八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling教案1 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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travelling教学目标1)了解外国著名城市胜地和受欢迎的景点。2)通过对话谈论人们在不同景点从事的活动。3. 情感目标:初步认识到这些旅游胜地是全人类的共同财富。教学重点外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点教学难点通过对话谈论人们在不同景点从事的各种活动教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:fill in the blanks .hobo: hey, eddie._ are you _?eddie: im _ to south hill _ my holiday.hobo: ready? ive been there before. can i _ you ? eddie: ok. get _! eddie: what are you doing, hobo?hobo: im _ all my things. im so _. _ the bag, eddie. _go.eddie: i _ think itll _ a holiday_ me.学习过程: 任务一:师生互动。do you like travelling?do you know any places of interest in the world?which places of interest have you been to?where do you want to go on holiday?lets see some popular tourist attractions(旅游胜地) in the world.任务二:你们能说出以下景点所属哪个国家吗?mount fujithe leaning tower of pisathe little mermaidthe statue of liberty the tower bridge任务三:listen and answer:where is the little mermaid ?2. whats special about it?与你的同桌合作表演对话,注意语气、动作表情哟!任务四:make a simple dialoguea: whats this? b: a: where is it? b: a: whats special about it? b: a: have you ever been there? b: 模仿第21页,part b部分的对话,和你的搭档合作一起探讨一下在景点可以做什么。a: 任务五:看图介绍:你们知道下面中国景点的名字吗? 任务六:看一看写一写,完成第21页part a部分练习并与你的同桌核对答案。任务七:听 第20页eddie和hobo的对话,回答下面问题。1. where is eddie going?2. does hobo want to go too?3. what does hobo want to bring?4. why is eddie unhappy?任务八: watch and act out the dialogue.step4:总结提升translation: 1. 北京是中国的首都。 2. 他们在塔桥上干什么? 他们可以在那儿看到漂亮的景色和拍照。3. 她已经去过南山好几次了。 4. 让我带你出去几天吧。5. 我正在拿所有的东西。家庭作业布置:translation: 1. 北京是中国的首都。 2. 他们在塔桥上干什么? 他们可以在那儿看到漂亮的景色和拍照。3. 她已经去过南山好几次了。 4. 让我带你出去几天吧。5. 我正在拿所有的东西。旁 注教后记课 题unit 2 travelling课时 2授课日期教学目标1)了解外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。2) 通过对话谈论人们在不同景点从事的各种活动。3情感目标:初步认识到这些胜地是全人类的共同财富。教学重点进一步理解并运用现在完成时和一般过去时教学难点进一步理解并运用现在完成时和一般过去时教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:根据句意和汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1the _ (喷泉)in front of our flat is very attractive.2it was a really f _ (极好的)trip to hong kong.3whats the _ (主题)song of the tv play?4the boys voice rose higher and higher with e_.5the birds on the post cards look so c_.学习过程:任务一:free talk1. if you have enough money and time, which place do you want to visit? why? 2. have you ever been to hong kong?任务二:快速浏览全文,回答以下两个问题。who visited disneyland ?kitty and her parents.how long has she been in hong kong? she has been in hong kong for two days.how long did they stay in disneyland?about twelve hours / a whole day.任务三:listen and answer the questions. how did the castle look under the fireworks?what does kitty think of the trip?任务四:read the passage again. and finish part b1, b2 on p24 & b3 on p25.任务五:watch and finish part b4 on page 25.fill in the blanks according to the letter.kitty and her parents got to disneyland and from their hotel by u_. the r_ c_ in tomorrowland was really exciting. it moved at high s_. we were s_ and laughing through the whole r_.任务六:小组活动。根据课文中出现的表示先后顺序的时间词语和短语,讨论kitty的活动行程。总结提升阅读提升interview小组活动。假设一个学生是香港迪士尼乐园的导游,另外几位小组成员是外地游客,你能向游客介绍香港迪士尼乐园吗?step7:布置作业1.copy new words and phrases.2.recite the reading家庭作业布置:翻译。1.这只小狗看起来真可爱,我情不自禁给它拍了照片。 the dog _ so _. i _ _ _ _ for it.2.当他们行进穿过公园时,我们鼓起掌来。 while they _ _ the park, we all _.3.我肯定你们这次旅行会玩得很开心。 im _ that youll have a _ trip4.高速驾车很危险。its very _ _ _ at _ _.5.他在办公室里总共呆了20个小时。 _ _, he stayed in his _ for _ _.6.观赏烟火是这一天最棒的部分。 _ _ is the _ _ of the day.7.这个婴儿在整个行程中都在睡觉。 the _ _ _ the _ ride.8.全世界有许多著名的主题公园,例如迪斯尼乐园。 there are many _ _ parks in the _, _ _, the disneyland.旁 注教后记课 题reading 2课时 3授课日期教学目标1)了解外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。2) 通过对话谈论人们在不同景点从事的各种活动。3情感目标:初步认识到这些胜地是全人类的共同财富。 教学重点理解并掌握课文中重点词汇、词组和句型的用法。教学难点分析重点词汇、词组和句型的用法。教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:回答下列问题。(1) where would you like to go on holiday? why?_(2) what places have you ever been to?_(3)have you ever traveled to hong kong?_学习过程:任务一:revision1. listen to the tape 2. read the article quickly and silently.3. find out the details of the letter according to the clue of time, different places and activities. 任务二:true or false and fill in the blankskitty _ hong kong for two days. she and her parents had a good time there. they spent the whole day in _. they got to disney from their hotel _. they took the roller coaster, it moved _. in the afternoon, there was a parade . it was the _ part of the day. kitty ran after the disney characters and couldnt stop _ photos. x k b 1 . c o m任务三:consolidationmake an interview with your partner about your partners travelling. when you make this interview, please include these following questions. notice:when did you go? who did you go with? what did you see or do?which thing were you interested in?what about your feelings? 任务四:tips1. 你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的?_2. 方法点拨:_家庭作业布置:1. finish the exercises in exercise book. 2. write a composition about your trip (your past trip or dream trip) 写出下列短语。1. spend the whole day _ 2. 在入口处 _3. 以高速行驶 _ 4. have a (really) fantastic time _5. take photos with sb._ 6. 对感兴趣 _7. 禁不住做某事 _ 8. look so nice and cute _9. 向某人挥手_ 10.wear different costumes _11. sing and dance all the way _12.为某人买某物_13. in all _ 14. 向某人出示某物 _15.高兴地尖叫_ 16. 例如 _二、用所给首字母或词适当形式填空。1. your job _ (include) taking good care of these flowers.2. i have to prepare food for seven people, _ (include) me.3. you can (enter) the cinema from this _ (enter).4. one of the _ (attract) in beijing is the palace museum.5. how did you go to disneyland? - i (ride) there. it was a two-hour (ride).6. did you watch the _ (perform) yesterday?- yes. the _ (perform) all _(wear) special costumes.7. the sun (shine) brightly on that (shine) morning.8. the children all _ (clap) when they heard this news.9. i heard you _ (go) to thailand. when will you return?10. he _(be) here for three days and he_(stay) for another two days.旁 注教后记课 题grammar课时4授课日期教学目标1) 区别运用have/has been 和have/has gone.2) 学习现在完成时延续性的动作或状态的表示方法。 3) 理解非延续性动词和延续性动词的不同用法,以及他们之间的转换。教学重点have been 和have gone理解非延续性动词和延续性动词的不同用法,以及他们之间的转换。教学难点进一步区分理解非延续性动词和延续性动词的不同用法,以及他们之间的转换。教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:试着翻译下列句子,注意区别have(has) been to和have(has) gone to的不同意思。1. millie has been to south hill many times. it is very nice, and she wants to go there again. _2. daniel and sandy have never been to south hill. they want to go with millie. _3. kitty has gone to hong kong with her family. they will come back next week. _4. millie and amy have gone to the bookshop to buy some books on travelling. they will be backin an hour. _ 二、用for, since, ago填空1.sally has been away from london _ last saturday.2.our school has changed a lot _ the new building was built.3.tommy has had this motorcycle _ three years.4.i have been in nanjing _ eight years.5.my parents has been married since twenty years _.6.my cousin joined the army three months _.学习过程:任务一:a using have/has been and have/has gonewhere has kitty been?has she ever been to hong kong disneyland?has she ever been to.?任务二:work out the rulewe use have (has) been to express the idea that someone went to some place and has already come back.1. millie and amy have been to south hill. they want to go there again. 2. sandy has never been to south hill. she wants to go with them.we use have (has) gone to express the idea that someone went to a place but has not yet returned.1. kitty and her family have gone to hong kong. they will come back next week.2. suzy is not at home at the moment. she has gone to the bookshop.任务三:daniel and millie are chatting at a weekend. complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in bracket.daniel: i havent seen mr wu for days. where (1) _ he _ (go) ?millie: he (2) _ (go) to tianjin to attend a meeting. d: (3) _ you _ (be) anywhere recently?w w w .x k b 1.c o mm: yes, i (4) _ (be) to hainan with my parents.d: oh, thats great! (5)_ you _ (be) to sanya? m: sure, we (6) _ (be) to the beach there. look at these photos. d: the beach is beautiful. i see andy playing on the sand too.m: yes. we went there with his family.d: i see. by the way, shall we invite andy to go for a picnic tomorrow? m: andy isnt here this weekend. he and his parents (7) _ (go) to the countryside. they will be back tomorrow afternoon.任务四:小组活动,请某一个组员到老师办公室去拿作业本,组长问 where has gone? 过了一会儿,他(她)从办公室回到了教室,组长问他(她): where have you been? or:where were you? (你们能区别have been和have gong吗?小组讨论一下,请互相帮助哟!) 任务五:b verbs with for and sincequestions about reading:1. how long hasnt kitty seen millie?2. how long has kitty been in hong kong?任务六:work out the rulel for + 时间段l since + 时间点任务七: 非延续性动词/短暂动词 与 延续性动词l begin/start have/has been onl stop /finish have/has been over l come/go/arrive have/has been in/at l leave have/has been away l borrow have/has keptl join have/has been a member of/ have/has been in l buy have/has hadl get married /l marry have/has been married l die have/has been deadl open have/has been openl close have/has been closedl fall asleep have/has been asleepl turn on/off have/has been on/offl fall ill have/has been illl catch a cold have/has had a cold l get to know have/has known l begin to learn have/has learned l get up have/has been upl become interested in have/has been interested inl return/l come back/go back have/has been back家庭作业布置:1. review the grammar. using the five kinds of sentence structures to make some sentences.2. finish the exercises on pages 26, 27 and 28.旁 注教后记课 题integrated skills课时 5授课日期教学目标1) 通过读和听获取有用信息。2) 识别用来描述有代表性的假日活动的关键表达法。3) 能够就有关旅游的话题进行交流。教学重点1) 通过读和听获取有用信息。2) 识别用来描述有代表性的假日活动的关键表达法教学难点能够就有关旅游的话题进行交流教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:1.根据自己的实际情况讨论关于旅游的话题: a: do you like traveling? b: _. a: where have you been? b: _. a: when did you go there? and what did you do there? b: _. a: what places will you visit this year? why? b: _.2.根据书中提供的信息完成a1部分内容,写在书上。学习过程:任务一:where would you like to go on holiday in china? why would you want to go there? 游山玩水,看着美景你能知道是什么地方吗? 任务二:自由谈。 在任务一中,我们游玩了很多地方,同学们,赶快说说你们在这些景点想做什么? a: what would you like to do there? b: 任务三:listen and finish part a 1. listen and finish part a 2. 完成这部分的表格,并与你的同桌核对答案。things to do places to go springsummerautumnwinterchinese gardenssuzhou, yangzhoumuseumsbeijing, xianplaces of natural beautymountain huang, jiuzhaigouseaside citiesdalian, qingdaotheme parksshenzhen, hong kong 任务四:练习。 (1)用第29上的信息完成a3。 (2)和你的搭档相互检查答案。全班朗读。任务五:ask and answer when is the best time for swimming / sailing? why?when is the best time for going shopping in shanghai?corrections:家庭作业布置:1. copy new words and phrases.2. recite the dialogue.3. preview study skills on page 31.4. finish the exercises. 课后作业根据句意及首字母提示完成单词:1. the boys enjoys water sports, so he often goes s_.2. i like to travel a_ because i can learn more about foreign countries.3. the british like talking about the w_ first when they meet.4. he keeps reading comic books all year r_.5. i love c_ souvenirs when i travel to a place.1. i _ (take) lots of photos while i _ ( visit) suzhou.2. it takes two hours _ (fly) to beijing.3. my father _ (go) to nanjing for a meeting now. he _ (go) there every month.4. mr lin _ (go) to singapore in a few days. he _ (be) there twice.5. what _ you _ (do) just now? i _ (check) my car to see what _ (be) wrong.6. lushan mountain is the best place for _ (visit) in summer.旁 注教后记课 题study skills课时 6授课日期教学目标1)能够从文章中迅速找出五个要点。2)学会运用五个要点来描述一次经历或一件事情。3)学会使用细节来丰富文章。教学重点学会运用五个要点来描述一次经历或一件事情。教学难点学会使用细节来丰富文章。教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:ask about the trip to hong kong disneyland.where did kitty go? _when did she go there? _who did she go with? _whats their experience?tomorrowland: _fantasyland: _adventureland: _main street usa: _how did she feel about the trip? _学习过程:任务一:free talk do you still remember kittys trip to hong kong disneyland?任务二:when we write about an experience or event, we can organize our ideas using the following five main points:when did it happen? where did it happen? who was there?what happened? how did you feel? 任务三:then we should give details to support the main points. take kittys day at hong kong disneyland as an example:main pointswhen : during the winter holidaywhere : hong kongwho : kitty and her parentswhat : visit hong kong disneylandhow : had a fantastic timevisit hong kong disneylanddetails enjoyed the space mountain ride watched a parade saw a 4-d film did some shopping watched the fireworks任务四:organize the following information into main points and details. (finish the exercises on page 31.)任务五:work in groups and talk about their trip.now lets begin to write. please pay attention to five main points, details and the structure. 在小组中朗读给其他组员听。课堂展示,你能给全班同学做示范朗读吗?家庭作业布置:finish the exercises in your exercise book一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1the greens have visited some places of great interest since _(到达)in beijing.2. how _(喧闹地)the students are playing on the playground.3. its _(如此) an important football match that we cant miss it.4. i _(陈述) my opinion a few minutes ago.5. the main difficulty is that we dont have enough _(经验).6.i think the capital is the _(文化的) center of a country.7. i want to buy some stationery as _(纪念品) for my friend.8.bear is the _(象征)of power in russia.二、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1.he danced so (beautiful) that we screamed.2.the girl (have) a visit to thailand at that time.3.im sorry i cant stop (talk) with you. i have much work to do.4.when i visit suzhou, i (take) lots of photos.5.there is (end) homework to do when we are going to have an exam旁 注教后记课 题task课时 7授课日期教学目标1)识别并将谈论个人经历所需的主要信息整理归类。2)详细描述旅游地点、经历和感受。3)根据自己去某个地方的所见所闻写出一篇100词左右的文章。教学重点1)识别并将谈论个人经历所需的主要信息整理归类。2)详细描述旅游地点、经历和感受。教学难点根据自己去某个地方的所见所闻写出一篇100词左右的文章教学准备 小黑板教学过程课前作业:根据汉语提示或所给词的适当形式填空。1. the children could not hide his _(激动)when he came back.2. beijing is the _(文化的) centre of china.3. have you ever travelled _(到国外)? thats wonderful!4. its _(hope) for him to pass the exam, so he is very sad.5. the green family had a _(delight) holiday last week.6. dont worry! this medicine is _ to people.(harm)7. its _ to help people in need.(mean)8. _ is a wonderful sport.(sail)9. he is a math teacher with a lot of _.(experience)10.look! he is _ his books together.(tie)学习过程:任务一:free talk kitty wants to write about her trip to hong kong. she organized her ideas by using a fact file. what should she do first?(she should write down the main points, details.)任务二:lets have a look at part a on page 32.两人合作:看kitty的资料档案,与你的同桌合作相互问答,谈论资料的内容。任务三: lets use the main points, detailsin part a on page 32 to help kitty complete her article in part b.任务四:discussionwhen we write an article about a


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