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2014-2015下期期末八年级英语参考答案及听力材料一听力理解:1-5. CBCAB 6-10. BCCBC 11-15. CAABA 16-20. BCAED二单项选择:21-25. BCCBD 26-30.BDDCA 31-35.CABCA三完形填空:36-40. ABDCB 41-45. AACBB四阅读理解:46-50.ABDCA 51-55. BCDDA 56-60. ABDBC 61-65. EDBAC五词汇运用: 66. price 67. raise 68. carefully 69. western 70. Fried六综合运用: 71. ourselves 72. who 73. changes 74. helps 75. successful 76. suggestions 77. in 78. right 79. shopping 80. what七补全对话 81-85. EAFBC来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K八书面表达: Should Students Wear School Uniforms? I think students should wear uniforms. They can not only show good discipline but also they are suitable for students. Many students of us dont like uniforms, because they look ugly on us and they cant show our feelings and moods.I think schools should allow students to design our own uniforms. We can design several styles of uniforms for boys and girls. Of course, they must look nice. Boys in them look handsome and girls in them look beautiful.听力材料:第一节1. W : I feel nervous these days, Jack M: Why not listen to soft music? It would relax yourself?2. W: Mr. Li, Tom cant come to the party because he has to look after his mother in the hospital. Who will give the speech this afternoon?x.k.b.1 M: Im sorry to hear that. But dont worry, Jack can give the speech instead of Tom.3.W: Steven, were going on a field trip tomorrow. Would you make a plan? M: Sure. Lets book rooms first.4. W: Dad, I cant find my new boots. Can you help me? M: Look, they are right here, under the chair.5. M: Hi, Mary. You look so happy. Yeah. My mother bought my favorite sportswear for me. 第二节:第1个对话材料:M: Excuse me, when does the train leave for Shanghai?W: At eight forty.M: When does it arrive in Shanghai?W: At nine fifteen tomorrow morning. M: How much does it cost?W: 165 yuan.M: Thanks.第2个对话材料:M: Mary, what are you going to do?W: Mr. Brown, Im going to buy some fruit and vegetables.M: Why doesnt your mother do the shopping herself?W: Because she has a stomachache. She didnt eat anything for two days.M: Why not give her some chicken soup? Its good for her.W: Good idea. I will buy a chicken. Bye.一段独白材料:Last Sunday evening, there was a fashion show on the playground. My sister and I went to watch it. The fashion show lasted from 8:00 to 9:30. A lot of models went there to model clothes. They dressed in different kinds of fashions, traditional clothes and minority costumes. Every model looked beautiful and cool. My sister was very happy to watch the fashion show. She wants to be a model when she grows up.第3个对话材料:M: Mom, look at my new school uniform. Is it cool?W: Yes. You look cool and active in the new school uniform. xkb1M: The students designed them by ourselves.W: You are great.M: Do the clothes fit me?W: No, theyre a little too large. Ill change them for you.M: Thanks, Mom.w w w .x k b 1.c o mW: How much do they cost?M: 108 yuan.W: Theyre not expensive.M: I hope you will have a happy vacation.W: The same to you.第3节 :短文材料X k b 1 . c o mHere are some useful ways to help you to get thinner.When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands. Do it at least five times before getting off the bed.Running is the cheapest and easiest way to get thinner. You can spend about twenty minutes running in the morning.When you have a meal, please have some soup first. In this way, youll feel fuller and eat le


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