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1 附录 A Tray selection and with the shelves, forklift match First, the selected tray Size: When used plastic pallets, according to the requirements of the project, the selected size will be different. 1. First, consider the specifications and packaging of goods placed in the plastic tray method. For example: the European standard turnover box size is 600 * 400mm, 1200 * 1000mm pallet in place a layer of 5 in 1200 * 800mm layer placed on the tray 4, the general stacking 5 layers. 2. Consider the pallet loading tools (such as containers, trucks, etc.). For example: If you are working round-trip or one-time use, you need to give priority to the width of 2300mm of integrated container shipping, for 1200 * 1000mm pallet, length 1200mm and width 1000mm to use a combination of place, must be selected to enter the fork 4. The tray on the 1200 * 800mm, 800mm width direction with two side by side. The pallet of 1100 * 1100mm width by 1100mm, placed 2, 2, or 4 to enter the fork into the fork can be. 3. If used in the warehouse shelves, shelves to consider the size of width and depth, usually select the shelves each placed two trays of each cargo space, and allow access to the space of about 200mm. In depth direction as far as possible to give large size, this does not produce plastic pallets carrying capacity of the stringent requirements in order to save procurement costs. 4. If the use of automated warehouse shelves, in addition to meet the above requirements, but also take into account the slip coefficient of the tray, the tray bottom with transmission equipment and chain, into the fork height, carrying capacity on the shelves, permanent deformation, length of surface deflection, the position of bar coding and RFID chips placed on other factors. 5. Use plastic trays should also consider the size of generality, the size of the domestic common international standard for the 1210, 1208 European standard and T11 Japanese standard tray. Second, the choice of single and double-sided: 1. Single use plastic pallets only one side, the surface grid of two peace-plate, the bottom of 2 Sichuan fonts, font, or nine square field pad feet, according to carrying capacity and the use of different occasions into shelf series, standard series and ultra-light series of three standards. 2. Sided plastic tray that the same structure on both sides of the tray, the surface grid plate of peace are two sides to exchange used, based on carrying capacity and the use of different occasions, the shelves are divided into two series and standard series standards. 3. Use double-sided tray or trays should be based on the appropriate storage, loading and unloading equipment and state (such as the library type, rack type, stacking or placing the state, etc.) to determine. 4. For the small footprint of the ASRS or high shelves, or electric stacker forklift to move vertically oriented occasion, single-sided double-sided shelf series shelf series of trays and trays can be chosen. 5. If the three-dimensional library or load up on the shelves of 1T, but there is no ceiling shelves, the proposed shelf tray with built-in pipe. Steel structure steel tray built an effective solution to the product on the shelf load the greater the greater the weight, the old problem of high cost, more importantly, about the use of square steel tube wall thickness of 2mm rigid, reaching the shelves (ASRS) are horizontal and vertical deflection 10mm stringent requirements, while reducing the permanent deformation and reduce costs. 6. For the area, mainly the large and the level of the occasion, if the manual handling hydraulic pallet truck is suitable for use single-sided tray. For stacking of goods to the bottom of the tray above and below the cargo coincide, the swastika with the end of double-sided tray or tray-type side is better. If using self-moving motorized pallet trucks are suitable for articles not connected with the bottom of the nine feet single tray. Third, the load requirements 1. Dynamic load refers to the use of electric forklift or a manual hydraulic pallet truck can lift the maximum weight allowed. General shelf tray to load-bearing 1.5T-2T, the standard load-bearing pallet can 1T, lightweight tray dynamic load 0.5T. 2. Static load refers to the stacking, the bottom of the plastic tray can bear maximum weight. General shelf tray to load-bearing 6T-8T, the standard load-bearing pallet can 4T, lightweight tray static 1T. 3. Shelf load refers to the plastic tray packaging on the shelves when the maximum allowable weight. Must pay attention to dynamic load, static load, load library shelf load 3 and establish the difference between carrying capacity and shelves of different structures, closely related to ambient temperature and storage period. General heavy trays on a shelf in load-bearing beams 0.7T-1T, standard tray loading 0.4T-0.6T. 4. Shelf load permanent deformation of the plastic tray and deflection have certain requirements, national standards for the maximum deflection 30mm, but this was partial width. We recommend using the deflection on the shelf no more than 20mm of plastic pallets. If the automatic warehouse, the requirements of the degree of deflection even more stringent, generally require less than 10mm. Cheng Machinery silver mesh) 4 附录 B 电动平衡叉车是以直流电源(电瓶)为动力的装卸及搬运车辆。据国外资料统计,日本 1992 年电动叉车产量就已经超过了叉车总量的 1/3。在德国、意大利等一些西欧国家,电动叉车所占的比例达到 50%左右。电动叉车的迅速发展主要得益于各生产厂家的不断进步。产品外形大多采用了流线型设计,造型更加美观。主要生产厂家实现了规模生产和零部件专业化生产和装配流水线作业。加工精度、自动化程度都提高了。在新材料、新工艺方面,最重要的体现是晶体管控制器( SCR 和 MOS 管)应用。它的出现使电动叉车的使用性能得到很大的提高,从总体上说,电动叉车的耐用性、可靠性和适用性都得到显著提高,完全可以与内燃机叉车相抗衡。 本文主要评述市场上销量较大的四支点电动平衡叉车的结构特点及发展。 车体是叉车的主体结构,一般都是由 5mm 以上钢板制成,其特点是无大梁,车体强度高,可承受重载。 就电瓶在叉车车体上的放置位置而言,有两种不同的制造技术。即电瓶安置于前后桥之间或后桥之上。 这两种技术代表了叉车设计的两种最优选择,且各有优缺点,稳定性好,但是车体内的可利用空间较小,因此限制了电瓶的容量,这对于载重量不超过 3t 的叉车并不突出,但对于那些运动情况复杂, 8h 工作时间内电瓶容量要求高的大吨位叉车就变得严重了。 采 用大容量电瓶,以延长电动叉车的持续工作时间,从而扩大电动叉车的使用范围,这是各叉车制造商共同追求的目标。 例如, STILL 公司的 R60/40 系统叉车,由于采用了第一种技术,其最大的电瓶容量为 80V, 870A.h;69.6kW.h,而 CARER 公司的 R40 叉车由于采用第二种技术,电瓶容量达到 960A.h;76.8kW.h(高出了 10.35%)。在 LINDE 公司采用第一种技术的 E40 系列叉车上可安装电瓶的最大容量为 735A.h,58.8kW.h。同样规格的 CARER 公司叉车,由于采用了第二种技术,可 安装电瓶的最大容量增加 30.6%。 5 第二种情况,当电瓶布置在叉车后桥上时,叉车的重心提高了,整机稳定性受到影响,由于叉车的高度增加,司机的座位提高,因而司机在操作时视野更开阔,特别是搬运体积大的货物时就更适用了。当电瓶安置在后桥上,电机和液压泵的维修更方便,因为拆走电瓶和脚踏板后,电机和液压泵便一目了然。 目前,国内企业生产的电动叉车,大多采用的是第二种技术,而国外企业则两种情况都有。 2 门架 目前,国内外电动叉车大部分已经采用宽视野门架,起升液压缸由中间放置改为两侧放置。 液压缸的放置位置有两种:一种是液压缸位于门架后面,如抚顺叉车厂和TOYOTA 的电动叉车;另一种是液压缸位于门架外测,如南京华瑞电动叉车和BALKANCAR 叉车。 CARER 公司的 R40/45 系列电动叉车的液压缸位于门架外侧,R50/60/70 系列叉车的液压缸则位于门架后面。 门架一般分为标准型、两节型或三节型。国内叉车的起升高度一般在 25m 之间,且以 3m 及 3m 以下的居多,而国外电动叉车的起升高度一般在 26m 之间,由于仓库的立体化程度高,因此起升高度 3m 以上,电动叉车的需求量比国内高得多。 3 驾驶室 由于多数电动叉车用于室内搬运,因此一般没有封闭的驾驶室,只安装起防护作用的护顶架。世界上比较先进的电动叉车,如: LINDE 的 E20 新型叉车驾驶室,按先进的人机工程学原理开发研制,采用舒适的液压减振悬挂式座椅,能够根据驾驶员的身高和体重进行调整。双踏板加速系统在叉车改变行驶方向时无需转向,方向盘立柱的倾角可根据驾驶员的要求进行调节。中心液压操纵杆集门架的升降和前后于一体。所以这些新设计都大大地减轻了驾驶员的劳动强度。 4 驱动系统 驱动系统是电动叉车的关键部件之一。各种叉车 在驱动系统的结构上存在很大的差别,有单电机布置形式上也存在差别,如国内抚顺产的叉车,其电机轴与驱动桥为丁字型结构,而国外 TOYOTA和 BALKANCAR叉车的驱动电机轴与驱动桥却是布置的,结构紧凑。 LINDE 的 E20 电动叉车和 CARER 的 P50 叉车的前轮驱动是由两个独立的 6 电机来完成的,电机与驱动轴平行放置,结构紧凑。由于是双电机驱动,加速和爬坡性能好,牵引力大,采用了电子整速系统,替代原来的机械差速系统,使用性得到了很大的提高。 5 液压系统 电动叉车一般都采用单独的电机,带动齿轮泵,从而为 其门架工作系统的提升和倾斜提供液压动力。目前国产叉车,由于没有实现液压电机的调速,液压电机在启动后,只能高速转动,不会随着功能和压力的改变而自动调节,多余的流量只能通过溢流阀流回油箱,造成能量浪费。国外新型叉车,如 LINDE 的 E20 电动叉车,采用了先进的液压脉冲控制技术,液压泵脉冲控制器能够根据液压回路的反应,自动平衡电机速度与用油量,从而节约电能,这种控制的优点是电源利用率高,无电压峰值,液压系统的噪声低,液压元件的磨损也低,从而大大地提高了整车的可靠性和使用寿命。 6 制动系统 一般的电 动叉车主要采用机械式停车制动和液压式行车制动。停车采用手制动,行车采用脚制动。 NISSAN 公司 BX 系列电动叉车制动系统装有一个主导真空增压器,可保证任何时候都有足够的主动压力,既增加了制动的安全性,又减轻了驾驶员的劳动强度。 CARER 电动叉车采用液压制动系统。膨胀型制动有外部控制,并采用动力辅助制动(与动力转向系统的动力形式相同)。 SCR 和 MOS 管的使用,使电瓶叉车的制动能量再生成为可能。能量再生过程也就是一个电子制动过程,电子制动在以下三种情况下产生: ( 1)松开加 速器控制踏板时。 ( 2)踏下反向的加速器踏板时。 ( 3)踏下液压制动踏板的第一级时。 对于 LINDE 的 E20 和 CARER 的 P50 电动叉车,当初次或者轻轻踏下制动器时,牵引电机将变成一台发电机,将电能补送回电瓶,而不象一般叉车制动时将能量白白地 7 浪费掉。只有在进一步制动时,液压制动才真正起作用。这种制动系统的优点是延长了每次充电后的工作时间,减少了制动系及传动元件的磨损,也减少了维修的停工时间,因而降低了使用成本。 7 转向系统 平衡叉车都采用后轮转向,且工作范围小,转向 运动频繁。如果采用机械转向,则驾驶员的工作强度会很高。如果采用液压动力转向,则劳动强度会大大降低。因此,现在市场上销售的叉车基本上实现了动力转向。国内电瓶叉车的液压转向一般是转向电机在叉车工作过程中不停地满负荷运转,因此造成了不必要的能量浪费,以及电机和液压减的磨损。但是, LINDE 和 NISSAN 等公司的电瓶叉车,其动力转向则更进了一步,即通过方向盘不动时,则转向电机不工作。此功能不但节约能量


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