江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit3 The meaning of colour National flags, colours and cultures教案 牛津译林版选修9 (2).doc_第1页
江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit3 The meaning of colour National flags, colours and cultures教案 牛津译林版选修9 (2).doc_第2页
江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit3 The meaning of colour National flags, colours and cultures教案 牛津译林版选修9 (2).doc_第3页
江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit3 The meaning of colour National flags, colours and cultures教案 牛津译林版选修9 (2).doc_第4页
江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit3 The meaning of colour National flags, colours and cultures教案 牛津译林版选修9 (2).doc_第5页
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model 9 unit 3: the meaning of colournational flags, colours and cultures【teaching aims】1. to train the students reading ability.2. to learn to apply one basic reading skills: thinking about what you already know.【teaching important points】1. how to train the students reading ability.2. how to let students get the general idea of each part.3. help students to know the meaning of each color in some countries flags.【teaching difficult points】1. how to let students get the general idea of each part.2. help students to know the meaning of each color in some countries flags.【teaching aids】1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard【teaching procedures】step 1 greeting and lead-in1. greet the students as usual 2. each country has its own national flag with its own pattern and colors.this class, well learn a passage about some national flags.step 2 reading strategy1. ask ss to read “reading strategy” on p35.2. ask ss to read the headline and the first paragraph to get an idea of the theme of the article. (ppt 4)question: whats the theme of the article? answer: national flags, colours and cultures.3. show ss a picture of many national flags (ppt 5)4. follow-up question: what does a national flag tell you? (ppt 6)answers to be found in the first paragraph:a flag tells us something about the country it represents.step 3 talking about what you already know1. show ss a map of our national flag. (ppt 7)2. questions and answers:(1) question: what do the color red and yellow in our national flag mean to us?answer: red means blood of our soldiers. yellow means brightness. (ppt 8)(2) question: what do the five stars mean to us?answer: the big star stands for the communist party, and the four small stars represent the chinese people. we chinese people are united around the communist party. (ppt 9)3. discussion: what does our national flag mean to us chinese people? (ppt10)step 4 reading comprehension of the text1. ask ss to read three subtitles and match the country with their national flag. (ppt 11)2. ask ss to scan for related information of the french national flag: (ppt13)(1) read the passage to find about the colours of the french flag: question: what do the colours red, blue and white stand for on the french flag?answer: red shows the bravery, revolution, strength and blood of the french. blue stands for liberty and justice. white represents peace and honesty(2) read to find more about the french flag:question: what do the three colours remind people of?answer: liberty, equality and fraternity.question: what is “liberty, equality and fraternity” called?answer: motto of the french revolution.3. ask ss to scan for related information of the usa national flag: (ppt 14)(1) read the passage to find about the colours of the usa flag:question: what do the colours red, blue and white stand for on the french flag?answer: red represents strength and bravery. white means purity and innocence. blue stands for hard work and justice.(2) read the passage to find about the meaning behind the pattern of the usa flag:question: what do the stars and stripes mean?answer: the 50 stars mean the 50 states of the usa. the 13 stripes mean the original 13 states. another name for the usa national flag:the stars and the stripes.4. ask ss to scan for related information of the indonesian national flag: (ppt 15)(3) question: what does the indonesian flag look like?answer: a red band over a white one.(4) read the passage to find about the colours of the indonesian flag:question: is there only one explanation for the meanings of the colours? answer: no. there are three different explanations.(5) fill out the form: redwhiteexplanation 1the physicalthe spiritualexplanation 2sugarriceexplanation 3* brave nature* fire from volcanoespuritystep 4 post reading1. a sum-up question: what do the three flags have in common?. (ppt 16)answer: red and white are used in all three flags.2. discuss the meanings of the colours used on the flag: (ppt 17-18)franceusaindonesiared braveryrevolutionstrengthbloodstrengthbraveryblood, things that are physicalcolor of sugarbrave naturefire from volcanoeswhitepeacehonestyvirtuethe spiritualricepuritybluelibertyjustice hard workjustice step 5 revision1. ask ss to answer some questions. question 1: whats the motto of the french revolution? answer 1: liberty, equality and fraternity.question 2: what do the stars and the stripes of the american flag stand for? answer 2: the stars stand for the 50 states of the us. the stripes stand for the original 13 states.question 3: whats the indonesian national flag like? answer 3: its a red band over a white one.2. reading comprehension questions (1) according to the passage, a countrys flag tells you the following information except _. a. a unique identity b. its values and beliefs c. the culture of the country d. its history and future (answer: d)(2) what was not the result of the french revolution?(d) a. the french chose red, white and blue for their national flag. b. many of the past ways were abolished. c. the french people won liberation. d. france became a different country. (3) the “stars and stripes” is closely related to _. a. the values of america b. the world war ii c. the french revolution d. the independence of the usa (answer: d)(4) which of the following statement about the indonesian flag is true?(d) a. the red color stands for courage. b. the white colour stands for the spirits. c. the flag is a white band over a red one. d. the colours are linked to food. step 6 language points1. more than (line2) 超过,多于,不仅仅 for safetys sake, dont drive more than 30 kilometers per hour in the city. she wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl. jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.2. sew (page34, lines 2)点拨 sew在句中用作及物动词,意为“缝制,缝补”。再如:i made this skirt just by sewing two pieces of material together.我把两片材料缝在一起做成了裙子。拓展 sew sth up或sew up sth,意为 “把缝起来”。如:a nurse will come and sew up that wound for you soon.护士很快就会来给你缝伤口的。3. thread(page34, lines 1-2)名词,意为“线”。the girl is always busy with her needle and thread.这个女孩总是忙于针线活。he was defeated in the debate because he lost the thread of his argument.他在辩论中被击败是因为他失去了论证的连续性。拓展(1)作名词时还表示“线状物;线索;脉络;思绪;思路;贯穿的主线”。如:a thread of hope 一线希望the thread of life 生命线(2)作动词时,表示“穿针线”。thread a needle 穿针thread beads 穿起珠子they threaded carefully along the narrow pass.他们沿着狭窄的小道小心地穿行。4. suffer from 遭受; 因 . 而蒙受损害she is suffering from unspeakable pain. most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.5. fundamental adj. 十分重大的;根本的;基础的;基本的(page34, line 7-8)the fundamental cause of his success is his hard work. 他成功的根本原因是他工作努力。拓展 fundamental还可以作名词,“基本原则(或原理),根本法则(或规律);纲要”。in three days, she had learned the fundamentals of cooking. 三天之内她就学会了烹调的基本知识。6. abolish vt. 废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗等) (page34, line 8)bad customs and laws ought to be abolished. 不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。abraham lincoln abolished slavery in the united states. 7. equality (page34, line 11)点拨 equality 在句中是名词,意为“平等,相等,均等”。in some countries black people do not have equality with white people. 在某些国家黑人没有和白人同等的权利。拓展 (1) equality的动词形式是equal,意为“比得上,等于”。nobody can equal him in intelligence. 没有人在智力方面能比得上他。比得上比得上three and five equals eight. 三加五等于八。(2) 形容词形式是equal,意为“相等的,平等的”。women demand equal pay for equal work. 妇女要求同工同酬。8. stand for (line13) 代表,象征,支持what do the letters un stand for? it stands for the total devotion to your work.blue stands for liberty and justice, while white represents peace and honesty.my mother stands for the kind treatment of all children. 9. justice (line13)n. 正义,公正,公平 i wont dispute the justice of his remarks. all men should be treated with justice. 10. salute (page34, lines 15)点拨 salute在句中作名词,意为“敬礼;致敬”。the officers exchanged salutes. 军官们互致敬礼。拓展 salute在句中作动词,意为“致敬;表示敬意”。we salute the flag every day at school. 我们在学校每天向国旗行礼。shanghai people salute guests and friends from all over the world. 上海人民向海内外宾朋致意。11. rate (page34, lines23) raise the tax rates点拨 rate在句中是名词,意为“比率;率”。the unemployment rate is rising in that country. 拓展 (1) rate作名词,还可表示“速度,速率;等级”。the car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour. she gave her children a first-rate education. 她给她的孩子一流的教育。(2) rate作及物或不及物动词,意为“评估,评价;估价;划分等级”。how do you rate our chances of success? 你估计我们成功的可能性有多大?that hotel doesnt rate five stars at all. 那家旅馆根本够不上五星级。12. object (page34, line 24)点拨 object 在句中是不及物动词,意为“不同意;不赞成;反对”,可构成短语object to。no one objected to the plan. 拓展(1)object也可作及物动词,意为“以为理由反对,反对说”。mother objected that jimmy was too weak to take up the job. 母亲反对说,吉米身体虚弱,不可承担那份工作。(2)object可作名词,意为“物体;对象;目的;宾语”。what are those strange objects?那些奇怪的物体是什么?the building is the main object of his interest.他最感兴趣的是这栋建筑物。our object is to get at the truth.我们的目的是弄清事实真相。13. compromise (page34, line 25,)点拨 compromise 在句中作不及物动词,意为“妥协,折衷,互让,和解”。they found it wiser to compromise with her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。拓展(1)compromise可作及物动词,意为“连累,危害”。you will compromise your good name if you associate with these people. 你如果与这些人交往就会损害你的好名声。(2)compromise可作名词,意为“妥协,和解,折衷;连累,危及”。the interior decoration of the house is a compromise between chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。she did it without compromise of her reputation. 她做这事而无损她的名誉。14. submit(page35, line29)点拨不及物动词,意为“顺从,屈服,投降”,可构成短语submit to。he submitted unwillingly to his mother. 他不情愿地屈服于他母亲。拓展(1)作及物动词,意为“使服从,使屈服”,可构成短语submit oneself to。should a wife submit herself to her husband? 妻子应顺从丈夫吗?(2)作及物动词,还可表示“呈递,提交”。常用结构是submit sth. to sb.。he submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council. 他将城市发展建议提交市议会。15. fight for (line34) 为 . 而战,争取 we must fight for our rights, comrades! he took the oath to fight for his country. fight against 对抗,抵抗 fight with 与 . 战斗,与 .


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