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湖北省黄石市2014高考英语阅读理解训练题(28)及答案when you think of an artist, you probably think of someone painting on canvas (画布). but guido daniele creates fantastic paintings of birds, elephants, tigers, and giraffes by painting on skin. born in soverato, italy, guido daniele has been called “hand gogh” (after artist vincent van gogh) since he began creating works of art on peoples hands in 1990.painting on the hands can be a challenge because, unlike canvas, the skin moves when rubbed. danieles models must remain perfectly still for hours as he paints. he often uses his daughter and his son as his “canvases”.before he can begin to create his “manimals” (the artists name for his hand animals), daniele studies photographs of the animal that he will be painting in order to be able to understand its character and give it life. “next,” he says, “i look at the hand from different perspectives (视角) ,and i begin to imagine what is the best way to position the hand for me to paint the animal. “he also studies the skin of the model, preferring it to have little hair and few blemishes (瑕疵).daniele starts by drawing on the models hand with a pencil. he next paints the skin using watercolors made specifically for body art. the eyes of danieles painted animals look amazingly real, and they are the most difficult part to paint.paintings on hands must eventually be washed away. guido daniele says that hes gotten used to this part and that he doesnt really mind seeing his work washed down the drain (排水沟). “tomorrow, i will paint the next one. the important thing is to take many good photo- graphs before washing the hand!”9. danieles paintings are mainly about _.a. scenery b. plants c. stories d. animals10. in paragraph 3 the author mainly tells us _.a. what daniele needs to do before paintingb. why daniele chooses to paint “animals”c. how daniele develops this own style of paintingd. how daniele paints on the skin of his models11. how does daniele feel about the fact that his paintings must be washed away? _.a. he feels disappointed at this. b. he cares little about this.c. he is satisfied to see this. d. he in fact cant accept this.12. what do we learn about daniele from the passage? _.a. his real name is hand gogh. b. his works are mainly drawn with pencils.c. he is an artist who paints on hands. d. he often asks his wife to be his model. 912、dabc*结束what do you see from a handful of seeds? some see green plants, some see blooming flowers, or just seeds. but one group of shanghai students saw an opportunity to make money.eight students from no 2 secondary school attached to east china normal university started a virtual(虚拟的)company selling different seeds and seed products. they successfully sold 28 pictures pasted with different seeds at a campus auction(拍卖)a week ago. the company, which has recruited around 20 student staff members, has earned over 2000 yuan in the past three months.“we donated part of the money to a poor school in the countryside of anhui province. its great to realize our ideal of spreading love and culture with seeds after many tests and lots of hard work,” said senior 2 shi chen, ceo of the company.just like any other company, shis didnt develop smoothly. shi and her young colleagues(同事)used to sell fresh flowers and old books, and later found seeds might be something that their company could engage in. they bought seeds of various plants and flowers at low prices from a local farm and sold them in schools or on streets. the creative students also made accessories and pictures with different seeds.with little business knowledge, the students had to learn new skills as the leaders of different departments, such as public relations (pr), sales and marketing. they persuaded a joint sino-french company near their school to give them training in business management. “they helped us overcome our shyness. we also learned quite a lot of business theory. i found communication skills and teamwork are very important for my job” said senior 1 qian yifei.the 16-year-old was elected as pr manager thanks to her talent for speaking. she is also in charge of after sales service, dealing with complaints and providing suggestions.as the head of the company, ceo shi has a lot more to think about. first of all, she has to learn how to make her colleagues work efficiently(高效地) as the company only opens at weekends due to all their studies. “it makes the company more formal,” she said.17the purpose of opening the company is to .aearn money for their education fees.bspread love and culture with seeds.csee whether they can open a company.dcollect money to open a hope school.18according to qian yifei, what matters most in dealing with public relations? acommunication skills and teamwork 。 bcreative and critical thinking. ceducational back ground. dbusiness theories.19what does the word it (in the last paragraph) refer to? aselling seeds. bceo. cevery colleagues knowledge. dto make her colleagues work efficiently.20we can learn from the passage that_. athe company is owned by 20 students. bthe company is over-night successful. cthe company sells fresh flowers and old booksdthe company gets much help from other company selling seeds.1720、bada*结束 at the middle school level, there are many academic clubs in which students can in. students can choose clubs that focus on an area of interest.mathcounts clubmathcounts tries to increase excitement towards mathematic achievement. it hopes to provide students with the foundation for success in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers. schools select individuals and teams to participate in competitions. local competitions are held in february with winners progressing to state competitions and then on to the national level. mathcounts works to challenge student math skills, develop self-confidence and give rewards for their achievements.envirothonthe envirothon program focuses on natural resources knowledge and exposes students to diverse environmental issues, and ecosystems (生态学). the ecology field competition for five-member middle school teams offers competitions in wildlife, soils, forestry, current environmental issues and aquatics. students work and learn in middle school clubs and can compete at the local and state level.future problem solversfuture problem solvers is an academic club that uses a six-step process to solve problems that may happen in the future. students who are in the talented and gifted program, who like to “think out of the box,” or who enjoy thinking about futuristic problems may like this club. teams comprised of four students read future scenes and write up solutions in a booklet using the six-step process. teams that score high enough can go to the state competition and then to the international competition.builders clubbuilders club is open to any middle school student who wishes to perform community service. each builders club is co-sponsored by(共同捐助) a kiwanis club and the middle school. the members learn by doing, and they learn organization, teamwork, and leadership. builders clubs can sponsor a teacher of the year program, provide a recycling collection point, organize canned food and clothing drives to support local shelters, adopt(领养)a resident at a local senior citizens home, adopt a highway, tutor, etc.middle school academic clubs offer students a place to explore interests or talents. the clubs they join in middle school can help guide choices in high school and beyond. 5students choose mathcounts club in order to .abe successful in science careers.benjoy solving future problems.cperform community service.dstudy wildlife and soils.6if you enjoy thinking about futuristic problems, is a good choice for you.amathecounts clubbbuildres clubcfuture problem solversdenvirothon 7the students who are not interested in competitions would like to choose .amathecounts clubbbuildres clubcfuture problem solversdenvirothon8what is the common feature of the four clubs?acompetitions.bleadership.cscientific researches.dteamwork. 58、a c b d *结束 in the computer age,most of us think a broadband(宽带)internet connection tobe common. whether wired or wireless,today、connections are many times faster.videos play smoothly;complex websites load quickly;and the files are much biggertoo. but theres still a catch,of course. you have to live near enough to a major city toget broadband internet. if you dont,its slow for you to use dial-up connection. andfor those living really far out,there may be no internet connection at all. technology experts often talk about,the last mile problem,which refers to thedifficulty of making internet available for remote places. it is much more difficult todeliver connection to those living far from cities,especially in developing countries.internet service providers,for their part,have been unwilling to provide connection toareas with smaller population,where the internet users wouldnt cover the expense. but every year,technological advancements allow of more and more internet users.most broadband connections today run over existing cable tv and telephone linesalthough these technologies arent available everywhere. some companies have deliveredthe internet over standard. power lines. advancements in cheaper,more efficient fiberoptics cables(光纤电缆)promise to bring extremely fast internet connections to moreusers. still,the“last mile problem remains hard to deal with. there will always besomewhere that doesnt have an affordable broadband connection. but someday thatmight not matter. if the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication(迹象),it may not be too long before an internet connection simply follows you whereveryou go.12. what would be the best title for the text? a. a broadband internet connection b. the difficulty with internet c. rapid progress in cell phone technology d. the last mile problem13. the underlined part a catch(in paragraph 2)probably means a. a hidden problem b. a rare challenge c. a bad service d. a possible way14. from paragraph 4 we can learn that technological advancements a. make tv and telephone available everywhere. b. bring great changes to peoples everyday life c, make it possible for rilore people to use the internet d. bring faster internet connections to users.15. what may eventually settle the“last mile problem? a. more and more internet users. b. more and more internet connections. c. the rapid progress in cell phone technology.d. the speed of the broadband internet1215、dadc*结束these days, there are very few wild animals left in the uk. the wolves have gone. the bears have been hunted to extinction. fortunately, there are a few badgers (獾).oh, well, actually, not for long as the british government have just decided to kill them too! but why?badgers are fascinating nocturnal (夜晚活动的)creatures, living underground. theyre extremely brave, fighting off larger animals such as bears and wolves. the problem is that some badgers carry bovine tuberculosis (btb) an infectious disease caused by the bacterium m. bovis which can cause tb in some other animals, including cattle. for farmers, this is a serious issue, because they usually keep a large number of cows together to raise. in 1998 in the uk, almost 6,000 cows were killed to control the disease. and in 2010,more than 30,000 animals were destroyed. bovine tb costs the uk about 100 million per year. and some believe that the disease could end up costing the economy 9 billion over the next 40 years if nothing is done about it.experts say that badgers are responsible for about 50% of the infected cattle. so, after much debate, the government has agreed to kill badgers.of course, many are against the measure. they claim that killing the badgers in controlled zones wouldnt work because badgers from neighboring areas would simply move in and become infected too. furthermore, the number of cattle in one spot is usually very large. they believe that the way cattle are raised intensively, and


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