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2014高考英语专题冲关集训:完形填空9阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项中选取出最能填入空白处的一个最佳选项。the talk-show host, oprah winfrey, had a dream to build a school. she wanted it to help 36 who 37 never have a chance to go to school or a chance to be led. on monday, february 26 abc-tv will 38 building a dream. the oprah winfrey leadership academy, a primetime special about the 39 of winfreys school for girls outside johannesburg, south africa.“my goal is to provide opportunities for girls to continue to 40 into the future,” said winfrey. “not 41 now, but 100 years from now. in the united states, all children are 42 to attend school. in south africa , 43 , many kids from 44 communities dont get a chance to got to school. one of the goals of the oprah winfrey leadership academy is 45 special girls with an education, so they can be their best. winfrey hopes that the school will become a 46 for other schools.building a dream gives viewers a 47 into how winfreys dream became a reality, including the process that winfrey and her staff went 48 to choose the 152 girls who make 49 the first class at the school. winfrey personally 50 more than 200 girls. “ i was looking for girls with a special quality i call having it, she said.winfrey has devoted $40 million of her own money and five years to the creation. from overseeing(监督), 51 on 52 acres of land to selecting the students, she has been involved in 52 every step.the program builds up to the opening of the school. many of winfreys friends were there to 53 the big day, including retired actor and film director sindny poitier, singer and actress mariah carey and oprahs “greatest living hero”-former south african president nelson mandela, who became president of a new democratic south africa in 1994 after 54 decades in prison for his political 55 . dont miss building a dream: the oprah winfrey leadership academy on monday, february 26 on abc.36. a. people b. kids c. boys d. girls37. a. might b. should c. must d. can 38. a. show b. air c. display d. send39. a. closing b. building c. opening d. developing 40. a. flash b. shine c. rush d. step41. a. nearly b. right c. perfectly d. possibly42. a. required b. advised c. forbidden d. motivated43. a. therefore b. consequently c. similarly d. however44. a. disabled b. deserted c. disadvantaged d. isolated45. a. provide b. provides c. provided d. to provide 46. a. model b. opportunity c. delight d. wonder47. a. glance b. glare c. glimpse d. stare48. a. through b. around c. over d. after49. a. into b. up c. of d. from50. a. examined b. asked c. read d. interviewed51. a. situation b. construction c. condition d. investigation52. a. eventually b. gradually c. simply d. virtually53. a. celebrate b. congratulate c. honor d. mark54. a. spending b. living c. wasting d. costing55. a. career b. belief c. leadership d. stage 36.答案为d。语境中考查名词。根据下文可知winfrey帮助的对象为女孩。37.答案为a。语境中考查情态动词的辨析。might 在这表示推测。38.答案为b。语境中考查动词辨析。abc-tv 将播出building a dream 这个节目。39.答案为c。语境中考查名词。根据下文可知winfrey是正在开办一所学校。40.答案为b。考查动词。winfrey创办学校的目的是让这些女孩可以在将来很出色。41.答案为b。语境中考查副词辨析。与后面的 “but 100 years from now”对应。42.答案为a。考查动词辨析。根据常识来推理,在美国,所有孩子被要求去上学。43.答案为d。语境中用副词考查逻辑关系。然而,在南非很多小孩没有机会上学。44.答案为c。考查形容词。来自贫困社区的孩子无法上学。45.答案为d。考查语法。用不定式做表语。46.答案为a。考查名词。winfrey想用这所学校为其他学校作出榜样。47.答案为c。考查名词。glimpse:瞥见。这个节目使人们对于winfrey是如何让梦想成真的有所了解。48.答案为a。考察动词短语。go through:经历。49.答案为b。考查动词短语的搭配。winfrey挑选了152个女孩组成了第一个班。50.答案为d。考查动词的用法。winfrey亲自面试了200个女孩。51.答案为b。考察名词。winfrey参与了几乎每一个步骤,从监督,建设到挑选学生。52.答案为d。语境中考查副词的辨析。见51题。53.答案为a。语境中考查动词辨析。winfrey的许多朋友来庆祝学校的成立。54.答案为a。考查动词。mandela为了自己的政治信仰在牢里度过了几十年。55.答案为b。考查名词。见54题。*结束(一)the passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. she 1 the driver and, using her hands to feel the 2 of the seats, walked down and found the 3 which the driver had told her was empty. then she settled in.it had been a year since susan, 34, 4 a medical misdiagnosis (误诊), was suddenly thrown into a world of 5 . mark, her husband, was an air force officer and he loved susan with all his heart. he 6 her how to rely on her other 7 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and 8 to adapt herself to the new environment. he helped her befriend the bus drivers who could 9 for her, and save her a seat. 10 , susan decided that she was ready to try the 11 on her own. monday morning, she said good-bye and for the first time, they went their 12 ways.on friday morning, susan took the bus to work as usual. as she was 13 the bus, the driver said, “boy, i 14 envy you.” susan had no 15 what the driver was talking about, and asked, “what do you 16 ?”the driver answered, “you know, every morning for the 17 week, a fine-looking gentleman 18 a military uniform has been standing across the corner 19 you as you get off the bus. he 20 you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building. you are one lucky lady.” tears of gratitude poured down susans cheeks. 1. a. thanked b. asked c. discovered d. paid2. a. location b. shape c. size d. cost 3. a. ticket b. bus c. seat d. bag 4. a. according tob. instead of c. thanks to d. due to5. a. anger b. darkness c. happiness d. light6. a. asked b. encouraged c. taught d. praised 7. a. feelings b. sights c. senses d. abilities8. a. how b. when c. where d. who 9. a. make out b. watch out c. find out d. work out 10. a. finally b. luckily c. however d. besides 11. a. visit b. trip c. bus d. work 12. a. opposite b. separate c. difficult d. usual 13. a. getting on b. getting in c. getting off d. getting up 14. a. must b. may c. will d. do15. a. idea b. opinion c. way d. thought16. a. want b. mean c. say d. suggest 17. a. next b. old c. past d. following18. a. by b. on c. with d. in19. a. searching b. watching c. calling d. noticing 20. a. looks out b. takes up c. believes in d. makes sure答案与解析:1. d 根据生活常识,乘客一上车应该先付钱。2. a 因为她是个盲人,所以只能用手去摸索座位的位置。3. c 根据上下文可知,此处指的是座位。 4. d 由于误诊,susan成了盲人。due to由于,因为。5. b susan被投进了一个黑暗的世


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