江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Unit3 Tomorrows world Reading教学设计1 牛津译林版必修4.doc_第1页
江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Unit3 Tomorrows world Reading教学设计1 牛津译林版必修4.doc_第2页
江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Unit3 Tomorrows world Reading教学设计1 牛津译林版必修4.doc_第3页




单元:unit 3 tomorrows world板块:reading 1课堂设计指导思想:本课是一节阅读课。阅读课就是训练学生阅读理解能力的主要途径,因此在阅读课中要用快速阅读和精读相结合、细节阅读和结构分析相结合,以及小结、讨论或辩论等方式,全方位地训练学生的阅读理解能力。同时,要使学生迅速地融入课堂活动,也必须创设真实的情境,使学生能在真实地情境中完成各项阅读任务的同时,完成自身内在意义的建构。teaching aims:1. read a business presentation and learn the basic characteristics of a business presentation.2. learn some information about realcine.teaching procedures:step 1 lead-in(ppt page 4,鼠标点击左下角播放视频,口头提问,注意,请安装最新版的暴风影音和microsoft media player,视频文件必须放在和ppt课件同一文件夹下,否则路径错误不能播放!)show several extras from the film harry potter to students and ask them the following questions:(1) do you know what film it is?(2) do you like it? (3) do you feel it exciting if you are actually in the film? why? answers(students answer)tell students that there is a product that can realize their dreams, the name of which is realcine, and that they will learn about realcine in this lesson.【设计说明】由于课文中所提到的realcine在现实生活中还不存在,因此学生较难对这一概念产生直观感受。从学生熟悉的电影片段出发,用两个问题层层递进,最终引出realcine这一概念,可以激发学生的学习兴趣。step 2 fast reading(ppt page 5,鼠标点击,逐条显示答案)ask students to skim and scan the presentation and try to find answers to the three questions in part a.answers1. a virtual reality cinema called realcine.2. all five of our senses.3. engineers can enter the design of a neighborhood into a computer, and then use vr to “walk” around the neighborhood, see how it looks and make changes before construction is carried out.【设计说明】通过快速阅读,使学生了解文章的大意,有助于培养学生的速度能力。step 3 detailed questions(ppt page 6-8,鼠标点击,逐条显示答案)ask students to read the proposal carefully and complete part c1.answers1. the technology behind realcine is virtual reality (vr).2. they wear special vr headsets and gloves.3. he attended a world cup final as the captain of the brazilian football team and scored the winning goal. he was asked to sign his name for his fans.4. because vr is not real.5. they could be trained using realcine without the risk of being sent into a burning building.6. they can use it in making films, treating people with social problems, training and education, and also urban planning.【设计说明】本练习旨在检测和培养学生在文中找到指定信息的能力。step 4 structure and main idea1. ask students where they can find the following information.answersinformationparagraph(s)1. how realcine workspara 3, 42. why it is better than filmspara 2, 5, 63. how it can be used in other wayspara 7【设计说明】这一步骤用来检查学生对课文结构和细节部分的理解。step 5 summaryask students to finish part e as a summary of the presentation.(ppt page 12,鼠标点击,逐条显示答案)answers(1)presentation(2)users(3)disappointed(4)urban(5)confident(6)put forward(7)studio(8)otherwise【设计说明】再次通观全文,既能检查学生对课文的理解程度,又能为后续讨论做准备。step 6 debatetell students that different people hold different opinions towards realcine.(ppt page 13-14,鼠标点击,显示正反方观点及活动要求;page 14的火炬用来给双方计分,点击火盆会有火苗出现)opinion 1:those who support virtual reality believe that, with this technology, people can do almost everything, even things that cannot be realized in normal life. we dont need to travel any more or spend so much time with friends any more. virtual reality can provide any necessary features that we need in our life.opinion 2:others insist that real life and interpersonal communication should never be replaced by imaginary scenes. people should take off the headsets and experience the real life themselves.ask students which one they support and why.divide students into two groups and have a debate. the group with the most supporting proofs or evidences wins.【设计说明】用辩论的形式可以使学生再次认真审视realcine的优缺点,更深入地理解文章内容,激活课堂气氛,使全班学生都积极地思考,全身心地参与到教学活动中。step 7 homework(ppt page 15,显示家庭作业内容)1. review the passage and try to retell the


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