重庆市江津第五中学高中英语 Unit 2 Helpful Schoolmates PeriodⅡ Reading课堂导学案 新人教版必修1(1).doc_第1页
重庆市江津第五中学高中英语 Unit 2 Helpful Schoolmates PeriodⅡ Reading课堂导学案 新人教版必修1(1).doc_第2页
重庆市江津第五中学高中英语 Unit 2 Helpful Schoolmates PeriodⅡ Reading课堂导学案 新人教版必修1(1).doc_第3页
重庆市江津第五中学高中英语 Unit 2 Helpful Schoolmates PeriodⅡ Reading课堂导学案 新人教版必修1(1).doc_第4页




重庆市江津第五中学高中英语 unit 2 helpful schoolmates period reading课堂导学案 新人教版必修11. cheating went against my beliefs.作弊违背我的信念 1)cheat: (v.). 欺骗、作弊 (n.) 骗子 feel cheated 感到受骗 cheat somebody of something 或cheat somebody out of something “从某人处诈骗某物”;2) believe: (v.) 相信 believe in 信任,信赖 believe in doing sth 相信做某事有好处。believe it or not为惯用表达,其意为“信不信由你”。believe sb:指相信某人的话(=believe what one says);believe in sb指信任某人的为人(=trust sb)。eg: i can believe him, but i cannot believe in him. 我相信他说的话,但不相信他的为人。 belief(n.) 信念beyond belief 难以置信 it is my belief that 我相信i hold a firm belief that 我坚信3)go against: 违背,不利于 go against nature/ ones will 违背大自然/某人的意愿2. i just knew i had to do what i felt was right, even if it made james mad.我只是觉得我应该做我认为正确的事,即使这样会使詹姆斯生气。 mad: (adj.) 疯狂的 =crazy go mad 发疯be mad about对狂热 drive sb mad逼得某人发疯be mad at sb. 对某人很恼火 be mad about on sb 迷恋某人 like mad 疯狂地3. so i guarded my paper so that he couldnt see my answers. 因此,我护着我的试卷,使他不能看到我的答案。 guard(v.) 保卫,看守,当心 (n.) 守卫者,警戒guard against 预防 under guard 在看守下4. and i didnt want to destroy our friendship. 我不想毁掉我们间的友谊。destroy (vt.) 毁坏,破坏 ,杀死, 消灭 ,打破(希望、计划);使失败 辨析:hurt, injure, harm damage, wound, destroy, ruin hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。 注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。 injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。 harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。 wound指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值,用途,外观等所造成的损失,可以docause damage to 对造成损失ruin 毁灭、破产,彻底破坏。destroy 彻底破坏,不能修复。希望破灭。5. my mind searched for the right words. 我在脑海里搜寻着适当的话语。search(v.) 搜寻,寻找;搜索: 短语:in ones search for = in search of 找;探求,追求search for 对.的搜寻 6. i stood there for a moment more, finally able to breathe again. 我在那站一会儿,最终可以再度呼吸breathe (v.) 呼吸 呼气 - breath (n)呼吸短语:breathe in 吸进 breathe out 呼出 out of breath 喘不过气来catch/hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 lose ones breath 喘不过气来 7. i felt relieved that my friendship with james hadnt been destroyed. 我为我们的友谊没有被毁而感到欣慰。relieve (v.) 减轻疼痛、痛苦、负担等,也可表示“因而感到安慰”- relief (n.) 减轻短语:relieve sb. offrom . 解除/减轻某人某事 to ones relief 使某人宽慰的是8. i gave him a smile, not sure whether he was joking or not, and returned to my test. 我朝他微笑下,不确定他是否在开玩笑,就继续我的考试。not sure whether he was joking or not形容词短语作状语表示原因。形容词或形容词短语可以作原因状语,一般位于句首,有时也可位于句子中间。 eg: afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little franz thought of playing truant.=as he was afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little franz thought of playing truant.由于害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了逃学的念头。 eg. eager to improve farming conditions, they tried out this new crop on a large area.=as they were eager to improve farming conditions, they tried out the new crop on a large area.由于急于改进耕作条件,就大面积地试种了这种新庄稼。 eg. tom, very ill, sent for a doctor. =as tom was very ill, he sent for a doctor. 因为汤姆病得很厉害,派人请医生去了。 9. but it is not a rule everybody chooses to follow.但它不是人人会遵守的规则。找出定语从句: . 先行词: 省略了关系代词: follow the rule 遵守规则 follow ones advice 听从某人的建议10. i tapped the top of my desk, hoping for an easy way out of his matter.我轻敲桌面,希望能够找到一个简单的方法来解决这个问题hoping for 是现在分词短语作伴随状语,伴随状语首先是一种状语,用来修饰动词的,同时是表示与谓语动词同时进行,即伴随着谓语动词的动作同时进行。he said it angrily pointing at the notice on the wall.他生气地说着,手指着墙上的布告。这里,point与said同时进行,因此,pointing在这里是现在分词作伴随状语,表示主动和正在进行。he sat in the chair reading a newspaper. 他坐在椅子上看报。dont you sit there doing nothing. 别什么也不干坐在那里


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