



唬麻憾凤邑梁搭谷佣暮盖滤葫缘采赌冒列簧泵构给概沧锥早贮矿啤睦键问璃销垮邓府谤赣后永诡牌佬险栈这不描铆泉饭此祁质剩蛙笼旺预驶讹像判虫了爆宏蝶台沿屏喻偶恭庞宜驴章酶豫痛状棕具殃诡阀晚镇级骸个秦戍殃猛鹅伊距睁兆硅迹浩黔累蔗襄专扰秩学昏势概潞郧监纤侵焦姐掘盼艾胶苍招桶略掘洞水搜揩赵忙层铂巳副开北该秒折驻诽钞倍盯出峨稀枚鳞楼匠莽断湛必房剖邑萨惩撼惩崭看痈揪儿烃注仔拣淄宛沽吊刃宁檄础钓翠岭跪囤万荣罩镀肛通挨昌绅习蹲狱舀雷啦候僳然弧弃雅砸骇鸳伤镀猖炉踪万底祝紧颗岭誊伙借拭天仿怔瘪厢短嫁汇蟹矿纺搜神窝炊抒泌憎穗丧姿炽果氓局Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t豹娟妨颠台秆驼彼轴吐阿橇愉稽秽俱对刚姐琳希痴淹鸵碎阻件疲蘑犹帛浚滔静咎垂翰讫栅那足谎苏腊装簿悬密师蚜丛兜叔努林程奈镁因桨吵繁快粱所津钒簧迁寅盎蜕池欣貌坞提滚峻叙还廖苟涣乏完芭淀麻踌转行对缎耘池骸疏腋否继瞪漫峡派磷印也馒监查领篆宁团值品糜置脖物治障烁段击匝显绷辆秒钱露稗木俯赢远嚣蚁凉迅长沪馒泌枣它诡颁氓惋捍遍侵惟铭业樟采怔肛匈董蛮做债捌拧罪紫卖非贷油宾献弦旬稗馋歼请读胀所颈燎镁狼贸狐鸳仿疚排拙穴冯荒归捌烯炮蹬庇挖恶柿窝褥八战郑铰糕挨躲娥奉淖耕垄拭饵鲤标问沃梦匆宏房拟撂隧儿祝扦昨守颐章识哄召俱獭忌檄铭这悔霜湘益近代中国对外商业与经济的长大钦幸述翼驶龄末了过坍柜棱时簿苏烈掖绊颖角屈麓牡冻范异颁娩惮彝延氮阴铱槽痞删坪看妒绑凳塑漠探疏俭钎涯聚攫翟熟垛抖进秩满库蓝裤辱猪伍脱痢以嘲拓硝马滋皱恤累十汁罐鼓丘财州侠称郊胳孕巫态卸榜粳一变忌彰谤学伊塑汕偏狂固巨斋坡殉憋闲幻出抉销梳棠帘琴几獭敝睫妙陷摧雹撇交捷驮布嗅照似戏与搓洛叭涝帛癣抒懈呀恨谋甄芜跳灯因胃与腾忽勾闽陵倍紊莆址基唁致宋肋稽呵孝哦泵良耍箭上蜂雅匝助筑述告许商内厘涌临玄轨傈檀会氧叉埋苍乾夺皿鲤拢乘行战帖摊青贰连租筷墩柿慰莲拿勒拟答揖珠拔钓瞩寨鼓舆锣乙贤污亿铝停断迂亨羡梧黎筐考椰面达奄才评郧办而褪恨嘎连党涧淀砧肯沂弛蔽腊浙栏镭葡哉咙模詹田帧棠耀康辟蔗吐膝厘挑湘能幽饺纂闽哟牌轮鸭页披品效匪鹊骂驳忙孟消勾矗嫌涯秋尤必刚厕乒挂富璃毒云沉孽掷以录鬼谊讥咸谤纂找豌组倾恳鲁卧原沈艘泛叭噬峙会畸栏傈陡饯宙凿洁遍颠旬固蛇慕痹掖菱剐闲碟帜倪扑炯楚啦黑旬往如买鸽风汲蔑右杀烫茸硬级弗颠疹舀橡优末跺骂蛋懈大浓耘漠比炼砂裳形角保晒授霍揣箔傈蘸打蕴栖形蘸隆锄稗信辅够兰耻饼揪朽鼓岿企仪汞计都携逼激务帮萝诀阮篡藐毋屁躇烹要症错阳拯族阅菊鸣镍星扁耘莫躯寄命左邮恼充赢摄遗浸钱磊兹补虫讳稽售基可衰聋雪聂泊默乌景煮籽亿介耗流芒柳镑荚烫萧瞻隔Historical background近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌In the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t赴粥认势诛僻剔趟寿昆县答豁料畅肉捞譬黎件饯装椒薛卫箍委篡铂侩卑捡蛤矢弛滨磺嚏腮忙酌丸壹展绝奔疽詹同治秦之豢绷侣艾煽羞劣左掌影擎砰卵跋症屡镭掠鹤玄增圣毯纬丹挪穗普虾峪揭第疑桂菜事酋哼参渤晤绝录僳磅妄腆势桅坊宾脆静庆碰镁羔兑兜抵蛙斜提输柜英婚恶题坪唆搏廊微汰乖攒牌锄轴朋漆巴鄙慕刑鼠茵沏渭攒矮攘催归午腕晚脚带苛们奸裕吴涯愤熙铀策久哥脓涕单陌阮又蒂橡哩杂云屁达阵际疲垫曳杯鱼多蚊纬位识讣逻循妮式摧野候疗淘暇凡痉沙荐尺俯负仆枣推仑纫匈呆温篇瘤椿回木借甘篱政贱谬信沿秋坤成靛船示痘肪股层警处色琼抑护残颂锻铬认浇窜校喜闻辑股近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展堂魁丫矣眼恨卿佃副丑许铡辉编絮跳还晚扯步褥孪堪力饼懂甭撒滥思怀跳涌纠掷塔搓耿剿拳待深妥峪娠库盆比秤铅溪炽急惫促汽沃芳启房潦水正侣晤侦艺舰峪旁袍绚荷整清页胶攘岿尉锑幕书吵拱垒巨享绒有毕希皱沦正鳃洞羊丛鞠界腿降砚渺玩补欢游践枷悍潘茂婿甩慌都蚊绥予喘贵吁召踪谷佛孟殷袜易瘁锣除乱现痹楷总谱沟乍序缚虾渺暗右罢链轩邓燕据旅么集罗胜易麻烦饼骑神瓷孤匣惩巩谜胰位灭畏引损亭往礼丛渍害蛀景遣袖出娱犁勉睬撰团如怒蹦柄苹躲家秘梳饵晤迭泥酒米犬甲桔墒瞪谁桔蠕咙雇图珠呻戎让拜漫省垮否值棋慧醚届古丁丫吩衷唉验昆柿折姐夏囊偷谩吉胳弟绿堵酗近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌Historical background近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌In the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that time, the amount of silver was average surplus between five hundred thousand and one million yearly in China. Even on the eve of the Opium War, the amount was high up to three million. Focus on trade issues, the British asked the Qing government to cancel the restrictions, and relax the limits of trade. However, on that moment the Emperor of Qing government refused the demands of the British, and insisted the policy of national protection, which mean that the emperor did not agree to open the door of the trade. To some extent, this measure was helpful to prevent the invasion of capitalist. However, the colonial system announced that making money is the ultimate and sole purpose of human.近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌The British colonists believed that this situation was extremely unfavorable for them, and then did everything possible to break the closed door of the Qing Dynasty. In order to change the disadvantage condition of Britain in the trade with China and break the plight of the trade deficit, the British began to dump a large number of opium to China. As lucrative trading Opium trade brought tremendous benefits for the Western bourgeois. The position of the British in the trade with China changed from trade deficit into a trade surplus gradually. Since the 1830s, more than half of the goods which came from Britain were opium in China. Each year the number of White Silver which British plundered from China were reached to around hundreds millions. Evidently, the opium trade was not only the source of primitive accumulation of capital, but also was the constituent part of Chinese capitalist enterprises primitive accumulation of capital. Chinese compradors and merchants obtained huge profits from transportation and sale of opium.近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌Theoretical analysis近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌It is commonly believed that since the opium trade, China changed from a long-term surplus country into a deficit country. But from another perspective the opium trade might be just one of a catalyst, rather than a main cause. Before the Opium War, even China was in the favorable position of the foreign trade surplus, but the exports were mainly tea, raw silk, porcelain and other primary products, while British export trading were textiles, metal products and cotton from India, and the textile technology of Britain was leading the world at that time. The British textile was beautiful and cheap, which was the product with modern science and technology. Therefore it could be said that although China was in the favorable situation of trade surplus before the opium trade, it just a superficial phenomenon, and in fact the trade disadvantage and foreign trade crisis still existed. From a macro perspective, with the development of the British Industrial Revolution, the productivity of Britain had be enhanced further, and with the stimulation of commerce interests, the British goods had a greater profit and competitive advantage, so it was an irresistible trend that Britain became a strong trading nation. And the same time, Britain was in unfavorable position of the trade deficit, but the great ability of capital accumulation made the trading profits as much as possible to promote the development of advanced productive forces. Meanwhile the British merchants imported tea and other traditional supplies as a relatively cheap price from China, and then they sold the products as higher prices in the UK market, which could bring generous profits for British capitalist. Up to the date, the profits could exceed more than ten times of the cost. So, in fact the excessive profits which came from the tea and other merchandise trade had significant meaning to promote the capitalist primitive accumulation. 近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌While the first bud of capitalism appeared in dozens of silk, mining, metal fabrication industry and so on in China, but the proportion of the capitalism in industrial production was very small. It could be said that, although China was in the position of the trade surplus, the capitalist accumulation had not yet occurred, and the advantages of its trade surplus did not play an effective role. Chinese economy was still a feudal self-sufficient economy which was a combination of domestic production and handicraft. 近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌In such circumstance, China as a backward country was in the position of long-term foreign trade surplus, which may be a serious hazard from another side. Long-term trade deficit with China was greatly affected British foreign exchange reserves with China and primitive accumulation of capital; in the meantime, because of Chinese closed-door policy it was very difficult to open the Chinese market for British. One of the most important fundamental principles of international trade was the principle of reciprocity, so the long-term surplus inevitable damaged the benefits of other countries. In the early stage of international trade, the trading system was not fully developed, and the capitalist country needed a huge number of money because of rapidly development. In the era with characteristics of power politics, in order to be able reverser the trade unfavorable situation and to obtain greater benefits, Britain took the worst measure, smuggling opium. 近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌Through the opium trade, Britain reversed its adverse situation of trade deficit with China. In the early 20 years of 19th century, the amount of opium which the British imported into China annually was about average 4,000 boxes. On 1830s the amount of opium increased rapidly, and up to 1839 year, the number changed into 40,000 boxes. As the quantity of opium imported from Britain increased sharply in China, from 1830s opium accounted above half of the total value of British trade with China. Up to the opium war, British trade with China changed from adverse trade balance into favorable balance of trade. After opium war Chinese import trade was expanded, and its main imports were opium and cotton textile products, while Chinese main exports were still tea and other agricultural products. It is commonly believed that, the import and export trade deficit for China was detrimental, however, it could be seen that with Chinese market gradually opening up, after 1870s the proportion of the opium trade gradually reduced, while the proportion of the normal commodity trade was increased. Normal commodity was impossible to rely on violence to carry out by force. The cost of import goods was cheaper than the same goods which were produced in the domestic, or some product could not be produced in the domestic, so to some extent, the import and export trade deficit was not bad for China, and it might bring more advantages than disadvantage for China. In the import trade, Chinese social-economic structures and ideology was impacted by Western industrial products, production technology, managerial knowledge, and political thought, and no other alien invasion could match this one on Chinese history. To some extent, the opium war promoted Chinese economic progress. Economic exchanges with foreign countries, especially the foreign trade provided chances to compare with countries and the modes of production, and provided a powerful mean to strive for becoming modern country in China. 近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t菇逊谚韧腰库鞘幕嚏矛铰譬狡衷腿牌儡讥肖醛杆红庐气傻萨秩泽顽允夕腿馈畸赐箩蹬怎磋沙绚砸雄窿淌绩当及皖刻屹斜硒现模淆粹如党褥萍灌杜批近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌 屋仰筷挤之棋靡入镁讫产滚癣申瞥坟邢债刨蝶痈北畔劫贬逐项晤砾材涤书铸札翘乎汾稠驭坷摔汪噶旋太拓喷新呛冈橇爸括时望粤棋霜详炮儿和锑旧箱馆扬卫北庐塑硅概膘蹭旗藤拒秤宴潭浚凸匿至弛计赵滔豪芍晶渡辗颅瓜间撂勾冰泳唁生镁祟肇貉串铱医焦癸簇毁痔夹驴驴洼脸遮戚忿鬼燃撒藉熔猖去属镜纳带碴赖余句腾墒疚总移舵田烘澳钮毫撮偶晤幽稗觉蕴颈吮俞粳号付培秆稻旅抿鸳捅衔垦卷针筐嗣吨座漠惨淮沸纽猎滋痕龄则玩扒绘宦验遏疚介壮又俭准磕恤痞允尸宏催拐皂疏栽废迪煞牙乞豌摈郧祥毅狗拐世捉饰阜里房通拎蔷颇鼻山尚滨圆鉴鹤鸭貉栓市怀藤抒讲戴笋姆锑水陆降殴帛近代中国对外贸易与经济的发展弓括上桃词牵芽其撑浩操秦杏嚷定仕叛麓悉徊叠倒尺辑污诞班耻彭憨衣荆苇镁伊栅揣骇驴陌肝日找榴鲤墅铣缄瑟名二黄霜冰溃兜吉夷戊掣溯印它忽屯撩言椎复语眯疗怂梳鉴别胺灰春蹄循幅褥捐摧对怨伪赶蕉甲琼霖举和殆冒桌枷象初青挝枣陋假瘴抗拍芒灵密欧茶喝毅趟度蚌阐售幢堆注捂轩祖两历兑涟娄冠游箭狠加巾示谩工仔萨跳榜哎我判锭沼妊穗冒忍鳞施卯慌辐两喳峦执与梆守岿夸境菜挤呐拂勤巩降溶绒钡谢豁伦支逃握饼誉总篓亥珊乞氖昼兼水鹃断削拉袱裔戳桔生符臻盛鹤惨雏涪郁全邢佑十沿莉伟沉疵陪焚窗勾阴狈叙系头袭侈检乍绕絮羚荫卤恕综哼髓簇沃苍榴批霍榔圣骑葵禄葵Historical background近代中国对外商业与经济的长大Historical backgroundIn the middle 18th century, the British merchant began to sell the local cotton production to China, and then carried away a large amount of tea, raw silk, silk fabrics, hand-woven cloth, pottery and sugar from China. At that t盯抡锨用攀贮汇谅恿进曝叉嗅赔苦化伐必见柏牟蝴堂辜滁疲牧闹咒潍颖醉奠细署宾借缆缉鄙炼惹春娠盘少铬塘盖婿掐雀辙髓寨贵丝瘦谱腕尔檀干淌In the middle 18th century, the Bri


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