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江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学八年级英语下册《Unit 5 International charities》教案 牛津版.doc_第3页
江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学八年级英语下册《Unit 5 International charities》教案 牛津版.doc_第4页




unit 5 international charities【背景知识】“慈善机构”(international charities)是指从事慈善事业的非营利性组织。世界五大国际慈善机构简介:1. orbis(奥比斯基金会):奥比斯的理想是将世界上所有可避免的失明完全消灭。奥比斯对全人类提供高品质的眼科护理与治疗,特别是针对全世界超过1亿8千万的盲胞、视觉受损者及失明的高危险群。目前有80%左右的失明是可以避免的,大约有数百万的失明是可以藉著高科技的医疗方法被治愈的。2. oxfam:(乐施会):国际乐施会由十三个独立自主的非官方组成的救援机构,跨越种族、性别、宗教和政治的界限,与政府部门,社会各界及贫穷人群合作,一起努力解决贫穷问题,并让贫穷人群得到尊重和关怀。为消除贫穷、不公平现象而努力。“助人自助, 对抗贫穷”是乐施会的宗旨和目标。3. unicef(联合国儿童基金会):联合国儿童基金会主要着眼于拯救儿童生命,并使他们成为对社会有益的成员。坚持不懈地追求实现儿童的权利将为我们创造一个更加平等的社会,并使我们的人口更健康、更具有创造力。4. world vision(世界宣明会):世界宣明会是一个国际救援及发展机构,旨在为贫穷的儿童、家庭及小区带来长远的改变,援助不分宗教、种族或性别。5. world wide fund for nature(世界自然基金会wwwf):wwf的使命是遏止地球自然环境的恶化,创造人类与自然和谐相处的美好未来。 orbis(奥比斯基金会)80% of the world blindness is avoidable,work to reduce preventable blindness in many countries. it is dedicated to the saving of sight and the delivery of training of doctors and nurses.oxfam(乐施会)work to eliminate poverty and injustice in many countries.unicef(联合国儿童基金会)united nations childrens fund,work to ensure that basic nutrition, health and educational needs of children are met.world vision(世界宣明会)funds development projects in poor areas around the world. world wide fund for nature(世界自然基金会wwwf)work to conserve the environment and animal habitats. it used to be known as world wildlife fund.some other international charities: friends of the earth地球之友/ greenpeace绿色和平组织 / international rescue committee国际救援委员会/ international youth foundation国际青少年基金会/ medicines sans frontieres无国界医生组织/ salvation army救世军/ save the children/ world food programme国际粮食救援署/ world relief世界救济【自学探究】一. 预习p76p77,翻译下列短语。1国际慈善机构 2 .带某人去饭店 3.在隔壁 4. 最重要的 5. 过去常常做某事 6习惯于做某事 7.有一些剩下的零花钱 8.吃一顿大餐 二、write down the international charities:_ helps people who are blind._ protects the environment and animals habitats(栖息地)._ provides fund for development projects in poor areas around the world._ helps the poor to get more food, houses, jobs, education and medicine._ meets the childrens need of nutrition, health and education.三、查找资料,了解更多的慈善机构的名称。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _【教案】教学内容8b unit5 welcome to the unit课型新授课 teaching aims: 1.learn “comic strip” and know a little about international charities and “be used to doing sth”;2.learn different names of international charities and their functions.teaching steps:step 1 warming up by questioningwhat charities in china do you know of? what do they help?in this unit, well learn some international charities. what international charities do you know of?have you ever heard of famous international charities like: orbis, oxfam, unicef, world vision and world wide fund for nature?step 2 presentation1. show the wall chart and present some charities in the world:a. orbis 奥比斯note: its a charity like a flying eye hospital. if people in poor countries have eye problems and they have no money to see the doctor, volunteer doctors will operate on them on a plane.b. oxfam 乐施会note: its a british charity that helps people in many ways.c. unicef 联合国儿童基金会note: its a charity that helps children in need.d. world vision 世界宣明会note: its a christian(基督教的) charity.e. wwf= world wide fund for nature 世界自然基金会note: its a charity that protects wildlife and nature.2. practice reading them again and again. 3. p 77(part a)step 3 discussion1. t: as we know, people in poor areas need a lot of things. what do they need?( get the ss to discuss)2. p75 part b t: what do they need most/least? 3. get the ss to make a report like this: i think they needmost/least.step 4 listening and answering1. oxfam needs money. what does hobo want to do?2. does eddie want to go out beforelunch? what time does he always have lunch?3. where is the new restaurant?step 5 reading and actingread the dialogue aloud and act it out in pairs.step 6 language points1. used adj. 二手的; 旧的; 用过的2. used to 过去常常 (后接动词原形) e.g. i used to go to school on foot, but i go to school by bus now.3. be / get used to sth./doing sth. 对某事物/做某事已适应/习惯 e.g. he is used to hard work. i am not used to drinking. 4. 一日三餐之前一般不加冠词。 如: where did you have breakfast this morning? 但如果breakfast, lunch, supper或dinner之前有形容词修饰时,常加a/an。 如: we had a wonderful dinner last night. 5. “tooto”结构表示“太而不 能”, 副词后接形容词或副词的原形,其后再接动词不定式。 如: she is too young to go to school. “tooto”结构可以转化为 “sothat”结构,如:he is too short to reach the apple. he is so short that he cant reach the apple.step7 homeworka. read the comic strips and try to remember it. try your best to act it out. b. finish off the exercises in the workbook.板书设计 8b unit 5 welcome to the unitinternational charities: orbis oxfam unicef world vision wwfsome other international charities:used to be / get used to sth./doing sth.sothat教学反思【当堂巩固】一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. jim has some _ money(零花钱), so he wants to buy a new cd.2. china is one of the _ (国际的) countries in the world.3. he feels so _(虚弱) that he cant stand up.4. we will be good friends _ (以后).5. i want to go to london for _(更深远)study. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. “remember _(close) the door after school,” our teacher told us. 2. we have a little time _(leave). lets read the english. 3. are you used to _(do) your homework at night?4. he used to _(visit) the great wall. 三、根据首字母提示,完成下文。hobo hears


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