【优化方案】福建省泉州市高考英语总复习 Unit15 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修5.doc_第1页
【优化方案】福建省泉州市高考英语总复习 Unit15 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修5.doc_第2页
【优化方案】福建省泉州市高考英语总复习 Unit15 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修5.doc_第3页
【优化方案】福建省泉州市高考英语总复习 Unit15 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修5.doc_第4页
【优化方案】福建省泉州市高考英语总复习 Unit15 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修5.doc_第5页
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优化方案2013高考总复习英语(福建泉州北师大版专用)必修五unit15强化演练知能闯关.品句填词1she has no _(缺乏)of supporters.答案:lack2the killer threatened to murder me if i didnt _(服从,顺从)答案:obey3her husband was an _(杰出的)scientist in physics.答案:outstanding4medicine should not be kept where it is _(易接近的,易得到手的)to children.答案:accessible5this store has an excellent _(名声)for fair dealing.答案:reputation6the raw materials are struck over and over until they become _(变松的)答案:loose7it is _(值得的) to consider this point more closely.答案:worthwhile8no one can escape _(惩罚) if he breaks the law.答案:punishment9a mans actions _(反映) his thoughts.答案:reflect10they are busy building _(保卫) works to defend their country.答案:defence.选词填空get accustomed to,pay off,suspect sb.of doing,set about,as a whole,spit at,to start with,add up to,swell with anger,keep pace with 1its impolite to _ others.besides,it may result in conflicts.答案:spit at2the young should _ the times,or theyll fall behind others.答案:keep pace with3the bills _ 100 dollars,which i cant afford.答案:add up to4my heart _ after hearing his words.答案:swelled with anger5ive _ the life in america.you know,ive been here for two years.答案:got accustomed to6the workers who _ last month have found new jobs.答案:was paid off7the manager _ him _ offering false information.答案:suspected;of8the boy _ studying at once made his parents happy.答案:setting about9he wont win the match._ he lacked experience.答案:to start with10his property was sold _,so now he has nothing.答案:as a whole.易错模块1the workers will go on strike if the demands they _ put forward are turned down.acouldbwouldc/ dhad解析:选c。句意:如果工人提出的要求被拒绝,他们将把罢工继续下去。if the demands they put forward are turned down为条件状语从句。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。从主句“will go on”可推断出if从句中应为一般现在时,故选c。2class regulations require _ is the last to leave the classroom _ off all the lights.awho;should turn bwhom;shall turncwhomever;turns dwhoever;turn解析:选d。考查主语从句和虚拟语气。whoever引导主语从句;同时“_ is the last to leave the classroom _ off all the lights”在句中作require的宾语,从句要用虚拟语气,结构是“should动词原形”,should可以省略。3the captain urged that the mission _ before dark.amust be finished bbe finishedcought to be finished dwas finished解析:选b。考查虚拟语气。urge表“极力主张,强烈要求,强调”,引导that从句,要使用虚拟语气,形式为shoulddo,should可以省略。根据题意,本题正确答案为b。4the look on his face suggested that he _ angry and we _ him alone.awas;left bwas;should leavecshould be;should leave dshould be;left解析:选b。前面的suggest当“暗示”讲,故从句的前半句要用陈述语气,而后面表示提“建议”,故要用shoulddo。.语法专练本单元语法虚拟语气1(2011高考北京卷)maybe if i _ science,and not literature then,i would be able to give you more help.astudied bwould studychad studied dwas studying解析:选c。句意:或许如果当初我学习理科而不是文学的话,我(现在)就能给你更多的帮助。根据从句中的状语then可知,从句表示对过去情况的虚拟,根据与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句的表达方法可知,条件状语从句中应该用“had done”。因此选项c正确。a项表示与现在或者将来相反的虚拟条件;b项和d项不能表示虚拟语气。2why didnt you tell me the truth that day?i _,but you _ for shanghai when i went to see you.adid;would leave bwould;had been awaycwould have;had left dhad;were away解析:选c。考查含蓄虚拟语气和时态。but引导的句子交代了含蓄的条件“假如你没有动身去上海的话”,所以第一空要用would have done结构,此处省略了told you the truth;第二空中的动作发生在从句动作“went to see you”以前,属于过去的过去,应该用过去完成时。3(2012河南模拟)mary,how did your math test go?i had thought i _,but in fact i came in the top 10 in my class.ashould have failed bcouldnt have failedcmight have failed dshouldnt have failed解析:选c。考查情态动词的用法。might have done表示对过去发生的事情的猜测或担心,意思是“或许会”,而事实上不一定如此。4(2012潍坊教学检测)how i wish i _ my mouth before i shouted at my mum!ashut bhave shutchad shut dwould shut解析:选c。考查虚拟语气。wish后跟从句,从句要用虚拟语气,因为后面是过去时,故此处表示与过去事实相反,要用过去完成时。5why didnt you go to mikes birthday party yesterday?well,i _,but i forgot it.ashould bwouldcshould have dmust have解析:选c。should have done表示“过去本应该做某事(却没有做)”。must have done则用于表示对过去所发生事情的肯定猜测。6dad,can i surf the internet?again?i wish that you _ going online_ your health.aknow;will do harm tobknew;is doing harm tocknow;have done harm todknew;were doing harm to解析:选b。本题中wish后的宾语从句通常用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反或不太可能实现的愿望。7_ it rain tomorrow,we would have to _ the picnic.awould;put forward bshould;call offcwere;put off dshould;put up解析:选b。put forward意为“提出”;call off意为“取消”;put up意为“举起”。根据句意可排除a和d两项;were不能和动词原形rain连用,排除c。此句实际上是一个对将来表示虚拟的句型,即if主语should动词其他,主语would动词其他。如果if被省略,则要将should提到句首。8so you have to leave.how nice it _ if you _ a bit longer!awould be;could stay bis;can staycshould be;stay dwas;are able to stay解析:选a。句意为:这么说你得离开了。要是你能多呆会儿那该多好啊!从第一句可知,对方不能再呆了,所以后边应用与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,从句用过去时,主句用(情态动词)动词原形。9jenny _ her word.i wonder why she changed her mind.amust have kept bcan have keptcshould have kept dneednt have kept解析:选c。考查“情态动词have done”的用法。这里表示“过去本该做,(而实际上)却没有做”应该用should have done结构。10look at the terrible situation i am in!if only i _ your advice.afollow bhad followedcwould follow dhave followed解析:选b。此处是对过去事实的虚拟,if only后的句子应用过去完成时。a卷.单项填空1as there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel.aprimarybalternativecinstant dunique解析:选b。考查形容词辨析。既然石油和煤都越来越少,人们只好使用一些其它可替代这些燃料的东西,alternative 有“可选择的,可替代的”之意,符合句意。primary“首要的,初期的”,instant“立即的,迅速的”,unique“独特的”。2when i saw jane,i stopped and smiled,but she_me and walked on.arefused bignoredcavoided dmissed解析:选b。考查动词词义辨析。句意为:当我看到简时,我停下来笑了笑,但她没注意到我,继续走了。refuse拒绝;ignore忽视;avoid避免;miss错过。3the hotel was awful!_,there was no tv.then we found that the shower didnt work.ato start with bafter allcin reality das a whole解析:选a。考查介词短语辨析。由语境及下面的“then”可知a项正确。to start with开始;after all毕竟;in reality实际上;as a whole总的来说。4the good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environments.aadapt bappealcattach dapply解析:选a。该句的意思是“对于孩子们来说比较好的是他们能够非常容易适应新的环境。”adapt to 适应;appeal to 呼吁,使感兴趣;attach to粘贴;apply to 申请,所以答案为a。5how i wish i_to go to the gas station before we left.do you mean were out of gas?adidnt forget bwasnt forgettingcwouldnt have forgotten dhadnt forgotten解析:选d。在wish后的宾语从句中使用虚拟语气,表达与过去事实相反的假设时,从句谓语为过去完成时;与现在事实相反的假设时,从句谓语为一般过去时。由句中“before we left”可知“i wish.”所表达的愿望与过去的事实相反,故应使用过去完成时。6(2012南京金陵中学月考)the reason for some peoples failure is that they dont bother to_the skills they need to succeed.aadopt bassociatecaccumulate dacquire解析:选d。考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些人失败的原因是他们不愿去获得成功的技能。acquire the skills获得技能,指经过一段时间的艰苦努力获得。7i think ma linlin will_a good monitor,so im going to vote for her.aremain bmakecget dgrow解析:选b。考查动词辨析。句意:我认为马琳琳会成为一名好班长,所以我要投她的票。make a good monitor意为“(有条件)成为一个好班长”。8the seller would sell the purse for fortyfive dollars,but the customer_only fifteen dollars.aasked bchargedcsold doffered解析:选d。ask“要求”;charge“要价,索价”;sell“卖”;offer“出价”。根据题意可知应选d项。9military helicopters dropped food and medicine to the earthquake survivors that remained_in remote mountain villages.alaid off bpaid offcput off dcut off解析:选d。句意:军用直升机为那些地震中的幸存者抛投食物和药品,这些幸存者仍在偏远山村,他们与外界的联系被中断。lay off意为“解雇”;pay off意为“付清,获得成功”;put off意为“推迟”;cut off意为“切断,中断”。故选d。10the water in the lake is so clean and calm that the _ of the trees in the water was very clear.amirror bsightcreflection dshadow解析:选c。考查名词辨析。reflection此处意为“映在水中的倒影”,而不是“影子”或“阴影”,故不能用shadow。其他选择均不合题意。句意:湖中的水是如此的清澈平静,以至于里面树的倒影是如此的清晰。11(2011复旦附中调研)how do you feel about taking the job in los angeles?_its the biggest company in the country.ahow about you? bhow should i feel?chow do you? dwhat?解析:选b。考查交际用语。句意:你对到洛杉矶接受这份工作有何感想?我该作何感想?它是那个国家最大的公司。根据答语的后半句可知答话人愿意接受那份工作,于是选b。12frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids.aaccessible brelativecacceptable dsensitive 解析:选a。本题考查形容词辨析。be accessible to 为能够接近;be relative to 和有关系; be acceptable to 为所接受 ;be sensitive to 对敏感,易接受。13although he likes playing tennis,he is_but a good tennis player.aanything bsomethingcnothing deverything解析:选a。考查固定搭配。句意:尽管他喜欢打网球,但他绝不是个好的网球球员。anything but意为“绝不是”,而nothing but意为“仅仅,只是”。14in order to pass the driving test,i am going to practice _.adrive bdrivingcto drive ddriven解析:选b。句意:为了通过驾照考试,我要去练习驾驶。practice doing sth.“练习做某事”。15my son is very shy,but can you imagine_at the english party?ahim sing bhis singingchim to sing dhis to sing解析:选b。考查imagine的用法。句意:我儿子非常害羞,你能想象到他在英语晚会上唱歌吗?imagine后常接ing形式或ing形式的复合结构作宾语。.完形填空words:340难度系数:建议用时:17分钟the pecan thief(2012北京海淀区模拟)when i was six years old,i was visiting my grandfathers farm in kansas.grandpa had sent me into the_1_ to gather pecans for us to enjoy later.pecan picking was really_2_work and my little basket was only half full.i wasnt about to _3_ grandpa down.just then something caught my _4_.a large brown squirrel was a few feet away.i watched as he picked up a pecan,hurried to a tree and _5_ in a large hole in the trunk.a moment later the squirrel_6_out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut.once again,he took the pecan back to his hiding place.not so_7_anymore,i thought.i dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole.it was _8_with pecans!golden pecans were right there for taking.this was my_9_.handful by handful,i scooped all of those pecans into my basket.now it was full! i was so_10_of myself.i couldnt wait to show grandpa all the pecans._11_,i ran back and shouted,“look at all the pecans!” he looked into the basket and said,“well,well,how did you find so many?”i told him how id_12_the squirrel and taken the pecans from his hiding place.grandpa congratulated me on how smart id been in observing the squirrel and his habits.then he did something that_13_ me.he handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently_14_my shoulders.“that squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter_15_ of food,”he said.“now that all of his pecans are gone,dont you think that little squirrel will _16_ in the cold winter?”“i didnt think about that,”i said.“i know,”grandpa said.“but a good man should never take_17_of someone elses hard work.”suddenly i felt a bit _18_.the image of the starving squirrel wouldnt_19_my mind.there was only one thing i could do.i carried the basket back to the tree and poured all the nuts into the hole.i didnt eat any pecans that night,but i had something much more fillingthe_20_of knowing i had done just the right thing.1. aroomsbwoodscholes droads解析:选b。根据下文松鼠从一棵树飞到另一棵树,可知作者是在树林里采摘核桃,故选择woods。2. ahard bdirtyclight deasy解析:选a。根据下文“my little basket was only half full”可知采摘核桃对作者来说并非易事。3. alet bsettlechave dkeep解析:选a。根据下文中“i couldnt wait to show grandpa all the pecans.”可知此处应表示作者不想让爷爷感到失望,故let sb.down 让某人失望,符合题意。4. asweater bbasketceye dhand解析:选c。catch ones eye吸引某人的注意力,符合语境。5a.joined blivedcdiscovered ddisappeared解析:选d。根据下文可知松鼠消失在树洞中。6a.jumped bheldcstood dfound解析:选a。此处选择“jumped out”和前文disappeared相对应,形象地描述松鼠储存过冬食物的过程。hold out 拿出;stand out 突出;find out查明。7a.strange bsecretcanxious dpatient解析:选b。根据行文逻辑可以看出,作者看到了松鼠藏食物的全过程,所以此处应表示这只松鼠已没有任何秘密了。8a.covered bfilledcrebuilt ddecorated解析:选b。be filled with被填满,符合语境。be covered with被覆盖;be decorated with被装饰。9a.turn bchoicecchance dachievement解析:选c。塞满核桃的树洞是作者无意中的一个发现,所以拿走那些果实对他来说,应该是个机会,谈不上成就。10a.afraid bashamedccareful dproud解析:选d。根据下文中作者因篮子装满,迫不及待地想给爷爷看,可知作者此时的心情是喜悦和自豪。11. aotherwise bhowevercbesides dtherefore解析:选d。此处很容易看出前后是顺承关系,故选择therefore因此。而otherwise否则;however然而;besides此外,并且,均不符合语境。12a.driven bfollowedcprotected dcaught解析:选b。从上文“i dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole.”可知作者尾随(followed)松鼠并且取走它所藏的果实。13a.annoyed bsatisfiedcsurprised ddelighted解析:选c。根据下文“handed the basket back to me” 可知爷爷并不赞同我的做法,和前文爷爷赞扬我多么聪明形成反差,所以爷爷所做的事情使我感到惊讶。14. aoff basidecover daround解析:选d。put.around搂抱,符合语境。15a.supply bcostcsupport dpreparation解析:选a。根据前后文逻辑,可知松鼠在准备过冬食物的供给(supply of food)。16a.escape bspendcsurvive dflee解析:选c。根据生活常识,没有食物,松鼠显然会饿死,就不会在寒冬中幸存下来了。17a.place bnoticecadvantage dcharge解析:选c。take advantage of利用,符合此处的语境。take place of取代;take notice of注意;take charge of掌管。18. aguilty bunconfidentcembarrassed dnervous解析:选a。根据下文“i carried the basket back.”以及前文爷爷的教导,可知作者为自己的错误行为感到内疚。19a.open bleaveccross doccupy解析:选b。作者因为感到内疚,才会一直想象松鼠挨饿的场景。20a.inspiration bexpectationcimpression dsatisfaction解析:选d。尽管作者没有吃核桃,但因为爷爷的人生教导,精神上得到了满足。.阅读理解words:312难度系数:建议用时:7分钟 childrens books or childrens literature is very hard to define and categorise,because there is no set genre for children to enjoy.all in all they can be categorised into six major classes,namely early childhood picture books, traditional literature,fiction,nonfiction,biography and poetry.children have unique taste and interest.although harry potter may be an alltime favourite book for children all over the globe,they prefer funny books to fairy tales when it comes to bedtime.the top three favourite books in bedtime stories are the gruffalo by julia donaldson and axel scheffler,the very hungry caterpillar by eric carle and the bfg by roald dahl.there are many writers who popularised the childrens literature or childrens books through their brilliant works.john amos comenius is the author of orbis pictus which is considered to be the first picture book specifically for children.charles perrault is believed to be the one who laid the foundations of fairy tales.perraults stories include little red riding hood,cinderella,sleeping beauty and so on.hans christian anderson is best known for his fairy tales,such as the snow queen,the little mermaid and the emperors new clothes.many childrens books have been made into feature films and are equally successful in this medium,like alice in wonderland,the bfg series and the harry porter series.these series collected a huge amount of money when released worldwide in cinema halls.all these movies based on popular childrens books are not only popular among children but also popular among adult audiences.childrens books are in demand all over the world and more and more writers and authors are coming up with some new books.the potential market is immense because children are more into reading in this era than previous and they are enjoying it to the fullest.1before going to sleep children like to enjoy _.afairy talesbnonfictioncfunny books dtraditional literature解析:选c。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,孩子们在睡觉前喜欢读有趣的书。2which of the following is not true about the films based on childrens books?aadults seem not to like them at all.bthey bring in a lot of money.cthey are very popular with children.dthey are shown around the world.解析:选a。判断是非题。文章第四段中交代了很多儿童书被改编成了电影,而根据该段最后一句可知成人也喜欢这些电影。3it can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.a. more famous books would be published in futurebchildren would like to read childrens books morecmore people are eager to be writers and authorsdthe economy is developing faster and faster解析:选b。段意归纳题。根据最后一段及相关情节可推知,孩子们越来越喜欢图书。4which of the following would be the best title for this passage?a. there are six kinds of childrens booksbsome writers are wellknown in the worldcmany films are based on childrens booksdchildrens books and literature are very popular解析:选d。标题选择题。文章介绍了很多儿童书籍被改编成电影的情况以及儿童书籍未来的发展潜力等,这些都表明了儿童书籍很流行。故d项符合题意。b卷.完形填空words:342难度系数:建议用时:17分钟another persons enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success i have achieved.that person was my stepmother.i was nine years old when she entered our home in rural virginia.my father _1_ me to her with these words:“i would like you to meet the fellow who is _2_ for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no _3_ than tomorrow morning.”my stepmother walked over to me, _4_ my head slightly upward,and looked me right in the eye.then she looked at my father and replied,“you are _5_.this is not the worst boy at all,_6_ the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm.”that statement began a(n) _7_ between us.no one had ever called me smart.my family and neighbors had built me up in my _8_ as a bad boy.my stepmother changed all that.she changed many things.she _9_ my father to go to a dental school,from which he graduated with honors.she moved our family into the county seat,where my fathers career could be more _10_ and my brothers and i could be better _11_.when i turned fourteen,she bought me a secondhand _12_ and told me that she believed that i could become a writer.i knew her enthusiasm,i _13_ it,and i saw how it had already improved our lives.i accepted her _14_ and began to write for local newspapers.i was doing the same kind of _15_ that great day i went to interview andrew carnegie and received the task which became my lifes work later.i wasnt the _16_ beneficiary(受益者)my father be


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