



南溪二中高二年级第二次月考考试英语试题第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. We should take a taxi so that we can get there on time. _. I want to get there early, too.A. Its none of my business B. Thats a good point C. Its my turn D. Thats all right2. Mary failed to remember my birthday, _ me feel very disappointed. A. to make B. having made C. made D. making3. It makes much of _ difference whether _ teacher speaks English or Chinese in class. A. : B. a: a C. a: the D. the; the 4When Jack arrived, he learned that Mary _ for almost an hour. A. had left B. left C. has left D. was leaving5. - Where does Zhou Ming come from? - Judging from his _ , he must be from Shandong. A. tone B. accent C. voice D. mood 6. This non-stop communication has made _ easier for British people and Americans to understand each other. A. this B. that C. it D. which7. Kathy _ a lot of English by playing with the native boys and girls. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up8. You cant imagine what great difficulty we had _ finding the old temple. A. finding B. to find C. found D. be found9. -Have you heard about that accident near the post office? - Yes, fortunately no one _. A. hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. had been hurt10. We _ the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me ? A. might face B. should face C. could have faced D. must have faced第三节书面表达 (共35分)假设你是王明,从英语周报上得知一个国际中学生组织将在中国大连举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。内容主要包括:1. 自我介绍(包括爱好、英语能力、与人交往的能力);2. 参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家、提高自己的英语水平以及多交朋友);3. 希望获准 。注意:1. 词数120词左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 邮件开头和结尾已为你写好;3. 参考词汇: announcement n. 通告,宣告 summer camp n. 夏令营fluent adj. 流利的Dear Sir or Madam,_Regards,Wang Ming南溪区第二中学高2013级英语月考卷答题卡班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_一、 选择题(90分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【A】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【B】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【C】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【D】【E】【E】【E】【E】【E】【F】【F】【F】【F】【F】【G】【G】【G】【G】【G】1阅读表达(10分)56-57-58-59-60-第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)第三节 书面表达(共35分)Dear Sir or Madam,-参考答案1-5 DCDBB 6-10 ACBCD11-15 CDBCD 16-20 AABDB 21-25 CACDB 26-30 ACABD13-35 CBBAB 36-40 CBDCD 41-45 BADAB 46-50 DCABD51-55 EFDAB任务型阅读 56. He_often_inspected_schools.57.Because_he_was_strict_with_everybody_and_in_everything.58. asked_her_the_same_question59. 督学转向地理老师,询问事情的原委。/督学转向地理老师,询问是怎么回事。60.I_think_he_is_a_learned_man_and_quite_qualified_for_his_job/position.Because_he_is_strict_in_everything.短文改错答案1.trying-try 2.importance-important 3.help-helps 4.with-in 5.去掉been 6.speaking-spoken 7.learn前加to 8.knowledges-knowledge 9.correct-correctly 10.what-how 作文Dear Dick,How time flies! Im very glad to hear from you again. You want to know what is going on in schools in China. In a word, everything has changed. Every school takes part in the campaign of reducing learning load. In the past, I used to study until 11,30 at weekends. But now I can arrange things on my own, such as reading books, visiting museums, or taking computer lessons in my weekend days. In the evening I can watch news on TV, or read newspapers. Whats more, my


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