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九年级 Units 13 1.Its your d _to look after your parents when they get older. 2.Getting the right p_ can also improve your listening.3.Education is one of the most important parts of countrys d _4.The two words sound the same but they are spelt d_ 5.Its your turn to read the text a_.6.They often practice speaking English to improve their s_English7.I didnt r_ I had made a mistake until he told me. 8.The book is very f_,he feels boring.9.They often organize some charity shows to r_ a lot of money for Project Hope.10.She spoke too q_,I couldnt hear her clearly. 11.Its really difficult for me to m_ all the new words. 12.We usually get e_about the football match.13.I like studying language, I want to be a good language l_ 14.My p _ is poor. Can you help me? 15.Charlie thinks of a best way to s_ this problem.16.Sometimes they have many d _ and decide not to talk to each other. 17.I can tell you the i_ of learning a foreign language. 18.I dont agree with you, I think you are_(不公平)19.These days,she always got angry_(容易)。 20.My _(解决) to the challenge is different from yours. 21.Time goes by,and good friendship may be_(丢失)。22.How do we d_ with our problems? 23.This is an i_lesson for us.24.He thinks studying _(语法)is a good way to learn English. 25.She a_ that reading English with friends was interesting. 26.Dont forget to use_(逗号)in the sentences.27.That e_ is very difficult. So I cant understand it. 28.My (big )problem is that I cant memorize the English new words. 29.His life (change) a lot in the last few years.30. My grandfather used (swim )in the river when was young.31. It often ( take) us two hours (do) our homework every day.32. The novel is so interesting that I couldnt stop ( read )it in class every day.33. I am very hungry ,because I (not have)my supper yet. 34.we find it easy (learn) English well.35. Dont give up ( try) , you will make it in the end. 36. He didnt ( use) to like tests, but now he likes them very much. 37. We are learning English, so we are English _ (learn)38. Im afraid of _(speak) in front of the class. 39.The girl was _(excite)about the result of the test. 40.To my _(surprise),he failed the exam. 41. I used to_ (have) a good time at shool.42. The little boy is shy. He is (terrify) of speaking in public. 43. She spends lots of time_(do) homework. 44. Tom made a good (decide) at last. 45.It is bad for you (eat ) too much. 46.His mother makes him (wash) his feet before going to bed.47. I used to be afraid of (speak ) in front of a group.48. He has already (see) the film. He saw it last Saturday. 49. Im afraid of flying in an a_.50. These days I h_ ever have time for concerts. 51. Now gym is my f_ class.52. It s _ that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 53. U_, Martin still caused problems.54. In the end, she made a difficult d_.55. He has tried to make his mother pay a_ to him.56.Sorry,my _(pronounce)is poor. Can you help me ?57.It may take a long time to find a _ (solve ) to the problem.58.He would always take p_ in everything good I do.59.Her work is full of (愚蠢的) mistakes.60 My parents dont allow me to play with my frieds at nights. (代替),I have to study at home.61 T means a person between the ages of 13 and 19.62 Not all the girls like to get their ears p .63.The fruit should be well (keep) during winter.64.All the work (应该做) as soon as possible. 65.They instead of (做作业).66.The boy is (不够大) to go to school. 68.He is a running star. H wants to be a p athlete.67.Sometimes the teens hobbies can get in the w of schoolwork.69.We think our son needs to be r . He shouldnt dream about something all day.70.I hope I will have a chance of a my dream. 71. W e should o the rules at school.72 Your father is really a k_ man. He seems to know everything. 73. Henrys uncle left him a large sum of money after his death, but Henry gave most of it to medical r_. 74. Work hard, or you will fail the e_. 75.I will buy my father a t_ as a birthday present. It looks nice on his shirt. 76. Why did you r_ to go with me? What are you worrying about? 77. What our teacher cares most about is the s_ of the students.78. The river is ten meters d_. Its dangerous to swim there 79.To me, my mother is a good l_. She is always very patient when she listens to me. 80.This dictionary is very h_ to me. I use it every day. 81.Look! All the trees and houses are _with snow. How beautiful the world is!82.I want to go to bed now. I feel s_. 83. I dont like this kind of food at all. It smells t_. 84 Dont be n_. Take it easy (放松), please. 86. We must wear u_ on school days. 85 To be a volunteer during the vacation is a good e_ for us. 87.What would you do if you injured yourself by _(不小心)?88.The famous doctor has much experience_(处理) with urgent problems.89. Linda _(拒绝) to help me with my homework last week. 90. You should _(覆盖)the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. 91.Zhang Liangying is a very popular girl. She has millions of _ _(听众)92. If someone _(提供)me a cigarette, what should I do?93. Mr Li gave away a million dollars to medical_ (研究)94. Teenagers would rather talk about their _(烦恼) with their friends than their parents 95.Do you know how _(深的)the sea is? 96. Can you finish the _(其余) of the work in an hour? 97.In the room there used to be many _(架子)for books.98. The boy was badly _(受伤) in the road accident. 99. If I were you, Id take walks before_(去睡觉) to bed. 100. Reading is _(有帮助的) to improve your writing skills.101. What if everyone _(别的) brings a present?102. Maria got her ears p_ yesterday and bought a pair of earrings.Unit 4 1. She c_ up with a good idea at last. 2. Please take the m_three times a day.3. The old man gave his money to m_ research.4. -What would you do if you had two _(百万) dollars?-I would give the money to c_.5. If she w_ you, shed take a small present to the party. 6. W_ if I dont know anyone?7. I asked his p_to use his bike. 8. The little girl gave her mother a c_smile.9 .The little girl learned Englishall by h_. 10. Miss Li is kind so she has a big c_ of her students around. 11. If I were you I would wear a shirt and a t_to the party.12. He is so k_ that he knows everything. 13 .She works hard, so she always comes t_ in every school exam. 14. He didnt agree with me, so he r_ to do those things.15. You made lots of mistakes in your writing. You must c_them.16. There are many books on these s_. 17. If you are bad at English, I will give you some a_. 18. Im really shy to give a _(演讲)in front of the class.19. If a friend o_ you cigarettes at a party, you can refuse. 20. He is hardly ever tired. He is e_. 21. I would not borrow his clothes_(没有)permission.22. Youre not _(允许)to talk during the exam. 23.Yesterday I met a friend of mine in the street by a_. 24.These days parents are always_(worry) about their kids.25 .Id like to have plenty of good _(listen). 26.If it is a _(深的) cut you should see the doctor at once. 27 .I think cold running water is _(help) to treat a small burn.28. My parents give me so much that I dont want to let them d_.29 .Dont worry .You didnt bother me in the s_ just now.30.Last week my father _(fall) off his bike and _(hurt) himself. Unit 5 1. - Why is there a strange s_ in the kitchen? -Something must be burning.2. Excuse me, could you help to l_ the big bag onto the truck? 3. There used to be a s_ bridge over the river. 4. I think he is a d_ boy. He often tells lies. 5. There is no paper in my bag. Who u_ it up? 6. This bag b_ to me.7. Our next door n_is an old lady.She keeps a little dog. 8.Be careful, or you will d_your glasses on the floor. 9.Dogs like c_ rabbits.10. I am r_ sorry for it. 11.What is he doing?-He might_be_(run) for exercise.12 .Look! So many people are there, what is_(happen)?13.Listen!There must be someone _(knock) at the door. 14. I have never been _(interview). What about you?15.The tiger seems no interest in _(escape) from the cage. He is used to _(stay) in16.There used _( be ) some living things here, but now everything has changed.17. He got up early in order to _(catch) the school bus.18.The boy showed me four _(finger) to tell me he was four years old.19.When you are ill, your mother always feels _(worry) about you.20.Li Lei doesnt study hard. He always _(attempt) to coppy something from the others.21.Who is the _(主任) of your department. 22.There are some _( 猴子) in the tree.23.When his father comes into his room, he always _(假装) to be asleep.24.Dont throw _(垃圾) everywhere. We must keep the room clean.25.Lets have a _(野餐)this Sunday. 26.The problem is still a _(迷) for us. 27.Children like to watch _(蚂蚁) move food.28. The thief heard the dog _(叫声) and ran away quickly.29.You had better make an _(约定) with the doctor before you go to see him.30.Do you know who is the _(作者) of the novel.?Unit 6 1. Some f_ are catching fish in the river. 6. I like songs that have great l_.2. The population of our country is always i_. Something must be done to stop it.3. It is such a wonderful concert that you cant m_ it.4. The m_ idea of this passage is about how to protect the endangered animals.5. Nothing is so difficult if you put your h_ into it. 7. G_ and quiet music makes me relaxed.8. W_ happens; your wishes will come true. 9. Michael said that he p_ to stay in the countryside. 10. To be h_, the hairstyle doesnt suit you.11. There will be a lot of cool cars on s_ in Shanghai this week. 12.The honey tastes really s_.13. The old lady was _ (期待) a letter from her son while he was abroad.14. Do you think the _(最新的) movie of Jacky Chen is very wonderful?15.That man _(使想起) me of my English teacher, they wear the same clothes.16.I have heard that eating burnt food can increase the risk of _(癌症).17.I went for the university for a six-month English _(课程).18. When I was young, my father _(使.感兴趣) me in sports.19. As the name Wild and Windy suggests, the band has lots of _(活力).20.Most young people like to wear _ (不同寻常的) clothes.21 They _ (raise) a lot of money for homeless children over the years.22. He has a friend who _(play) the piano very well.23. Be sure (not miss) the early bus tomorrow. 26. Amy Kim is one of the best Chinese _ (photograph).24. He prefers singing to _ (dance). 25. I think Shanghai is a good place _ (visit) 27.I dislike the singers who dont sing the words _ (clear). 29.If food is _ (taste), its usually bad for you. 28. People are in _(agree) that fruit and vegetables are good for health.30. Carmen likes _ (music) who play different kinds of music.Unit 7 1. He got in _(穿过) the window. 2.My friend wants to be f_, just like Zhou Jielun.3.Id like to relax on a _(海滩,沙滩). 4.The w_ in Hawaii is very hot now.5.They would love to v_ Mexico. 6.Ill work hard to a_ my dream.7.Hong Kong is always _.(游客很多的) 8.Why not_(考虑)going out to play?9.Its very_ (方便的)to travel by taxi in Paris. 11._(旅行) by taxi in a city is fast.10._(除非) you can speak English, youd better take a translator with you.12.It s_ that some students hope to have a good education.13.We shouldnt d_ too much on our parents. 14.Id like to get the_(信息) now. 15. Ate these newspaper r_ true? 16.I saw your _(广告) on the newspaper.17.Where_(别的) would you like to go? 18.Where would you like to go this _(夏天) ?19.Can you _(提供) me with some coffee? 20.How long will you be _(离开)?21.Qufu in Shandong is an_(教育意义的) place. 23.I was a _(志愿者)at the 2008 Olympics.22.I _(收到) a letter from my pen pal yesterday.24.He sailed _(横穿) the Pacific Ocean last year.25.Please finish the work as soon as _(可能的).Unit 8 1.Its our duty to help the d_ people. They need more care. 2.After the blood, many people became _(无家可归). 3.Would you like to give out food to help stop h_? 4.My sister is a nurse in a h_. 5.The girl looks sad. Lets c_ her up. 6.Can you i_ what life will be like in 100years? 8.Look at the _(标志). It says“NO PARKING7.I took some p_ with my camera when I was in Beijing”! 9.Im _(饥饿的). Id like something to eat. 10.They _(成立) a food bank lasr Sunday. 11.The b_ man can see nothing.12.They have come up with a p_for the Clean-Up Day. 13.I have to do an _(采访) today.14. Well go to the shopping c_ (中心)this afternoon. 15.You could help_(训练) a soccer team for little kids. 16.The man loves dogs, cats, pigs and some other a_.17. Im not s_ what I should do next., 18.My friend, Tim, wants to be a _(兽医).19.Have you worked in a _ _(当地的)hospital? 20.The twins are both _(相似) to their mother.21.Do you have your _(自己的) computer? 22.You should learn to be a good_(倾听者).23.I have to _(修理)up my computer today. It doesnt work.Unit 9 1.This big factory _(发展)from a small business. 4.The old man got on the wrong bus by m_. 2. In school, we studied the _(古代的)Greek and Poman civilizations.3.The radio said that it would rain this evening. Please take an u_with you.5.The worker _(敲击)through a wall with a heavy hammer just now.6.In the 1600s,the umbrella was _(发明)by accident. 8.The coach will teach the players how to _(投)balls to each other. 9.The abucus was invented in the sixth _(世纪)。7._(呆,留)in the classroom until your mother comes to pick you up,Lucy.10.I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the s_ taste. 11.Mom added salt but it still wasnt s_ enough.12.She likes c_cookies. They are hard,dry and easily broken.13.The _(顾客)thought the potatoes weren,t thin enough. 19.The sun _(升起)in the east.14.The leaves in the water _(产生)a pleasant smell. 15._(根据)to what he said, we knew he lost his watch. 16.The _(目标)of basketball is for players to get a ball into the “basket”.17.We are _(划分)into many groups before we do the experiment.18.Players move _(朝向)one end of the court while throwing the ball to each other.20.He _(创造)many things in his life. He is very c_ _.Unit 10 1.When I got to school, I r_ I had left my backpack at school.2.Dont forget to l_ your bike. Five bikes were lost last night. 3.What _(发生) to Dave on April Fools Day? 4.My friend _(邀请) me to his birthday party.5.Tom r_ into the classroom because it was time for school. 7.The UFO l_ on the earth last night.6.Thousands of people had _(逃离)from their homes because of flood.8.My mother has been_(嫁) to my father for 30 years.9.On the _ (one) day of school, we had a meeting on the playground.10. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt s_ up.11. Dont s_ up so late at night. Its bad for your health.12. By the time I _ (get) back to school, the bell _ (ring).13. Yesterday I l _ my keys at school, so I couldnt go into the house.14.When I got to school, the teacher had already started _ ( teach). 15.The rice on the farm is g_ well this year. 16.The shoes in the shop of the country _ (sell) out.17.Marys father asked her _ (study) hard because it is very important for her.18.The little boy likes telling _ (joke), so all his classmates love him.19. The movie has a happy e_. My grandma likes it very much.20. All of the _(farm) are working hard on the farm.Unit 11 1.I have two _ (dictionary).One is English-Chinese dictionary, and the other is Chinese-English dictionary. 2. A: Whats the result of the race, Mary? B: Jane is the _ (one) in the race, Barbara is the _ (two) and I am the _ (three).3. The Yellow River is the second _ (long) river in China. 4. The boy is old enough to _ (dress) himself. 5.The weather in B


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