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Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic partstructure service requirement, moundingintroduced第一部分、六级冲刺谋略 一、冲刺阶段学习之基本原则 1. 基础知识要快速复习,掌握要牢固。 2. 基础知识运用要灵活,要学会变通。 简言之:要死要活,死去活来。 二、冲刺之时间运筹 1.合理安排时间,劳逸结合,不宜疲劳备战。 词汇:2030分钟 (分成小段) 阅读:20分钟 (做题2篇;或分析4篇) 听力:20分钟听写练习 三选一:15分钟 2. 考前热身 考前一周拿出三个上午,按考试的时间做三套题。 适应体力脑力消耗状况,调整做题的节奏,合理分配各部分题型时间。(各部分拆借的时间) 比如词汇(5分钟) 阅读 三、冲刺阶段之材料选用 做透历届真题,分析真题出题思路,强化破解思路。做适量模拟题。 四、冲刺阶段的现实目标 培养意识,提高敏锐性,充实基本知识的同时,更重要的是开发、提高现有知识利用率!第三部分 语法重点突破 语法练习重点: 1利用简单语法知识解决长句快速理解问题。减少干扰,快刀斩乱麻。 2进一步的应用是英译汉。 长句常见的方式,干扰视线的方法是: 1 在主语后面加上同位语、插入语、或非限制性定语从句,(甚至是一个句子的主干主语)2 破解方法,发现主语后面有一个逗号,立刻寻找另一个逗号,中间的内容不要看! But high-tech groups, including the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group and the American Electronics Association, oppose the measures, arguing that fees of up to $30 will drive consumers to online, out-of-state retailers. 2从句连环套注意快刀斩乱麻,下刀的地方是从句的分界线 The main problem is its prevalence, and the social costs that ensue from the use by everyone of something that would be fairly harmless if, say, only the rich were to use it. It is a price we pay for equality. 从句连环套,顺而解之。 The children who are raised in an environment where there are many stimuli(刺激因素) which develop their ability for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development 建立汉语连环套A,AB,BC 孩子A 孩子A生活在环境里B, B环境里有各种刺激因素C, C因素开发他们的能力,(做出适当反应的能力) 翻译主干,孩子将经历更大的智力开发/发展。 判断连环套部分与主句的关系,合并可以合并的连环套。 调整汉语顺序,润色词语。(要相信自己的母语水平!) 最后译文:如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素, 而这些因素又有利于发展其适当反应能力, 那么, 儿童的智力就会有更大发展。 4. 利用固定搭配预测、把握宏观抓主干 (as as; more than; ) For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere. 提示:这是一篇关于看电视的文章。 该句主干易确定,it is more X to do Y than to do Z. 注:如果宏观猜不到,使用去枝去叶法。 第二步确立汉语主干:做Y比做Z更X. 第三步是找A和B代表什么,然后C代表什么。 A:舒舒服服坐在家里(看电视)。 B:到别的地方_. C:(更)方便,更便宜,可供选择的娱乐(节目)更多。(就是more的内容) 分别代入到汉语的主干。 加上英文其它成分。 最后译文: 譬如, 对于一个四口之家来说, 舒舒服服地在家中看电视, 比到别的地方去消遣更便宜,更方便,还能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目。 The fact that the average Englishmans home has become his workshop is partly because he is enthusiastic about working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. 主句:【定语从句】事实一方面因为A一方面因为B。 关键找出B的内容代入。 he feels, for one reason or another that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. 顺而解之: 出于某种原因他觉得他必须为自己做很多家务活,而这些家务活几年前他会雇人来做。 最后译文: 普通英国人的家已经成了自家的工场,一方面是因为他热衷于自己动手干,另一方面是因为出于某种原因,他觉得许多家务活必须自己干,而这些活在几年前他会雇专人来干的。 牛刀小试:快刀切割意群,抓住大意。划出主干。The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, values, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived at the concept that man is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text. 第四部分、听力冲刺 听力冲刺注意事项: 听力的本质与听力技巧:听懂关键词是所有技巧的前提,否则是无本之木,无源之水。不承认这个最简单的事实,只能陷入空谈“技巧”。 听力理解部分的测试内容包括理解和速度两个方面。而听力理解能力的提高首先要以语言知识为基础,具体来讲:语音知识,词汇量,必要的语法知识。 出题人通过提高语速、增加连读、失去爆破、弱化等现象,加大了题目的难度。 针对这一点,我们在剩下几天冲刺阶段必须加强对听力速度的训练,尽可能多的去积极听取信息,方法就是听写,强迫自己集中注意力!在短期内极大提高捕捉语音信息的效率! (一)考查要点及拿分要点一览 一对话部分 1重要语境、人物关系归纳: (详见六级辅导讲义) 词义场和词义网 (最好与前面讲的联想式词汇记忆结合)两者联系密切 (1) bank: (2) post office: (3) railway station: (4) airport, plane: (5) restaurant: (6) hotel: (7) library: (8) hospital (clinic): (9) department store/supermarket 2其它对话常见必杀技 仔细分析,不难发现,除地点人物关系外,考题多数是由第一个人先说出某件事,第二个人说出对此事的态度,进一步解释或提出建议。 如:2000年6月六级全真试题第10题 M:I thought the librarian said we could check out as many books as we need with out our library cards W:Thats right,but not those refrence books 很重要的一条,多留意与原文信息类似但不完全相同的信息,尤其是谓语动词,名词宾语,形容词表语。因为在正确选项的设置上,出题人也考虑到这种相关性。体现在正确选项往往是原题中信息的再现或转换,加强对这样的转换的敏感性会对同学有利。 1. 有让步句,答案在主句: 留意though, although, while等开头的句子,(第二个) (1) W: Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday? It caused a hundred and twenty deaths. I am never at ease when taking a flight. (2001. 1) M: Though we often hear about air crashes and serious casualties, flying is one of the safest ways to travel. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? A) The man thinks traveling by air is quite safe. B) The woman never travels by plane. C) Both speakers feel nervous when flying. D) The speakers feel sad about the serious loss of life. (2) M: Though we didnt win the game, we were satisfied with our performance. W: You did a great job. You almost beat the worlds champions. Its a real surprise to many people. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? A) They both enjoyed watching the game. B) The man thought the results were beyond their expectations. C) They both felt good about the results of the game. D) People were surprised at their winning the game. 2. 有转折连词,答案在转折后的句子。留意but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless等词。但需注意的是该情况适用于第二个人第一句话以转折连词开头时。 (1). W: I dont understand why this book for self-study doesnt have answers to the questions. M: But it does. You can find them alt the back of the book. Q: What does the man say about the self-study book? A) He thinks the book should include more information. B) He doesnt think it necessary to provide the answers. C) The answers will be added in a later edition. D) The book does include the answers. (2). M: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant about our health program? W: I contacted his office, but his secretary said he would be out for lunch until two. Q: What does the woman mean? A) She talked with the consultant about the new program until two. B) She couldnt talk to the consultant before two. C) She would talk to the consultant during lunch. D) She couldnt contact the consultants secretary. 3. 有强调词,短语是答案处: 强调方式有:多次重复某个词或概念;用定语从句或对比、类比来说明某个单词或概念;或用形容词最高级等加以修饰的词。有时会有一些暗示如:“I almost forgot”、“remember”、“What he wants to do is to”等。 M: My headaches are terrible. Maybe I need more sleep. W: Actually, you need less sun and some aspirin. It would help if you wear a hat. Q: What does the woman think is the cause of the mans headache? (2001. 1) A) Long exposure to the sun.C) Too tight a hat. B) Lack of sleep. D) Long working hours. 4. 最高级词处有答案: M: Mrs. Winter, I need your advice, I want to buy a dress for my wife, can you tell me where I can get one at a reasonable price? W: Sure, go to Richards. It has the latest styles and gives a 30% discount to husbands who shop alone Q: What do we know about Richards shop? (2001. 1) A) gives a 30% discount to all customers.B) It is run by Mrs. Winters husband. C) It hires Mrs. Winter as an adviser.D) It encourages husbands to shop on their own. 5. 虚拟语气: (1). M: To collect data for my report, I need to talk to someone who knows that small city very well. I was told that youd lived here for quite a long time. W: Oh, I wish I could help. But I was only a child then. Q: What does the woman imply? (2001. 6) A) She doesnt remember much about the city. B) Shes never been to the city. C) She would find someone else to help. D) She would talk to the man later. (2). M: Im really exhausted. But I dont want to miss the film that comes on at 11. W: If I were you, Id skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway, Ive heard it isnt that exciting. Q: What does the woman mean? A) The man should stay up and watch the program. B) The man should read something exciting instead. C) The man should go to bed at eleven. D) The man should give up watching the movie. 6. 特定表建议的句型:Why not ;What about;Cant you. (1) W: The people next door are making so much noise, I just cant concentrate, Tom. M: Why dont you stay at the library? Its much quieter there. Q: What does Tom mean? (2001. 6) A)The woman should have complained to her neighbor. B)The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet. C)The woman should have stayed at the library. D)The lab will be a better place for reading. (2) M: This is hopeless. These figures still dont add up right. Lets do the calculations over again. W: Yes, but why not do them tomorrow? Its very late now. Q: What does the woman suggest they do? A) Check the figures later today.C) Bring a calculator tomorrow. B) Do the calculations again tomorrow.D) Calculate the number right now 说一千道一万,听懂原文是关键! 因此必须在最后几天内加强精听,培养语感,提高语音识别灵敏度和精确度! 1听写! 每天投资2030分用于听写,只要坚持做下去,一周后听写的速度和准确度定会大幅提高! 1. 时间:下午三点钟。 2. 内容:往年真题的对话和短文。短文也可以选新概念3。以短文为主。 3. 数量:2组对话+2段短文 4. 方法: 只记关键词(主语和其余的动词、名词、形容词和副词) 只记前2-3个字母,养成速记习惯(克服书写惯性),快速跟随朗读跳跃前进。 边听边写,每一句结束时按暂停,回忆写出所有听到的重要信息。然后听写下一句。一段文章听2遍,第二遍中间不暂停。如果还有写不出的,一定要看原文找原因,好好总结是生词问题还是语音规律问题,练几篇就有收获! 该习惯很快就可养成!实际单句听写时,往往首字母就可以起到提示作用! Around the year 1000 A.D., some people from Northwest India began to travel westwards. Nobody knows why. After leaving their homes they did not settle down again but spent their lives moving from one place to another. Their later generations are called the Romany people or Gypsies. There are Gypsies all over the world. And many of them are still traveling with no fixed homes. There are about 8 million of them, including 3 million in Eastern Europe. Since the Ice Age ended ten thousand years ago and warmer temperatures returned to the northern latitudes, many species have migrated north. (三)考试中注意事项: 1. 要放松精神。(需要在平时训练好感觉) 2. 浏览题目选项,基本预测出所提问题的大致方向,从而可使自己处于主动地位,有利于处理好听与看的关系。 注意:发下试卷后强烈建议先看短文做预测。Why? 3. 必要时,必须放弃局部,以保证全局胜利!第五部分、阅读理解冲刺 一、阅读冲刺材料选用 以往年真题为主,做过的题目,按照后面的真伪选项的特征检查自己做错的原因。总结自己经常出现错误的地方(如常识干扰问题、偷梁换柱问题最容易犯错) 二、阅读冲刺要点一览 1六阅读选材: 冲刺阶段要特别关注科普类文章,其比重近几年有所提高,但都为常见学科,如交通、生物、医疗等。 2再谈文体特点: 从历次考试来看,六级阅读文章绝大多数为说明文和议论文。说明文通常为对某事物的特点、功能作用、发展等分别进行说明,根本目的在于让读者了解这些信息,重视信息的客观陈述。说明文考查细节题最多,难度相对较低。议论文通常对某个问题进行剖析,或支持,或批驳,其根本目的在于说服读者接受自己的观点。文章的总体结构通常为:提出问题,分析问题,提出解决方案/建议。议论文会考查到推理、结论题和主旨态度类题,难度相对较大。(两类文章在各段落的行文模式很相似。比较典型的段落是“主题句支持细节”,也就是说都以“总分”的模式来拓展段落的。掌握这个规律有助于迅速把握作者的整体思路。3. 几个认识上的问题 1. 最难的题目每次不会超过4个。其余的按现有语言知识/理解能力完全应付的来。 2. 六级阅读细节题仍然最多,难度最小,必须保证准确率。 3. 速度的提高:平时的训练的时候按照推荐的解题方法就可以实现。如通读重点句,减少视觉干扰,利用数字专有名词定位,直接排除干扰选项等等。 4. 解题步骤和各题型解题思路 确定文章的顺序后,每一篇文章的解题步骤可以概括为:通读文章,看问题,按照题目类型看题、做题,不能简单按序号从头做到尾。 完整的步骤概括如下: 第一步:通读文章。先看一下带有汉语注释的单词。因为问题中有时会出现此类单词。 第二步:浏览问题,决定做题顺序。 第三步:读、做细节类题,顺序为:细节题、单词、单句题、多项细节题。 第四步:读、做推理类题:推论、结论题。 第五步:读、做主旨类题:主旨题、态度语气题。 这样的步骤是根据信息的复杂程度和问题的难度安排的。第三步里的细节类题型牵扯到的信息比较单一,属于局部问题,往往原文一句话就解决,难度最低。第四步推理类题经常需要结合前面提到的其它细节进行逻辑判断。第五步主旨类题目既需要通读所得到的大致路线,又需要做细节题时获得的信息来充实、具体化该路线。三、真伪选项特征大盘点 该部分旨在使大家对各种选项的认识更清晰,全面提高抗干扰能力,提高辨别假冒伪劣的能力,提高选择的成活率。该部分要重点掌握基本思路。关于正确选项,这里要强调的点是:(1)所有题型的正确选项的根本特征是要符合原文的主旨。(一)、正确选项特征 1细节类题目 正确选项一般为直接答案,此类答案可以在文章中直接找到相关的事实细节支持。常用方法就是同义替换或释义(如词汇题),即把文中语言(词汇和结构)改头换面,来表达相同的意思。常见表现形式有下列几种: (1)正确选项在文字表述上和原文相关句相似度很高。(2)正确选项和原文相关句的句式基本一致,关键信息换用原文的同义词语。此类方法使用较多。(3)正确选项使用原文的反义词语,通过不同的结构表达相同的意思。(4)正确选项使用与原文相反的句式结构,但表达的语义相同。特别提示: 细节题中,如果选项是从原文一字不差抄来的,不管看上去多么有道理,都要排除。而正确答案都会在原文基础上进行改造。只要是正确选项,其各个部分在原文都有直接、间接的事实细节支持。2推理类题目 正确选项特征比较统一,除符合文章主旨外,还是从原文细节出发推导出来的,符合逻辑,恰到好处,符合客观事实。 3主旨类题目 (1)主旨题正确选项概括归纳的范围大小恰到好处。 (2)语气态度题正确选项表达的尺度恰当。 (二)、炼就一双火眼金睛,提高抗干扰能力干扰选项特征 顾名思义,干扰项的目的就是扰乱考生思维,将思路引入歧途。细节题中的干扰项较容易排除,只要发现选项有一处缺乏原文事实的支持就可以排除。推理类题目和主旨类题目的干扰项迷惑性更强一些。一些选项可以根据主题直接排除,如说法绝对的,违反客观事实/常识的。1细节类题目 (1)无中生有:凭空捏造原文不存在的细节,以迷惑和干扰考生,制造的假象让考生怀疑自己是否漏读了原文的相关信息。破解方法仍然是准确定位。(2)常识错位:干扰项是一些基本常识和我们对社会、生活等方面一些问题的一般看法和认识,虽然符合客观现实,但并非文章所提及的。此类干扰项很容易导致粗心错误,因为选项的说法符合我们的一般认识,使得干扰项先入为主,误导了判断,忽略了要从原文验证。谨防喧宾夺主,越俎代庖 症状将一些常识带入思考,放松、甚至忘记了一切答案要以原文为依据。 特别提示:留意不需看原文就能自圆其说的选项,这些选项通常为高度疑似错误答案,需要提高警惕。(3) 偷梁换柱: 这是细节题干扰项最常见的方法,是大多数同学由于粗心失分的地方。干扰项利用了原文的一部分结构和词汇,但在一些位置换掉个别词,造成了语义的变化。特别提示:要留意选项各个句子成分是否与原文表述的意义一致。地点,时间,方式,程度 (副词),性质 (如形容词),甚至是主语和谓语(都可能被偷换掉。根本解决方法是细心求证选中的答案是否经得起原文的考验。细节题不要跟着感觉走! 不能只凭一个单词的印象就选择答案! 必须去原文核实选项的每一个成分! Example 1: Richard Satava, program manager for advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a virtual or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners (从业者). With virtual reality well be able to put a surgeon in every trench, said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers. The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S. The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets (头盔) that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier. Although Satavas vision may be years away from standard operating procedure, scientists are progressing toward virtual reality surgery. 37. Richard Satava has visions of_. A) using a remote-control technique to treat wounded soldiers fighting overseas B) wounded soldiers being saved by doctors wearing virtual reality helmets on the battlefield 细节陷阱: 方式、位置 C) wounded soldiers being operated on by specially trained surgeons D) setting up mobile surgical units overseas Example 2: Such acceptance of community responsibility is not unique to businesses in Japan. School principalsin Japan have resigned when heir students committed major crimes after school hours. Even if they do not quit, Japanese executives will often accept primary responsibility in other ways, such as taking the first pay cut when a company gets into financial trouble. Such personal sacrifices, even if they are largely symbolic, help to create the sense of community and employee loyalty that is crucial to the Japanese way of doing business. 22. According to the passage if you want to be a good manager in Japan, you have to _. A) apologize promptly for your subordinates mistakes B) be skillful in accepting blames from customers C) make symbolic sacrifices whenever necessary D) create a strong sense ofcompanyloyalty (4)推理题和细节题里的推理类选项 (1)夸大后果:对于原文中的细节或论断的某方面程度(比如后果)进行了夸大处理。3主旨类题目: 主旨归纳题 (1)以偏概全:在概括文章或段落大意时,用某一个段落的观点或细节冒充全文主要观点、中心思想的选项。也就是归纳概括的范围不足。 (2)主题扩大:归纳概括的范围过大,超过了文章讨论的东西,与主旨大意是包含关系。 态度语气题 干扰选项通常说法片面或偏激。六级阅读所选文章通常是理性的说明和论证,具有较强逻辑性,作者对于所讨论专题的态度不会是极其偏激的。如目前只作为干扰项出现过的有arbitrary(武断的),subjective(主观的),prejudiced(有偏见的), indifferent等。而经常成为正确选项的有concerned, objective. 四、基本技能再回顾及应用要求: 1。一定要控制自己不看原文直接选择答案的冲动! 2。写出每一个题目里面的错误类型,。 下面的各篇文章题目对我们以上讲过的干扰选项的所有情形包含在内了。要小心应付。 Passage I. In the villages of the English countryside there are still people who remember the good old days when no one bothered to lock their doors. There simply wasnt any crime to worry about. Amazingly, these happy times appear still to be with us in the worlds biggest community. A new study by Dan Farmer, a gifted programmer, using an automated investigative program of his own called SATAN, shows that the owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up homes without fitting locks to their doors. SATAN can try out a variety of well-known hacking (黑客的) tricks on an Internet site with-out actually breaking in. Farmer has made the program publicly available, amid much criticism. A person with evil intent could use it to hunt down sites that are easy to burgle (闯入行窃). But Farmer is very concerned about the need to alert the public to poor security and, so far, events have proved him right. SATAN has done more to alert people to the risks than cause new disorder. So is the Net becoming more secure? Far from it. In the early days, when you visited a Web site your browser simply looked at the content. Now the Web is full of tiny programs that automatically download when you look at a Web page, and run on your own machine. These programs could, if their authors wished, do all kinds of nasty things to your computer. At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, agents and other types of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and classify information. All these make wonderful tools for antisocial people who want to invade weak sites and cause damage. But lets look on the bright side. Given the lack of locks, the Internet is surely the worlds biggest (almost) crime-free society. Maybe that is because hackers are fundamentally honest. Or that there currently isnt much to steal. Or because vandalism ( 恶意破坏) isnt much fun unless you have a peculiar dislike for someone. Whatever the reason, lets enjoy it while we can. But expect it all to change, and security to become the number one issue, when the most influential inhabitants of the Net are selling services they want to be paid for. 21. By saying “. owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fitting locks to their doors (Lines 3-4, Para. 2), the author means that _. A) those happy times appear still to be with us 干扰伎俩: 答非所问+偷换范围 B) there simply wasnt any crime to worry about 照抄原句 直接排除 C) many sites are not well-protected D) hackers try out tricks on an Internet site without actually breaking in 偏离定位句子,偷梁换柱。 破解思路:答案推理需结合已通读部分(第一、二段首句)和文章主线(网络安全)。 对比喻的理解,找出本体和寓体,然后对照寓体的性质判断本体的性质。千万不能直接选择字面意思! 22. SATAN, a program designed by Dan Farmer can be used _. A) to investigate the security of Internet sites B) to improve the security of the Internet system C) to prevent hackers from breaking into websites D) to download useful programs and information 对原文内容进行两次定位,答案是对两处信息的概括 investigative和 try out 23. Farmers program has been criticized by the public because . A) it causes damage to Net


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