【步步高 学案导学设计】高中英语 Module 6 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.doc_第1页
【步步高 学案导学设计】高中英语 Module 6 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.doc_第2页
【步步高 学案导学设计】高中英语 Module 6 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.doc_第3页
【步步高 学案导学设计】高中英语 Module 6 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.doc_第4页




period threeintegrating skills.语境填词1nowadays when you read a newspaper,you can find not only news,but also _ (广告)2how many _ (频道) can your tv pick up?3its an amusing and interesting story.that means the story is _ (有趣的)4when you write a film review,you should tell us about the _ (情节) of the story.5the _(背景) of the film includes where and when the story takes place.6he is always _ (争论) with me.完成句子1你可以在报纸上登广告。you can _ in the newspaper.2这部电影太完美了;我以前从来没有看过比这个更好的了。this movie is perfect;ive never seen _.3健康的习惯将在我们的日常生活中起到重要的作用。healthy habits will _ our daily life.4我今晚不想与你争辩。im not going to _ you tonight.5据我所知,他爸爸是一位很有经验的医生。_,his father is an experienced doctor.6我每个月回家四次。i go back home _.单项填空1what is happening over there?they are arguing _ the police _ whether they should be fined.aagainst;over bwith;aboutcagainst;about dwith;for2mummy,ive finished all the work you assigned me._.ayou are good bits good for youcits good to you dgood for you3the house rent is expensive.ive got about half the space i had at home and im paying _ here.aas three times muchbas much three timescmuch as three timesdthree times as much4the chinese film,_ tang dynasty,is well received by many foreign viewers.ais set in bsetting incset in dbe set in5on hearing the news of victory,they all jumped _ excitement.ain bwith cby dfor6how often do you have your hair cut?_.ain a month bfor three weekscmost of the time devery three weeks7its no good _ him to help you without my permission.ato ask baskedcasking dbeing asked8_ is a programme in which people have to answer questions correctly.achat show bthe newscquiz show dsoap opera9he lost his car last week and he has _ it.aadvertised badvertised forcadvertising dadvertisement10i should phone mary and say sorry to her.do you think so?_you should have informed her of the change in the plan.aup to you! bof course you can!cgood for you! dabsolutely!.完形填空making a film takes a long time and is very hard work._1_ the story for the film may take many weeks.shooting the film often takes _2_ six months.actors and cameramen work _3_ very early in the morning until late at night.each scene _4_ and reacted,filmed and refilmed,until it is just _5_.sometimes the same scene _6_ have to be acted many times.the film studio is like a large _7_,and the indoor stages are very big indeed.scenery of all kinds _8_ in the studio:churches,houses and forests are all built _9_ wood and cardboard._10_ people work together to make one film._11_ of these people are the actors and actresses.the director of the film,however,is the most _12_ person in a film studio.he _13_ how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act._14_ people go to see a film because they know the film stars in it._15_ the film may be very poor.it is best to _16_ a film _17_ by a good director.some _18_ directors make their films very _19_.people feel that they themselves are _20_ the people in the films.1a.to writebwritingcto makedmaking2a.aboutbat mostcat leastdfor3a.frombwhencsincedfor4a.has to actbhas actedchas to be acted dhas be acted5a.reallybrightcwelldfinished6a.mustbcancshoulddmay7a.factorybschoolchalldcinema8a.is takenbare takencare madedis made9a.frombofcbydinto10a.several hundredba hundredcseveralda few11a.fewbnonecalldsome12a.differentbimportantcdifficultdhard13a.decidesbthinkschopesdremembers14a.allbfewcmostdno15a.some timesbsome timecsometimedsometimes16a.pickbchoosecselect fromdwatch17a.was madebwhich madecmadedhaving made18a.famousbknowncolddyoung19a.truebrealctrulydreally20a.ofbbetweencamongdforits no use/good doing.做没用/没好处1its no use talking with him about it.和他谈论那件事没用。2its no good telling himhe wont listen.告诉他也没用他不会听的。答案.1.advertisements2.channels3.entertaining4.plot5setting6.arguing.1.put an advertisement2.a better one before3.play an important part in4.argue with5.as far as i know6four times a month.1.bargue with sb.about sth.为固定短语,意为“就某事和某人争论”。2dgood for you意为“干得好”,表示一种赞赏。b项意为“对你有好处”;c项中的be good to sb.意为“对某人很好”,均不符合语境。3d考查倍数表达法。在倍数表达法的结构中是:倍数as.as/比较级than/thatof,故只有d项正确。4cbe set in“以为背景”是习惯搭配短语,本句是过去分词短语作定语,相当于which is set in tang dynasty。5bwith excitement高兴地,是习惯搭配。6dhow often是用来询问频度的,故只有d项every three weeks符合题意,意为“每三周(一次)”。7cits no good doing sth.做没有用,是固定句式。8c根据定语从句的解释,应是“问答比赛节目”。a项为“聊天节目”;b项为“新闻”;d项为“肥皂剧”。9b句意为:他上周丢了汽车,现已登广告寻找。advertise for sth.为固定短语,意为“登广告征求/寻找某物”。10dabsolutely完全地;绝对地,符合题意。up to you由你决定;of course you can你当然行;good for you干得好。.1.b“创作故事”应该用write;表示一般的情况应用动名词作主语,同时,由前一句的主语用了动名词也可判断出。2cat least表示“至少”,意味着多;at most表示“至多”,意味着少。根据上句表达的意思“制作电影费时颇多”,故应选c项。3a“从早到晚”应用“from.until.”来表示。when引导时间状语从句;since用在完成时态中;for后接一段时间。4c本句主语是scene,意为“场景、镜头”,主语与谓语act之间是被动关系,故选c。5b“每个镜头必须重复表演直到满意为止”,只有b项right有“正确;恰当”之意,符合题意。really“真正地”,是副词;well也是副词;finished完成的。完成并不等于拍得令人满意,故a、c、d三项均不符合题意。6dmust必须;can表示能力;should作“应该”解;may表示可能性或推测。从上文看:有时同一个场景要拍很多次,这是拍摄过程中存在的一种可能性,不是必然发生的事,故may为正确选项。7a电影制片厂的内部结构比较复杂,像一个大“工厂”。8dscenery无复数形式,谓语动词应该用单数。“制作场景”用make。9b表达“由制成”,看得出原材料时用介词of。10a拍摄一部电影几个人或少数人显然不行,所以c和d不合实际;此处说明的只能是一个大体数目,而a hundred说明的太具体。11d选项a和b表示否定的意义,显然不妥;c则表达了“全部都是演员”,也不符合实际。12b在所有的人员中,导演是中心人物,因而是“最重要的”。13a导演的职责是“决定”一部电影怎样拍,演员怎样表演,据此常识,应选择a项decides。14c本句说明我们为什么去看电影,这是指大多数人而言,因此选most。15dsome times几次;some time一段时间;sometime某时;sometimes有时。本句要表达的意思是“有时电影可能拍得很糟”,根据此意,只有d项正确。16b“最好根据导演选择电影”。要表示“选择”,可用choose,select或pick out。1


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