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课时跟踪检测(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points.根据提示写出单词的正确形式1Do you know what they are whispering (小声说) behind doors?2Clouds are formed from drops of liquid hanging (悬挂) in the air.3Not having heard of the missing boy for half a month, his family became desperate (绝望的)4Jim was a great support (支持) to us when our father died.5The scenes (景象) after the earthquake were terrible, the houses damaged, people buried or dead.6Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy (health)7As we know, a novelist (novel) creates characters and a plot.8The death of their daughter was a cruel (cruelty) blow, which made them sad all day.9They serve (service) a wonderful meal to their guests.10My grandpa has a good appetite (食欲) and can have a large bowl of rice and many vegetables.选词填空feed on, as if, in a .voice, in astonishment, hold on to, take place, stare at, be eager for1.He watched the game in astonishment for a while, “I can hardly believe my eyes!” he exclaimed.2He announced the news in a high voice to the people present at the meeting.3The evening party will take place on New Years Eve.4Its not polite to stare at a girl in the face.5I can remember it well as if it were yesterday.6He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.7As we know, such deer feed on green grass.8The boy studied day and night because he was eager for knowledge.完成句子1他一上台,观众就爆发出掌声。No sooner had he stepped on the stage than the audience broke into applause.2直到我们失去健康才知道它的价值。Not until we lose health do we know its value.3我没有想到他会来参加我的生日宴会,因此我惊讶地凝视着他。Little did I think that he would come to my birthday party, so I stared at him in astonishment.4他们低声交谈,以便不被其他人听到。They talked in a low voice in order that they should not be heard.5突然汤姆捡起一根棍子打在小偷的头上。Suddenly Tom picked up a stick and hit the thief on the head.阅读理解ARonald Chernow was born in Brooklyn on March 3, 1949. His father was the creator of a stock brokerage firm while his mother was an accountant (会计). Chernow graduated with honors from Yale University and further studied in Cambridge University, where he began but did not finish a PhD program due to health concern. And then he moved to a farm.Chernow began his career as a journalist. He wrote more than 60 articles in newspapers and magazines from 1973 to 1982. In 1983, he put his writing activity aside when he began serving as the director of financial policy studies with the Twentieth Century Fund, which is based in New York. In 1986, he left the organization and refocused his efforts on writing. In addition to his backgrounds of writing nonfiction works and biographies, Chernow continued to write articles for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He has also provided commentary (现场解说) on business, politics, and finance on national radio and television shows while additionally appearing as an expert in documentary films (纪录片)It was in 1990 that Chernow published his first book, The House of Morgan, which dates back to the history of four generations of the JP. Morgan financial empire. The reviewer for The New York Times Book Review said, “It is, quite simply, a tour de force.” It is no doubt that this is a great achievement in history. Soon the book was honored with the National Book Award for Nonfiction.In 1993, Chernow published The Warburgs, which is a description of the Warburg family, who immigrated to the US from Germany in 1938. The Warburg family was an outstanding financial dynasty of German Jewish, known for their accomplishments in physics, classical music, art history and finance. The book was awarded the Columbia Business Schools George S. Eccles Prize for Excellence in Economic Writing.In 1998, Chernow published Titan. The book reflected Chernows continued interest in financial history, especially when shaped by renowned individuals. Time magazine named it as “one of the great American biographies”. He also won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Biography and the 2011 American History Book Prize for his book, Washington: A Life.语篇解读:本文介绍了美国当代作家、历史学家Ronald Chernow的文学成就。1Why did Chernow stop his writing for 3 years?ABecause he took part in financial studies.BBecause he prepared to change his profession.CBecause he wanted to play a role in some films.DBecause he was busy making comments on TV.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段的“In 1983, he put his writing activity aside when he began serving as the director of financial policy studies with the Twentieth Century Fund, which is based in New York.”可知,他当时终止了写作是因为他加入了金融政策的研究工作。2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AIt is a simple story. BIt is an enjoyable trip.CIt is an excellent work. DIt is a big pressure.解析:选C句意理解题。根据画线句后的“It is no doubt that this is a great achievement in history.”可知,这本书是一部优秀作品,并且获奖了。由此可知,纽约时报的评论家是说这本书是一部杰作。3What can we infer about Chernow?AHe has a poor family to support.BHe is actually a famous economist.CHe has won prizes for all his works.DHe enjoys a great reputation in his country.解析:选D推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,Ronald Chernow出版了很多作品,也得过很多国际知名的奖项。由此可以推断,他在自己的国家享有盛誉。4The passage is mainly about .Athe whole life of Ronald ChernowBthe prizes Ronald Chernow has receivedCthe introduction to some famous books in AmericaDthe early experiences and some achievements of Ronald Chernow解析:选D主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了作家Ronald Chernow早年的一些经历和他的文学成就。BSusan Sontag (19332004) was one of the most noticeable figures in the world of literature. For more than 40 years she made it morally necessary to know everything to read every book worth reading, to see every movie worth seeing. When she was still in her early 30s, publishing essays in such important magazines as Partisan Review, she appeared as the symbol of American cultural life, trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art. With great effort and serious judgment, Sontag walked at the latest edges of world culture.Seriousness was one of Sontags lifelong watchwords (格言), but at a time when the barriers between the welleducated and the pooreducated were obvious, she argued for a true openness to the pleasures of pop culture. In Notes on Camp, the 1964 essay that first made her name, she explained what was then a littleknown set of difficult understandings, through which she could not have been more famous.Notes on Camp, she wrote, represents “a victory of form over content,beauty over morals”By conviction (信念) she was a sensualist (感觉论者), but by nature she was a moralist (伦理学者), and in the works she published in the 1970s and 1980s, it was the latter side of her that came forward. In Illness as Metaphor published in 1978, after she suffered cancer she argued against the idea that cancer was somehow a special problem of repressed personalities (被压抑的个性), a concept that effectively blamed the victim for the disease. In reexamining old positions was her lifelong habit.In America, her story of a 19th century Polish actress who set up a perfect society in California, won the National Book Award in 2000. But it was as a tireless, allpurpose cultural view that she made her lasting fame.“Sometimes,” she once said, “I feel that, in the end, all I am really defending .is the idea of seriousness, of true seriousness.” And in the end, she made us take it seriously too.语篇解读:本文介绍了桑塔格的相关信息。5The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means Sontag .Awas a symbol of American cultural lifeBdeveloped world literature, film and artCpublished many essays about world cultureDkept pace with the newest development of world culture解析:选D句意理解题。从句子本意来讲“桑塔格走在世界文化最前沿”,从时间上来讲,意思是“最新发生的”;而且第一段前面也讲到Sontag努力跟上文学、电影和艺术的新发展。本句含义是“桑塔格跟上世界文化最新发展的步伐”。6She first won her name through .Aher story of a Polish actressBher book Illness as MetaphorCpublishing essays in magazines like Partisan ReviewDher explanation of a set of difficult understandings解析:选D推理判断题。第二段讲到,Notes on Camp使她首次成名,而选项中没有这篇文章的名字。再看这句话,讲到在Notes on Camp这篇文章里,她解释了“a littleknown set of difficult understandings”。7According to the passage, Susan Sontag .Awas a sensualist as well as a moralistBlooked down upon the pop cultureCthought content was more important than formDblamed the victim of cancer for being repressed解析:选A推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“By conviction (信念) she was a sensualist (感觉论者), but by nature she was a moralist (伦理学者)”可知,她既是感觉论者,又是伦理学者,因此选A项。8Susan Sontags lasting fame was made upon .Aa tireless, allpurpose cultural viewBher lifelong watchword: seriousnessCpublishing books on moralsDenjoying books worth reading and movies worth seeing解析:选A细节理解题。本题问的是桑塔格持久的名声,从最后一段第二句“But it was as a tireless, allpurpose cultural view that she made her lasting fame.”可知选A项。.阅读七选五There are certain steps you can take to relieve the damage done by some of the previously mentioned reading problems. 1 Be sure to use and practice them as you read.Take breaks.Remember tiredness can lead to all of the health problems and to other problems as well. If you do not rest your mind, you will likely get tired and it will cost you points. 2 You can mark your place either by pointing to each word as you read it, or by placing a sheet of paper underneath the line you are reading. Pointing to each word with a pencil or your finger helps your eyes see where they should be reading. Placing a piece of paper under the line helps you to move smoothly from one line to the next.Read aloud. 3 If you must remain silent, whisper the words to yourself, or mouth the words, and say them in your head. It is important that you actually hear the sounds, even if you only hear them in your imagination. This multisensory approach allows you to see, hear, and feel what you are reading. Reading aloud should help you stay focused, understand better and remember what you are reading. 4 If you are thinking about what is important enough to write down, you will pay more attention to the reading. 5 It will also help you process the main point of the passage and improve the possibilit


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