安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Looking good,feeling good.导学案09 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第1页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Looking good,feeling good.导学案09 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第2页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Looking good,feeling good.导学案09 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第3页




安徽省铜都双语学校2014年高中英语 unit3 looking good,feeling good.导学案09 牛津译林版必修1 (一) 自研内容及目标: 认真研读p54 skills building 2:note taking (二) 检测内容及方法:英汉互译:1. marathon 2.percent 3.population 4.speed (三) 晨读目标:1.大声朗读单词表p52-58单词; 5 2.大声朗读p42-43 reading以及p58文章; 15 3.小对子之间互相朗读单词表p45-58单词及课文。 5【展示课导学】 (一)学习目标:学会并掌握英文速记法。 (二)定向导学互动展示 self-study & self-explorationcooperation & explorationshow & improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 20 互动策略 内容形式时间 10 展示方案 内容形式时间 30 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练step1:翻到课本p54,认真研读p54 前半部分,了解note taking(做笔记) 的方法。并归纳做笔记的方法将其记录在随堂笔记处(包含书本上的和你自己的方法)。step2:默读p54a部分要求,准备听录音。记者采访lucy有关她的锻炼项目,参加马拉松,听录音,完成课本p54的笔记,可将你的生难单词记录在随堂笔记处。step3:1.翻到课本p55,询问你的同伴如何保持健康的,看下面方框中的单词,你也可以运用你学过的单词,将你同伴的答案做笔记,运用你在p54所学的速记法。2.向全班同学汇报你的同伴如何保持健康的,最受你们班欢迎的运动是什么?pair work:交流讨论p54速记的方法并批阅学道,给出评定等级;group work of five :小组长主持:讨论解决对学时小对子未能解决的疑难问题,讨论p55内容。teamwork of ten :根据本小组所接到的任务,进行互动,完成讨论,进行预展,争取展示充分,让同学们学有所获! 展示方案预设case 1:组长带领组员解读p54前半部分内容,总结做笔记的方法,注意与全班的互动。case 2 : 组长带领组员展示p54a部分听力答案,有原文可解析原文,并诵读原文,发动全班同学参与。case 3case 4:case 3组长带领组员展示p55b部分内容,组员用方框中的词来描述如何健康,case 4成员记录然后指派代表汇报关键词,可发动全班互动,比比哪一组最棒!step1: step2: 【当堂反馈】:完成课本p105 d1练习。【训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 20 3.训练方式: 独立,自主完成 “日日清过关”巩固提升三级达标训练题 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 任务型阅读i knew before coming to china that chinese students had a reputation(名声) for their incredible(难以置信的) study habits. but upon arriving in china and attending a chinese school, i was shocked by their determination(决心).the chinese family i stayed with had two daughters who showed the same zeal(热情). during almost every waking moment, they study. to some degree(从某种程度上来说),i admire chinese students for all the efforts(努力) they put in their studies, because all that studying can really benefit(对.有益) a person.i tired the chinese way of studying for a month, getting up early to study and studying before and after lunch and dinner, and sometimes late at night.there are definitely(的确) shortcomings(缺点) in the system(体系). i found myself tired and restless. i was unable to remember what i read late at night. my eyes were heavy and i was irritable(易怒的). many chinese students have studied like this for years despite(尽管) those many negative side effects(消极影响). but for me, i think it is better to balance out(平衡) all that studying with other things. study in a groups ,as it helps when you get other peoples tips(帮助) on how they understand or remember something particularly difficult.listen to classical(古典) or soft(轻) music, as scientist have found that it increase(增加) brainwaves(脑波), which in turn(反过来) helps to turn the wheels of thought and concentration(注意力). go to bed at a reasonable (合适的) time instead of studying into the night. it wont do you any good if youre too tired to concentrate on that big test(测试) the next day.take time with your friends to relax; reward(奖励) yourself with free time to do something you enjoy.exercise is also very relaxing(放松) and stimulating(刺激) to your body and mind, even if you dont feel it.try these tips out, and i think theyll do you good. chinese study habitsadvantagesshow the zeal to study.studying can really 1 a person.2 i found myself 3 and 4 .my eyes were heavy and i was irritable.my advice to 5 out all that studying with other thingsstudy in 6 , as it helps when you get other peoples tips.7 to classical or soft music.take time with y


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