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教学资料范本小学四年级英语Unit 5 同步练习2编 辑:_时 间:_ Unit5单元测试卷姓名:_ 分数:_Part1听力部分(50分)一、Listenandchoose(听录音,选择你所听到的单词)(10分)( )1.A.draw B. meet C. speak ( )2.A.skateboard B. horse C. juice ( )3.A.kiteB. orangeC. white( )4.A.morning B. night C. phone( )5.A.plane B. nose C. light ( )6.A. ruler B. eraser C. schoolbag( )7.A.star B. rabbit C. tea( )8.A.chocolate B. zebra C. window( )9.A.chicken B. cakeC. noodles( )10.A.snail B. mouth C. game2、3、 Listen andnumber(听录音,给图片标序号)(8分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4、 Listen and choose(听录音,选择你所听到的句子)(10分)( )1. A. Look at your arms . B. Look at my prize. ( )2. A. Im hungry. B. Im angry. ( )3. A. The game isnt stupid. B. This game is stupid.( )4. A. Your turn, Mike. B. You are the winner, Mike.( )5. A. Ive got a new pencil box. B. Ive got a new bow and arrow.四、Listen and judge(听录音,判断图片与所听内容是“”否“”相符)(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、Listen and tick(听录音,勾出孩子各自会做什么)(10分)ActivityNameMariaNickDanMark Part2笔试部分(50分)一、Look,match and write. 看图片写单词.(12分)ride a horse swim play the piano play the football stand on the head fly a kite play the guitar ride a bike二、Choose correct answers(选择正确的答案)(10分)( )1.Can you stand on your head? No, _.A. I dont B. I can C. I cant( )2. At school Lily wears a blue _. A. shirt B. skirt C. shoes( )3. I can _.A. stand on her headB. stand on my head C. stand on his head( )4. Jenny cant _.A. play piano B. play a piano C. play the piano. ( )5. Toby can _.A. read B. sing C. dance三、.(选词填空)(10分)sister play drive ride her1. She cant stand on _ head.2. I can_ a bike.3. My brother can _a racing car.4. Everybody can _table tennis.5. My _is a superstar. She can sing and dance.四、Read and fill in Yes or No.(阅读短文,在表格写Yes或No)(12分)Peter is wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans. He cant play the piano and swim. He can ride a horse. Linda is wearing a green T-shirt and yellow jeans. She cant ride a horse and she cant stand on her head. She can play the piano. Mike is wearing a blue T-shirt and shorts. He cant play the piano and cant ride a horse. He can swim. Rita is wearing an orange T-shirt and blue jeans. She cant swim and cant play the piano. She ca


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