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阶段检测二(必修2)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1what do we know about mr.brown?ahe has had an operation.bhe is having an operation.che will have an operation.2what is the assignment for next tuesday?aread the textbook.blisten to radio programmes.cwrite a composition.3how did nancy first react to being offered chocolates? asurprised. bdisappointed. chappy.4where does the man live?ain the city. bin a small town. cin the countryside.5what does the man mean?ahe cant go to the cinema.bhe can go to the cinema on saturday morning.che can go to the cinema on saturday evening.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6why is jane upset?adavid fell in love with her.bkevin made up stories about her.cshe made a mistake in calculation.7what is the probable relationship between the speakers?ateacher and student. bfather and daughter. cemployer and employee.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8why is it difficult for the woman to lose weight?ashe enjoys delicious dishes too much.bshe works too long.cshe has no time for exercise.9who is michael?ajohns manager. bjulias husband. ckates friend.10what does the man suggest the woman do?achange her job.bstop working and spend more time with her family.ceat less and do more exercise.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11what is waiting for the woman when she returns?aa bike. ba package. ca ticket.12where did the woman meet her friend?aon the plane. bin holland. con the internet.13what will the speakers probably do next?adrink chocolate milk. bget some milk. csend a package.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14for what does the man book the seats downstairs?ato have dinner with his friends.bto watch a play with others.cto enjoy coffee with his friends.15how long will it take to watch the play?atwo hours and a half. ban hour and a half. ctwo half hours.16where does the dialogue take place?aat a hotel. bat a cinema. cat a theatre.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17who are the speakers? astudents. bteacher and student. ccoach and player.18how did the man react when he saw the woman dancing? ahe was annoyed. bhe was inspired. che was surprised.19how does the man usually exercise? ahe likes to ride a bicycle. bhe likes to play soccer. che likes to run.20what will the speakers probably do next? astudy for a test. bgo to the gym together. cshow each other their moves.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21can you help me?yes._ your teachers advice,in my opinion,and everything will be ok.afollow bfollowing cto follow dfollowed22youre coughing badly,martin.why not give up smoking?give up smoking?easier said than done,amy.once you _ the habit of smoking,it is very hard for you to _.akeep up;break it away btake up;drop it outcpick up;get rid of it dbuild up;do away with it23_ her parents after separating for 10 years,betty couldnt help _.ahaving seen;cry bto see;cry cseeing;crying dseen;crying24i was about to leave _ i saw him _ towards me,bag in hand.awhile;running bwhen;running cas;ran dwhen;to run25(2012山东济宁一中三模,22)will you accept his proposal?me?_.he is the last man in the world i want to marry.anot likely bnot really cnot exactly dnot surprisingly26according to the reports,one of the rare animals,_ south china tiger,is in _ danger of dying out.aa;the b/;/ c/;the dthe;/27(2012上海七校2月联考,27)john as well as the other staff members who _ working with this worldfamous company _ to attend its 100th anniversary.ais;is bis;are care;is dare;are28if you have been fortunate enough to visit the amazon or _ great rainforest,youve probably been surprised by the diversity of life.athe other bany other canother dother29(2013山西师大附中期中)only when the war was over _.adid everything he take back bwas everything taken backcdid everything take back dhas he taken everything back30_ the police know the killers identity,they are getting close to catching him.aeven if balthough cnow that das long as31do you often hear from your sister who is studying in oxford university?no,only _.she is very busy now.anow and then bsooner or later cfor the time being dmore or less32“it gives me great joy and i feel more pressure than i did _ i won in china,” ding junhui said.athat bwhen cwhich dhow 33he admitted _ away the purse _ to him.ato have taken;not belonged btaking;not belongedctaking;not belonging dto have taken;not belonging34(2012福建厦门期末,34)much to the _ of the worried parents,their son finally came back safe and sound.arelief bregret canger ddisappointment35its thirty years since we last met.but i still remember the story,believe it or not,_ we got lost on a rainy night.awhich bthat cwhat dwhen第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2012湖北部分重点中学起点考试)you are going placesone day i came home from school,changed my clothes and got ready for work.i work at a local restaurant in town as a cashier,seater and waiter.i went to work feeling _36_.and to make matters worse,i was busy that evening.its the same thing over and over again._37_ with customers who complain about their food and where they are _38_ is too big or too small.little things like that tend to _39_ a lot of us _40_ but we manage to deal with it.three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the window.it happened to be the very _41_ near where i kept the dirty _42_ in the boxes.trying to keep up with all the dirty tables,customers leaving and coming in and _43_ running all over the house,it was crazy._44_these elderly women were watching _45_ i was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.when they _46_their meals,i took their plates back to the kitchen.they talked to me for a while about school,how i was doing,what _47_ i was in and what i planned to do in the future._48_ they were leaving,they walked past me and one of them said to me in a _49_ and gentle voice,“you are going places.”and that was it.they left the _50_ and i had tears in my eyes,because they gave me _51_to believe in myself.they _52_ my spirit from being down and gave me a(n)_53_to keep on working hard.people used to tell me that i couldnt have a career in_54_ until i had a degree.im now a coanchor(联合主持人)of a studentproduced television _55_.and the best thing is:im only 17 years old and i am a senior in high school.36atired bexcited cup ddown37adealing bhelping ctalking dmeeting38asat bseated claid dseating39aattract bavoid cadjust dannoy40aemployees bcustomers cboss demployers41aroom bbox cspot dkitchen42adishes brooms cclothes dchairs43amen bwomen cservers dpeople44aand botherwise cbut dso45awhat bhow cwhere dwhy46afinished bcompleted cordered dgot47aplace bgrade cmark dposition48abefore bwhile cas dafter49aconfident bloud clow dpleasant50akitchen bhouse crestaurant dtable51aability bcourage cimagination dtime52aput down bpicked up ctook over dpointed out53aexcuse breason cpresent dpermission54atelevision bgovernment cschool dhospital55acompany bstation cshow dadvertisement第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。a(2012河北普通高中教学质检)in an ideal world,people would not test medicines on animals.such experiments are stressful and sometimes painful for animals,and expensive and timeconsuming for people.yet animal experimentation is still needed to help bridge vast gaps in medical knowledge.that is why there are some 50 to 100 million animals used in research around the world each year.europe,on the whole,has the worlds most restrictive laws on animal experiments.even so,its scientists use some 12 million animals a year,most of them mice and rats,for medical research.official statistics show that just 1.1 million animals are used in research in america each year.but that is misleading.the american authorities do not think mice and rats are worth counting and,as these are the most common laboratory animals,the true figure is much higher.japan and china have even less comprehensive data than america.now europe is reforming the rules governing animal experiments by restricting the number of animals used in labs.alternatives to animal testing,such as using human tissue or computer models,are now strongly recommended.in addition,sharing all research results freely should help to reduce the number of animals for scientific use.at present,scientists often share only the results of successful experiments.if their findings do not fit the hypothesis being tested,the work never sees the light of day.this practice means wasting time,money,and animals lives in endlessly repeating the failed experiments.animal experimentation has taught humanity a great deal and saved countless lives.it needs to continue,even if that means animals sometimes suffer.europes new measures should eventually both reduce the number of animals used in experiments and improve the way in which scientific research is conducted.56what is the main idea of this passage?athe success of animal experiments should be ensured.ba ban on the use of animals in the lab should be enforced.cgreater efforts need to be taken to reduce the number of lab animals.dscientists should be required to share their research results with each other.57which of the following statements is true about animals used in the lab?aamerica uses only about 1.1 million lab animals per year.beurope does not use mice and rats as lab animals at all.cbritain does not use as many lab animals as china does.djapan has limited data on the number of lab animals used each year.58which of the following is mentioned as an alternative to replace animal experiments?astatistical studies. bcomputer models.cdna planted in animals. dtissue from dead animals.59what usually happens to unsuccessful animal experiments?athey are not revealed to the public.bthey are made into teaching materials.cthey are collected for future publication.dthey are not removed from the research topic list.b(2012江西重点中学盟校第一次联考)a jobless man applied for the position of “office boy” at microsoft.the hr manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.“you are employed,” he said.“give me your email address and ill send you the application form to fill in,as well as the date when you may start.”the man replied,“but i dont have a computer,neither an email.”“im sorry,” said the hr manager.“if you dont have an email,that means you do not exist.and who doesnt exist cannot have the job.”the man left with no hope at all.he didnt know what to do,with only ten dollars in his pocket.he then decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10 kilograms of tomatoes.he then sold the tomatoes from door to door.in less than two hours,he succeeded to double his capital.he repeated the operation three times,and returned home happily with 60 dollars.the man realized that he could survive in this way,and started to go every day earlier,and returned late.thus,his money doubled or tripled every day.shortly,he bought a cart,then a truck,and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.five years later,the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the us.he started to plan his familys future and decided to have a life insurance.he called an insurance broker and chose a protection plan.when the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email.the man replied,“i dont have an email.”the broker answered curiously,“you dont have an email,and yet have succeeded to build an empire.can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email?” the man thought for a while and replied,“yes,id be an office boy at microsoft!”60why cant the man have the job at microsoft?abecause he was lazy.bbecause he didnt pass the test.cbecause he didnt have an email.dbecause he didnt have the application form.61according to the passage,which of the following is true?athe man is one of the biggest food retailers in the world.bthe man didnt give up though he failed the interview.che started his career by selling tomatoes in the supermarket.dthose who have emails can work at microsoft.62the man can be described as _.ahelpful and considerate bpositive and generous csmart and hardworking dstubborn and unselfish63which proverb can best describe the story?amisfortune may be an actual blessing.bwhere there is a will,there is a way.caccidents will happen.dno pains,no gains.c(2012皖南八校第一次联考)nuclear weapons were first developed in the united states during the second world war to be used against germany.however,by the time the first bombs were ready for use,the war with germany had ended and,as a result,the decision was made to use the weapons against japan instead.hiroshima_and_nagasaki_have_suffered_the_consequences_of_the_decision_to_the_present_day.the real reasons why bombs were dropped on two heavily populated cities are not altogether clear.a number of people in 1944 and early 1945 argued that the use of nuclear weapons would be unnecessary,since american intelligence was aware that some of the most powerful and influential people in japan had already realised that the war was lost,and wanted to discuss a japanese surrender(投降).it was also argued that,since japan has few natural resources,a blockade(封锁)by the american navy would force it to surrender within a few weeks,and the use of nuclear weapons would prove unnecessary.if a demonstration of force was required to end the war,a bomb could be dropped over an unpopulated area like a desert,in front of japanese observers,or over an area of low population inside japan,such as a forest.choosing this course of action might decrease the loss of further lives on all sides,while the power of nuclear weapons would still be adequately demonstrated.all of these arguments were turned down,however,and the general agreement was that the quickest way to end the fighting would be to use nuclear weapons against the centres of population inside japan.in fact,two of the more likely reasons why the decision was reached seem quite shocking to us now.64the meaning of the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 is that _.athe two cities were badly damaged after they were bombedbthe two cities suffered because japan would not agree to end the warcthe terrible effects of dropping nuclear weapons on these cities can still be feltdthe end of the war with germany meant hiroshima and nagasaki would suffer65according to paragraph 2,a blockade would have been successful because _.ajapan had to import most of its natural resourcesbit can weaken japans military forcecit would probably destroy japans resources within a few weeksdthe americans could defeat japans navy since it was short of resources66what would probably be discussed in the following paragraphs?athe reasons why japan chose to surrender.bthe writers attitude towards japans surrender.cpeoples different opinions about dropping nuclear weapons onto the cities.danother two probable reasons for dropping nuclear weapons onto the cities.d(2012山东潍坊、东营、淄博、滨州四市联考)“confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits(特点)in americans.they show confidence in the way they talk,the way they smile,the way they dress and the way they walk.living and competing with all these confident american students,i find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and a foreign instructor.as a student,being confident means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mind.dont mind if it sounds simple or silly.otherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at all.whats worse,the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do not have your own opinion on the issuethis is the last comment any graduate would like to receive.being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if i did not get it.pretending to understand what you actually do not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgrace.but the time i most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades i have given for their speeches(the course im teaching here is public speaking).modesty is a trait highly valued in china,but it wont be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good american graduate program.67to compete with american students its very important to _.abe quite confident bbe polite and friendlychave more discussions with them dunderstand what they think about68a profe


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