广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学高中英语 Unit 20 Lesson 3练习 北师大版选修7(1).doc_第1页
广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学高中英语 Unit 20 Lesson 3练习 北师大版选修7(1).doc_第2页
广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学高中英语 Unit 20 Lesson 3练习 北师大版选修7(1).doc_第3页
广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学高中英语 Unit 20 Lesson 3练习 北师大版选修7(1).doc_第4页




广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学2014高中英语 unit 20 lesson 3练习 北师大版选修7i:key wordsdilemma n. 困境,进退两难的窘境 be in a dilemma 在进退两难中donate vt. 捐赠;赠送 n. donation 捐赠 donate sth. to sb/sth 捐赠某物给某人/某物correspond vi.通信;符合 n. correspondence 通信;一致 correspond with 与通信;相符合,相一致meanwhile adv. 同时 in the meanwhile = at the same time = in the meantime 与此同时split vi. 分开,分离 split- split- split split up 断绝关系;分成小部分cure vt. 治愈 cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人某病 a cure for 的一种治疗法wrestle vi. 努力解决;摔跤;搏斗 n. wrestling 摔跤运动 wrestle with something 努力解决难以处理的事物ii:use the words above to fill in the blanks:angela _was in a dilemma_(左右为难)whether to go out with jack or jim.mary spent the whole month _wrestling with the problem_(处理这个问题).there is a _wrestling_(摔跤运动) match tonight.the famous doctor _has cured me of my cancer_(治愈了我的癌症)._a cure for _(治疗方法)bird flu is badly needed now.they made a generous _donation_(捐赠) to charity.we _have corresponded with_(通信) each other by e-mail for years but ive never met him.the conference will begin in an hour; _in the meanwhile_(同时), lets have the last few decades, our city _has split_(分开,分离) into eight blocks.over the years, the green _has donated_(捐赠) clothing and money to the red cross.iii: key phrases:not to mention 更不用说,还不算,此外还有是动词不定式做状语的用法he has not learnt english, _not to mention french_.(更不用说法语了)【拓展】to make things worse 更糟糕的是;to put it simply 简单地说; to be more exact 更精确点range fromto 从到不等/变化 把以下句子用两种方式翻译出来。(带有定语从句或者现在分词短语)有120名学生,年龄在10到18岁之间。_there are 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18._there are 120 students, ranging from 10 to 18 years old._figure out 想出,算出;弄明白;解决这个男孩做不出这道代数题。 the boy _did not figure out_the _algebra_problem.老师弄不明白他为什么心不在焉(absent-minded)。 _the teacher could not figure out why he was absent-minded._be about to do sth. when 刚要做这时我刚要做作业,这时同学们爆发出笑声。_i was about to do my homework when classmates burst out laughing/ burst into laughter._.【拓展】be doingwhen正在做这时 had donewhen 刚做了这时我正在努力解决这个难题,这时他拍了我的背。_i was wrestling with this problem when he patted me on the back._.我刚刚完成所有任务,这时你来了。_i had completed all the tasks when you came._.turn to 转向,求助 turn to sb (for help/advice)向某人求助 turn to doing sth. 转向做某事她没有一个可以商量的人。 she had no one _to turn to_for advice.在学校当了5年教师后,他转而去做生意了。 after working _as a teacher for 5 years in the school_, he _turned to_ doing dedicated to 献身于 = be devoted to = devote oneself to doing 这些20世纪的科学先锋全都致力于提高人类的生活质量。these pioneers of the 20th century_were all dedicated to improving the quality of human grateful (to sb.) for sth. = be thankful (to sb.) for sth. 感激(某人)某事我们必须感激我们所拥有的一切。_we must be grateful for what we have._.学生们要学会感激老师的教育。_students are expected to learn to be grateful for teachers instruction._.8. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某 be allowed to do sth. 据通知,学生不允许在学校使用手机。_it is announced that students are not allowed to_ use mobile phone at school.毫无疑问,老师允许课堂上讨论。_there is no doubt that our teacher allows discussing in class._.9. at the speed of以.的速度 at a high/low speed 时速80英里是安全的。 driving at a speed of eighty miles an hour is safe. iv:key and difficult sentences:1.there is no doubt about + n.; there is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问的是毫无疑问的是,你的成功取决于你是否努力。_there is no doubt that your success depends on whether you have made effort or not._.他的诚信毫无疑问。_there is no doubt about his honesty._.he double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish around which the bacteria had been destroyed.这是一个_主从_复合句。主句是_ he double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish _, _ around which the bacteria had been destroyed _是一个_定语_从句,修饰_the dish_.【拓展】“介词+which+从句”作定语,修饰名词,可以作限制性或非限制性定语从句。此时,不能用that代替_which_.我们正坐在教室里,教室的前面有一棵树。we are sitting in a classroom _in front of which_there is a tree.3. he discovered small areas of mist which were in fact galaxies like our own, millions of light years away from us, which proved that the universe was vastly larger than had previously been thought. 结构分析:主句为he discovered small areas of mist, 后面带了4个从句。第一个是由which引导的_从句;第二个是由which引导的_从句;第三个是在proved后面,由that引导的_从句;第四个是由than引导的_ 从句,省略了主语it (代the universe)。keys: 定语;定语;宾语,比较状语3. as the well-known local historian, david lloyd, has said, “ there are few towns like ours in britain with such fine architecture.”(l9, p29)句型:as.has said.正如所说类似的表达还有:as is known to all(众所周知), as we expect(正如我们所期盼), as is reported(据报道), as is said(据说), as the saying goes(正如俗话所说)等。仿写: 正如他所说,她貌美如花。_as he has said_, she is as beautiful as a flower. 众所周知,中国是亚洲最大的国家。_as us known to all_, china is bigger than any other country in asia. 正如我们所期盼一样,天气变得非常好。_as we had expected_, the weather turned out to be very good.keys: as he has said ;as is known to all ;as we had expectediv: find out the following phrases in the passage on p24-251. in a dilemma2. not to mention3. range from to 4. figure out_5. be thought to be_6. single out_7.anunbelievable amount8. according to9. be about to do10. in fact11. go on holiday12. the outcome of13_turn to14. wrestle with the problem15. go out16. be dedicated to17. by mistake18. be grateful for sth19. _allow sb to do20. in minutes21. experiment with sth22 there is no doubt about23. be dedicated to=be devoted to i : translate the following questions into english and answer them._1. who has discovered e=mc2?_ what did e=mc2 show?_2. 被弗莱明发现的盘尼西林的作用是什么?_what was the function of penicillin which was discovered by fleming?_3. 为什么美国海军向eckert求助?_why did the us navy turn to eckert for help?_ 一些突破性的发现是如何由于差错影响了我们的生活?请举例。how did some breakthrough discoveries affect our lives by mistake? please give us some examples._ii:use the reading strategies on p24 to identify these statements whether they are true (t) or false (f) or no information (ni)?1. einstein was at work when he thought of the equation “e=mc2 ”. f2. hubble discovered that our galaxy is bigger than we thought it was. f3. einstein participated in the program that developed the nuclear bomb. ni4. the first computer project failed to meet its original goal. t5. fleming had been studying bacteria in his laboratory when the discovery happened. fiii: the purpose of this article is _c_.a. the introduction of the wright brothersb. the introduction of the process of scientific breakthroughc. introduction of the major scientific discoveries in the 20th centuryd. the contributions scientists made to the worldiv: make a summary of the whole passage in about 30 words. _from the text, we know that many inventions and discoveries have been made since the 20th century. thanks to some pioneers like albert einstein and alexander fleming, peoples lives have been improved greatly. _v. fill in the blanks grammatically.1. in just 100 years, the world changed _completely_(complete). _amazing_(amaze) discoveries _were made_(make) in medicine, communications _and_ transport, _not to mention_(更不用说) our _knowledge_(know) of the world and space.2. in the summer of 1905, this outspoken young man was rocking his _one-year-old_(一岁的) baby _when_he was suddenly _inspired_(inspire).3. e=mc2 showed how a small piece of mass could produce _an_ unbelievable amount of energy.4. _using_(use) the most high-powered telescope of the time, he began the long, slow process of exploring.5. it used so much energy _that_ when it was turned on, the lights in the local town _went out_(熄灭)!vi:find out all the compound words in the passage and match them with the categories(a-e).example: one-year-olda) compound noun (noun+ noun)_cd player; jet engine_b) compound noun (noun+ preposition/ preposition+ verb) _breakthrough; outcome_c) compound noun (adjective + noun) _flying machine; nuclear bomb_d) compound verb_mass-prodcue; double-check_e) compound adjective_one-year-old; world-famous; far-reaching_*can you write down more compound words?vii: writing1、有些人认为过去一个世纪,计算机的发明给我们人类带来了很大的变化;举例说明。2、有些人认为计算机的发明也带来了负面影响;举例说明。3、你个人的看法。基础写作结合本单元句型,并运用部分重要词组,如as we all know, it is the first time that clause, send up, look back on, dedicateto, contribute


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