



学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考2019高考英语二轮(文章题)训练(17)及解析(B)Is it ever a good idea for a teenager to have a credit card? My kids watch closely as I swipe the card through the register. Theyve seen me do it hundreds, thousands of times. Cool. They are itching to swipe it through the machine themselves. When we walk out of the store with our groceries or pet food, or whatever, its almost as though money has not changed hands, painless, easy. So it shouldnt be shocking to discover that teenagers are becoming card carrying consumers in their own right. The question is, should they? While some argue its best to teach kids how to use a credit card while still living under the family roof, not everyone agrees. Dave Ramsey, financial expert says getting a credit card for your teenager is actually“an excellent way to teach him or her to be financially irresponsible. ”Now parents are required to co-sign on credit cards for children under 21. “If their name is on the credit card, then the parent may say, Hey, my name is on this. Dont get me into trouble, ” says Mary Beth Pinto, a marketing professor. “When parents were the co-obligors(共同借贷人),the children caused less debt. If the parents are the co-obligors, the tendency is that the parents were explaining how to use the cards. ” Still, Pinto believes parents should start the process much earlier. “Yes, there has to be teaching going on and it has to start when theyre younger. Youre not going to get rid of credit cards. They are here to stay. You have to have them. You cant fight progress, ” Pinto said. Ramsey, however, disagrees. “Throwing teens into a pool of (credit) sharks is a sure way to guarantee a life-time of heartache, ” he said, “You can make online purchases and rent a car with a credit card. Of course, you must have money in your bank account before you can make a purchase with a credit card. But paying for things with money is what you are supposed to do. ”25. The author mentioned her experience in Para 2 mainly to _. A. prove the convenience of using credit cardsB. tell what impression credit cards leave on kidsC. give advice on using credit cards wiselyD. explain the pleasure credit cards bring to customers26. The underlined word in Para 2 can be replaced by _. A. eagerB. afraidC. embarrassedD. thankful27. Whats Ramseys attitude towards teens using credit cards? A. He feels it is worth a try. B. He is very supportive. C. He is strongly against it.D. He considers it as a pleasant experience. 28. Pinto will most likely agree that _. A. parents should let teens own their credit cards earlierB. you shouldnt be in control of credit cardsC. it is never good for anyone to get a credit cardD. learning to use credit cards is practical【文章大意】对一个孩子来说,拥有信用卡是个好主意吗?仁者见仁,智者见智,作者对此进行了讨论,表达了不同旳人对此问题旳不同看法25.【解析】选B细节推理题由Cool. 可知这是孩子对刷卡留下旳印象26.【解析】选A词义猜测题由Theyve seen me do it hundreds, thousands of times. Cool. 可知孩子也渴望拥有一张卡27.【解析】选C细节理解题由最后一段Ramsey, however, disagrees. 可知28.【解析】选D细节理解题由“Pinto believes parents should start the process much earlier. . . . Youre not going to get rid of credit cards. They are here to stay. You have to have them. You cant fight progress, ”可知*结束(一)Should we give gifts to teachers on Teachers Day?“Should we give gifts to teachers on Teachers Day” has become 1._ hot topic of debate in China recently.Some people say we should for 2._ reasons.The first reason is 3._ the gifts presented to teachers show our respect and appreciation.The second one is that teachers deserve the gifts 4._ it has been a tradition for thousands of years.Some people, on the contrary, say that we should ban gifts on Teachers Day.The festival, they say, has been materialized as more students parents turn to expensive gifts or even cash.It has put much pressure on those students 5._ parents are not rich. Worse still, it may contribute 6._ the corruption (腐败) of teachers.In my view, gifts still serve as a good way for people to express 7._ love and respect and should not be banned. 8._, people should give small and meaningful gifts to teachers for the sake of students, parents and teachers.一轮月牙 一弯月牙 一块面包 一颗星星 一个影子(二)Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, thats normal.You body naturally slows down then.What should you do about it? Dont reach for a coffee! 1._, take a nap.禾字旁:秀、香、和、秋Its good to take a daily nap.First of all, you are more efficient after napping.You remember things better and make 2._ mistakes.Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap.A nap may increase your selfconfidence and make you more creative.3._ may even cheer you up.4_, there are some simple rules you should follow.First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up.5._, a 20minute nap is enough.6._ you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep.After waking from a deep sleep, you will feel worse.Finally, you should set 7._ alarm clock.That way, you can fully relax during your nap.You wont have to keep looking at the clock so you dont oversleep.Now, the next time you feel sleepy after lunch, dont get stressed.Put your head down, close your eyes 8._ catch forty winks.1、组词。(形近字和同音字)又细又长 又白又胖 又唱又跳 又紫又亮(22)虚心使人(进)步,骄傲使人落(后)。(三)反文旁:收、放、故Travel is a very good activity.When traveling, you can relax 1._, forget your tiredness or troubles, and have the energy to take on the new tasks waiting for you.But sometimes traveling is not 2._ enjoyable thing.For example, the weather can be changeable.If you climb a mountain, it may rain suddenly.You may be caught 3._ the rain and may catch a cold.The 4._ thing is that you may have your money stolen 5._ you may have an injury.All these terrible things are 6._ can happen to you.Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you must make a good preparation.Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather.7._, you should choose a good companion so that you can help each other.Thirdly, you must be careful enough and try to avoid accidents.8._ you do this, you will surely enjoy your travel.3、反义词(括号里是学写过的字)重轻 圆扁 东西 生死 胖瘦 头尾 宽窄 美丑 进出 臭香(四)(1)字的结构:上下结构、左右结构、半包围结构、全包围结构、独体字。In Africa, there live two


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