山东省夏津实验中学八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第1页
山东省夏津实验中学八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第2页
山东省夏津实验中学八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第3页




unit 1 what should we do before help arrives?、自主学习(一):学单词,跟录音或老师读单词,并掌握其拼写。破碎的_玻璃_楼梯_医学的;医疗的_ 想象;设想_烦恼;困难_ 有害的_ 使落下;投下_训练;培训_ (二)、重点短语1). 急救_ 2). 在底部_ 3.) 疼痛_ 4). 做某事有困难 _ 5). 抬起;提起_ 6). 用盖上 _ 7). 如此以至于 _(三)重点句型:1) first of all, find out whats wrong with him .2) but he could have trouble hearing you 3) lift him up .4) you could drop him and hurt him even more . 5) thats such good advice that you could be a doctor.、听说 1.听读课文并判断正误,(t/f) (p97 activity3)2. 做activity4(p97)中的习题并小组核对答案。3.小组合作翻译课文4.运用重点句型小组内练习对话(activity6)、知识点归纳梳理 (个人/小组)1. lets imagine an accident. just imagine being a teacher. 总结:_ _2 .a boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs. 总结:在山脚下_ 在山顶 _3. find out whats wrong with him.总结:look for _ find _ find out _ 区别whats wrong with him?= whats _ _ with him?= whats _ _ with him? 4. but he could have trouble hearing you. 总结:_5. that could be harmful. drinking too much is harmful to you.总结:对有害_对有好处 _6. cover him with a coat. the mountain is covered with snow all year round.总结:coverwith_be covered with _7. thats such good advice that you could be a doctor. tom is so angry that he couldnt say a word.总结:suchthat_sothat _、当堂达标:一、 选词填空cover broken train harm trouble1. be careful of that _ glass. dont hurt your finger.2. after ten years hard _, he became a successful basketball player.3. jack _ his face with his hands and began to cry.4. eating too much salt is _ to your health. 5. i have _ working out the math problem. can you help me?certainly.二、 完成句子1. 医生们及时赶到,并对这位司机立刻进行了急救。the doctors arrived in time and gave the driver _ _immediately.2. 在大海的底部生活着各种各样的鱼。 there are all kinds of fishes _ _ _ _ the sea.3. 你看上去很伤心。出什么事啦?you looked very sad. _ _ _ you?4. 大卫很壮,他能够容易地抬起那个重的箱子。david is very strong. he can _ _ that heavy box easily.5. 你能确定火车准点吗?can you _ _ that the train is on time ?三、按要求改写句子1. whats wrong with danny? (同义句) whats _ _ with danny?2. its difficult for him to finish the work in half past an hour. (同义句)he _ _ _ the work in half past an hour.3. it is too bad for your health to eat too much. (同义句)its _ _ your health to eat too much.4. lily is such a clever girl that she can solve the question. (同义句)lily is _ _ _ _


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