



材料B 姓名:_一、根据实际情况回答问题:1. Whats the date of Christmas?2. Is Christmas the most important festival in the UK?3. Whats the most popular festival in China?4. What do people in the western countries do before Christmas Day?5. Who put presents into the childrens stockings at night?6. What colour of the clothes does Father Christmas wear?7. Would you like to go shopping with me?8. Whats your favourite festival?9. What do you usually do before Spring Festival?10. Does your mother wear new clothes during Spring Festival?11. Did you get lucky money last Spring Festival?12. Do your families get together on Spring Festival?13. Do you need to go to school on Spring Festival?14. What language do the people in Canada speak?15. Do the British speak English?16. What language do Australians speak?17. What language do the people of Germany speak?18. Is Sydney the capital of Australia?19. Which is the capital of New Zealand, Canberra or Wellington?20. What is the date today?21What was the date yesterday?22Was your father free last night?23. Were you happy last Sunday?24. Did you have a busy day yesterday?25. What did you do yesterday?26. May I speak to Miss White?27. How did you go to school yesterday? 28. Where do you live? 29. Were you happy last Sunday?30. Whats the most important festival in western countries?31. What did you do yesterday? 32. Where do you live? 33. What do you often do on Sunday? 34. What are you going to do this Sunday?35. Is New York in America or Australia二、用适当的动词形式填空:1. My brother _ (buy) a football tomorrow. 2. We _ (visit) the toy factory next Sunday.3. Look, the men_ (fish) over there 4. His mother often_ (clean) the house in the evening.5. Where _you_ (have) lunch tomorrow evening? 6._he often_ (tell) you stories?三、选择动词的正确形式填空。 1. It _ (is, was) Sunday today. 2. Listen, the children _ (will sing, are singing) 3. We _ (will leave, left) for Hong Kong the day after tomorrow. 4. A: _ (Do, Did) you _ (get, got) home late last night? B: Yes. I _ (get, got) home at about eleven oclock. 5. Mary _ (visits, visited) Beijing in 2004. 6. Ken _ (doesnt like, didnt like) swimming when he was a child, but now he _ (likes, liked) it very much.7. Look! My mother _ (makes, is making) dumplings. 8. Janet, lets _ (take, taking) some photos here. 9. Mr. John _ (come, is going to come) back next month. 10. How much lucky money _ (do, did) you _ (get, got) last year? I _ (get, got) three hundred yuan. 11. Tom loves _ (eat, eating) chocolate very much. 12. My grandfather _ (lives, lived) before 1997. Now he _(lives, lived) with us in Guangzhou.四、根据上下文补充对话:1) A: Hello, Ben. B: Hello, Jiamin. A: Summer holiday is coming. Where _ you _ to go on holidays? B: _ like to go to Japan. Im going to visit Tokyo. Its interesting. What _ you? A: I _ to go to New Zealand. Wellington is quieter than other cities. B: Is it the _ city of New Zealand? A: Yes, and the mountains and the sea are beautiful. And Wellington is cleaner _ Tokyo. B: There _ so many good places _ the world!2) A:_ are you going to do tomorrow? B: Im going to the zoo in Panyu _ my parents, _ you like to go _ us?A: Yes, Id _ to. But _ are we going there?B: _ car. My father will drive.A: _ are we going to start?B: At 9:00, so please come to my house at_ past nine.A: _ the way, _ you drive?B: No, I _.A: What _ you?B: Yes, I can.五、选择词填空:1. My best friend lives on the _(eight ,eighth ,eighty )floor. 2. Today lets talk _(on , for , about) heroes.3. Betty is a good girl. She often helps her mum _(do ,does ,did) housework.4. Its time to _(class ,have our class,had our class).5. Last year we lived _(at ,in ,on) 23Xiangyang Road.6. The girl is doing gardening. She isnt _(busy ,doing anything ,free).7. Jimmy is 11. Mike is 7. John is 9. So Jimmy is _ (older ,oldest ,the oldest) of the three.8. What _(is ,was ,does)a polar bear like? It looks like a bear.9. These two pictures are not the same. They are _(beautiful ,different ,delicious).10. Thats a picture _ (for ,on ,of )a rainbow.11. This is our new classmate, Rebecca. Shes from _(France ,French ,Russian).12. I like this doll. Its very _(beautiful ,more beautiful ,the most beautiful).13. A: Its three fifty now. B: Pardon? A: Its _(a quarter past three ,ten to four , half past three).14. What did you do _ (on ,in ,at)the evening 15. _(Which ,Where ,How) floor did you live on?六、 根据句子意思,填上句子所缺单词,注意词型的变化,每空只写一个单词。1. At Halloween children go from door to door to _ for sweets. 2. I havent been to Beijing before. So this is my _ time to be in Beijing. 3. Today is December 1st. Im so happy because Christmas is _. 4. Tomorrow is Sunday. There is _ school tomorrow. 5. Dumpling isn


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