陕西省神木县第六中学高考英语 Unit1 Living well Reading导学案 新人教版选修7.doc_第1页
陕西省神木县第六中学高考英语 Unit1 Living well Reading导学案 新人教版选修7.doc_第2页
陕西省神木县第六中学高考英语 Unit1 Living well Reading导学案 新人教版选修7.doc_第3页




unit1 living well reading编写人:审核人_ 审批人_班级_ 姓名_ 组号_ 组评_ 师评_四、学习过程part1.自主学习1. spell the words and read them out consulting the vocabulary in p97.d_伤残的 e_项目 b_有益的 c_笨拙的o_外向的 b_长凳 m_显微镜 a_缺席f_同伴 a_惹恼 f_公司 s_软件p_鹦鹉 t_陆龟 p_心理学 e_鼓励 2. translate the following into english.换句话说_ 适合_ 切去_ 闲坐着_ 上气不接下气_ 和_ 总而言之_ 在很多方面_ 取笑_part2.合作探究task1. go through the information in pre-reading and finish the following exercises1. the “family village” is a _.a. website b. magazine c. pub d. club2. the purpose of the website_a. to give young disabled people the chance to share their stories with others.b. to inspire other disabled people.c.to get non-disabled people to understand more about the challenging life the disabled people lead.d. all the above are righttask2. skim the text and finish the following exercisesparta multiple choices1. marty is _ person.a. a healthy b. an ill c. a disabled d. a rich2. marty has _disease.a. a mental b. a muscle c. an eye d. a leg3. whats martys dream?a. being a famous football player and representing his country in the world cup.b. being a doctor.c. being a college student.d. being a basketball player.partb match the following properlypara.2 an introduction to marty and his muscle disease.para.4 how his disability developed.para.1 marty met a lot of difficulties at school.para.5 how his life has become easier.para.3 the advantages of his disease and his advice to healthy childrentask3. scan the text and finish the following exercisespara1. fill in the following blanks according to paragraph1disease _ _ _makes him very weak. difficulties _ and cant _ or _ stairs as quickly as other people. motto live one day _ _ _.paras.2&3why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from martys leg?( )a. because they could cure the disease by cutting it out.b. because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本).c. because they would transplant(移植) the new muscle.d. because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.para.4 fill in the following blanks according to paragraph41) martys ambition _2) martys achievement _3) martys hobby _para.5 martys advice:1._2._3._4._part3.课堂检测go through the text again and then choose the best answer.1) when marty says “i am one in a million”, he really means _.a. he is unique b. he has a rare diseasec. he has a muscle disease d. he lives a hard but happy life2) which of the following is true according to the text? _a. while at high school, not all martys classmates accept him.b. a big company bought the computer game from marty.c. the doctors know martys disease well but they hide the truth.d. marty looks quite different from others because of his disease.3) from the passage we can infer that _.a. marty asks others to feel sorry for him.b. marty never loses heart.c. marty is afraid of being made fun of.d. marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger.4) which of the following is false?_a. although there are a few students who look down upon him, marty never gets annoyed.b. marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.c. marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.d. marty disability has made him more independent.5) which of the following


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