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五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷(八套)说明:本套试卷精心编写了各考点和重要知识点,测试面广,难易兼备,仅供参考。全套试卷共八卷。目录:五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷(一)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷(二)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷(三)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(四)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(五)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(六)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(七)五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(八)1 / 38五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷一时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出恰当的应答语。Is Grandma at the bus stop? _ A. Kitty.What do they sometimes do with grandma?_B. Shes cooking.What day is it today?_ C. Yes, she is.Who runs to the bus stop?_ D. They sometimes go shopping.What is your mother doing?_ E. Its Tuesday.2. 读短文并按要求完成相应任务 Today was the first day of the summer holidayMy friends and I went out togetherWe went swimming in the swimming poolWe swam for an hourI did not swim well,but I enjoyed it very muchWe had lunch in a fastfood restaurantI had a sandwich and some orange juiceAlice had a hamburgerJack had a lot of French fries and some colaWe went shopping in a supermarketI bought a pink dressAlice bought a pretty hatJack did not buy anything We went home at 3 oclock in the afternoonWe 、were tired,but we were happy1. (1)写出短文中6个动词的一般过去式。_2. (2)The children went to:_the swimming pool the cinemaa fastfood restaurant a supermarket3. (3)They:_had breakfast together swam for an hourhad lunch together picked applesbought some fruit went shopping3. 当你想说“它有红色的眼睛。”,你应该怎么说:_A .It has red eyes.B .It has green eyes.4. The children are singing _(happy/happily)5. 选出你所听到单词( )A .bridgeB .hillC .river6. 将下列食物分类别hamburger sandwich egg apple tomato orange colabanana grape carrot candy fish rice ice cream milkchocolate fish and chips chicken bread water pizza1. (1)unhealthy food:_2. (2)healthy food:_7. There isnt any _(bread) on the table.8. We mustnt _.二、词语练习(30分)9. p n ( 钢笔)A .eB .sC .i10. There are _ flowers in the garden.11. 填上合适的介词。The Big Stone is _the hill.12. 13. 14. 选出不同类的单词A .greenB .tailC .wing15. English She has always lessons (.) (连词成句)三、提升练习(30分)16. _do you come to school? By bike.17. Can I help you?A .Yes, you can.B .Yes. We want some rulers.C .Thank you.18. There _(be)some shops and a supermarket.19. This is my roomThere is a_on the wall20. Whats behind the house?A .The house is big.B .Some birds are on the house.C .There is a tall tree behind it.21. 选择正确的选项( )A .B .C .22. 我给下列句子排排队_Does he like swimming?_He is swimming in the sea._Whats Jim doing?_No, he doesnt. But he likes ping-pong._Yes, he does. He often goes swimming in summer._What about ball games? Does he like football? 第 6 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷二时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出你听到的单词或词组( )A .otherB .anotherC .each otherD .the other2. 阅读短文,判断正误。 Look, this is a picture of my new house. Its a big and nice house. The doors are blue. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my father and mother. The small one is for me. Beside the big bedroom, there is a big living room. Can you see the sofa in it? Its red. I like it. The kitchen and the study are not big but very nice. In the study, theres a computer(电脑) on the desk. There are a lot of books on the desk too. There isnt a garden(花园) in my house. But there are some tall trees and flowers behind the house. I like my house very much.1. (1)The new house is big but not nice.2. (2)Theres a kitchen beside my bedroom.3. (3)Theres a red sofa in the living room.4. (4)We have a big kitchen in our house.5. (5)There are some trees and flowers in the garden.3. 选出与其它不同类的单词( )A .whatB .doC .who4. The wind is blowing strongly.5. I usually _ my grandparents.A .visitB .visitsC .visiting6. 写一写你去过的博物馆吧!要求字数不少于80个词A visit to the museum 7. Are there any fish in the river?_A .Yes, there are.B .Yes, there isnt.C .Yes, there is.8. Its on the two floor. _二、词语练习(30分)9. 选出与其它不同类的单词( )A .lifeguardB .driverC .singer10. 11. 根据图片,将对话补充完整A: Hi! I have a very funny picture!B: Really? Let me guess! Is there _ river?A: No, there isnt. There is a fish in the _.B: Is there a rabbit on the grass?A: No, there isnt. There is a rabbit in the river!B: Are there many trees in the forest?A: _.B: Look! There is a _ sky!A&B: Ha ha! How funny!12. pen l ( 铅笔)A .liB .ciC .ni13. These _(消防员)cant find people.14. What would you like? 15. Lets _(go) and have a look.三、提升练习(30分)16. 选择配伍Where is Daming?_ A、Lets drink some water.Dont shout, please! My brother is sleeping._ B、Great!I feel thirsty._ C、I have no go to bed.Lets go to the park. _ D、Hes in the living room.Its ten oclock in the evening._ E、Sorry. I didnt know that.17. Im good at fishing.(否定句)I _ _ good at fishing.18. I was very _ _(擅长)English.19. 从ABC中选出发音不同的单词A .byB .yesC .yesterday20. Let _ (I)send this email first.21. 我的妈妈教英语。_ mother _ English.22. Is there any tea in the glass?A .Yes, there are.B .No, there is.C .No, there isnt. 第 10 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷三时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. I _seven years old last year . I _eight years old now.2. (下棋)_.3. 选出不同类的单词。 A .comeB .waitC .present4. There _ an English book on the desk.A .amB .areC .is5. 当你想说“多么漂亮的房子啊!”,你应该怎么说:_A .What a beautiful house!B .What a beautiful horse.6. It takes about five hours.(对划线部分提问)7. 做否定回答。Is Paul collecting shells?_.8. What would you like? Id like four .A .tomatosB .tomatoesC .tomato二、词语练习(30分)9. 选择与图画相符的句子A. D. 1. (1)The girl often washesher clothes on the weekend.2. (2)The food is delicious.3. (3)The ball is betweenthe two dogs.4. (4)They usually playbasketball on Fridays.5. (5)Chen Jie can play thepipa.10. 11. 12. 用合适的介词填空。They are _the beach.13. These _(消防员)cant find people.14. 15. Whats under the tree? 三、提升练习(30分)16. 17. 根据短文内容。选择正确的信息。 1. (1)Today(今天) is_10th. (January/February/December).2. (2)Im Lily. Im nineyears old. My_(leg/ear/hand)hurts.3. (3)My name is_(Mary/Jam/Ben). Im ten years old. Myarm hurts.4. (4)Im Bill. Im_(seven/eight/nine) years old. My_(leg/hand/foot) hurts.5. (5)Im 10 years old. Myleg hurts. Who am I?18. 选择正确的选项( )A .B .C .19. This is my roomThere is a_on the wall20. 选出同类的单词。clever polite _Monday Saturday _above behind _forest hill _fresh hot _cook swim _Ain front of Bhardworking CTuesday Dsweet Eplay basketball Fmountain21. 选择正确的选项( )A .B .C .22. subject do you like best,English or music?I like English best.A .HowB .WhatC .Which 第 14 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷四时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 填入适当的词1. (1)can(否定)_2. (2)dont(完全形式)_3. (3)body(复数)_4. (4)doesnt(完全形式)_5. (5)dancing(原形)_6. (6)have(三单)_7. (7)it(形容词性物主代词)_8. (8)fish(复数)_9. (9)do(三单)_10. (10)they are(缩写形式)_2. 选出你所听到单词( )A .SundayB .TuesdayC .Monday3. 填上合适的介词。Fire can burn down a lot _trees.4. there are books how many the table on_?5. 选出你听到的单词或词组( )A .taxi driverB .bus driverC .pilotD .doctor6. 那太好了。 A .Thats badB .Thats great7. _do they start school in England?At nine oclock.A .HowB .What timeC .Who8. Its _ old house. The rooms are dirty.A .anB .areC .be二、词语练习(30分)9. 选择与图画相符的句子A. D. 1. (1)The girl often washesher clothes on the weekend.2. (2)The food is delicious.3. (3)The ball is betweenthe two dogs.4. (4)They usually playbasketball on Fridays.5. (5)Chen Jie can play thepipa.10. Lets goes to school. _11. Fish can swim. But the birds .A .canB .arentC .cant12. 用合适的介词填空。They are _the beach.13. My brother and I Christmas.A .all likeB .doesnt likeC .both like14. Look, read andorder.阅读短文,根据短文内容用A,B,C,D,E给图画排序。The Double Ninth Festival The Double NinthFestival is a traditional (传统的) Chinese festival. It usually comes in October. On this day, peopleusually go on an outing or climb mountains. Sometimes they go to see flowershows. People eat Double Ninth cakes at this festival. The cakes are sweet(甜的) and nice. Its also a festival forold people. On this day, people go to see their parents and grandparents. Many students(学生) visit old people in Old Peoples Homes. Theyget together and have a good time. 15. 选出不同类的单词A .playB .funC .high三、提升练习(30分)16. What do you do _ weekends?A .inB .toC .at17. 根据短文,判断句子的对错。1. (1)Kate is eleven years old2. (2)She is polite and clever3. (3)She can play the piano4. (4)Her favourite food is salad5. (5)Her favourite drink is milk18. He likes helping people. He is a _.A .firemanB .pilotC .cook19. Fire gives us (热)_and light.20. 补全对话A. I usually visit my grandparents on Sunday.B. This is John.C. I sometimes go shopping with them.D. What do you usually do with your grandparents?John: Hello, Jenny. _Jenny: Hello, John.John: Do you want to play basketball with me this Sunday?Jenny: Im sorry. _John: _Jenny: I usually go to the park with them.John: Do you go shopping with your grandparents?Jenny: Yes. _21. _is the diamond? On the hill.22. Are you afraid of _(swim)?No, Im not. 第 18 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷五时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. teeth there2. There arent some apple on the tree. _3. Mike call draw cartoons in the party. (同类词)A .speak EnglishB .ice creamC .beef noodles4. 补全对话A. Is she doing her homework?B. Is that Sue?C. No, she isnt.D. She is in her bedroom.E. Shes writing a letter.Amy: Hello! This is Amy. _Ken: No. This is Ken.Amy: Hi, Ken. Where is Sue?Ken: _Amy: _Ken: No, she isnt.Amy: Is she drawing a picture?Ken: _Amy: What is she doing in her bedroom?Ken: Shes busy. _You can make a phone call in the evening.Amy: OK.5. She is doing homework.6. 将下列食物分类别hamburger sandwich egg apple tomato orange colabanana grape carrot candy fish rice ice cream milkchocolate fish and chips chicken bread water pizza1. (1)unhealthy food:_2. (2)healthy food:_7. 填上合适的介词。Is the post office far _here?8. _ you run and jump?Yes, I can.A .CanB .canC .Do二、词语练习(30分)9. hungryA .read booksB .have lunchC .do housework10. The bank is your right. Can you see it?A .inB .atC .on11. A .Where are you going?B .Which class are you in?C .Whats your name?12. 用合适的介词填空。They are _the beach.13. Where did you _(找到)Lingling?14. He also likes playing _ 15. 一个是红色的,另一个是黑色的。_ is red and _ _ is black.三、提升练习(30分)16. 选择配伍Where is Daming?_ A、Lets drink some water.Dont shout, please! My brother is sleeping._ B、Great!I feel thirsty._ C、I have no go to bed.Lets go to the park. _ D、Hes in the living room.Its ten oclock in the evening._ E、Sorry. I didnt know that.17. _is your birthday?Its on 15th May.18. 判断下列划线部分的发音是相同还是不同A. smoke B. star C. start19. _is the diamond? On the hill.20. 和far from意思相反的是_。21. Was there a robot at the piano?(作否定回答)22. one的序数词是_。 第 21 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷六时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. Im _(doing /do)homework now.2. 填入适当的词1. (1)弹钢琴(英语)_2. (2)swim(现在分词)_3. (3)go skating(汉语)_4. (4)a lot of(汉语)_5. (5)singing(原形)_6. (6)like(三单)_7. (7)have(三单)_8. (8)story(复数)_9. (9)看电影(英语)_10. (10)dance(现在分词)_3. She _Bus NO. 12 to Spring Street.A .takingB .takeC .takes4. There_(is/are)some flowers between the_(tree/trees).5. We can play football with our_(foot).6. The cars are_.One is big. Another is small. (different/same)7. Jim likes c _ shells on the beach. 8. 选择合适的单词填空。hundred thousand1. (1)_2. (2)_二、词语练习(30分)9. 用合适的介词填空。You can see the hospital _your left.10. 句型转换。1. (1)Is Peter doing his homework?(肯定回答)_2. (2)What is he doing? (看图回答问题)_11. Is there _ milk in the glass?12. Is an she teacher too English(?)_13. 判断下列划线部分的发音是相同还是不同A. tree B. train C. triangle14. 15. The fish has _(no/ two) legs or arms.三、提升练习(30分)16. There _(isnt/ arent) any coffee in the cup.17. Su Hai and Su Yang_like swimming.A .areB .bothC .too18. My mother is kindBut sometimes she is_19. The polor bears are from _( the US/ Canada).20. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是相同还是不同A. driver B. draw C. drum21. _(What/How)a beautiful park!22. 和far from意思相反的是_。 第 24 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷七时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选择合适的单词填空。Earth forest land ocean1. (1)_2. (2)_3. (3)_4. (4)_2. 完成作文,说明大家保护环境的重要性并说明你的理由。 We live on the EarthThe Earth was_,but now some parts are dirtyLets work together to keep the Earth pretty and healthy because the Earth is only home for all the living thingsWe should_We should_We also need water and treesSo we shouldnt _We should stop _3. 选出你听到的单词或词组( )A .quietB .lightC .quiteD .heavy4. 汉译英1. (1)乘坐小汽车_2. (2)乘坐公交车_3. (3)地下车站_4. (4)下火车_5. (5)去上学_5. can/some/I/have/juice(?)(连词成句)6. 当你想告诉妈妈你很饿,你要说:_A .I am thirsty.B .I am hungry.7. 选择不同类的单词。A .atB .inC .can8. 判断下列划线部分的发音是相同还是不同A. spring B. sport C. speak二、词语练习(30分)9. The teachers office is on _(one) floor.10. There arent _ cakes in the fridge.A .someB .anyC .a11. When you see a fire, you go outside quickly. You use the lift.A .must, mustB .mustnt,mustC .must,mustnt12. 同学们,你最喜欢的老师是谁呢?请模仿上面第十题写写有关你喜欢的一个老师的情况:比如他她叫什么名字?他她是你什么学利老师?他她长得怎样?他她是个怎样的人?你们喜欢他她吗?为什么?My Favouriteteacher参考词:名字:Miss Mr学科老师:English teacher/Chinese teacher/mathsteacher/PE teacher/.长相:tall/short/strong/thin.big/small eves/mouth性格_kind/strict/friendly/quiet/funny.其它:13. 选出正确的应答句( )A .On March 11thB .On March 12thC .On March 14th14. He also likes playing _ 15. 看图读一读,把句子代码填入相应的括号里A. Is Ann reading a book? No, she isnt. Shes making a sandcastle.B. Look at Tom. He is walking (走路)on the beach. He is very hot.C. Are the children collecting shells on the beach?Yes, they are.D. Look at John and Lily. They are flying kites in the park. They are happy._三、提升练习(30分)16. We can see many animals in a z_.17. Are the two cities far away from each other?(作肯定回答)18. _are you doing? Im reading.19. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是相同还是不同A. postman B. first C. fast20. My sister sometimes kites Sunday afternoon. A .fly, inB .flies, onC .flies, in21. Fire gives us (热)_and light.22. He goes to the park at weekends.(对划线部分提问)_ _he _ at weekends? 第 28 页 / 共 38 页 五年级综合练习混合上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷八时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 去购物_.2. Alice _(have / has)some pears.3. 以


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