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高三英语寒假作业(一)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 a suppose you are thinking about attending college in theunited states, but perhaps you might not be ready for a university with a four-year program. about 88,000 international students have found solution. they are attendingu.s.community colleges. such colleges are sometimes called junior colleges. they offer two years of education above the secondary or high school level.community college students can choose from subjects like medical assistance, computer science or law. at the end of their study program, they receive a document of completion, called a certificate. some students work toward an associate degree in traditional academic subjects like science or history. after getting it, the students can move on to a four-year college or university. they may have only two years of study left before they receive a bachelors degree.many educational experts agree that saving money is the major reason to consider a community college. the american association of community colleges (aacc) says that a public two-year college costs 3,000 dollar a year on average. that is true if the student lives in the same state as the school. a student at a four-year public college may pay 8,500 dollars a year for classes and user fees. that does not include books and other materials.some international students may need more preparation in english before entering a community college in theunited states. for example, istrif montgomery came to theu.s.from kosovo in 2006. first, he worked to improve his english atmontgomerycollegefor a year. then for the next two years, he attended classes in basic subjects in a community college.the international students at two-year colleges need to find a place to live. most community colleges do not provide student housing on their grounds. but mr montgomery had a home nearby. he was able to ride the bicycle, and he was able to walk if he wanted. in fact, most community college students live within five to ten miles off the college.1. whats the biggest advantage of a community college?a. the classes are free of charge.b. the students can save much time.c. the students can save a lot of money.d. it is convenient for students to live in the college.2. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. mr montgomery usually goes to school on foot.b. most students in community colleges dont live far away.c. 8,500 dollars covers all the cost of a four-year public college.d. international students often attend a community college directly.3. whats the main purpose of the passage?a. to encourage students to study abroad.b. to tell the international students how to save money.c. to tell us its a good choice to study in public colleges.d. to give some information about community colleges. bi always avoid going on field investigations with the toxics(有毒物)team, unless its absolutely necessary. its not that i mind the hard work, or am afraid of coming into contact with toxic substances. what i fear is quickly losing hope about the work i do. however, doing field research with the toxic team, all i see and feel is filth-nothing else. even if i close my eyes, i can smell the smell of food processing, rotting organic waste from paper mills and chemicals from clothing manufacturers. one morning, i went to investigate a discharged pipe to document and collect samples of pollutants secretly being emitted by a textile mill. i had to work with the utmost secrecy in order to avoid being discovered by the textile mill. idipped a long measuring pole into the large polluting pipe to measure the volume of polluted water being emitted.but the surface of the water, covered in oil and filth, mademe feel as if tovomit(呕吐). all of a sudden, i felt someone hit me on my back, it frightened me so much that i almost fell into the water. i grasped the pole and looked behind me to see an old man standing there. he asked:“can you catch fish here?”i realized that he thought i was holding a fish pole, so i kept calm and said: “yes, i heard that theres a kind of small fish living in this water, and it has medicinal benefits.” the old man grew quite curious and replied:“that may be. if a fish can survive in water as dirty as this, it must have a lot of resistance. so it wouldnt be too strange if such fish had medicinal benefits.” it was clear he was just passing by, so i answered:“yeah, survival of the fittest. fish that adapt can survive, just like us humans.” he kept talking to me and didnt want to leave. he wanted to see whether or not i would catch the small fish with medicinal benefits.1.the text is mainly about _.a. a researchreport about pollution.b. an exciting experience of fishing.c. an experience of doing research on pollutiond. an unforgettable talk with an old man.2. what is the writer of the text most probably?a. a newspaper reporter.b. aresearcherabout pollution.c. a fisherman.d. a worker of the textile mill.3. why did the writer tell the old man he was fishing?a. because he wanted to satisfy the old mans curiosity.b. because the old man was interested in fishing too.c. because he did the research secretly.d. because the old man wanted to buy the fish.4. we can infer from the last paragraph that _.a. the old man had found out the secret.b. the old man wanted to have the fish.c. the writer would have to tell the old man the fact.d. the old man was sent to watch over the writer. c childhood was an illusion (错觉) and the illusion was this: everything was bigger. no, imean everything, not just houses and shops and grown-ups, but colors and flowers and journeys, especially journeys which seemed endless. “are we there yet, daddy?”funfairs (游乐场) were huge things that spread for miles around you with noise and lights and exciting danger. rainy days at home when you were ill seemed to last for ever. being a grown-up yourself was an unthinkable distant possibility. every sound was louder, every game was grander, every pain unbearable.as ive grown old, life has become smaller. tastes have bulled. surprises have lurned into shocks. days go by unnoticed. how can i regain childhood when it was an illusion?i have only one repeatable and wonderful way and even in this way i can regain only part of that larger world. i can play upon the stage like a child and make the crowd laugh and laugh with them, sometimes helplessly like a child, and then, even though im a sixty-one-year-old man, i can almost catch the colors and sounds and stillness of those bigger years when i was little.1. how does the author feel about his childhood?a. it was endless. b. it was unpleasant.c. he is glad that it is over.d. he misses it as a grown-up2. the author thinks that everything was bigger in childhood because .a. children could not make proper judgments.b. children were curious and eager about lifec. things appeared really big in childrens eyesd. to grow up seemed so long for children3. the world seems to have become smaller to the author because .a. life is disappointing b. time goes by too fastc. he has had too many surprisesd. foods no longer taste delicious4. the author enjoys playing on the stage so as to .a. act like a childb. live an unusual lifec. make the crowd laughd. regain his childhood dwhy i dont spare “spare change”“poor but honest.” “the deserving(值得帮助的)poor. ” these words always come to my mind when i think of “the poor. ” but i also think of people who, perhaps through alcohol(酒)or drugs, have ruined not only their own lives but also the lives of others in order to give way to their own pleasure. perhaps alcoholism and drug addiction(上瘾)really are “diseases. ” as many people say, but my own feelingbased, of course, not on any serious studyis that most alcoholies and drug addicts belong to the “undeserving poor. ” and that is largely why i dont give spare change to beggars.but surely among the street people there are also some who can rightly be called “deserving.” deserving what? my spare change? or simply the governments assistance? it happens that i have been brought up to believe that it is proper to make contributions to charity(慈善机构), but if i give some change to a beggar, am i making a contribution to charity and thereby helping someone, or, am i perhaps simply encouraging someone not to get help? or, maybe even worse, am i supporting a cheat?if one believes in the value of private charity, one can either give to needy people or to charitable organizations. in giving to a beggar one may indeed be helping a person who badly needs help, but one cannot be certain that one is giving to a needy person. in giving to an organization, on the other hand, one can feel that ones money is likely to be used wisely. true, facing a beggar one may feel that this particular unfortunate person needs help at this momenta cup of coffee or a sandwichand the need will not be met unless i put my hand in my pocket right now. but i have come to think that the beggars whom i meet can get along without my spare change, and indeed perhaps they are actually better off for not having money to buy alcohol or drugs.i know nothing about these beggars, but its my impression that they simply prefer begging to working. i am not generalizing about street people. i am talking about the people whom i actually meet. thats why i do not give “spare change, ” and i dont think i will in the future.1what does the author think of beggars who take drugs?athey should be given a cheek-up.bthey really need money to live.cthey have no pleasure in life.dthey are not worth helping.2why doesnt the author give money to street people?ahe doesnt think they need help. bhe doesnt have enough money to give. che is not convinced they will use it rightly.dhe believes they can get help from the government. 3in the second paragraph, the author presents his idea by _.aasking questions for people to think aboutbgiving examples to support his argument craising questions and answering themdexpressing his opinions directly4which of the following opinions does the author accept?adrug addiction is a disease.bsome street people are poor and needy.cmost beggars have received enough help. dcharitable organizations handle money properly. 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)【题文】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 my grandmother was from a town in michingan. i enjoyed staying with my grandparents when i was young child. 1people knew everyone, their kids, their pets and their ancestors. the relationship with them continued to grow as i grew and got older.2he would make little sandwiches and wed have tea parties. shes plant flowers and carefully tend them. i remember the small thimble she would use while doing herneedlework. placing her thimble on her finger shes remark: “i wouldnt want to sew without one.” a few years ago when my grandmother passed away, i bade farewell to a loving grandmother. 3we had just had tea together a couple of moths earlier, on her 91stbirthday. i missed her very much, but i noticed it particularly on my birthday, as there was no card from my grandmother. shed never forgotten my birthday! on one particular birthday when i was feeling a little low, something happened to make me feel like she was sharing that special day with me. 4they are what she had made, and suddenly i felt something inside one pillow. it was small and hard. i moved the object to a seamthat icarefully opened, and to my delight out came a tiny silver thimble!5not realizing it had fallen off her finger, she sewed it in that little pillow that i just“happened”to fluff. i carefully laid the thimblealongsidethe others ive collected over the years, where i could continue to see the gift god chose to reveal to me.what a precious memory of a very special lady who somehow, i knew, was delighted to sew her thimble inside my pillow!a. how quickly our lives can change!b. i refused to go to the small town later.c.i loved the small town they lived in.d. i was arranging some colorful pillows.e. how sad i was to be unable to see a loving grandmother.f. grandma was always using her hands for something exciting.g. how happy i was to find something that had been a part of her!第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a, b, c, d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。shay and his father walked past a park where some boys were playing baseball. shay asked, “do you think theyll let me play?” knowing that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a muchneeded sense of21inspite of his handicaps (肢体残疾), shays father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if shay could play, not 22much. the boy looked around forguidance and a few boys nodded 23. why not? so he said, “welcome aboard!”the father was really happy at his son being 24. very excited to be able to play in the field, shay 25over.at the end of the last period, shays team was one run behind. now, shay was scheduled to take the 26winning run. at this very moment, do they let shay bat and 27their chance to win the game? 28, shay was given the bat. everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible 29shay didnt even know to hold thebat properly. 30, as shay stepped up, the pitcher (投手), realizing the 31team putting winning aside for this moment in shays life, threw the ball softly so shay could 32be able to make contact.shay swung clumsily and hit a 33ground ball right back to the pitcher, who purposely threw the ball out of 34of all team-mates. everyone started yelling, “shay, run to first! run to first!” never in his life had shay ever run that far but 35to first base. and then, 36his breath, shay awkwardly ran towards second, the third, the homeshay was cheered 37the hero who hit the “grand slam” and won the game for his team! and for the first time, he was so 38of himself making his father so happy.39aphysically handicapped child like shay comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human 40presents itself, and it comes, in the way other people treat that child.21asecuritybhumor cbelongingddirection22aknowingbexpectingclearningddoubting23aunderstandingbgreetingscthanksdapproval24aacceptedbpossessedcrecognizeddreplaced25afellbrushedcmarcheddstruggled26aconstantbfantasticcdifficultdpotential27agive awaybgive incgive outdgive back28anaturallybfortunatelycsurprisinglydgenerally29aoncebbecausecifdthough30athereforebhowevercanyhowdinstead31afollowingbwinningcvisitingdopposing32aat mostbat allcat leastdat last33aslowbfastcharddsmall34atouchbreachcsightdcontrol35amade the waybmade history cmade itdmade sense36acatchingbfeelingcwastingdsaving37aforbwithclikedas38asurebafraidcproud dfond39awhen bbefore cunlessdwhether40aexperiencebnaturechealthdcreativity第二节 阅读下面材料,用不多于3个单词的正确形式填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分) travel agency: good morning. can i help you?daisy: im sorry to say that i am _1_ (disappoint) about my trip tonorwich. it is the _2_ (bad) experience of my life!travel agency: what is the problem?daisy: well, first of all, i found my wallet _3_ (go) when i got on the bus. i turned _4_ the guides for help, but they were impatient. i hate to say this, _5_ they behaved impolitely towards us customers. could you do something about this?travel agency: hmm, i apologize. did you find _6_ wallet?daisy: no. and thats not all. the bus was one hour late. worse _7_, it picked up passengers on the way to our destination. you really have to do something about it.travel agency: im so sorry, but sometimes the bus can _8_ (delay) by some problems. we cant always be sure that the bus will set out on time.daisy: why didnt you tell me the truth? _9_ i booked the ticket, you promised to drive non-stop from aye tonorwich.travel agency: i am _10_ (terrible) sorry to hear that. i will look into it immediately and give you a satisfactory reply.第三部分


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