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Needs analysis statement Management topics online1 Introduction1.1 The purpose of writingOnline management system as a management topics administrator relationship with the main topics of the user management system platform, the corresponding readers are business users, therefore, not only to deal with the administrator and users of information, but also handle personal information. Leading online course management system, whether the data structure, the association between type or are complex; the processing of this data is varied. Therefore, to achieve the online course management system data timely and accurate processing and effective use. 1.2 BackgroundlSystem Name:Management topics onlinelDetails of the task:a)Tasks of the people: b) Tasks of the people:陈凯、张金山、巫龙龙c)User:Use the software and the management of certain privileges (teacher) and students.2 Task Overview2.1 Intent and application development goals:Management system using topics, you can easily understand and document the topics of each users situation and the results more convenient for students to understand the teacher and student of the subject of arrangements more conducive to teach the conduct.2.2 Application and development of background information As development within the school to use the system, external with full confidentiality, so its use is limited to limited management of certain privileges and the universitys students.2.3 User characteristics and frequency of software use Use the software the user must have permission of the school students and teachers, and the software will be a large number of simultaneous access, it must be able to meet a large number of visits, not easy to be paralyzed.3 Demand requirements 3.1 Functional requirementsThe data flow diagram is as follows: (中文结构图以便理解)Online selection management UserThe system administratorInput the topic informationInput user Query the user information成绩信息选课方案建议选课信息D3 成绩记录成绩系统管理员1提供选题方案2处理选题信息4提供成绩查询3修改选题信息用户用户信息录入的成绩D1 选题方案选题方案选题方案建议选题信息新的选题信息成绩清单D2 选题信息选题信息新的选题信息系统管理员11处理用户信息12提供相应选题方案用户4提供成绩查询22处理选题信息21接受选题信息3修改选题信息成绩清单D3 成绩记录成绩用户信息用户信息选题方案建议选题方案D1 选题方案集选题信息D2选题信息选题信息选课信息新的选题信息3.2 On the performance of the provisions of 3.2.1 PrecisionThe system input data for the majority of string type, also have said score float, a precision of 5. 3.2.2 Time characteristics Response time requirement: for the management of user information input should be in peoples acceptable waiting time can be determined, usually 1-2 s. Update processing time requirements: the user input data, for the operator to input the data processing time should be the millisecond. Data conversion and transmission time requirements should be in peoples acceptance of waiting time;翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中文、英文免费在线翻译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅 3.2.3 Flexibility lIn the mode of operation if the change occurs, such as the inability to use the browser into the system, then, you can use the command into such as: through writing Java program to connect to the database, realize login.lBecause the development of this system is to use JSP implementation, the developed technology with Java as good portability of the system.lFor the data accuracy, in the database to be restricted; the realization of entity integrity, user defined integrity constraints.lIn the design of the interface structure and data structure is should be on subsequent expansion system function room, such as can be found in each data field on the design of multiple custom fields.3.3 Input output requestlThe input data input media should be in written form, for floating point numbers, its numerical range should be in the database integrity constraints in constraint. Input format and relational table format corresponding to input format, to reduce the design difficulty.lOutput device using a display, printer mode.Output medium for paper, disk, CD-ROM.Output mode uses graphic output;When an abnormal output when writing system shall be reported to the wrong, prompting input error, please check the not for data processing operation.The following is the system state diagram空闲状态 活动状态有效选择执行的业务处理相应的业务不继续打印Entry/验证登录Exit/退出取消操作或验证错误维护状态:Explain.:l when the system is not in use, the system is idle, waiting for user loginl once the user login system into active, this state is a combined state, when performed first from entering the event ( Entry / verify login ), if the login into the effective state, after the unconditional into choose to implement business and handle the relevant business, if not continue processing business, into the print state. If the login is invalid or in the process of implementing the cancel operation, is the first implementation of exit ( Exit / exit ) into the idle state.l when the system is idle to regularly carry on the maintenance to the system.3.4 Data management capability requirementsThe system as a whole, the data management: basic user information table, student course selection information t


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