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2014高考英语完形填空:2013暑假练习题(13)及答案解析第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。ive often puzzled over something that happened to me one winter when i was eight. over the years i had been wondering if my 21 was nothing more than a kids imagination. there was a 22 near our house. in winter it was the greatest 23 place in the world. one 24 all i wanted to do was go skating. i had been waiting for weeks 25 the water was frozen solid. mom had one rule: “never ice-skate alone.” but i couldnt 26 any longer that afternoon. so i 27 my skates under my coat and ran to the pond. several people were skating near the shore, and some kids were playing hockeyi was not really 28 the hockey game had attracted 29 audience, so i skated in the other direction until their cheering 30 . but another noise came soon. the ice was cracking beneath me. freezing water 31 my body, and i sank like a rock. my feet 32 the bottom. just when i thought i wouldnt last another 33 , i felt a tap on my shoulder. “dont worry,” someone said. i swung my 34 around. i couldnt see anybody. but i heard the voice again,“push your feet into the bottom and youll shoot straight up to the surface.” i did as i was told and 35 . i crawled to the shore and lay down, 36 the next thing i knew was people were 37 around me, covering me with coats. when i awoke, i was home in my own bed. mom sat next to me, 38 my hand. “i saw nobody there. it must be an angel that came to my 39 ” i said. mom smiled, “i just thank god youre safe.” for a long time i thought i would 40 a more realistic explanation if i just thought hard, but i never did.21. a. attention b. behavior c. explanation d. reason22. a. river b. pond c. lake d. dam23. a. skating b. fishing c. swimming d. skiing24. a. afternoon b. morning c. evening d. night25. a. after b. until c. as d. if26. a. go b. run c. sit d. wait27. a. found b. threw c. took d. hid28. a. lonely b. single c. alone d. afraid29. a. noisy b. happy c. small d. young30. a. changedb. disappearedc. increased d. stopped31. a. filled b. controlledc. covered d. loaded32. a. hit b. dragged c. set d. tapped33. a. day b. hour c. minute d. second34. a. head b. hand c. arm d. leg35. a. leftbsucceeded c. tried d. survived36. a. worried b. surprisedc. excited d. exhausted37. a. lying b. standingc. laughing d. crawling38. a. raisingb. shakingc. holdingd. washing39. a. placeb. mind c. defense d. rescue40. a. take up b. make up with c. bring up d. come up with第二节 (20分,每小题1分)2125 cbaab 2630 ddcab 3135 cadab 3640 dbcdd*结束维a 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:the nurse approached him,smiling.“the labor is going great,” she said.“wouldnt you like to come in?”“oh,no.” the man shook his _1_.the nurse _2_ the mothers side,and the labor progressed _3_.as the birth neared,the nurse returned to the man,now _4_ frantically in the hall.“shes doing so well,” she _5_ him.“wouldnt you like to at least come in and see her?”the man seemed to _6_ slightly,then shook his head again.“no,no,i couldnt do that.” he jingled car keys in his sweaty _7_ and restarted his pacing.the nurse went back into the _8_ and coached moms great efforts in pushing the baby into the _9_.as the babys head began to appear,the nurse raced to the hall,_10_ the man by his elbow,and _11_ him to the bedside saying,“you have got to see this!”at that very moment,the baby boy was born _12_ placed on the stomach of the mother whose happy smile _13_ through her tears.the man began to _14_ openly.turning to the nurse,he sobbed.“you were right! this is the greatest _15_ in my life!”by now,the nurse,too,was _16_.she put her arms around him,and he rested his _17_ on her shoulder.she said,“no one should _18_ the birth of their son.”“this isnt my son,” the man sobbed.“this isnt _19_ my wife.ive never seen her before in my life.i was just bringing the car _20_ to my fellow across the hall!”notes:frantically adv.烦躁地jingle vt.使发出叮当声【语篇解读】 本文是一篇幽默故事。一位母亲正在产房生产,男子在门外徘徊。护士跑出来叫男子进产房,可是男子一次次拒绝进入。当孩子出生时,护士再也忍不住了,把男子拖进产房。可是男子告诉护士,他不是孩子的父亲,那女子也不是自己的妻子,他是来医院给同事送车钥匙的。1a.hand bhead carm dbody答案b联系空前的“oh,no.”可知,对于护士的要求, 男子摇头拒绝了。2a.approached breturned to cexamined dstood by答案b联系下文可知,护士离开产妇来找男子,让他到产房内,因此在男子拒绝后她又回到产妇身边。3a.smoothly bquickly ccarefully dlately答案a联系下文的“shes doing so well”可知,产妇这边的进展很顺利。4a.waiting bpacing clying dsleeping答案b联系下文可知,男子一直在大厅里等着,现在他变得很烦躁,因此他在大厅里来回走着。a有一定的干扰性,联系下文的“restarted his pacing”可以排除a。5a.warned bgreeted cexamined dassured答案d空前的“shes doing so well”是护士安慰男子的话,因此说她想让他放心,即assured him。6a.smile bwait chesitate dsuffer答案c联系空后的“slightly”可知,当护士让男子进入房间的时候,他对是否进去稍微犹豫了一下。7a.pocket bpalm cleg dface答案b空前的“jingled car keys”的意思是“晃动车钥匙,使之发出叮当声”,因此此时车钥匙应是在他的掌心。8a.room bhall coffice dhouse答案a联系空前的“the nurse went back into”以及空后的“coached moms great efforts”可知,护士又跑回了房间。9a.world bbed carms dpool答案a联系空前的“pushing the baby into”可知,这位妇女在生小孩,因此说护士帮助她努力把孩子带到这个世界。10a.shook bcongratulated cgrabbed dwelcomed答案c联系空后的“by his elbow”可知,此时护士着急了,她一把抓住男子的胳膊,拉他进入屋内。11a.helped bled cmoved ddragged答案d联系上文的“grabbed the man by his elbow”可知,护士抓住他的胳膊,因此此处用dragged表达了护士的着急,也表达了不等男子说话,他就被拖进屋内的情形。12a.so band cbut dor答案b“was born”与“(was) placed on the stomach of the mother”为并列关系,因此用and 。13a.shone bhid cgot dwent答案a联系空前的“happy smile”和空后的“through her tears”可知,她的泪水中闪耀着幸福的微笑。14a.laugh bsmile ccry dsob答案d联系下文的“turning to the nurse,he sobbed.”可知,男子不是笑了,而是哭了。15a.day bplace cmoment dbaby答案c联系上下文可知,男子也觉得孩子的出生是他一生中最伟大的时刻。16a.happy bmoved ctearful dinterested答案c联系上下文可知,护士也泪流满面。b有一定的干扰性,联系空前的too可以排除b,因为男子不是因为感动,而是因为委屈。17a.hands bhead carms dclot


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