江苏省南京市江宁区汤山初级中学八年级英语下册 8B Unit 5 International charities Vocabulary导学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省南京市江宁区汤山初级中学八年级英语下册 8B Unit 5 International charities Vocabulary导学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省南京市江宁区汤山初级中学八年级英语下册 8B Unit 5 International charities Vocabulary导学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第3页




8b unit 5 international charities vocabulary导学案章、节unit 5教学内容vocabulary第 4课时课 型 教学目标1to develop an understanding of suffixes.2.to use appropriate verbs and adjectives in context.3. to use suffixes to create nouns.教学重点we can add -ion(-ation ) and -ment to create nouns.教学难点we can add -ion(-ation ) and -ment to create nouns.导 学 课 程教师复备(学生笔记)一、课前检测与导学(在上课前一天晚上完成)预习p82 在课本上化出下列词组和句子,并翻译:1 奥比斯医生治疗了许多病人。2 病人不需要付医疗费。3 许多人眼睛失明了。4 大部分的失明病例能被治疗或预防。5 医生将要给这个病人动手术。他将要做手术。二、探究活动与展示(一)独立思考、自主学习(尽力在课前自主学习完成,如有疑惑可与小组成员交流)填空得出规律形容词/动词 : agree ill invent名词: _ _ _ 规律: _ +_ _ _ + _ _ _ + _ _(二)师生探究、合作交流根据汉语提示完成下列单词:1. do you like watching _(广告)on tv?2. kate didnt go to school yesterday because of her _(生病).3. unicef is an _(组织)that works to improve the lives of children.4. we believe that all children should be able to get a good _(教育).5. many people are busy getting ready for the _(庆祝).6. he will perform an _( 手术) on the plane.7. the old woman was famous for her _(热心).the doctor _(手术)on the patient in the field.(三)学习体会、总结提高用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空:1 take the _(medical) three times a day, and youll be ok soon.2 a good doctor must receive good _(educate).3 i will feel proud if i perform an _(operate ) successfully.4 i want to be an eye doctor because many people suffer from_(blind ) in our country.三、当堂训练与反馈(上课前不必完成)用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空:5 they need good _(treat). but they are too poor to pay for it.6 the poor people thank doctors for their _(kind).7 i believe that more and more people can see again because of the _(develop) of science and technology.8 im glad to receive dannys _(invite).9 project is an _(organize) that helps schools and students in poor areas.10 i think therere too many _(advertise ) on tv these days.四、课外作业: 翻译句子:1. 他的母亲因为生病需要手术,所以医生决定下周动手术。2.2. 她总是看上去很高兴,因为她的内心充满喜悦。3. 那家公司在电视上


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