江苏省宿迁市泗洪县育才实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
江苏省宿迁市泗洪县育才实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第2页
江苏省宿迁市泗洪县育才实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
江苏省宿迁市泗洪县育才实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第4页
江苏省宿迁市泗洪县育才实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present P3 Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第5页
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unit1 grammar pastandpresent yetrecentlypast adv 还 仍adv 近来 最近adj 过去的 wordsreview tolearntousethepresentperfecttensetolearntoformthepastparticiplesofregularverbstolearntoformthepastparticiplesofirregularverbs presentperfecttense 语法讲解建议采用归纳法 如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句 或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句 引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律 lookatthefollowingsentences 1 wehaven tgotmuchteaorcoffee andwehaven tgotanysugarorjam 新概念1l79 2 i vealreadyhadmyholidaythisyear 新概念1l83 3 haveyourmechanics 机修工 finishedyet 新概念1l87 4 hehasalwaysbeenagoodneighbour 新概念1l91 5 ihavejustarrivedinscotlandandi mstayingatayouthhostel 青年旅社 新概念1l101 6 haveyoufinishedalready 新概念1l125 7 eddie haveyouseenmyfood p6 yes i vejusteatenit what you veeatenmyfood why 8 you vechanged eddie youusedtosharefoodwithme you vechangedtoo youusedtobesokindtome p6 9 i velivedheresinceiwasborn p8 10 haveyouevermovedhouse p8 11 mywifeandimovedtwoblocksawayandwe velivedinthisareasincethen p8 12 hasthetownchangedalotovertheyears p8 13 now thegovernmenthasturnedpartofthetowncentreintoanewpark p8 14 however mostofmyoldfriendshavemovedaway p9 guessinggame totestyoursenseofobservationtotestyourabilityofshort termmemorytotestyourabilitytohighlightthelanguagepoints guess 1 we muchteaorcoffee andwe anysugarorjam 2 i already myholidaythisyear 3 yourmechanics yet 4 he always agoodneighbour 5 i just inscotlandandi mstayingatayouthhostel 6 you already fillintheblanks haven tgot haven tgot ve had have finished has been have arrived have finished 7 eddie you myfood yes i just it what you myfood why 8 you eddie youusedtosharefoodwithme you too youusedtobesokindtome 9 i heresinceiwasborn 10 youever house have seen ve eaten veeaten vechanged vechanged velived have moved 11 mywifeandimovedtwoblocksawayandwe inthisareasincethen 12 thetown alotovertheyears 13 now thegovernment partofthetowncentreintoanewpark 14 however mostofmyoldfriends away velived has changed hasturned havemoved 1 youworkinluoyang don tyou yes i inthiscityforthreeyears a workb workedc haveworkedd willwork2 thebookisverythin butjackthinksit sthebestbookthathe a readb hasreadc willreadd reads 3 wouldyouliketogoandseedespicableme2withmetonight i dliketo buti ittwice a seeb willseec haveseend amseeing 以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解 下面就让我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一步选择讲解该语法项的重难点 weusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutanactionthatstartedinthepastandcontinuestothepresent ihavelivedheresinceiwasborn hehaslivedheresincehecametonanjing 现在完成时 用法 weusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutanactionthathappenedinthepastandhasaconnectionwiththepresent eddiehasjusteatenhobo sfood eddieatethefood andnowhobohasnothingtoeat ihavelostmymobilephone ilostmymobilephone andnowihavenomobilephonetouse wealsousethepresentperfecttensetotalkabouthowmanytimesanactionhashappenedtillnow ihavealreadyreadthisbookmanytimes wecanusethesetimeexpressionswiththepresentperfecttense alreadyyeteverneverjustrecentlysincefor 现在完成时 与already yet ever never just recently连用 1 already已经 常用于肯定句中 ihavealreadyseenthefilm 我已经看过这部电影了 2 yet1 已经 常用在疑问句中 haslindareadthebookyet 琳达已看过这本书了吗 2 还 仍然 常用于否定句和疑问句 hehasnotbeguntoworkyet 他还未开始工作 3 ever曾经 主要用于疑问句haveyoueverwantedtotravelaroundtheworld 你曾经想要周游世界吗 4 never从来没有 表示否定hehasneverseensuchatallbuilding 他从未见过这么高的楼 5 just刚刚 常用于肯定句中ihavejustfinishedlunch 我刚吃过午饭 6 recently不久前 最近ihaven tseenthemrecently 我近来没见过他们 haveyouuseditrecently 你最近用过它么 since for的用法详见下单元语法课件 现在完成时 构成 1 现在完成时的肯定句句型主语 第一 二人称单 复数 have 第三人称复数 have 第三人称单数 has 过去分词 e g ihavefinishedmyhomework hehaswrittensixpoems theyhaveseenthatfilm 2 现在完成时的否定句句型主语 have has not 过去分词 e g ihavenotseenthemovieyet hehasn tcomehereyet hasn t hasnothaven t havenot 3 现在完成时的一般疑问句句型have has 主语 过去分词 yes 主语 have has no 主语 have hasnot e g haveyoufinishedthework yes ihave no ihaven t hasshearrivedhere yes shehas no shehasn t 动词的过去分词 规则动词的过去分词的构成 大多数的动词的过去分词是规则的 只需在动词后加 ed 例如 work workedlisten listenedjump jumpedvisit visited2 在以 e结尾的动词后只加 d 例如 close closedlike likedagree agreedmove moved 3 在以辅音字母加y结尾的动词 应将y改为i再加ed 例如 study studiedcarry carriedtry triedworry worried4 以重读闭音节结尾的动词 要双写末尾的辅音字母再加 ed 例如 stop stoppeddrop dropped 不规则动词的过去分词的构成 有些动词的原形和过去分词相同 例如 put puthurt hurtbecome becomerun run2 改变单词中间元音字母 例如 sit satwin wonhold held3 把单词结尾的字母d改为t 例如 lend lentspend spentsend sent 还有些动词的过去分词是不规则的 需要特殊记忆 课本第122 123页 4 以eep结尾的动词 把eep改为ept 例如 keep keptsleep slept5 过去分词以aught或ought结尾 例如 teach taughtbuy bought6 以ay结尾的动词 把ay变成aid 例如 say saidpay paid7 在原形词尾加n或en 例如 give giveneat eaten speaking anexamplem you see anyfilmsrecently sandy s no ihaven t whataboutyou m i see onelastsaturday s what sitabout m it saboutthechangesinbeijingoverthepastcentury fromthisfilm i learn moreaboutbeijing spastandpresent s oh ithinki hear aboutthefilm doyouplantoseeitagain m yes i dliketo have seen saw havelearnt haveheard let spractise a haveyou b yes ihave no ihaven t a hashe she b yes he shehas no he shehasn t brushyourteeth brushedyourteeth a haveyou b yes ihave no ihaven t readthebook readthebook a hasshe b yes shehas no shehasn t havepizza a havethey b yes theyhave no theyhaven t hadpizza makingsentencesmr wuasksthestudentstocompletethesentencesbelowusingthepresentperfecttense helpthemcompletethesentences 1 they finish theirhomeworkalready 2 john never visit china 3 mrli repair overtenbicyclessincemonday 4 we notsee eachotherforyears 5 myparents come backyet 6 ourteacher teach usalotaboutthehistoryofchina havefinished havenotcome hastaught havenotseen hasrepaired hasvisited presentperfecttense mindmap timeforreflection youever withagroup yes ihave a did studyb are studyingc were studyingd have studied2 lucy you yourticket notyet a did findb have foundc has foundd do find i multiplechoice 3 mygrandmother alotofchangesintianjinsinceshecamehere 2011天津 a seesb canseec willseed hasseen4 myauntisawriter she morethantenbookssince1980 2011北京 a writesb wrotec haswrittend willwrite 5 whywon tyougotothemoviewithme gina becausei ittwice 2011襄阳 a seeb haveseenc sawd willsee6 chinadevelopssofast that strue it alotalready 2011安徽芜湖 a changesb changedc willchanged haschanged 7 i dliketointroducemybestfriendtoyou peter thankyou lucy butwe already 2012河南 a meetb metc willmeetd havemet8 since2000 jingmenhasbecomeanewcity everything 2013湖北荆州 a ischangedb waschangedc hadchangedd haschanged 9 juliaisn tgoingtothecinemawithusbecauseshe thefilm 2013浙江湖州 a seesb sawc willseed hasseen10 lookatthesestamps i themforfiveyears wow theyarewonderful 2013湖南衡阳 a keptb havekeptc havebought 1 i have dinner iamfull 2 we read thisstory 3 they see themovie 4 she buy somenicetoys 5 hurryup lunch already begin 6 we wash ourclothes they recleannow 7 heever ride abike havehad haveread haveseen hasbought havewashed ii fillintheblanks has ridden has begun 1 i vealreadyhaddinner 否 i dinner 2 hehasjustfinished


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