高中英语 Unit 5 First Aid Learning about Language同步检测 新人教版必修7.doc_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 5 First Aid Learning about Language同步检测 新人教版必修7.doc_第5页




5-3 learning about language.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1the dog b_ him and made his leg bleed.2soon an a_came and took the injured driver to the hospital as quickly as possible.3a vein(血管)in his neck was cut and he b_to death.4her head was b_and she was given a skintransplant operation on her left hand.5with so much e_equipment, wood and paper in one place, there is a danger of fire.答案:1.bit2.ambulance3.bled4.bandaged5.electrical.单项填空1i have some big news for you. youve been accepted as a member of our club._ thats great!ahave i?bpardon?ccongratulations! dgood idea!答案:ahave i? 是省略结构,补全为:have i been accepted as a member of your club?2it was only when i reread his poems recently _i began to appreciate their beauty.athat buntilcthen dso答案:a此句为强调句。强调only when i reread his poems recently 这一部分。3a large number of the students in our class _girls.aare bwascis dbe答案:a“a number of可数名词复数”作主语,谓语动词用复数,表示“许多”。4dogs have a very good _of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.asense bviewcmeans didea答案:a狗有非常灵敏的嗅觉,故用sense;view“观点”;means“方式”;idea“想法”。5as we joined the big crowd i got_ from my friends.alost bsparedcseparated dmissed答案:c“get及物动词的过去分词”用来指某件事情意想不到地、突然地或偶然地发生,get separated“使离散”。6everything will be done _, if nothing unexpected turns up.alike planned bas it plannedclike it planned das planned答案:das planned 是 as it was planned 的省略形式。7i got the story from tom and _people who had worked with him.aevery other botherscsome other dother than答案:cevery other“每两个”,后接单数可数名词;others后不需要跟名词;other than “除了”,所以c项符合句意。8peter is not working this week. you can ring him at home_ _.aif necessary bif socif true dif any答案:a句意:彼得这周不工作,如果必要的话你可以往他家里打电话。if necessary“如果必要的话”。9(2010全国卷)the little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story.aor bunlesscbut dwhether答案:bunless“除非”,在此引导条件状语从句。10once a decision has been made, all of us should_it.adirect to bstick toclead to drefer to答案:b句意:决定一旦作出,我们每个人都应该坚持。stick to“坚持”;符合句意。lead to“导致”;refer to “参考,指的是”。.用适当的介词或副词填空1we should never forget those who bled _the success of the revolution.2when jason failed to pay his bill, the network company cut _his internet connection.3as soon as all the chairs are _place, we can let the people in.4_the aid of our teacher, we finished the experiment successfully.5we dont want to hear your opinions;stick_the facts.答案:1.for2.off3.in4.with5.to.完成句子1每天晚上他直到做完作业才上床睡觉。every night, he _until he has finished all the homework.2多亏了你们的帮助,我的英语比以前好多了。_ your help, my english is _before.3这台电视机价格太贵了,能否降点价?the price of this tv set is _. can you get it _a little bit?4依你看,我们应当怎样才能尽快地把这些电脑连接起来呢?_, how can we connect all these computers _?5难道买这么贵的衣服不是一种浪费吗?_buying such an expensive coat is _?6有一阵子买这种电视机是非常昂贵的。_, it was expensive _.7在新学期开始,我们应该制定学习计划。_ a new term, we should _study.8现在在一些西方国家,一些人喜欢骑自行车上班而不愿开汽车。nowadays in some western countries, some people _ drive to work.9最后,他的公司以失败告终。_the _,his company _.10在过时的网上店铺里,我们没有与他们取得联系。in an _ online shop, we _.11他在那笔交易上获利1 500元。he _of 1 500 yuan on that deal.12当我陷入困境时,他给了我很大帮助。when i was _, he helped me_.答案:1.wont go to bed2.thanks to, much better than3.much too high; brought down4.in your opinion, as soon as possible5.dont you think, a waste of money6.at one time, to buy such kind of tv set7.at the beginning of, make a plan for 8.prefer to ride rather than9.in, end, ended in failure10.outofdate, failed to get in touch with them11.made a profit12.in trouble, a great deal.完形填空i was eight years old when i got my first pair or football boots. one day i went to play_1_ in a park at the other end of the town, and after my first game i walked _2_the park to the bus stop. when we were passing the town centre i happened to look _3_and saw i was holding just one boot. i looked under the seat but there was no _4_ of the other one. of course, i was only eight and not used to _5_boots together. one of them must have come undone. i could _6_my parents faces when i told them i had lost it.i jumped _7_ the bus and caught one going in the _8_direction. to my surprise, a lady who was a friend of my mothers was on it, and she was surprised _9_, because she could not understand _10_ i was going that _11_at that time in afternoon. i told her what had happened and she wished _12_good luck.when i got to the park, i started walking slowly across it, trying to remember all of the various _13_ road i had taken .suddenly, after about 100 metres, i saw the boot_14_ by itself in the middle of grass. it seemed _15_ a small object that i thought it was a miracle that i had found it.1a.basketball btenniscfootball dgames答案:c文章开头句“when i got my first pair of football boots”说明了去踢足球。2a.to btowardscaround dacross答案:d这句话的意思是“穿过公园,去赶公交车”。to/towards的意思是“向走去”,around是“围绕着走”。3a.down bupcunder din答案:a看手上的鞋子,应该是“低头一看”。4a.shadow bhopecsign dnotice答案:csign“迹象”,这里应该是说“不见鞋子的踪迹”。5a.carry bputcholding dseizing答案:cbe used to 的意思是“习惯于”,后接ving 形式。根据上文“i was holding just one boot”可知答案。6a.think bthink ofcimagine dconsider答案:c由于还未到家,关于父母对“我”丢了一只足球鞋的态度,我只能是想象。7a.out bdowncoff daway答案:c因为他发现丢了一只鞋,所以只有下车去找鞋。8a.park boppositecright dback答案:b他上了另一辆车往回走。opposite的意思是“相反的”。9a.too bneitherceither dvery much答案:a两个在车上巧遇,都感到意外。肯定句的“也”用too。10a.why bhowcwhere dthat答案:awhy 的意思是“为什么”,表示“不知道为什么下午我会走那条路”。11a.r


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