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2005:underrate /ndret/ 1.V-T If you underrate someone or something, you do not recognize how intelligent, important, or significant they are. 低估; 看轻例:We women have a lot of good business skills, although we tend to underrate ourselves. 我们女性有许多好的商业技能,只是我们往往低估自己。2.ADJ 被低估了的; 被看轻了的例:He is a very underrated poet.他是个严重被低估了的诗人。perceive /psiv/ |CET4 TEM41.V-T If you perceive something, you see, notice, or realize it, especially when it is not obvious. 感知到例:Students must perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort. 学生们必须自己去认识到成功与努力之间的关系。2.V-T If you perceive someone or something as doing or being a particular thing, it is your opinion that they do this thing or that they are that thing. 认为例:Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease. 压力普遍被认为能造成冠心病。even if:1、即使,纵然,尽管,虽然,甚至if only:1.要是,只要2.要是多好3.正是,就是,恰恰是(接虚拟语气)only if:只要就;只是在的时候;只有(强调条件唯一)as if:1.好像,似乎,仿佛be capable of v. 能够dilute /dalut/1.V-T/V-I If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker. 稀释; 变淡例:The liquid is then diluted. 然后液体就变稀了。2.V-T If someone or something dilutes a belief, quality, or value, they make it weaker and less effective. 削弱例:There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power. 削弱黑人选举权的意图是显而易见的。3.ADJ A dilute liquid is very thin and weak, usually because it has had water added to it. 稀释的detect /dtkt/1.V-T To detect something means to find it or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation. 探测例:.a sensitive piece of equipment used to detect radiation. 一台探测辐射的敏感仪器。2.V-T If you detect something, you notice it or sense it, even though it is not very obvious. 察觉例:Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old mans face. 阿诺德能察觉到老人脸上的某种悲伤。whereas /wrz/ |CET4 TEM4CONJ You use whereas to introduce a comment that contrasts with what is said in the main clause. 而 (引导与主句内容相对比的评论)例:Benefits are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living. 救济金与通货膨胀联系了起来,而它们应该与生活费用挂钩。Ineffective:something that is ineffective does not achieve what it is intended to achieve无效果的,不起作用的,不奏效的Inefficient:not using time, money, energy etc in the best way效率低的summon /smn/ |CET6 TEM41.V-T If you summon someone, you order them to come to you. 召唤例:Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over. 豪叫了一位医生,匆忙赶过去了。例:Suddenly we were summoned to the interview room. 突然我们被召唤进了面试室。2.V-T If you summon a quality, you make a great effort to have it. For example, if you summon the courage or strength to do something, you make a great effort to be brave or strong, so that you will be able to do it. 努力拥有 (某特质); 鼓起 (勇气、力气)例:It took her a full month to summon the courage to tell her mother. 她用了整整一个月的时间才鼓起勇气告诉了母亲。3.PHRASAL VERB Summon up means the same as . 努力拥有; 鼓起 (同)(summon)例:Painfully shy, he finally summoned up courage to ask her to a game. 尽管他非常腼腆,最终还是鼓起了勇气邀她去看一场比赛。Trigger 1.to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events引发,激发尤指一系列事件例 The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting. 这次暗杀事件引发了一阵骚乱。trigger a memory (=make you suddenly remember something)触发回忆2.to make something such as a bomb or electrical system start to operate使爆炸;启动,引发SYN SET OFF例 The burglars fled after triggering the alarm . 入室窃贼触动警报器后就逃跑了。3.the part of a gun that you pull with your finger to fire it枪的扳机pull/squeeze the trigger例 He took aim and squeezed the trigger. 他瞄准目标,扣动了扳机。4.be the trigger (point) (for sth)to be the thing that quickly causes a serious problem成为引发(某事)的因素例 The hijacking became a trigger point for military action. 这次劫持事件成了引发军事行动的导火线。nevertheless /nvls/ |CET4 TEM4ADV You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. 然而repel /rpl/ |CET6 TEM41.V-T When an army repels an attack, they successfully fight and drive back soldiers from another army who have attacked them. 击退; 打退例:They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready to repel any attack. 他们沿边界有5万军队,随时准备击退任何进攻。2.V-T If something repels you, you find it horrible and disgusting. 使厌恶; 使反感例:.a violent excitement that frightened and repelled her. 使她害怕和厌恶的一次暴力骚动。3.ADJ 厌恶的; 反感的例:She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled. 她非常吸引人,但是我觉得有些反感。aside from1.主美国英语2.除了(=except for)3.除外,除以外(尚有)underlying /ndla/ |CET61.ADJ The underlying features of an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them. 潜在的例:To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes. 要解决问题,你得了解其潜在原因。2.ADJ You describe something as underlying when it is below the surface of something else. 在下面的例:.hills with the hard underlying rock poking through the turf. 从被草覆盖的地面下突出来的坚硬岩石的山峦。assumption /smpn/ |CET4 TEM4N-COUNT If you make an assumption that something is true or will happen, you accept that it is true or will happen, often without any real proof. 假设grievance /rivns/ |TEM8N-VAR If you have a grievance about something that has happened or been done, you believe that it was unfair. 委屈; 不满例:They had a legitimate grievance. 他们的委屈是合乎情理的。例:The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences. 司机们的主要不满是加诸在驾驶执照上的更高的费用。adjoin /dn/ |CET6 TEM8V-T If one room, place, or object adjoins another, they are next to each other. 紧邻例:The doctors bedroom adjoined his wifes and the door between the rooms was always open. 这位医生的卧室紧邻他妻子的卧室,两间房之间的门总是开着的。chamber /temb,temb/ n.1.ENCLOSED SPACE 封闭的空间C an enclosed space, especially in your body or inside a machine人体内或某些机器中的室,腔例 a combustion chamber 燃烧室例 The heart has four chambers. 心脏有四个腔。2.ROOM 房间C a room used for a special purpose, especially an unpleasant one作特殊用途的房间尤指不好的用途gas/torture chamber (=used for killing people by gas or for hurting them)毒气室/刑堂3.MEETING ROOM 会议室C a large room in a public building used for important meetings大型的会议室,会议厅例 the council chamber 议事厅reluctant /rlktnt/ |CET4 TEM41.ADJ If you are reluctant to do something, you are unwilling to do it and hesitate before doing it, or do it slowly and without enthusiasm. 不愿意的; 勉强的例:Mr. Spero was reluctant to ask for help.be reluctant to 不愿意,不情愿toss /ts/ |CET4 TEM41.V-T If you toss something somewhere, you throw it there lightly, often in a careless way. 扔例:Just toss it in the rubbish. 把它扔进垃圾桶就可以了。2.V-T If you toss your head or toss your hair, you move your head backward, quickly and suddenly, often as a way of expressing an emotion such as anger or contempt. 甩 (表达愤怒、蔑视等情感)例:Im sure I dont know. Deb tossed her head. “我确实不知道。”德布甩头说道。3.N-COUNT Toss is also a noun. 后甩例:With a toss of his head and a few hard gulps, Bob finished the last of his beer. 鲍勃仰头咕咚咕咚几大口喝完了剩下的啤酒。4.V-T In sports and informal situations, if you decide something by tossing a coin, you spin a coin into the air and guess which side of the coin will face upward when it lands. 抛 (硬币)例:We tossed a coin to decide who would go out and buy the bagels. 我们抛硬币来决定谁出去买百吉圈。5.N-COUNT Toss is also a noun. 抛硬币的方法例:It would be better to decide it on the toss of a coin. 最好用抛硬币的方式来对此事做决定。6.PHRASE If you toss and turn, you keep moving around in bed and cannot sleep, for example, because you are sick or worried. 辗转反侧例:I try to go back to sleep and toss and turn for a while. 我努力重新入睡,辗转反侧了一会儿。resent /rznt/ |CET4 TEM4V-T If you resent someone or something, you feel bitter and angry about them. 憎恨例:She resents her mother for being so tough on her. 她恨她的妈妈对她如此苛刻。righteous /rats/ |CET6+ TEM8ADJ If you think that someone behaves or lives in a way that is morally good, you can say that they are righteous. People sometimes use righteous to express their disapproval when they think someone is only behaving in this way so that others will admire or support them. 正直的; (有时指) 假正经的例:Arent you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader? 难道你不怕被人看成是一个装腔作势的改革者吗?indignation /ndnen/ |CET6 TEM4N-UNCOUNT Indignation is a feeling of shock and anger when you think that something is unjust or unfair. 愤怒不平例:She was filled with indignation at the conditions under which miners were forced to work. 她为矿工们被迫工作的条件满心愤慨。stems from:源于enlist /nlst/ |CET6+ TEM41.V-T/V-I If someone enlists or is enlisted, they join the army, navy, marines, or air force. 使入伍; 入伍例:He enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago. 他20年前加入了第82空降师。例:He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War. 他以列兵身份参加了墨西哥战争。2.V-T If you enlist the help of someone, you persuade them to help or support you in doing something. 赢得例:I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbours to get it out of the garden! 我不得不砍了一棵树,然后找了7位邻居帮忙把它从院子里弄出去。prudent /prudnt/ |CET6+ TEM81.ADJ Someone who is prudent is sensible and careful. 谨慎的例:It is clearly prudent to take all precautions. 采取一切防范措施显然是慎重的。2.ADV 谨慎地例:I believe it is essential that we act prudently. 我认为我们必须谨慎地行事。paralysis /prlss/ |TEM81.N-UNCOUNT Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move and feel in all or part of your body. 瘫痪例:.paralysis of the leg. 腿部的瘫痪。2.N-UNCOUNT Paralysis is the state of being unable to act or function properly. 瘫痪状态例:The paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command. 领导层的瘫痪使得军队没有了最高统帅。steward /stjd/ |CET6+ TEM41.N-COUNT A steward is a man who works on a ship, plane, or train, taking care of passengers and serving meals to them. 男乘务员2.N-COUNT A steward is a man or woman who helps to organize a race, march, or other public event. (比赛、游行等公共活动的) 组织者例:The steward at the march stood his ground while the rest of the marchers decided to run. 当其余的游行者决定跑掉时,游行的组织者坚守了他的位置。incentive /nsntv/ |CET6 TEM4N-VAR If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it. 鼓励例:There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures. 几乎或根本没有鼓励来采取这样的措施。短语:financial incentives 财政激励(financial incentive的复数)promising /prms/ |CET4 TEM4ADJ Someone or something that is promising seems likely to be very good or successful. 有望成功的; 前景很好的例:A school has honoured one of its brightest and most promising former students. 一所学校给其培养过的最聪明、最有前途的学生中的一位颁了奖。plant 英 plnt 美 plnt n. 工厂,车间;植物;设备;庄稼固定搭配:power plants 电 发电厂aggravate /rvet/ |CET6 TEM81.V-T If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse. 使恶化例:Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation. 紧张和缺少睡眠会使情况恶化。2.V-T If someone or something aggravates you, they make you annoyed. 使恼火例:What aggravates you most about this country? 这个国家最让你恼火的是什么?3.ADJ 恼人的例:You dont realize how aggravating you can be. 你没意识到你有多烦人。suspend /sspnd/ |CET4 TEM41.V-T If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about it. 暂停例:The union suspended strike action this week. 工会本周暂停了罢工行动。2.V-T If someone is suspended, they are prevented from holding a particular job or position for a fixed length of time or until a decision is made about them. 使停职例:Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident. 该事件发生后不久,朱莉被停职了。3.V-T If something is suspended from a high place, it is hanging from that place. 悬挂例:.instruments that are suspended on cables. 悬挂在电缆上的仪器。disguise /dsaz/ |CET4 TEM41.N-VAR If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you. 伪装例:Youll have to travel in disguise. 你将不得不乔装出行。2.V-T If you disguise yourself, you put on clothes which make you look like someone else or alter your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you. 乔装例:She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield. 她女扮男装以便能上战场打仗。3.ADJ 乔装的例:The extremists entered the building disguised as medical workers. 极端分子们假扮成医务人员,进入了大楼。4.V-T To disguise something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognize it. 掩饰例:He made no attempt to disguise his agitation. 他无意掩饰他的不安。5.ADJ 掩饰的例:The proposal is a thinly disguised effort to revive the price controls of the 1970s. 这项提议是恢复20世纪70年代物价控制的一种几乎不加掩饰的努力。progress toward 向前进work through V to resolve (a problem, esp an emotional one), by thinking about it repeatedly and hence lessening its intensity either by gaining insight or by becoming bored by it 通过反复思考来解决问题; 尤指感情问题,通过反复思考获得认识或感觉无聊而降低问题强度work through1.(聚精会神地)完成2.(使)渗透,(使)穿透:The rain is working through the roof.雨水渗透了屋顶。3.设法干完;设法克服:to work through difficulties克服困难literal /ltrl/ |CET6 TEM81.ADJ The literal sense of a word or phrase is its most basic sense. 字面上的例:In many cases, the people there are fighting, in a literal sense, for their homes. 多数情况下,那里的人们实际上都是在为他们的家园而战斗。2.ADJ A literal translation is one in which you translate each word of the original work rather than giving the meaning of each expression or sentence using words that sound natural. 按字面意思的例:A literal translation of the name Tapies is walls. 名字的字面翻译是“墙”。literally /ltrl/ |CET4 TEM81.ADV You can use literally to emphasize an exaggeration. Some careful speakers of English think that this use is incorrect. 真地例:Weve got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up. 我们必须控制住经济,否则它真地就会把我们困住。2.ADV You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising. 确实地例:Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people. 上演一台话剧是一项巨大的事业,它确实要几百个人参与。3.ADV If a word or expression is translated literally, its most simple or basic meaning is translated. 字面上地例:The word volk translates literally as folk. “”这个词照字面意思翻译为“”。persistent /psstnt/ |CET6 TEM41.ADJ Something that is persistent continues to exist or happen for a long time; used especially about bad or undesirable states or situations. (坏的或令人不悦的状态或情形) 持续存在的例:Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt. 她国家领导人的地位因为人们一直担心再次的政变企图而被削弱了。例:His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped. 他的咳嗽愈来愈频繁,直到咳个不停。2.ADJ Someone who is persistent continues trying to do something, even though it is difficult or other people are against it. 坚持不懈的; 执著的例:.a persistent critic of the president. 一个执著的批评总统的人。public figures 公众人物,名人,知名人士aspire /spa/ |CET6+ TEM81.V-I If you aspire to something such as an important job, you have a strong desire to achieve it. 有志 (于)例:.people who aspire to public office. 志在获得公职的人们。例:Rice aspired to go to college. 赖斯渴望上大学。triumph /tramf/ |CET4 TEM41.N-VAR A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort. 胜利; 成就例:The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach, Dave Donovan. 那些冠军称号证明了教练戴夫多诺万的个人成就。2.N-UNCOUNT Triumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory. (成功或胜利的) 喜悦例:Her sense of triumph was short-lived. 她喜悦的感觉是短暂的。3.V-I If someone or something triumphs, they gain complete success, control, or victory, often after a long or difficult struggle. 成功; 获胜例:All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed. 凯利在一生中遭遇了种种艰巨任务与挑战,但成功了。permissive /pmsv/ 1.ADJ A permissive person, society, or way of behaving allows or tolerates things that other people disapprove of. 宽容的; 放任的例:The call for law and order replaced the permissive tolerance of the 1960s. 对法治的呼吁取代了20世纪60年代的“姑息忍让”。2.N-UNCOUNT 宽容; 放任例:Permissiveness and democracy go together. 宽容和民主并存。cult /klt/ |CET6+ TEM81.N-COUNT A cult is a fairly small religious group, especially one which is considered strange. 异教团体例:The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult. 这位少年可能被某个异教团体绑架了。2.N-COUNT The cult of something is a situation in which people regard that thing as very important or special. 狂热崇拜例:.the cult of youth that recently gripped publishing. 近期吸引了出版界的年青人的狂热。3.ADJ Cult is used to describe things that are very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people. 受到狂热崇拜的例:Since her death, she has become a cult figure. 她死后已成为人们顶礼膜拜的人物。4.N-SING Someone or something that is a cult has become very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people. 时尚例:Violence has become a cult among some young men. 暴力已成为一些年轻人追逐的时尚。spell 1 /spel,spl/ v. S2pp: spelt spelled pt: spelt spelled 1.spell trouble/disaster/danger etcif a situation or action spells trouble etc, it makes you expect trouble etc招致带来麻烦/灾难/危险等例 The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers. 缺少雨水会给农民带来灾难。(原文)But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing,” has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music.array /re/ |CET6 TEM41.N-COUNT-COLL An array of different things or people is a large number or wide range of them. 大量; 各种例:As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions. 随着最后期限的临近,她心绪变得纷繁复杂起来。2.N-COUNT An array of objects is a collection of them that is displayed or arranged in a particular way. 陈列例:We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables. 我们参观了当地的市场,看到了漂亮地摆放着的水果蔬菜。elaborate adj.1.having a lot of small parts or details put together in a complicated way详尽的;复杂的例 pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns 绣有精美图案的真丝衣服2.carefully planned and organized in great detail精心制作的 例


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