



教学内容Unit 5 How much is it?A. Lets talk备课人彭雪萍第二课时教学目标(三维目标)知识目标1.我能听录音跟读Lets talk,并能流利的朗读课文。2.我能理解课文内容,并能根据课文内容回答问题。能力目标我会用英语描述衣服等,询问价钱,并对价钱作出评价情感目标培养学生团结合作的精神和积极学习英语的态度。教学重点能够听懂、正确读、运用4个句子:1.Can I help you?2. How much is it? Its .yuan.4.Its too expensive/cheap.教学难点理解和掌握本课的句型:Can I help you?-Yes.以及询问价格的句型:How much is this? Itsyuan.课前准备检测题目的设计导学过程预习检测(2mins)1.Ask the students to show their preview.(导学案上的课前预习)choose two or three groups to read the new words新课呈现(12mins) Review the word : colourfulprettycheapexpensiveTeacher touch a colourful dress ask:whats this? Is it colourful?Touch a pretty dress ask: Is it pretty?Touch the pretty dress ask:How much is this dress? Touch the colourful dress ask:How much is that dress ?Teacher say:This one is cheap,this one is expensive.(设计意图:利用实物创设情境,复习上节课所学的四个形容词,给学生直观的感觉,同时利用教师的体态语让学生明确区分this和 that,从而由词过渡到句,降低了学习的难度)Step3、PresentationLook at the book and listen to the tapy carefully,and try to answer : what did the assistant say?1、 Teach the sentence: Can I help you? Read the sentence one by one.2、 The students ask :Can I help you ? The teacher point the dress and answer: How much is this dress?3、 The teacher and the students practice the dialogue.4、 Listen to the tape again and think over: How much is the colourful dress?5、 Its 99yuan,its cheap or expensive? Yes,its too expensive.(设计意图:从听入手,让学生带着问题有目地的去听录音,并说出本课的重点句型,同时采用师示范、小组合作的方式进行操练,由句到对话,将难点分散)小组合作(10mins)一、Listen to the tape and answer question 1.(听录音回答问题1)1. How much is the dress?二、Read after the tape , true(T) or false(F) (跟读,判断对错。)2.Amy likes the dress very much.( )3.The dress is not very expensive.( )三、Read it loudly by yourselves and underline the answers on your books.(自己大声读,在书上用下划线画出答案。)4. 售货员招待客人时是怎么说的?5. Amy的妈妈买那条裙子了么,为什么?合作反馈(5mins)预设1.Ask some group leaders to show their result.补充(课中备课)知识检测(6mins)预设题目一、找朋友,给下列英语单词找正确的中文意思。l. colourful( ) 2. expensive( ) 3. cheap( )4. pretty( ) 5. dress( ) 6. skirt( )7. shirt( ) 8. T-shirt( )A便宜的 B短裙 CT恤衫 D昂贵的E连衣裙 F漂亮的 G色彩丰富的 H衬衫二、将下列字母重新排列,组成单词,并写出中文意思。1. I, b, g 2. 1,o,g, n 3. o, s, r, h, t 4. m, s, 1, a,l 5. i, n, e, c 三、连词成句。1.much, is, how, it,(?)2. shirt, is, the, yuan, ten,()3. I, help, you, can, (?)重点讲评课堂总结(3mins)T:What did you learn in this class?S1S2S3: we know how to read the words.There are four opppsite wordsWe know the adjective wordschangesWe can use the sentencespaten to compareWe can write out the words作业布置(2mins)1、 Read the dialogues in pairs three times,and make some new dialogue with your classmates ,nexttime act out in the front.2、 Preview the word


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