3、定期地使用一滴或二滴润滑油在辊轴轴承上,以保证轴承较好的滚动性能。 4、定期地检查跑步机的各个螺钉、螺栓及螺帽,若有松动,请立即用工具锁紧固定。9.2 如何使用跑步机1 在练习跑步机之前,准备活动比较简单,主要做一些腿部肌肉、关节的准备活动就可以了,比如侧压腿、活动脚腕等。 2如果想要跑步机练习变得活跃、丰富起来,可以将跑步机放置在电视机前,一边看自己喜欢的电视节目一边练习,或在练习时一边听自己喜欢的音乐一边练习也可以,但大部分的注意力一定要放在跑步机上还可以让家人配合,在练习时经常给自己大声地鼓励,这样可以很好地活跃练习时的气氛。 3其他注意细节: 即使在家中练习跑步机,也要穿运动装和运动鞋进行练习,不要光脚练习。 在练习的过程中,最好每分钟就补充一定的水分,但不可太多。 不要在跑步机上进行倒走练习。 训练次数每周不要超过四次,在饭后一个小时进行为好。 训练强度不宜过大,不一定非要练得大汗淋淋,这样的效果并不见得就好,患有心脏疾病或高血压的朋友更不宜大运动量使用跑步机,室内空气要保持畅通,空调不宜开得过低。 如果是为了减脂而练习跑步机,可在练习期间配合腹部力量训练,如仰卧起坐等。 练习跑步机不是一两天就能看见练习效果的,要配合其他的户外有氧锻炼,在平时要注意减少高油脂食物的摄入量,吸烟的朋友要在练习期间减少吸烟的次数。 不要闲谈。破坏了运动节律,使动作质量数量难以保证,锻炼效果大大折扣。不要乱开玩笑。超负荷锻炼,必须全神贯注,全力以赴,乱开玩笑会转移运动者的注意力或因发笑泄气,破坏运动节奏。不要立即入浴。应提倡运动后休息3060分钟,适当补充水份后,再以温水冲淋,时间不要过长。9.3小结跑步机是由电机带动,则跑步者须与跑带节奏保持一致,在跑步时出现意外,要迅速的使跑步带停下来,所以在跑步机设计时要尽多的考虑安全问题。结 论 通过此次毕业设计,我不仅把毕业知识融会贯通,而且丰富了大脑,同时在查找资料的过程中也了解到了很多课外知识,开拓了视野,认识了将来电子的发展方向,使自己的专业知识方面和动手能力方面有了质的飞跃。毕业设计要求对学校所学知识的全面总结和综合应用,为金江磊走向社会的实际操作应用铸就了一个良好的开端。是我在学校交的最后一份综合性作业。经过12周的设计,家庭多功能的设计接近尾声。结合12周毕业设计的进程可以总结为毕业设计中的多功能家用跑步机设计进行的比较顺利且能够满足大多数家庭中需要,是比较成功的一款产品。在设计中加入了升降机和气弹簧,通过调节升降机的可以模拟不同的跑步环境,这在多功能家用跑步机中时一个亮点。该家庭跑步机定位于中等收入的家庭,结合现在国民收入的水平,这是一个大多数家庭能够支付的水平,有利于市场的推广。该多功能家用跑步机简单易操作,充分考虑了儿童和老人的使用情况。综合跑步机的总体性能,该跑步机达到同等产品中高水平。在设计的过程中虽然考虑到家庭中儿童的使用情况,但是该款跑步机仍主要面向人群还是成年人,对于儿童还有部分不适合的地方,例如扶手相对儿童抓取相对困难。而现在儿童的成长在家庭中得到的关注越来越多,儿童的健康成长成为父母对孩子投资的重点,如果将该跑步机的尺寸的同比例缩小,设计一款专门面向512岁的儿童专门使用的跑步机,并且在外形的设计上多采用儿童喜欢的卡通图案,吸引儿童的注意力,市场应该有不错的前景。致 谢 漫长的设计接近了尾声,从开始的迷茫到现在的任务的完成。走过弯路,但学到了很多东西。由于跑步机资料的缺少,开始的工作举步唯艰,非常感谢老师及时的帮助,老师给我提供了很多宝贵的资料。 在软件的选择上,选了美国SOLIDWORKS公司的SOLIDWORKS进行了学习,此软件的特点就是上手快,而且在很多公司都要求会SOLIDWORKS,因为此软件便宜但功能还比较强大,在很多公司的设计采购里是首选,容易实现其普遍性和正版化。在设计中学习软件,进度很快,因为心理明白要设计的是什么需要怎么去设计,相应的去学习软件对应的功能,就明白了软件的某功能可以干什么,能完成什么。在零件的建模中,慢慢的自己很多模糊的东西都明显化,和矛盾化,需要自己去明确的数据去论证,更严重的是核心的东西也有可能是错误的,但值的高兴的是,自己从设计中学到了很多东西,四年学习了很多,可又似很模糊,现在从一个产品开发设计的角度去学习,很多东西恍然,欣喜自己找到了以后深造的方向,可以在毕业后能继续本专业的学习。建模过程占据了设计的大部分时间和经历,有些零件反反复复很多次,在无法完成的情况下,只好再去各大商场去调研,有了前面的工作,接下来的调研显的收获很大,使自己越来越专注于自己的设计,感觉每个数据,每个零件特征的绘制都流淌着自己的血。随着时间的一天天过去,自己的成绩也明朗化,终于整个结构完成了,进行了零件的装配,按照任务书的进度,设计也慢慢接近了尾声。虽然设计任务完成了,但还有很多需要改进的方面,我的努力只能说是此新课题的一个开始,希望在以后的设计中能被更多的同学去进行大胆和新思路的创新,逐步完善这个课题,吸收和借鉴国外和国内先进和时尚的理念,设计开发我们自己特色的产品。随着人们健身意识的不断提高,健身器械的需求越来越大,希望老师能把此课题作为健身器械系列课题一直做下去,做为开始的我无比荣幸!参考文献1 王三明.机械原理与设计课程设计【M】北京:机械工业出版社,20052 邹慧君.机械原理【M】北京:高等教育出版社,19993 申永胜.机械原理教程【M】北京:清华大学出版社,19994 张伟社.机械原理【M】西安:西北工业大学出版社,20015 邹慧君.机械原理课程设计手册【M】北京:高等教育出版社,19986 赵松年.现代机械创新产品分析与设计【M】北京:高等教育出版社,20007 杨家军.机械系统创新设计【M】长沙:华中理工大学出版社,20008 张春林.机械创新设计【M】北京:机械工业出版社,19999 机械设计手册编委会.机械设计手册新版2,3卷【M】 北京:机械工业出版社,200410卜炎.机械传动装置设计手册(上册)【M】北京:机械工业出版社,199911 王坤.机械设计课程设计【M】. 北京: 高等教育出版社,200812 戴枝荣.工程材料第二版【M】. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 200913 蒲良贵.机械设计第八版【M】. 北京:高等教育出版社,200914 邓文英.金属工艺学【M】.北京:高等教育出版社,200715 杨树子.机械工程控制基础【M】.北京:华中科技大学出版社,2010附录: 英文资料The electronic race apparatus trade calls Chinas famous brandThe domestic electricity wins the race in the familyBefore 1996, electronic race apparatuses were all foreign products, the ones that entered the family were mostly mechanical race apparatuses that factories reformed system of by the bicycle factory made, compatriots inspire awe even from distance to the imported electronic race apparatus of the price of several ten thousand and even more than ten ten thousand yuanAfter 1993, with the adjustment of the international industrial structure, S.Korean enterprises shifted to our country, it is the happy and auspicious group company of Shandong that utilizes the electrical machinery of this area, controls the advantage that the power produces at first, set up the special factory in 1994, through the working ability of the substantiating machine, combined domestic and international information, the happy and auspicious group all produced the electronic race apparatus of family expenses in order to make the part by oneself in 1995, and exhibit at the rich meeting of body of Nanchang of next year. Praised as gathering together the auspicious electronic race apparatus of the brand of the first nationality, the output reached 7,000 in that year, the sales volume reaches 5,000, has held the beginning of producing the domestic electronic race apparatus. Up to the production capacity of producing 100,000 per year by 2004 through the technological transformation not stopping , sell race apparatus 4 in the same year. 80,000, output value is 93,600,000 yuan, income from sales is 72 million yuan, finished ISO9001 and European Union CE authentication at the same time , and is chosen as leading brand products in Shandong.Gather together the auspicious electronic race apparatus in order to expand the production scale , the resources of production of rational utilization, successively for some domestic enterprises sticking brand production , improved the domestic occupation rate of the electronic race apparatus greatly, have offer for numerous enterprises and develop samples too, has driven the flourishing development of the whole trade.The electricity runs: Fashionable body-building products of the fairly comfortable lifeAt present, enterprises which produce the electronic race apparatus centre in the coastal area of the Changjiang Delta , Shandong Peninsula , Guangdong , Fujian, the total amount is about more than 50, it is about 15 that possess scale among them, and the joint-venture , proprietorship account for 50%.The electronic race apparatus is the integrated products of electromechanics, adopt assembler language programming, control with the computer, it is the development trade that the country encourages . The development of this product has driven making, plastic products , electronics industry of steel tube , electrical machinery industry ,etc. series develop , make people health is it limit by place , environment , climate to do exercises, contain physical training in recreation amusement, improve the national physique in an all-round way. In this production course, there are not pollutant and harmful substance that are produced , purchase the steel , plastic fittings outside, the electronic devices and components are assembled, is the green manufacture industryThe Central Party Committee which regards Hu Jintao as the General Secretary advocates building harmonious and orderly development environment in a more cost-effective manner, the development of the electronic race apparatus sticks to this theme closely, is playing an important role in driving the trade structural adjustment. Raise through the national income entering the well-off society, the electronic race apparatus begins to enter the family too in recent years, it for example cant gather together the auspicious brand race apparatus not electronic in in, sales volumes of small city chase there arent annual increment, a lot of urban and rural residents growing rich choose this superior way of building up body one after another , the race apparatus designed in large quantities of humanization is coming out, improve through electronic technology , the technology of the computer , transformation of making the equipment frock , its development space is very big, is a kind of products with sustainable development prospectThree major key elements of promoting national economy to increase healthily are consumption , investment , net export. The development of and the electronic race apparatus, occupy very great proportion among them. One that is with domestic Engel coefficient constant to reduce, by clothing,food,lodging and transportion to raise life quality develop people, the electronic race apparatus will be the optimum seeking apparatus of compatriots fitness , because by the look of experience of foreign countries, go on balance temper and become the fashion at electronic race apparatus. Classifying looking from national economy, it belongs to the tertiary industry that sports is consumed, it exceeds 10% in succession to accelerate in recent years, and the speed is accelerated year by year. The share of spuring grwoth of the national economic of consumption of sports and keeping fit will inevitablely continue increasing . This kind of fitness is consumed and contained relatively widely, have both consumption of resident and public consumption (such as health club ), its consumption acceleration rate exceeds 20%, among them, the electronic race apparatus exceeds 40%, have stronger growth momentum.Intellectual property right and trade frictionThe intellectual property right becomes soft rib of the sports goods industry of our country, it is the production that because we are correlated with to market economy and with the sports products, it invent, trade,etc. the knowledge one possession, belong to, know little about game the rules and laws and regulations and the information not relevant not transfer. One sports apparatus or equipment know which country invent , others had already registered unexpectedly, under the situation which contents are registered, but we have produced and sold for many years. Not merely the style , structure are the same for some products, even appearance , color are very close , the more sad one is, because to to ignore above-mentioned situation, we hold oneself is it reach product this birthplace go for exhibiting , sale to produce also, we say , an invention technology or the patented product must go through long and difficult exploration and study , It has condensed the intelligence and energies of the scientific research personnel of sports, the original inventor has paid hardships of going beyond the normal condition for this, ought to receive the protection of the respect and law of the society . One of market obtain products that patent sanction is it copy to copy producer of us already in our country, there is not innovation , this not merely serious others patent for invention of infringement at all, Make the bringing the doctrine and entering into the mistaken idea in vogue for a time of sports goods industry of our country too. Do it in this way, in comparatively close planned economic system, may little someone find or investigate , but today, the gateway of a country is opened further, we must pay a price for this . In 2001, our family participated in U.S.A.s super exhibition, the sample was just a exhibition, have been detained all products, carry on negotiations several times and make a self-criticism in writing on the grounds of infringing by others, have paid the expensive fine finally; This year, at the rich meeting of German body, the exhibit of another enterprise of ours is asserted and infringed, the other side must speak to and does not forgive people , our enterprises admit a fault , ready to pay the penalty and does not miss , and humiliate this enterprise by every means in public , pass the diplomatic channel finally, the embassy negotiates, has dealt with this . Happen when this kind of case is on our countrys market , on the body of our enterprise, the normal order that has not merely disrupted the market, has infringed the interests of rights and interests people, have reduce the international reputation of made in China , has damaged the public image of reform and opening-up of our country too.After our country enters the WTO , the self-satisfied Chinese brand is trying hard to seize the opportunity, while going abroad, the western developed country has made the strategic defence in time with this, set up to of our country sports goods including technology , standard , getting green environmental protection , move plant protection , anti-dumping , intellectual property right , community responsibility dishes of dishes of barrier, close down , stop the entry of the like product with the extremely unkind clause . Meanwhile, they also used three unique skills , first, strengthened the registered dynamics to the patented technology of the products. In 2002, accounted for 5 at home in our country authorized the patent for invention. 2%, and accounts for 76 abroad. 1%; Accounts for 3 at home in the post with high technical advantage is invented. 6%, and accounts for 96 abroad. 2%.Second, the one that strengthened to the market of our country was monitored . In order to safeguard its ones own image and interests, attack the rival, the external brand is sent full-time or hire personnel, but the great majority are still the commercial networks utilizing the whole country to open, carry on omni-directional monitoring to the market of our country. They carry on the investigation to classification of the goods , selling structure , product cost and consumer demand in the name of surveying and studying the market. A main one to investigate tort of all kinds of of the like product, including product design , appearance , inside structure , enterprise identification and various kinds of datum ,etc., then assemble the picture , material object and written historical materials in the policy-making level of the company in time. On the market not normal of our country at present, all kinds of imitate , infringe the phenomenon and exist seriously, they once opportunity ripe, can hit out severely, never soft, as to this we must highly watch out for .Third, strengthen and is protected and put to the customs on record and applied working. The external brand tries hard to solve from flowing into outside the border and from exporting to the fake and forged products of the overseas market within the border through this kind of way , have domestic and international 1300 more than share is it is it involve thousands of of brand to apply to put on record 2003, through to protect jointly the whole country all pass, have notable effect.Because of the absolute predominance in price of sports goods of our country , make international trade rub constantly, embody in the anti-dumping mainly. Taking sports shoes as an example, our country is the manufacture big country of sports shoes in the world, because the domestic market is limited in capacity, the majority depended on exporting, 2003, exported about 3,200 million pairs. Nike shoes the whole world sell 60% China production, beautiful Tianjin strong shoes the whole world sell 90% make for China, world shoes-making big country Spain have 14 sports shoes factory, sports shoes that China makes import more than 70 million pairs every year, price of each pair of ordinary sports shoes is more than 20 euro on this countrys market. And the sports shoes price of 3-2 euro of equal quality which China make.In OEM business, our country processes about about 3 dollars for a pair of better sports shoes profit, processing one racket 1-2 U.S. dollar, make one have 70 more than air gun profit that part make up in 10 dollars about, processing is about in 7-8 dollars a top-grade sportswear. But once products that China make these stick identification , world of famous brand, know personal value ten to dozens of times. China span and weave the big country in the world at the same time , after protection period, clothing quota cancels the global fabrics, the sportswears of our country will gain larger development space on the international market. A large amount of good and inexpensive made in China enters the international market, has brought the generous profit to businessmen of various countries, great too amazing and national consumer market, The ones that caused the importer are panic and uneasy at the same time, they regard made in China as dreadful monsters, is it seize market of them to think, then claim case , case of encroachment of right , anti-dumping probe , cook shoes incident ,etc. to is it discriminate against restriction incident of color happen again and again seriously to have, it is estimated after protection period, this kind of incident will still continue happenning.No famous brand , no competitivenessThe precedence accounted for in national economy of sports industry of the developed country ranks more than ten location , main trade and main power of grwoth of the national economic, because our country trade this does not unify and not centralized lacking regulation and control that putting in place and counting systemming, so, guide and encourage the momentum of this industry development to lag behind correspondingly . But with the deepening development and drive of the Olympic Games economy of the national fitness campaign, regard famous-brand strategy implementation as opportunity, combine industrial structure constantly, the trade will demonstrate important status of national economy their more and more.The manufacturing industry of the foreign electronic race apparatus started since last century later stage of the seventies, compared with like product in our country, except that have and relatively take the lead in style diversification and surtax functional development, other disparity are relatively small. Such as steel, the belted steel that my national treasure steel , Anshan Iron and Steel Plant ,etc. produce reaches or exceeds the international standard , related steel tube its is it reach foreign standard too to make, electrical machinery wait for electricity run fittings is it digest and assimilate to adopt, we develop in the international advanced ranks from material to new style. So, the electronic race apparatus is different from the plane , automobile trade , nearly have little disparity with advanced level in foreign countries. Therefore, the internationally famous electricity runs in the manufacturing enterprise and pays close attention to day by day, has already begun to let enterprises of our country produce sticking to brand products for it.Though growth momentum fine, domestic electricity run circumstances at domestic and international markets or have difference. Main reason not strong of the competitiveness in the international market of the domestic electronic race apparatus, lack the effect of leading brand products. And compared with overseas enterprise start than such reasons as the impact to the market for late , some fake and forged production of small enterprise ,etc., have weakened the market competitiveness of the domestic electronic race apparatus tooAt present,love brand not internationally famous health , strength strong in, must true, space, having a match there arent one hundred, some furnish a huge amount of money for making the investment and founding the factory, and exert pressure to domestic enterprises with higher brand awareness, under this situation , promote the emergence of leading brand products of electronic race apparatus as soon as possible, can yet be regarded as the government and promote one of the national industry of the electronic race apparatus effectively, promote national brand and domestic product raise a heavy shortcut , international market of competitiveness too. In a situation that the international market competition of the electronic race apparatus is fierce , domestic product will you please win , could move forward in close relations effectively in time with famous brand strategy.The strong promotion of the Whole-Peop1e Health-Building Plan, the pulling of sports consumption of the Olympic Games economy, drive the tremendous development of the sports industry effectively, have far-reaching meanings in promoting the public cognition degree of the Chinese sports goods, to the development of the sports goods industry including electronic race apparatus, to the whole promotion promoting the sports goods industry trade, construct scale merit, enter the global markets , will all offer a large stage, sports and keeping fit undertaking and the Olympic Games economy are all calling Chinas famous brand , the electronic race apparatus is calling Chinas famous brand .电动跑步机行业呼唤中国名牌国产电跑第一家 1996年之前,电动跑步机都是国外产品,进入家庭的大都是由自行车厂改制的生产厂制造的机械跑步机,国人对价格几万乃至十几万元的进口电动跑步机望而生畏。 1993年以后,随着国际产业结构的调整,韩国企业向我国转移,首先是山东祥和集团公司利用该地区电机、控制电源生产的优势,于1994年组建了专厂,通过充实机加工能力,结合国内外信息,祥和集团于1995年生产出了全部为自制部件的家用电动跑步机,并于次年的南昌体博会上参展。被誉为第一个民族品牌的汇祥电动跑步机,当年产量达到七千台,销量达到五千台,开了生产国产电动跑步机的先河。通过不停的技术改造,到2004年达到了年产十万台的生产能力,同年销售跑步机4.8万台,产值9360万元,销售收入7200万元,同时完成了ISO9001及欧盟CE认证,并被评为山东名牌产品。 汇祥电动跑步机为扩大生产规模,合理利用生产资源,先后为一些国产企业贴牌生产,极大地提高了电动跑步机的国产占有率,也为众多企业提供了发展样品,带动了整个行业的蓬勃发展。电跑:小康生活的时尚健身产品 目前,生产电动跑步机的企业集中在长江三角洲、山东半岛及粤、闽沿海地区,总数约为50余家,其中具备规模的约为15家,而合资、独资企业约占50%。 电动跑步机系机电一体化产品,采用汇编语言编程,用计算机控制,系国家鼓励的发展行业。该产品的发展带动了钢管制造、塑料制品、电子工业,电机工业等系列发展,使人们身体锻炼不受场地、环境、气候的制约,寓体育锻炼于休闲娱乐之中,全面提高国民身体素质。该产品制作过程中,无污染物及有害物质产生,外采购钢铁、塑料配件,电子元器件组装,是绿色制造产业。 以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央大力倡导建设和谐有序的发展环境,电动跑步机的发展就紧贴这一主题,为带动行业结构调整发挥着重要作用。通过进入小康社会的国民收入提高,电动跑步机近年来也开始进入家庭,例如汇祥牌电动跑步机在中、小城市的销售量逐年增量超过50%,许多富裕起来的城乡居民纷纷选择这一优越的健身方式,一大批人性化设计的跑步机正在问世,通过电子技术、计算机技术、制造设备工装的改造革新,其发展空间很大,是一种有可持续发展前途的产品。促进国民经济健康增长的三大要素为消费、投资、净出口。而电动跑步机的发展,在其中占有很大比重。随着国内恩格尔系数的不断降低,人们由衣食住行向提高生活质量发展,电动跑步机将是国人健身的优选器材,因为,从国外的经验看,在电动跑步机上进行平衡锻炼已经成为时尚。从国民经济分类看,体育消费属第三产业,近年增速连续超过10%,而且速度逐年加快。体育健身的消费拉动国民经济增长的份额必然会继续增加。这种健身消费涵盖较广,既有居民消费又有公共消费(如健身俱乐部等),它的消费增速超过20%,其中,电动跑步机超过40%,具有较强的发展势头。知识产权与贸易摩擦 知识产权之所以成为我国体育用品业的“软肋”,是因为我们对市场经济以及与体育产品相关的生产、发明、贸易、等知识的拥有、归属、转让的游戏规则以及相关法律、法规和信息知之甚少。一件体育器材或设备竟在不知道是哪国发明的,人家是否已经注册,注册了哪些内容的情况下,我们却生产和卖了多年。有的产品不仅款式、结构一样,连外观、颜色都十分相近,更可悲的是,由于对上述情况的漠视,我们还拿着自己生产的(实际上是仿造人家的专利产品)到该产品的诞生地去参展、销售,我们说,一件发明技术或专利产品都必须经历漫长而艰难的探索和研究,它凝聚了体育科研人员的智慧和心血,原发明者为此付出了超常的艰辛,理应受到社会的尊重和法律的保护。在我国市场一件已经获专利批准的产品被我们的厂家抄来抄去,毫无创新,这不仅严重的侵犯了人家的发明专利,也使我国体育用品业一度盛行的“拿来主义”走入了误区。这样做,在较为封闭的计划经济体制下,可能少有人发现或追究,但在国门进一步打开的今天,我们必须为此而付出代价。2001年,我们一家参加美国超级展,样品刚一展出,就被人家以侵权为由,扣留了全部的产品,几经交涉和书面检讨,最终交了昂贵的罚款;今年,在德国体博会上,我们的另一家企业的展品又被认定侵权,对方得理不饶人,我们的企业认错、认罚都不放过,并当众对该企业百般羞辱,最后还是通过外交途径,使馆出面交涉,处理了此事。此类案件在我国市场、在我们企业的身上时有发生,不仅扰乱了市场的正常秩序,侵犯了权益人的利益,降低了 “中国制造”的国际声誉,也损害啦我国改革开放的公众形象我国入世后,踌躇满志的中国品牌正力图抓住机遇,走出国门之际,西方发达国家对此及时做出了战略性防御,对我国体育用品设置了包括技术、标准、绿色环保、动植物保护、反倾销、知识产权以及社会责任等道道壁垒,用极其刻薄的条款封杀、阻挡同类产品的进入。与此同时,他们还使出了三道“杀手锏”,一是加大了对产品专利技术的注册力度。2002年,在我国授权发明专利中,国内占5.2,而国外占76.4%,在术含量较高的职务发明中,国内占3.6,而国外占96.2二是加强对我国市场的监视。为维护其自身的形象和利益,打击竞争对手,境外品牌派专职或雇佣人员,但大多数还是利用全国开设的销售网点,对我国市场进行全方位的监视。他们以调研市场为名,对商品类别、销售结构、产品价格以及消费者需求进行调查。最主要的是调查同类产品中各类的侵权行为,包括产品设计、外观、内部结构、企业标识及各种数据等,然后将图片、实物及文字资料及时汇聚于公司决策层。目前在我国不尽规范的市场上,各类假冒、侵权现象严重存在,他们一旦时机成熟,便会重拳出击,决不手软,对此我们必须高度警惕。 三是加大对海关保护备案申请工作。境外品牌力图通过这种途径来解决从境外流入和从境内出口到国外市场的假冒伪劣产品,2003年有国内外1300多份备案申请涉及品牌数千种,通过了全国所有关口的联手保护,成效显著。 由于我国体育用品在价格上的绝对优势,使国际贸易中摩擦不断,主要体现在反倾销。以运动鞋为例,我国是世界上运动鞋制造大国,由于国内市场容量有限,绝大部分靠出口,2003年,出口约32亿双。耐克鞋全球销售60%为中国生产,美津浓鞋全球销售90为中国制造,世界制鞋大国西班牙有14个运动鞋厂,中国制造的运动鞋每年进口7000多万双,该国市场上每双普通运动鞋价格在20多欧元。而中国制造的同等质量的运动鞋售价32欧元。在OEM业务中,我国加工一双较好的运动鞋利润约在3美元左右,加工一支羽毛球拍12美元,制造一支有70多个零件组成的气枪利润在10美元左右,加工一套高档的运动服在78美元左右。然而这些中国制造的产品一旦贴上世界名牌的标识,就会身价十至几十倍。中国同时还是世界上纺织大国,保护期结束后,全球纺织品服装配额取消,我国的运动服装将在国际市场赢得更大的发展空间。大量的物美价廉的“中国制造”进入国际市场,给各国商人带来了丰厚的利润,也极大的刺激了本国的消费市场,同时也引起了进口国的恐慌和不安,他们视“中国制造”为洪水猛兽,认为抢占了他们的市场,于是索赔案、侵权案、反倾销调查、烧鞋事件等带有严重歧视色彩的限制事件频频发生,预计保护期结束后,此类事件还将继续发生。没有名牌就没有竞争力 发达国家的体育产业在国民经济中所占位次排名十几位,是国民经济增长的主要行业和主要动力,由于我国该行业不统一和不集中、缺乏到位的调控与统计体系,因此,指导和鼓励该产业发展的势头也相应滞后。但随着全民健身活动的深入发展和奥运经济的带动,以名牌战略实施为契机,不断整合产业结构,这个行业必将越发显示出其在国民经济中的重要地位。 国外电动跑步机制造业从上个世纪七十年代后期起步,与我国同类产品相比,除款式多样化及附加功能开发上比较占先外,其他差距较小。例如钢材,我国宝钢、鞍钢等生产的带钢均达到或超过国际标准,其配套的钢管制作也达到国外标准,电机等电跑配件通过消化吸收,我们从材料到新款开发均在国际先进行列。因此,电动跑步机不同于飞机、汽车行业,与国外先进水平几乎没有多大差距。由此,国际著名电跑生产企业日益关注,已经开始让我国企业为其进行贴牌产品生产。 虽然发展势头不错,但是国产电跑在国内外市场上的境遇还是有差别。而国产电动跑步机在国际市场上竞争力不强的主要原因,则是缺乏名牌产品效应。而与国外企业相比起步较晚、一些小企业假冒伪劣产品生产对市场的冲击等原因,也削弱了国产电动跑步机的市场竞争力。 目前,国际著名品牌爱康、力健、必确、太空、赛百斯等纷纷涉足中国市场,有的斥巨资投资建厂,并以较高的品牌知名度向国内企业施压,在此情况下,尽快促进电动跑步机名牌产品的崛起,不失为政府对电动跑步机民族工业的一个有力推动,也是推动民族品牌和国产产品提高国际市场竞争力的一大捷径。在电动跑步机国际市场竞争白热化的情况下,国产产品能否取胜,与名牌战略能否及时有效推进关系密切。 全民健身计划的有力推进,奥运经济对体育消费的拉动,有效地带动了体育产业的长足发展,对提升中国体育用品公众认知度具有深远意义,对包括电动跑步机在内的体育用品业的发展,对促进体育用品业行业的整体提升,构筑规模效益,进入全球市场,都将提供一个大舞台,体育健身事业和奥运经济都在呼唤中国名牌,电动跑步机也在呼唤中国名牌。 The Engineering Design Process Engineering design is one of the processes normally associated with the entire business or enterprise, from receipt of the order or product idea, to maintenance of the product. The design process requires input from such areas as customer needs, materials, capital, energy, time requirements, and human knowledge input is an engineer is knowledge of graphics, mathematics, and the sciences. Such knowledge is used by the engineer to analyze and solve problems. An engineering design involves both a process and a product. A process is a series of continuous actions ending in a particular result. A product is anything produced as a result of some process. As the design of a product or process is developed, the design team applies engineering principles, follows budgetary constraints, and takes into account legal and social issues. For example, when a building is designed, engineering principles are used to analyze the structure for loads; determine the structure is cost, based on the materials to be used, the size of structure, and aesthetic consideration; and create a design the adheres to the local laws. Graphics is an extremely important part of the engineering design process, which uses graphics as a tool to visualize possible solutions and to document the design for communications purposes. Graphics or geometric modeling using CAD is used to visualize, analyze, document, and produce a product or process. In fact, geometric modeling itself could be considered both a process and product. As a process, geometric modeling produces final design solutions, as well as inputs to the production process, in the form of computer databases. As a product, geometric modeling is a result of the engineering design process. Traditional engineering design is a liner approach divided into a number of steps. For example, a six-step process (See Figure 1) might be divided into problem identification, preliminary ideas, refinement, analysis, documentation, and implementation. In the design process, the problem is identified in Stage 1 and concepts and ideas are collected in Stage 2. These original thoughts are recorded as rough sketches, on paper or on computer, using graphics. Such sketches record fleeting images in the mind communicate initial ideas to others. This phase of engineering design is sometimes called ideation and the communications medium is computer models or sketches. In Stage 3, Design Refinement, a compromise solution is selected from the collection of rough sketches. In this phase, as a solution to the problem becomes more clear, the initial design sketches or models are refined. The results are refined sketches or computer models that can be analyzed. Stage 4, Analysis, and Stage 5, Optimization, are interactive steps that may be repeated many times before the final design is chosen After the final design solution is chosen, it must be documented or recorded in sufficient detail for the product to be manufacturing widin or constructed. The design solution is then archived for referencing or changes. Rough sketches cannot be used in this stage of engineering design if the product is to be mass produced. Mass production requires precise drawing or computer models that follow a standard communication format. The design process moves through each step in a sequential manner; however, if problems are encountered, the process may return to a previous step. This repetitive action is called iteration or looping. Many industries use the t
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